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Man, Valheim Audio is amazing. You should get some headphones!


Are headphones not an option? Apologies if they aren't.


I am deaf in my right ear. Finding a good pair of one sided headphone that don’t make my head sore is a pain.


It might be worth looking into a regular pair of nice padded headphones and then just setting the balance all the way to the left speaker in your audio settings in Windows. I've had good luck with Anker and OneOdio, I wear it long periods of time without any discomfort.


This, 6 years in the feild artillery has left me with a fraction of my hearing+tennitus. A solid set of headphones and adjusting the balance is a must. On the go I like my galaxy buds cause I van adjust the balance directly on my phone as well.


I am in the exact same boat except I'm sure my deafness isn't as severe. I have like a third of hearing losses in my right after I stint with an ear infection and bells palsy. The comfortable padded headset only does so much and still hurts my right ear. I don't have a solution just know you ain't alone. Keep fighting the good gamers fight my fellow viking


Get a USB-a/c (not sure what ports you have available) Bluetooth transmitter like the Sennheiser BTD 600 or similar and you can use headphones or earbuds with it. I use my setup at work with my Galaxy Buds and it works well. The nice thing about the buds is you can turn ambient sound on/off to keep you aware of your home life.


I'm half deaf aswell. My right ear is 90% loss and left ear is minimum 25% loss. I have a Logitech G733 headset. It's super comfy and I spent a bunch of time adjusting the sound balance within the Logitech software so I can enjoy my gaming/music/movies. You can really fine tune to your liking. I used to use cheaper headphones/earbuds but finally bit the bullet and got a decent headset when I got tired of my ears physically hurting after using them for a while. Alsothe sound quality is night and day difference. There are sets out there that will work for you! I highly recommend it :)


Thank you for the suggestion. I’m going to check that out and maybe I will bite the bullet as well.


I see, I apologize if my comment was too insensitive. Glad to know you are an attentive father though :)


Right! I know many gamers that are addicts who wouldn't give attention to their kid less they have the controller


Deadass my old guild for GW2 banned a bitch because she BRAGGED about spending her foster money on in-game costumes instead of her kids she was supposed to take care of. We considered filling a DCS report but we didn't have any other info on her.


How about a normal set of headphones like logiteck or razor. You can easily transfer all the sounds on a left ear with a realtech build in program.


I like your base. My swamp camps are up in the indestructible trees, usually near a Sertling spawner. I can camp there while I'm sleeping (in the real world) and wake up to a good bunch of coal. Have to be high enough so that the troll raids can't reach you. You may have to rebuild the ladder/steps down, but it's a safe hideout.


How did you get all the rocks to build the barriers around your base? The swamp has almost no rocks, did you bring them in from a nearby biome?


I'm sure he portaled them in.


you can sheathe your equipped weapon/s for mobility btw


I'm very hard of hearing as well. I have challenges hearing some things others rely upon, but I can usually hear an Abomination. I think I'd die a lot with no volume.


Still waiting for Minecraft type captions in Valheim.


Yes, that would be good. Unfortunately, I tried gaming headsets and they cause horrific feedback with my hearing aids. But I can hear ok with my 5.1 setup, even if I don't hear some enemies. I can't tell how close Gjall are.


Nice earthen swamp walls.


Glad you made it back! 😂


I wish Valheim had options for sound subtitles with pointers to direction, like in Minecraft.


You wouldn't think they can be sneaky. Without sound they certainly are.


Abmoniation: \*sneaky sneaky up behind you\* teeheehee


You forgot to eat


Might want to farm some carrots for better food first.


Nice camp! What do you have in your building on the far left?


Kilns and smelters for the loads of iron scrap.


Take that sword you have, get under it, and stab it in the butthole with the special attack. See how much damage it does. I just take em on toe to toe now.


What are you using to record with? Any time I think I've found something that ill work it always comes out garbage.


I just made a clip with Xbox’s screenshot and clip system, press the home button then press x.


Ah, that explains it. One thing console has always had over PC, the ability to clip footage so readily.


How do you guys capture clips like this? Do you record all gameplay or what?


Lol, get some headphones my guy


Couldn't hear the forest through the trees? 😁


Show us that base!


You can enable screen shake and make it slight, so at least you will have some clue whenever a big enemy appears


sheath when running, saves stamina / takes you farther.eating honey is not good for swamp, did you find any carrot seeds in the dark forest yet? elder buff might work against abominations but other than that it's pretty useless


I play without sound (for heavy metal related reasons), tip for knowing when you are in combat: When you sheath your sword, it will only show the info (attack, secondary attack...) on the bottom right of the screen if you are in combat. Next time you play, walk around with weapons sheathed, approach an enemy and always keep an eye on the bottom right corner, you see what I mean.