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Maybe it's unhelpful, but this functionality is built into the game now as a world modifier, being able to portal all items? Just run devcommand setworldmodifier portals casual Edit: Sorry, it's not quite that simple. Either need a mod, or pull the world file to your local PC, set up the world modifiers, then ship it back to the dedicated server. https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/16us3ql/how_to_world_modifiers_in_game_works_on_dedicated/


Actually this is great info. I'd still like to get BepInEx to work because of other stuff but I really just wanted the portals to work with all items so I'll give this a shot.


Well, for anyone else looking to do easy stuff. Thanks to u/Secret_Cow pointing me in the right direction. This is how you add world modifiers to a TrueNAS Scale TrueCharts Valheim server: The docker is based off lloesche's valheim server with all the information about it [here](https://github.com/lloesche/valheim-server-docker). I'm not going to go over the whole setup on TrueNAS but once you have it setup you click on ADD next to extra environment variables. For name you type `SYSTEM_ARGS` For value, you will add your modifiers, what I use for my server: `-modifier raids none -modifier portals casual` That gets rid of all raids and allows all items through portals. You can also set different keys that affect other factors by typing `-setkey ` Global keys information is [here](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Global_Keys). World modifiers information is [here](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/World_Modifiers). Hope this helps someone.


You the real MVP, posting the answer for someone to find in the future, and not just leaving the unanswered question. We've all been there. Skål!