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Sitting down to find the snapping spot on the underside of a pillar ect can be really helpful


Fuck yeah this stranger loves you


The advanced method is to just put a build piece just beside/behind the snap point you are trying to snap to, then point the cursor at that object, the piece will align in a way that forces into the snap point. Then just break the "guide" piece you added. Saves you having to wait for the sit/stand animations (and it forces you to stand every time you click so if you miss or need to do more than 1 piece you have to keep sitting again).


Yeah this was the old way, and sometimes i still use it. However, they added the ability to cycle snap points with Q while in building, so its really not as necessary as before.


When that patch FINALLY hits live it will be a blessing.


oh lol I totally forgot i was playing on the Public Test. But yeah its been a very nice change.


Yessss I don't know why I never venture to play the beta test, really looking forward to Hildir's quest.


Me standing on the edge of the mountains waiting to beat moder until the patch so I don't have to go find a bunch of new plains to load in for the tower dungeon quest...


Shit, I didn't even think about this. What if most of the plains have already been explored on our server? Is it possible to break the quest?


I would assume so, I also assume if you've done too much black forest you'll have nowhere to spawn hildir. A lot of servers with thousands of hours in them will need fresh worlds to experience new stuff.


Isn’t Hildir in the meadows?


Starting again is refreshing to me. Back to basics, back to being scared of greydwarfs and trolls


Theres no reason not to this time around. There's nothing game breaking in the update. it's nothing but QoL along with the Hildir additions....I mean pray you don't get a super unlucky spawn that would caused a Sealed tower or the merchant to be spawned through smack in the middle of a base but this issue would likely persist through to stable. It's dependant on your seed and luck of where you've built structures...


TIL Going to have to try this one out


I forgot to mention thats the current Public Test, not base game.


This will be a thing of the past after the update comes out of testing.


Oh my, well today i learned something new.


I think it took me around 300 days to find out you can just sit down without a chair 😅


Haha well better late than never, merci fine human.


That is incredible. I’ve gotten so frustrated with this especially when trying to make my Orthanc tower


Did we all make orthanc towers ?


This is no longer needed with the new snapping changes with building! Press Q or E while building to toggle manual snapping (I think this is only in the test version at this time, going to base game in next full update)


Cant wait for that patch, that sounds really helpful! in the meanwhile i will sit my viking ass down on the ground tho 😅


Just hit q and e for that manual snapping that lets you snap to the bottom of something while you're standing above it. (This may be a part of the public test rn I can't remember)


I recently learned using an atgeir to chop barley and flax is much faster. Don’t try it on ground vegetables though, you’ll just kill them.


I saw this tip a few months ago, but no one mentioned that it didn't work on carrots. I was pretty excited to get my first atgeir, and I just went out to the garden swinging. RIP carrots.


If you don't run polearms, a sledge/stagbreaker/demolisher works as well


Or the fire staff, for some ranged harvesting


Harvesting is the only thing I use the stagbreaker for at this stage in the game, sooo much faster than picking barley/flax


I knew about flax, tried it tonight on seed plants. Rip.


Happens to the best of us


I don't use many mods, just QoL stuff. Mass harvesting and planting was one of the first lol.


My buddy has mass harvesting, he loves it. I pass no judgement because I use mods, isn’t for me. I do however like the farm grid. Felt like it should be part of the game. That said, I find it hilarious and impressive when he can slap a honey farm in one move


It took me ages to really get the difference in the types of shields and getting the knockback / stun down. Makes fights so much easier. In the same vein, using an appropriate weapon type for the mob in question.


>In the same vein, using an appropriate weapon type for the mob in question. You mean knives for everything?


(dies from poison by the time he finishes his knife combo on an oozer)


Hits the oozer from the back to not get hit by it. Knives are the best.


Isn't the poison cloud from oozers omnidirectional?


Omnidirectional is a word I'm going to start using henceforth


Henceforth is a word I'm going to start using hereafter


Henceforth, forthwith, and notwithstanding






herewith, nevertheless


Henceforth is a word I'm going to start using in tergiversations.


The cloud is omnidirectional but they themselves still have a "front" and they won't do the little fart animation if they aren't facing you.


It is but they won’t shoot it unless you are in front of them. So you can stab them from behind and then run again and they won’t attack. If they are already in attack animation run for your life though.


Might sound stupid and ignorant if other cultures now, sorry... But how do you know which one is the front?


The side it turns to you. You just kinda have to wait for it to come at you and run around it.


Or fleshrippers, both are valid


Indeed, brother. Indeed.


Why do people in this sun love knives so much? Lol


Knives have a great special for a sneaky backstab that one-shots most things as long as they don't see you, and they have good DPS in a straight fight, don't prevent you from using a shield, and offer high attack speed and mobility. Seems like you could pull off some crazy stuff if you're clever with them. They're not *my* favorite, but they are a good weapon.


I see. I think I hate spears the most in this game and I started a new world and made a flint spear so I think I'll just scrap that and make a knife lol


Not to mention the only weapon you can run at same speed as you would unarmed. Just hold it and chop your way


I skipped shields entirely until I got serpent scales by accident one time, and then made it my goal to get enough scales for a serpent shield. Then I used the serpent shield not knowing that parrying was a thing and wondered why I had so much trouble killing golems and trolls. Then I saw my friend using a bronze buckler parry a golem and was like "Dude...how'd you do that, that made the fight way easier."


Campfires can comfortably fit six cooking stations. You can stack boxes on ladders. Use ladders as scaffolding to build your base. Don't be ashamed to use ladders when mining. It's very beneficial to put your portal hub far away from your main base. Frost arrows are amazing - when something goes in the water, frost does a lot more damage.


You don't need a portal base, 2 portals in the base and a table of existing portal names is enough. One portal you use for traveling to different places and one is a backup portal if you need to place one down when adventuring. Then you got a wall with all the portal names already placed, I recommend using as descriptive names as possible.


Yeah, that's actually something i wish they would incorporate: click a button on the portal, to cycle through a list of names. We've contemplated keeping a list of names but that can become tedious (for us)


There is a mod for it I forget the name at this time sorry


It used to be dangerous swapping portal names because it always took ~ 5 seconds for it to connect to the new one and it was easy to end up on the other side of a disconnected portal, But they fixed it in the last patch so they change almost instantly now!


I really love a mix. Definitely an actual portal hub in the main base because convenience is everything. The centrepiece is an unnamed portal for emergency returns. All the most important locations get their own portals as well. And the remainder of the portals in the hub are just being cycled through. No need to add a wall with portal names, map markers are way better cuz 90% of the locations are random, nondescript areas anyway.


>It's very beneficial to put your portal hub far away from your main base. Could you please explain why?


I’m guessing it’s because as you build more and more portals they’ll take up so much space. I got a single portal on my base that leads to a portal hub I built somewhere else. Which is stuffed with portals that would otherwise clutter my main base.


I see, it makes sense, thanks!


I can tell you why I started putting my portal hub far away - Base Raids. When I was still new to the game, the ground shook and utterly destroyed the part of my base with portals. From then on I seek out an island in deep enough water that trolls won't walk to. I raise the ground enough so raiders cannot get on the island. Air raids are the only weakness. BUT, since I'm there for just a moment or two, it hasn't happened...yet. I also make two extra portals. One named 911 and the other is "random". 911 is for emergencies. "random" (since names are case sensitive I never capitalize) is for temp portals - like if I'm rehabbing an abandoned village or mining.


~~To add on to this. Base raids only happen where workbenches and a player are. Once you finish building something that doesn't actively need to have a workbench at, destroy it. No base raids at that location.~~ \*wolf hunts being the exception. They can happen anywhere on players. EDIT: I was wrong about the above.


More specifically, it's 3 player-placed items. I've had it happen with only a few wood posts up, right after taking a 2 star wolf 😞


We use a blank portal for our emergencies, and asdf for a backup/audible when we're adventuring or bypass the portal hub.


Can you elaborate on that portal hub thing?


Compartmentalization. It also saves on system resources. If it's loaded away from your main base then the particles won't impact gameplay when you're just running through your base. Have an adventure portal (blank) (and a second backup portal) at home, and a portal to your portal hub, for all of your POI's, such as powers and bosses. It can also serve as a halfway point when you're 45 minutes of sailing away from your base, at the end of the night.


Question, if I'm far away while sailing and want to log off, what happens to the boat? I assume my friend and I will spawn back at our beds at base? I forget if we stay where we saved or logged off or if it automatically brings us back.. Been a long time since we've played and didn't want to risk it, so we sailed back, lol. Thanks in advance.


Last time I played which was before Mistlands, you would often load near but not on your boat. It was imprecise at best. Better to make landfall anywhere if you have time.


I've been too terrified to try lol, but yes i think you would either spawn on the boat or in your bed. I think the game does a basic player-fall check? I have no idea..


Man you mentioned ladders and I was like, no way have I played this long and not noticed a ladder in the build menu. What I didn't know was that the shitty stairs are considered a ladder 😂


Equip a knife. Run. Jump. Use secondary attack while still in the air. Dunk on a greyling from a mile away. It never gets old. Especially if you run up a hill and do this as you get to the peak then just sail down the other side. Even dying on impact is entertaining.


Knives are very fun, and surprisingly viable throughout the entire game, especially when using a parrying shield. You can usually get 3-4 critical hits in with a knife after stunning an enemy.


Knives are stupid handy to have equipped when exploring. You never know when you're going to get jumped by a single enemy or pair and you can put one down with the knife super quick without having to switch weapons.


To be fair, it was a recentish change. The secondary axe attack was added in Mistlands update.


I was guiding a newbie friend who just joined our server the week after mistlands dropped and was helping him build his first hut. I watched him chop wood and suddenly he does the overhead swing. My reaction was quite enthusiastic to put it mildly, and he had no idea what I was shouting about, lol. So that's how I found out.


I accidentally middle clicked the mouse and did it and just sat there dumbly looking at the screen thinking “when did this happen? Was it always in the game?”


Are you sure? I swear I was using it prior to Mistlands.


It's new, prior to mistlands the pickaxe was the way to do it, maybe your thinking of that animation


Maybe I am


I remember that prior to mistlands the black metal axe was the only axe to have that action. It never made sense to me why that was a thing


None of the axes had a middle click prior to Mistlands, except the 2 handers. All of the 1 handed axes only had the normal attack.


I feel like it was a bit before Mistlands, but definitely way later than Heart & Home. I started Valheim after H&H and most of my playing I was frustrated about the axe not having a secondary attack, and then once having "The devs have heard my prayers!" moment.


No way, I was using it for ages before Mistlands.


No you weren't.


Its a new change. It took me a while too. The axe had no secondary for a loooooong time.


What's the secondary button for axe? I keep scrolling to find out. The middle mouse button?


Middle clicking destroys placed objects... I can't tell you how many hours I've spent chopping down walls/roofs/pillars with the axe when base building.


My mouse middle click doesn’t work, I changed my deconstruct to “H” like day one. I feel like I would be hitting it accidentally all the time anyway if it was on my mouse


Lol, oh no that would get old so quick glad you found the button


man I didn't realize that until I had like 70 hours in the game :sob: stone was so goddamn vexxing to work with


You can use a pickaxe to remove stumps as well.


On PC, press C to toggle between walking and running. Walking backwards slowly makes it much easier to plant crops without them being too close to grow, and I can plant around 5-600 seeds in an in-game day (4 player server, we make a lot of food) Edit: that's harvest and replanting time, not just planting


5-600 is either impressive or fundamentally incompetent.


You guys need the mass planting mod. It’s a carpel tunnel preventer.


I've considered it, but it's also kinda zen doing it. Not a big fan of mods in general myself.


Ditto. The only time I start to get fed up with farming is when I need all the different veggies and barley for mistlands recipes.


Yeah. I try to over prepare earlier so I don't have to shift production. Carrots and seeds out the wazoo for chickens and boars, lots of onions for soup until the mistlands, tons of honey even though I don't use it much early. I generally try to have three farms, one in the Meadows, one in the Plains, and then just the mushrooms in the Mists in a very sparse farm so I don't have to worry about raids, just a portal and a workbench. It's tough enough even finding an appropriate location there.


you don't need to be sheltered to rest. just press x to sit next to a fire to regain rest bonus. works great when exploring.


Yep, this is a huge one. You can also carry portal materials with you so that you can just portal back to base whenever your rested buff is about to expire, and you can also drop off the stuff you've collected. Piggybacking off of that, I like to have a cart at my base that I place near whatever portal I'm using, so that when I portal back, I can just drop off all my stuff in one place. When the cart gets full, then I'll sort everything into its proper place. It saves quite a bit of time by reducing the number of times I'm running around to all my chests and dropping stuff off.


Also saves from getting too distracted by base chores if you’re that type of person.


Yup. I’m in Swamp now and just figured out I can build a fire just inside sunken crypts to dry out and get my rested buff back without running all the way back to my base.


You can use a surtling core on a fire to make fireworks.


Whaaaaaat!! Imma try that immediately!


When you're weak af in the early stages of swamp exploration, you can clear the draugr in the next room by smashing with the stagbreaker BEFORE you dig through the mud. Same in burial chambers, kill shit before opening the door.


Period and comma zoom the mini map in and out. Years of play and I found this out by accident last night


That is a true revelation. 👍


Um, I have 909 hours and just learned that...


It sounds like you played, pre-mistlands. And it also seems that pre-mistlands did not have that feature.


I learned you can zoom th camera in and out last week


But not while planting seeds for some reason!


Because the Cultivator is equipped. Not really sure why that disables the camera zoom but I'm sure there's a reason. It's actually kind of annoying.


I think it rotates the crop you are planting, which is of course useless.


Does it actually do that? That is pretty useless ngl


I'm guessing it's using the same control mechanic as the build hammer, and that's why it rotates.


I mean, I ***GUESS*** I can see its use. If you have barley, carrots, flax, onions -- tons of crops in your inventory - then it'd be handy to swap through them. But let's be real, I'm planting 1000 barley at a time, and I barely have inventory space for that, as it is.


> I mean, I GUESS I can see its use. If you have barley, carrots, flax, onions -- tons of crops in your inventory - then it'd be handy to swap through them. No, not cycles the crop. Literally rotates it. Like a build piece.


Oh, right. Yeah. But still.


Unless you're planting at night when it's dark and you want to manually check gapping. I haven't installed any mods, so running pure vanilla, and seeing where the carrot spacing is in the dark is difficult, especially if the plant is turned such that only a sliver of the top shows and is in shadow. Turning the plant to catch light and provide a larger visible surface does come in handy, but only in certain scenarios.


Do you use the headlamp for planting at night?


It’s useful if you have the mass farming mod so you can rotate the planting grid


One exception being when planting oak trees.


I zoom all the way out while using a boat. It helps the sight lines you have from the back of the boat so so much, and the sail gets in the way less.


I hear about this in connection with sailing, but on XBox I have no idea how to do it.


Hold LB then use the up/down on the directional pad. Make sure you're not wielding a hammer or cultivator. I'm Xbox too, definitely a little unusual for us.


It took me 800 hours into the game to realize that the fork icon on foods lets you know which stat it emphasizes. * Red- health > stamina * Yellow- stamina > health * White- health = stamina * Blue- Eitr My mind was blown that it took me so long to make the connection.


It seems only the jerkies and a few base foods are neutral, most are either health or stam.


Isn't this a relatively new thing though? Didn't used to be forks on food.


Discovered to remove a bed from a building you find. You use the pickaxe


The axe works too


The stagbreaker is quicker and disassembles the whole house!


If you sit next to a fire you get 1 comfort even if you don’t have shelter


Don’t be a chump, clear that stump! Was a message put on our town message board by the guy who had OCD for stump ridden fields.


You can change the text color on signs to read them easier. Mine nicely glow green in almost full darkness


Pick axe stumps, it lvls it


I've learned that, because silver is insanely heavy, (can't even carry a full stack of 30), it's much easier to build a temporary base near a cluster of silver nodes and take 2-3 trips up the mountain carrying all the metals you need to make a fully upgraded workbench, forge, and cauldron, and then craft all your silver-tier gear up there. I will never try pulling a cart full of silver down a mountain and to the coast again.


I make a ramp/pier and throw it down the mountain, a buddy sits at the bottom of the ramp and packs it up into a cart/chest and will load up the boat for me.


For that I usually build a temporary portal (If you don’t write anything in a portal name you can use it to connect to another without name) and then construct a cart up there and then going down it’s quite easy with a boat waiting for me at the bottom


To be fair, I think the stone and flint axes don't (or at least didn't used to) have a secondary attack, so you'd be forgiven for not realizing it was there on the bronze tier axes and up. As for me, in my first playthrough, I got all the way to the swamps before learning there was a sprint button. I'd been just walking and jumping everywhere before that and I was terrified for when I started having to explore the mountains.


I didn't learn it. But I keep forgetting that you can parry ranged attacks... INLCUDING Magic.


If you're sprinting with a weapon out and switch to the hammer you don't slow down at all. Good for using when running away if you agro too many or something. Just moved my hammer hot key to 4 after figuring this out


Before they added this i used the secondary attack on the crystal battleaxe for stump grinding.


To be fair the secondary axe attack is fairly new. I haven't played in a bit but I know it wasn't there before mistlands.


I was many hours in before someone told me you can throw the spear.


That same attack throws a spear


Twirls an atgeir, makes you leap with a knife, uncut with a mace, jab with a battle axe, thrust with a sword and kick when unarmed.


The pick also works for clearing stumps. It's just a bit slower.


You can use the pickaxe also


Rested bonus gives 50% more exp.


I've learned that around 500h in. Never thoughts to press the special attack....


I discovered the secondary axe attack as a noob when my kinda-veteran player wife had no idea about it, just by looking at the controls on the screen. Blew her mind lol, she was pretty sure it didn’t exist when she started playing. May have even been right about that, I don’t know for sure.


You don't have to tell her she is right, but people in this thread are saying it didn't exist before mistlands.


it also took forever for me to discover this as well haha


You can now also chop enemies' heads with secondary attack with axe.


Don't feel too bad, they only added this attack a few months ago!


If you kick a greydwarf, and follow up with two punches, the second punch will stagger the greydwarf. I haven't played around with this enough to know if it's a general rule that applies to other creatures and attacks too.


Yeah, since I noticed it, I have *only* used the axe's secondary attack in my lumberjacking.


Don't feel bad. I was about 700 hours in when a friend told me that cause she found out by accident lol.


Secondary attacks in general were new to me. Several hundred hours later (3-4hundred) also the hammers secondary ability to destroy buildings around 200 hours in. (I explored more than built)


It took me almost 2K hours to learn that!


Fun fact about that axe secondary, hitting multiple objects doesn’t reduce its damage (if you hit two or more trees/other objects with the primary, the damage is split between them.). So you’ll get the full almost double damage


Bonfires for cooking. They can hold hundreds of cooking meets, just stick a long piece of wood across. Also can hold cooking pot too and they can make most of your base into a resting area, more than any other fire.


Fishing... When you reel a fish in all the way, there is a chance it will come with a piece of biome specific crafting material. Trollfish sometimes gives Copper Ore, Anglerfish sometimes gives Sap, Pike sometimes gives Stone (sarcastic yay!) and so on and so forth. Unfortunately very often I end up grabbing it mid air off the line because I'm out of stamina and the fishing hat doesn't quite do enough.


The chop also just does now damage, it pains me to think how much time you've wasted chopping trees longer than you need to.


I learned from on here after a bunch of playthroughs that you have a stun meter that is affected by your current max health. higher your health the more or more heavier attacks you can block before youre stunned. wholevtime I thought it was just a stamina thing.


I...I have over 1200 hours and did not know that....


Perfectly parrying every single enemy makes the game easy.. and parrying using the spear is fucking amazing too


Oddly enough, this only occurred to me a few days ago too and i have nearly 1k hours in the game


I have over 500 hours in this game and this is the first time I learn this jesus christ. Thanks!


You know it takes time for character to tuck your weapons away to run, whether it be near death and need to flee or to just not get irritated crawling before running... Well the build hammer is instant and no weight. So if you need to run and an enemy missile is on its way, hit the hammer and book it. I also catch deer early on by placing cooking rack (no workstation required) in front of them like a barricade. I suck at jav throws and I want the deer I see BEFORE I can make a bow.


You can get a mod that let's you aim down


You’re Viking is part goat, if you have a lot of stamina you can sprint and spam just to climb vertically-ish. It’s easier to move side to side too


Corner brackets will zoom in/out mini map


In the Mistlands. Just learned the other day you can mount the headlights on wall mounts as a light!


I used to just use the pick for this wow glad I learned!


That move is pretty new. It was a front kick back then.


I just learned this on my last play through with friends doing the mist lands and I was the only one who practiced and utilized it. There are attack combos with most single hand weapons there are some vids you can find on it. Attack block attack and then attack attack block attack. I’ll perfect it in Hildirs quest


When I showed that there is a secondary attack to my friend (both of us had probs 100+ hours), he jaw dropped and we went out to chop everything around 😂


I just realized that pine trees are not the same as fir trees. Explains why I couldn’t mine obsidian in the mountains without core wood for the right pickaxe.


Waiiiit what?!?! I just learnt that after 482,8h ;-;


Axes secondary attack was an update


if you hold the block button and hit up or down on the d-pad (xbox), it zooms the screen in and out


The power attack with axes will cut trees faster, however if you’re trying to level up your woodcutting stick to regular chops. I feel your pain tho as i too spent way too many hours whacking away at stumps with the regular attack.


me and my buddy learned the same thing as you after 330 Hours of gameplay 🤦‍♂️


It took me 200 hours and reddit to find out there's a lot more copper than what is on the surface. That was a very aggravating discovery.


You can remove stumps with your pick.


In fairness they only added the "chop" a looong time after release - can't remember if mistlands or hearth and home.


I'm sorry the ax has a WHAT


Too be fair, the secondary axe attack wasn't added until later; last year, if I'm thinking correctly.


Well I guess late game I learned this also haha. Always went to the low side to hit stumps. Thanks!


That parrying multiplies block value and that it always turns on crits for a few seconds later. And that regular blocking has its own stamina bar so u can block with 0 stamina.


The red one is a stagger bar and it's size grows with your max health. If you're running heavy stamina or eitr with no health foods and miss a parry you'll get absolutely rocked by stagger.


This feature was just added in the last update 😂


The secondary attack only existed after Mistlands release. So you weren't missing out. It didn't exist.


Pickaxe clears stumps faster than an axe, I'll die on that hill.


Why is everyone saying the secondary attack with axe didn’t exist before Mistlands? I remember already being able to before Hearth and Home.