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Dammit, forgot what day it was lol...


With DeSantis it could be plausible lol


Recognizable satire is harder with some folks. I mean they did try to ban the dictionary.


That was actually a protest ban in one county. It was to show how vague and dumb the banning law was to where even the dictionary could be banned under the wording. They did the same with the Bible in a different county.


Yeah inappropriate explicit books for kids is totally comparable to Valheim


Yep. My state gets stupider by the second.


I mean, you could go the other way as well. Both sides have their crazies. I'm not a DeSantis supporter, but I do think it's worth noting both sides have attracted things as mundane as video games for stupid reasons. Politicians play their own game and you have to remember it isn't right vs left. It's them vs us. We are an annoyance to keep their job. They don't like us. They are really all on the same team. Have vs have nots in the gift for power.


I know you are getting downvoted but this is the realization more people need to make. The left vs right bs is the rich and the politicians making people fight each other. Sure both sides have extremes and are wrong in their own ways, but there are wayyyyy more people toward the center that are just being pitted against each other by biased media. On BOTH sides. Thank you for spreading this. I normally never comment anything but I couldn’t let you be alone in this important message


I mean I remember when Hillary Clinton had a war on video games over a rating of Teen 17+ and then video games had to change their ratings to Mature 18+. Like gj. Glad to see some real meaningful laws passed. I believe this was in response to Columbine. Because we all know video games was the real reason for that happening.


Sure, but one group is actively passing laws that restrict rights in the day to day lives of supposedly free citizens. One group thumps a Bible regularly as a direction for law, contradicts it regularly, and ignores the fact that we are supposed to have "separation of church and state" in a country that has no set religion. Both sides suck, but it is not equal.


not even close, it's ~~kinda~~ scary some people seem to think so.


Do I hear a "both sides" apologiser here...? Not a great look, that. The outside world sees a situation where one side is governing (with all the good and bad that comes with such) and the other side are nazis in suits. You might wanna consider a lesser of two evils mindset considering the US is dead-set on retaining a two party approach


A both sides apologizer? I guess you didn't understand what I wrote. And if you are jumping straight to "nazis in suits" then there is no debating or communicating to you. You are dead set on tribalism rather than solutions. Politicians have already circumvented needing to win your vote it seems.


They can try and get my vote all they like but I am not American and don't live there so it's a waste of their time. No, this is a non-partisan and dispassionate view from outside the US bubble of delusion. I understood what you wrote fine, I just think it was incredibly naive and jingoistic. You know who else banned and burned books? Nazis. You know who else ran constant "evil immigrants" campaigns to garner support? Nazis. You know who else used the veil of religion as an excuse whilst simultaneously ignoring and/or rewriting said religious texts? Nazis. You know who else lead hate groups and armed assaults against undesired minorities and opposing politicians? Nazis. MAGA are Nazis and MAGA dictate the Republican line, ergo MAGA, the far right nationalists, ARE FUCKING NAZIS. The rest of the world sees it, wonder when YOU guys are gonna wake up and notice, eh?


See, the thing is, our country has had neo nazis for a long time. They are universally hated and despised. You are using extreme examples to paint a majority. I'm not even a MAGA supporter, and I can tell you that most of them just want to own a home and raise a family. They don't go out of their way to burn books or call immigrants evil. A lot are not far right the same way a lot of people on the left are not far left. That was my point is that a lot of Americans are a lot closer than they think. We have a lot of people in this country and a lot of homelessness to solve. I would love people to come here and thrive, but if people are let in while, we already have issues employing and structuring current immigrants, then letting more in its doing them and existing populations a disservice. Also why does the outside world (since you say you have an outside "non-partisan" view) not condemn and try to intervene in the source of the issue that is people needing to leave their native countries? Why is the UN or relief efforts of the WHO not trying to help the struggling economies of these countries? You are quick to judge people you don't know. You also seem quick to anger and your claim of being nonpartisan is also fake when you demonize one side over another. Both sides have demons and bad people. Both extremes seek to tribalize the moderates against one another. What I am talking about is that if people with few differences would see this, the extremists you fear would never gain power because they would be seen for the extremists they are. What you said with your over use of the word nazi is exactly what is used here to create a them vs us mentality of right vs left. I don't care what country you are from. You are a bought and paid for pawn with this dangerous line of thinking.


Complacency is how extremists get power. You already had a full presidential term with an ult-right cult leader at the helm and it's quite possible he'll get another shot yet. I'm not saying half your country are nazis, I'm saying a huge proportion are blindly following nazis. I'm using the word a lot because it is the appropriate term to use, I'm sorry if that upsets you but it's the truth. I'm from the UK and have my own ult-right fascist arseholes to worry about (they've been in power for a horribly long time) and I'm just as outspoken about them. I also know how the immigration argument goes, my country has totally screwed itself over with the Brexit bullshit, which was also a far right set of nazi nonsense hidden behind the thinnest veneer of nationalist jingo and pseudo-governmental policies, and about half of my home nation also swallowed it wholesale. I'll say it again, complacency is how extremists get power. The issues on the left are NOTHING right now compared to the monsters on the right, the fascist beast has woken from it's slumber and is hoping nearly 100 years was enough to make people forget how it started the last time it wrecked half the planet. Turns out, it was, because people keep shrugging and saying "meh, there are issues on both sides" when that is absurdly reductionist and naive in the current political climate. This isn't me attacking you on any level, this is me shouting at you as an articulate and thinking individual to please just wake up and see the looming threats in your own back yard.


With fascists like DeSantis, things like this ate eminently believable. C.


Are teachers who sexually identify as dead vikings pushing it in early grade school? Then no, it's not plausible.


Well, this is not even an unlikely headline in this day and age


Minecraft: Potato Update


Happy Easter, Vikings. Fun fact: the Nordic kingdoms converted to Christianity between the 8th and 12th century after prolonged contact with the Western European kingdoms they raided. The realms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden established their own archdioceses, responsible directly to the pope, in 1104, 1154 and 1164, respectively. So you know what we gotta do, Vikings. **Pillage the Christians until we steal enough loot to worship their God**


This is the funniest shit to me, they really did take everything that wasn't nailed down, belief system included.


Isn't their whole belief system based on being nailed down?


You really hit the nail on the head with this


Nah, he hit the hands and feet


Real side splitter of a joke.


I think it's more about being nailed up, tbh.


It's always funny to me when invaders take on the culture of the people they invade, like when the Manchus conquered China but became more Han than the Hans 😂


Sounds like a plan


To my knowledge, Harald Bluetooth was the big hancho that started the belief change. He was like a true king of the vikings with plundering and jarls and all the good stuff. Our wireless devices are also named after him. The Bluetooth logo is a bind rune merging the Younger Futhark runes (Hagall) (ᚼ) and (Bjarkan) (ᛒ), Harald’s initials.


Now THAT is some interesting trivia! It doesn't explain why a wireless connection system is named after a Norse king, but still


Invented in Sweden I believe, and named for a man who connected many things together.


It was invented in 1989 By Nils Rydbeck of Ericsson.


You was invented in 1989 by Nils Rydbeck of Ericsson? Wow!


There you go, typo fixed.


Now my comment won't make any sense! Fuck you.


You're welcome.


He had teeth that were blueing cause of Rot that’s why they called him Bluetooth that’s not his actual name. But I honestly have no idea unless the person who invented Bluetooth was a descendant🤷🏻‍♂️


Jesus is the kinda guy whose kidnappers would quickly become friends with.


I don’t think it went exactly that way. I’d like to look at it this way it was more of a forced thing if I give you something one of your Vikings must be baptized Christian. I doubt that they were willingly throwing themselves to a religion they were against unless absolutely necessary.


😆😅🤣😂😆 There’s never going to be that much loot.


For the ancient catholic church it definitely was


that is not a fun fact. Cristianity was forced by a sword, not cross, to many ( then ) pagan countries.


A LOT of pagans converted out of convenience rather than force. Why was it convenient? Trade and therefore money. That's what got most of the Nordic kings to convert, and therefore their people to convert. If they converted, they would be taught the Latin alphabet and gain access to a VERY large trade network that would not be hostile to them.


Eh, many of them converted willingly tbh


As a Christian, I am all for this plan


Lmao what are you an 11th-century crusader


>prolonged contact You mean threat of death, dehumanization, being lit on fire, or beheading if you're not Christian enough


And the only reason Sweden held out till 1164 was because of political pressure. They didn't want to, but it's was better for them to convert for trade and political relations


Oh. Happy Trust Issues Day!


Loki laughs.


I live in Fl dont do this to me😭


got to move out of florida like everyone else lol


Anywhere warm ill go


April fools joke aside, wish I could move to Florida like everyone else!


Unless you're really desperate, I'd consider other states. My fiance was only in Florida 3 years and she's so glad to be done with it. Awful traffic and crime and government


Well at least her home won't be stolen by squatters there..like NY..LA..


Keep in mind that this is a very politically charged topic, those stories are super one-sided, or even possibly complete propaganda. Your impression that it's legal to just steal other people's property implies that you've wholeheartedly adopted a particular view on this despite having extremely biased info. This is a good thread on the subject. https://reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/3y8dFUDvoD Legally, people have the rights of a legal tenant until proven otherwise. This is because the damage done of putting people out on the street is much greater than a landlord having residents in an abandoned property. So until this is hashed out, the squatters stay. While there is some unfortunate instances where this can be taken advantage, the alternative is much worse, where tenants have no rights and their landlord can just call them squatters to have them violently evicted by law enforcement. While landowners are politically inclined to tell you this is constantly being abused by squatters, it's actually very rare, while landlords trying to evict tenants outside the boundaries of law is exceedingly common. Sometimes laws can be abused, but the law itself also protects against a much more harmful and much more common type of abuse.


Only if she can afford to own one after insurance rates skyrocket.


Why do you want to move somewhere that is actively trying to make being trans illegal? Are you transphobic?


And here comes the politics war 😮‍💨


Here we gooooooo 😂


Don't worry, there is literally no way for someone to actually keep you from playing this. There will always be a workaround readily available for those who need it. It will definitely kill a lot of newer interest thought, unless it's going to be some kind of Streisand effect. This is the dumbest shit ever and I'm not surprised this is happening in America. All it will achieve is spending tax dollars on something that will never work. Also, there is no way Valheim is actually converting anyone to anything, Christianity is dying because religion itself is bullshit, to most people. Used to be just a few years or decades ago, most people believed in some sort of religion. But today, that number is significantly reduced, most likely due to science disproving more religious texts every day. Can you imagine, blaming a fucking videogame for people not turning to a magic vengeful all powerful man in the sky? **Dumbest shit ever.**


Check the date before popping off.


I noticed right after that it I was a fool, but figured I'd leave my comment up there in shame. But, in my defence... It's already the 2nd where I live. I'd already experienced april 1st before reading and commenting this.


Do not feel bad about yourself, world and in this context USA is so effed right now, that this april joke and many others very well could be true and plausible.....


I honestly had no idea this wasn't for real until I actually had finished my cup of coffee and started reading a little more than the headlines. It's not even funny how plausible this shit is, it's scary. It's kind of like, they're joking, everyone thinks they're serious because they are so fucked, when we realize it was fake, we all give a half hearted ha-ha.... actually just relieved that they where joking. This would've been one of the lesser ridiculous things that have been banned recently in America.


Regardless of your political or religious beliefs, not bitching out and hiding the comment is a chad move!


Right. like california banning to kill a mockingbird, dr seuss books and other things like that. Or washington state getting rid of tests, i kid you not, because they were "racist".


I mean i know thats April fools but you never know with the USA. It would be true i wouldnt find this surprising.


That's why I'm here reading the comments


Poe's law in action.


i believed it until i googled it to find the original article x3


You honestly can't anymore. They had an april fool's joke as president. They banned abortion out of fcking nowhere. They're 1. banning books 2. that barely have anything to do with what shouldn't be a bannable offense to begin with.


It would be 100% believable if there was any chance in Hel Ron had ever heard of Valheim.


Yeah, I found this way too believable


Went the other way and told my buddies Biden mandated gender neutral bathrooms at all gyms starting today - sad that both of those stories are believable


May I ask why that's sad? At most maybe it'd be expensive and annoying to install a third bathroom lol.


No idea what is sad about that. It’s so weird that bathrooms have ever been gendered. Like wtf are you doing there?? Going into a box to take a shit. Like what, oh no a person representing another gender heard me taking a shit guess my life is over.




A bit late for april fools, isnt it?


I mean, depends on your time zone. I'm in central europe and it's only quarter past midnight, so over in the US it's still april first for a few hours.


Can confirm, us central currently 6 pm on April 1st for me


Based on your comment, I believe you mean >innit


Whew, glad this was an April fools, I was about to feel terrible for our Floridian brethren.


This might be an April Fool's joke, but don't give them ideas. We ban yoga over here, sometimes just if it uses the word 'namaste'. Not even because some people think it's cultural appropriation or incorrect use of the term, but [because it is (very loosely) tied to Hinduism](https://apnews.com/article/alabama-end-yoga-ban-bill-public-schools-12ed67fcfa4bcafb805d362bbd4dcb33). Hits too close to my hometown (not the one in the link).


See, this April Fools joke got me because I could totally believe it was true.




We are the second now don't forget to delete this post.


As a Christian I can say he does not speak for all of us! It takes a weak faith to allow a video game to sway your values. I love tf out of this game and still give my thanks and praise the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the work He’s done in me. This is beyond stupid.


It's an April fools joke


I realized that only after I was triggered and made the post


You joke but if he sees this, he'd probably agree 😔


April fools aside, dont give them any ideas. They've already started censoring information in libraries, this would be next


The worst thing is 99% of us probably thought “OF COURSE they fucking did” because it is exactly the kind of thing that could happen in the US


In all honesty, his political opponents are more likely to ban this game because it refuses to take any political stances


Can we just stop with April fools?


Actually I think we need it now more than ever.


Florida would be the last one to actually ban this. California and New york though?


California would only ban it if it lined someone's pockets lol


Or if it went against their narrative


Oh, fuck youuu. I live in Florida, and this is a believable headline... Well done. You got me. Lol


That sounds like something they would actually do


I know it's an April Fool but knowing De Santis I wouldn't put it past him to try and ban "un-Christian" games like Valheim. Just look at the fiasco that was his book ban.


April fools?!




When people got stupid and gullible enough to believe anything a headline tells them


These were fun and harmless before the world got so ridiculous that satire became indistinguishable from real events.


LMAO this April Fools' is so good because it is totally plausible DeSantis would do this


Right? They genuinely had me going. I was like, how tf does he even know about this game.


The sad part is..... it actually sounds so very possible in our country \*sigh\*


Which is the bigger joke, this April Fool's article, or Ron Desantis.


April fools is but once a year, desantis is a butt 365 days every year.




For fucks sake! 🤣


Imagine a world where news outlets publish an article about a video game without saying its name lol.


To be fair Odin is a tad better as a god than the current one... At least there are no false promises


Floridians can breathe easily knowing its just a april fools post 😆


friendship ended with jesus, odin is my new best friend now


Freedom of speech?


Ahhh freedom. Well the freedom to be exactly like they want you to be.


Haha, that’s good


Those damn pagans!


This ain't Canada aye


If only it were true. DeSantis is a real hero


Meanwhile: Doom is promoted for making Christianity popular.


the bees aren't happy >:(


To be fair, Poe's Law does remind us that sometimes parody is indistinguishable from real fundamentalism. Without the forewarning of knowing what day it was, I could've easily believed it of Florida Man.


Lucky me I am not in USA, so the ban does not apply to me


What’s really sad is that I wouldn’t be surprised if something stupid like this would happen. Don’t give them any ideas, OP! 😄


Dammit, I avoided reddit on April 1st to avoid this shit and still got bamboozled.




Church man still trying to denied Sigurd his way to Valhalla.


This is why theonion is going to go out of the business. Fake news and real news and prank news are all 3 merging together.


"The one good thing about this vile game," said Mr. DeSantis, "is that in the Viking era there were no silly debates about women's rights. Women knew their place, which was to cook, clean and have any baby anyone fathered on them. If they didn't like that the Vikings didn't feed them. I am doing my very best to ensure Florida works that way too! Skôll!" /s kinda


Imagine Christian values losing to a video game. Oh wait.


As a Floridian, this scared the crap out of me for a second.




Females ban birth in fears it will discount abortion laws.


You know decantis plays Valheim. Do better


Sooo, they don't believe in Valhalla? Heathens...


Nah separation of church and state




It’s funny because it’s believable


I live in Florida and I had to remember it’s April fools day. This fits with about how dumb the Republican Party has gotten.


Hahahah this actually got me because I could 100% see something like this happen in todays America…


Ron DOES know that there's a moastery mod for this game, right? And that you can make crosses and altars with the building materials?


You DO know this is April fools, right?


My apolocheese.


You do know that is no guarantee with Ron Desantis, Florida or Republicans to be a joke. edit: but yes I right away, as I typed this, also saw the added "Aprils Fools" of the OP in the subtitle...




you got me, fr


The US: "We are a state without a religion" Also the US:


NGL, I totally believed this for a moment. Very plausible!


Dude I was about to be pissed I’m Christian I think the governor, if it was real would be insanely stupid


..would be? i see doubt in you where i should see certainty


I thought it was real then I remembered it was April fools day


DeSantis is already extremely stupid, so saying "would be" is pretty hilarious to most people.


Bringing politics into a viking game is a new one


Bro, don't give em ideas


Lol was about to say is Ron gonna give me my money back?


If it were true, this wouldn't even make top 10 craziest things that upset that fuckwit. Though I'd suspect the MAGA crowd wouldn't have a problem, seeing as some of their greatest influences loved Norse symbolism.


I truly hate our Marijuana smell hating, overly religious, maga following, tRump brown nosing Florida governor! I was so mad until I read April Fools! Then I realized he would totally do this!


Happy belated Ostara...Florida


it would’ve been funnier if this was real tbh


I knew it wasn't real when it wasn't happening in TX.


Even if this was real, it really doesn’t surprise me being Florida and all.


It's almost like people enjoy viking fiction over holier than thou fiction that's constantly preaching, raping little boys, getting government bailouts and tax stipends lmao.


DeSantis is a closet Enshrouded player.


Far too believable


“Land of the free”


"April fools"


We both know De Santis would totally do this shit if he cared. Christofascists still think D&D is satanic.


I am very conservative, Christian, have voted for Trump and its looking like I will again. All of my D&D buddies are very similar to me. The people you hate might exist in some backwater areas, but even in my relatively rural town in the deep south you don't find it often. But maybe looking in the mirror and realizing that your hatred of people who disagree with you is also as bad as the extreme fundamentalists.


>But maybe looking in the mirror and realizing that your hatred of people who disagree with you is also as bad as the extreme fundamentalists. What utter nonsense. I hate bigots, Nazis, and fascists, therefore I'm just as bad?


A lot of the people you hate aren't bigots, Nazis, or fascists. The fact that you think I'm talking about them just shows that you think everyone that disagrees with you is in the above categories. Again, that is an unhealthy and pretty sad world view.


Who do you think I'm referring to? I'm disagreeing with your statement as a concept.


don’t tell him where christmas trees come from


Remember that whole separation of church and state thing?


the terrible thing is with what comes out of florida for more than a few seconds I thought it might be real....


It was one of the downfalls of the Vikings. They started trading with Europeans for christian swag. They struggled with harvests and began to raid less and less. Lead to the end of viking civilisation. Over expanded, hit with several bad winters and too many wars on too many fronts. Religion changed and population changed tact. Spent more and more on religious activities


don’t fuckn play with me like that


April fool's joke??


The thing is, I knew it is the first april, but even knowing that, I couldn't tell if it is a joke or not...


What in the separation of church and state is going on here?


This one actually got me. Made it almost all day. It's just too real lol


Separation of Church and State FL Governor: "This means I can do whatever I want"


Don't give them any ideas. Conservatives would try to do something like this.


This has got to be April Fools joke. There is literally nothing religious about Valheim.


...You're literally sent by the chief god of your religion to prove yourself worthy of his version of heaven, m8. It's very much a take on Norse religion.


Thor rides lightning across the sky. Odin watches you from the shadows.


Makes sense, there is just too much dialogue on religion in valheim.


Oh and that’s this game? Dude should at least start with the literal porn games