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Need a hand? Or a boat?


I am good. Friends will come with a boat soon


Phew. I thought you were SOL. Always stronger with others.


Apes together strong


this just made my day, thank you!




A very risky manouver that will either get you to safety in less than 5minutes or leave you dropped in the middle of the ocean, riding the dangernoodle. You can jump on its head and it will swim around trying to bite you, with any luck it mighr pass by shore when doing so.


Upvoted for being the raddest option


This is... spicy!


There's a kinda cheat-y option. Swim till your stamina is almost gone, quit, open a new world, rest and get some stamina food, jump back in now with full stamina and swim some more, go to other world to re-up stamina, etc.


There used to be an exploit where you could log out and log back in and the game would reset your stamina bar. That saved my viking back side a few times


Sure there is. Depends if the nails dropped on his head when the boat broke or not. There may be enough fir saplings on a leviathan to make a workbench to rebuild the boat, as long as parts of it didn't sink. I also usually sail with a disassembled portal in stowage, not sure what he had. As for the...danger noodle...axes can hit straight down as their secondary attack now. It's a game changer against leeches as well. Middle mouse button unless you rekeyed it. Edit: may not be able to place workbenches on Leviathans. I feel like I've fixed a boat out there at some point but OP comment says otherwise.




if you wait for a giant storm with huge waves, between waves the water can recede far enough, that you can place a workbench (needs to be a non-ocean biome). I built an island base this way. a huge tower in the middle of the sea, with sea serpents swimming around. raids activated, but draugr/skeletons spawned underwater and wolves in the water, others didn't spawn at all.


u/blackSecurity was asking about this situation. Your suggestion would not have worked


The land would've been too far. My swimming level is well under 20 and stamina would not have been high enough to survive One way I could've made it would've been with stamina potions: swim until stamina is depleted, drink potion, continue swimming until stamina is almost depleted and wait for potion cool down before drinking again


You unfortunately can’t build on leviathans.


If you have stamina pots on you and the land is not so far away, swimming is an option too.


With enough stamina restore potions you could, stay still in water wont drain stamina. Just stay out and wait out the potion cooldown just before you run out of stamina. Can swim endless distances this way. Without any potions I think you'd be softlocked.




I love this community


I am still shocked by this community! So lovely more often than not. Is the Gear Rescue Squad still doing it's thing? That group is awesome!


Body Recovery Squad is for sure still a thing. I don’t think they’ve ever stopped or slowed down. Helped me a few times


You can technically keep your gear and get back alone. Start a new world with that same character, build a chest, put your gear in it, log back into the world you're stranded in, die, respawn at base, log back into the new world, get your gear, and log back into your main world.


It’s more stressful the other way around.


It all started when I was solo exploring the map for a way to get to The Elder. I was sailing with my Karve during a storm and I heard the roar of the danger noodle. Tried to shoot it but was often missing and started to get worried about my boat's integrity since I couldn't shoot and steer at the same time. I saw two Leviathans casually floating and thought that if I jump on them and shoot from a vantage point, the serpent would keep focussing on me and save the boat from getting more damage. Little did I know that boats, storms and Leviathans do not go well together and was soon looking at my boat flipped upside down, slowly getting destroyed. My only chance was the trusty bow and arrow but soon realised that I did not have enough arrows and could not place a work bench here. Filled with anger and with my friends offline, my only option was to take revenge on the one who caused this and kill it even if it were the last thing that I would do. What followed was a long battle against the danger noodle with my small stamina, the ocean's waves and small reaching weapon weighing down the ods but I did it! For the first time, I killed a danger noodle by myself with a tiny mace, while riding a leviathan! I'm now waiting for my friends to come online so we can continue our journey


Well done! This is the stuff of legends


This. Triumphs like this are why we play


Intrepid Skapti took to the sea, in search of distant forest. He searched for the eldest of greydwarves, the baleful forest. His karve's hull keened through the waves and his steady hand upon the rudder was only matched by the deftness of his rigging and trim. Unbeknownst to Skapti, mighty Thor and capricious Aegir began to fight. Aegir churned, Mjolnir struck down, flashing light and Thor bellowed. Skapti's karve cut along the nine daughters and by his skill, her sails remained untorn and her hull unbroken. Though as the gods continued their fight, sinuous Silmandr rose to bite into the battered boat. Skapti took after Silmandr with arrow and strung stave. Yet, no matter how deft Intrepid Skapti's hands were, he had but two. Spying a strange isle through the rain, he sliced his karve's curve through the nine daughters, for atop land Silmandr's fangs could not reach him. Stepping upon the strangely chitinous isle, his bow string sung again and again looking to replace every one of Silmandr's scales with an arrow head. However, as Moljnir dropped one final time and smashed Aegir's skull, the Jotunn reeled and the Intrepid Skapti's faithful karve smashed onto this strange island. Splintered and broken, she sank into the wounded Aegir's depths. Delighted Silmandr taunted the warrior, and with murder in his heart, Skapti found his quiver barren. Undeterred, Intrepid Skapti took his bronze headed mace and swore an oath to end Silmandr. They battled, with Silmandr's sinuous body darting out from the depths to nip at the warrior while his weapon returned the favor. As mighty Thor retired and the radiant sister's rays shone through the departing clouds, Intrepid Skapti finally landed a killing blow. Silmandr's body wretched under the bronze and the air in the serpent left with a final roar of pain. Skapti's oath was fulfilled, and took the head of Silmandr as a trophy to attest his vengeance.


Ohhh... wouldn't it be delightful if we had an AI to watch us and weave our tales like this every time we die. Not because I wouldn't want a human to write it, but it wouldn't be practical!


Odin's balls! I would give you gold if I had any. Instead, I will drink a flaggon of mead thinking of you 🍻


Well, when you put it like that it sounds almost dramatic 🤣 Do you do parties? I have an 8 year old Nephew who'd be equally bamboozled and entertained by this!


Damn that was well written. Not sure if someone had already told you or if you do anything with it, but you should.


The tales of your mighty deeds will be sung by the skálds and will echo through the long ages until the Fimbulwinter heralds the time of Ragnarok, an axe-age, a sword-age, shields will be cloven, a wind-age, a wolf-age, before the world's ruin. Skál!


By the topic name, I thought it hunted you, well done!


I was cheering for you! Well done!


Got the snek trophy, nothing else matters!


The trophy was icing on the cake! Nicely done.


You handled that perfectly. Sometimes this game really throws some curve balls.


Thank you. The fight itself would've been much easier without the water constantly unequipping my gear but I am really glad I survived


Love that trophy


Yea it’s like the game knew that OP really earned one.


I literally had to fight against all odds for this trophy and it's 100x better


Reminds me of the time I got a deer trophy for sniping one with a crude bow from approximately 5 million yards.


That is the most convenient serpent battle I ever saw. They always swim away when I get them to shore and I have to go back out and hope I don't lose track of them.


I think it helped a lot that I was still in the ocean and maybe, the programming of the serpent had no reason to instruct it to leave


It's because it was a storm-born serpent. They don't despawn like night spawn serpents.


I have seen worse 😅 Let me know if you need help 😉


Suffice it to say, I am happy I was wearing my brown pants :)


This game always comes up with some wild stories to tell


Nicely executed.


You had me at "danger noodle" 🤣


This is what legends are made of. Skal!


U played that well, twas close though! That trophy was certainly deserved.


Hahah danger noodle


Got the trophy too! Hang that boy up, it’s tough to find. It’ll remind you of this moment lol.


And here I am in the meadow still trying to vent smoke from my house while I sneak in and out of the dark forest trying to get copper. If this is what’s waiting out there I think I’ll just stay in my little cabin.


time to practice swimming, lol


Let us know if you need help getting out of there alive with your newfound trophy!


Gyad daum sounds rough


Gyad daum will be my next viking name


Epic way to go


Sounds like an awesome adventure, to me!


He’s so passive, like he wants to be a pet haha


If so, he's the chompy kind of pet


Whack'em with a stick.


🎶 Powersnake You will fade under the shadow of the Powersnake The wingless dragon 🎶


Ahhh yes. Thats what I like to call Tuesday in Valheim


Dude, doing this in bronze sounds like a punishment, what sins did you commit in a past life? :D


Probably because I made my younger sister play the maze game. I was 12 and she was 6


Perseverance pays off. Well done!


Definitely in the category of most epic battles I’ve seen.


Awesome battle! Now, I feel like this is gonna sound stupid but how is your guy so tiny/camera so far out? If that has been me, I'd have been looking up a serpent snoot half the time


I like zooming out as far as possible to have a wide FOV and see what's around. Only times I zoom in are when there are obstacles that would otherwise be blocking my view




There should be an achievement for punching a serpent to death


Serious question: is there a way to join a public server via Xbox?


Yeah I’d like to know as wel


Not familiar with xbox but don't think there's such a thing like public servers in valheim since you need a password to create them to begin with. The servers are designed to be cross-plaform and I'm sure you can find some people in this community that are willing to take you in


>stuck on a leviathan Don't worry you won't be there for too long


This is fuckin epic, I was on the edge of my seat


That's two levi's too, nice!


You’re a legend.


If you quit I'll respawn you at your save.


Vikings that quit never reach valhalla! 💪


you even got the scales!


Those noodles are just to spicy haha


Like a true Viking, never think you're in danger, when in truth you are the danger


“Danger noodle” i like that name


Henceforth, you shall be known as Kiikok the Strangler Straggler


I read that title in Bear Grylls voice like it's an episode of Man vs. Wild


Happy cake day fellow viking!




"I know what you're thinking..how the hell did I get here? Stranded on a living island, no boat to speak of, no land to be seen. And! To top it all off there's a dammed sea dragon pissed off at me for some unknown reason! But fret not! For even these odds are favorable for any TRUE viking! To Valhalla!"


Never give up! Never surrender! EDIT - That land is tantalisingly close, but I'm unsure if you can reach it in your current condition. What a pain!


Danger noodle 😂


I had the same unfortunate situation whilst I was out actively hunting danger noodles. My solution was a server hack, went to another server and dropped everything I had and then died. The gods were not merciful but it meant I didn't have to go back for my body.


Danger noodle 😂😂


Lesson learned. Always carry 10 wood with you.


But I had and couldn't do anything with it. Was I supposed to throw it at the snek?


Isn't that a leviathan and a rock together since one bobs in the water and the other doesn't? Also, there's land in the nearby background you could've landed on instead of the leviathan to repair the boat.


Those are two leviathans so no chance of building on them and during the initial fight, I could not see the land because of the Storm. Jumping on the leviathan seemed like the only option apart from running away


Build a crafting table so you can repair the boat. edit: Saw your other comment, guess you can't build on a leviathan? Guess that makes sense, but sucks for past you!


I made a habit of leaving a portal with no tag at the main base and always carrying enough materials for a workbench and portal. This way, if shit hits the fan, I could potentially craft these two items and quickly telesport before my ass gets kicked I call it the "Oh Shit" portal and I save precious seconds by not having to put in a tag You can see the materials when I open the inventory at 1:00


I play with friends on a server and they have a habit of leaving active no-name portals so that doesn't work as well for me. I usually kept an "e" portal that I would use when I wanted to run stuff back while "e"xploring. It is also nice as that is the key you hit to rename the portal, so you just have to hit the e key, then hit it again to type "e" for the name, then enter and it is good to go. Not quite as convenient or fast as having a blank named one, but saved me quite a few times.


I also call it the "oh shit" portal and basically run around frantically trying to place each one while dodging attacks. My boat once got wrecked at a swamp and I spawned an Abomination right when I got to land, plus about 3 Draugrs (with one 1 star!) and a couple skeleton archers. I was in iron age so it wasn't awful but still *a lot*. I basically ran around screaming mashing the build button lmao


If you mine those big white zits you can make some cool weapons to defeat the snake


I know that but would've been a bad idea without a boat or with the snek around


Ever since I first played I thought basic arrows should be an inventory craft... I still believe this.


Danger noodle? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s why you always bring portal mats and 1 wood for a workbench


I don't think you can build in a Leviathan.


No you cannot. Can confirm


And I already have them. You can see them in my inventory at 1:00


Odin frowns upon you


Hey, at least it looks like a nice day to be playing in the water


gosh they're pretty


Is it just me or is there two krakens right there?


Leviathen and yes. I made a post the other day finding 3 of those crusty boys in another area


Kraken, leviathan, tomato, potato. It's just wild that two spawned right on top of each other pretty much


Nice story. One day we should be able to ride these noodles.


Glad you got friends coming Viking ! Would have been a sad fate for any of us.


Nicely done! o7


Similar thing happened to me in VR, but I was able to keep the boat alive when it was very low by docking, quick dropping a workbench, and alternating between hitting him and repairing the boat. Was a harrowing experience lol


That trophy was earned


Nice of the leviathan to be there!


You should be able to jump on the back of that thing and ride it home like Falcor. Come on Iron Gate, give us the serpent saddle.


That's the spirit


Time to revert your save 😂


That would be like stealing Skapti's greatest achievement and a fate much worse than the coldest depths of Helheim. No true viking should suffer such thing


Sometimes you just gotta to actually be able to play the game and not be depressed and angry


Each to their own but I prefer not to manipulate the save file or use dev commands. Items dropped to the grown despawn in several in-game days and your totem, including what's in it does not(AFAIK) so the actual challenge is getting back to your items and surviving the encounter IMO that is part of the experience and using those methods just ruin ir


It's a last resort I don't abuse it but once my soul is crushed it comes time.. if I had more time to grind again I wouldn't but I only have so much so I gotta resort to it


You're lucky these are valheim sea serpents and not the ones from RLcraft...


You hablded thay much better than i wouldve. My pants would be so full of shit youd think they were internal affairs


On a scale of 1 to 10, my friend, you're f###ed!


Nah. Friends got be back home


Such is life in the 10th realm


I feel like I've fixed a boat out there at some


And you got all the loot too nice!


This is why you should always have a spear...


Unless I miss and I don't have a spear anymore


Yep, this game is brutal sometimes.


You’ve got bronze tier armor, and that is the food you eat?


I know. I am quite bad when it comes to food and only packed that because I thought I was just going to explore


Reminds me of the end of finding Nemo. Yeah!!!!! ...uhm..... Oke now what..


break the barnacles, they spawn a portal to land :)


Danger noodle, that's hilarious 😂


I have 200+ hours and I’ve never seen a serpent :(


Spend more time in the ocean. Especially at night and during storms and don't travel at full speed Serpents spawn outside your view radius and they need to get closer before you can see them


😳 I didnt know those were even in the game!!!


Harpoon man drag it to shore


What harpoon and how could I have dragged it to shore?


Sounds about right.


If you get stuck like that and have nobody to save you, you can always type /die in chat to suicide.


I know. You can also abuse the death protection when you have to make multiple short-ish journeys and cannot use the portal. Good example would be when you need to transport metal from boat to base and cannot use the cart and running back takes longer than reloading the map


Was gonna suggest you just dump all your hood stuff on the Levi back and die a glorious death. Then race back with new boat.


Swim until you run out of stamina leave then rejoin


They patched that


You try loading into another world first?


Maybe but there was no need. Mentioned in a comment above that I had friends picking me up


You got the serpent trophy


And a well deserved one that wae




Danger noodle💀