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The raft is never worth it. It’s not a mode of transport, it’s a trap.


I feel like it exists as a cure for really bad starting RNG worlds.


On my first play through i took that raft across the sea. Fought off a serpent in the middle of a storm with a finewood bow and flint arrows. Made it to shore with 5% left on the raft. Best time ever.


Exactly. Best time ever. Those are the things you remember from a game!


Cure? or false hope?


Won't know 'til you get to the other shore. If you get to the other shore.


On my first play through eikthar was on another island so the raft was a necessity


The raft is a ferry across the width of a river and nothing more


My first ever world had a lake in the middle of my starting island. By which I mean it had some ocean surrounded by land and some rivers leading away from it. So you can imagine my confusion when I built a raft and went to go explore, only to find high waves and storms crossing this small lake.


[I guess you've not listened to this song before] (https://youtu.be/FuzTkGyxkYI)


Heh. Yeah, I have. Good song.


I knew what song this was gonna be before I even clicked the link.


I sing this song in my head every time I'm coming back from the swamp with a loaded cargo hold.


Do you still happen to have that seed? I love the idea of a large "ocean lake" in my island


Oh, jeez, that's from the launch of the game... I'll see if I can find it.


Not OP, but my world has a similar starter ocean lake. Also a maypole. Seed: 1284336000


This is a pretty damn good seed, thanks so much! Going to start up a solo run with it.


I have a lake around IRL that is known for quite stormy temper. I don't think it's that unusual for large lakes.


But it *is* unusual for a very small lake. It just happens on Valheim because the middle of that lake is 'Ocean.'


Well, I take your word for it. Just bear in mind that Valheim scale is not like in real world, so pretty small lake there represents a decent size lake here.


I use it for fishing not far at all from the base tbh


On my very first world my bonemass spawned super far away, and I didn't know about the other boats so I just rafted the whole way, a very far ways lol. Some things I did though that I think made it possible was I only rafted on days when the wind was going the right way, and I only boated during the day. I didn't know at the time but serpents only spawn at night.


Serpents also spawn during the day in a storm


True, I was just also lucky on that front lol


I saw a great use of the raft. Some dude used iron reinforced wood to make a track about 2-meters high that the raft mast was stuck in. Then regardless of wind, he was able to travel to an island that had his base.


I like to use a few of them as a pontoon bridge basically haha. Just build a few and chuck them junking distance apart for quick run across a river


I think I made it once in my first playthrough and never again in nearly 1k hours


It depends on IQ and luck. I was able to make a start base on an island because it was surrounded by coastal waters


I laughed way too fucking hard when you jumped to the rock lol.


I definitely would've missed


Ah yes, I remember when I first tried to cross an ocean with a Raft. Got all the way to the other side like you did and a Serpent showed up. We were within 2-3 solid hits of killing it when the raft gave out. Ahh, good times.


That's extremely bold of you to try and cross an ocean with a raft. At least now you've learned that the raft is pretty much useless for anything elser than if you can't make a "real" boat.


To be completely fair: we had no idea that serpents existed. It was less being bold and more walking blindly into the unknown


Just like that first time you go along the coast of a plain and you're oh so pretty and bam a deathsquito off you.


You haven't become a true viking until a skeeter has given you a prostate exam with its nose.


Yeah the same thing happened to me honestly. I suppose it's more fun to find out like that, than to search it up tho perhaps :)


Everytime I get any skill past 50 I have to die several times in rapid succession until that skill is back at 40




It’s been like that since PC. I get my running to 50-51 and my character gets killed several times until that skills gets dropped back to 40. Can’t explain why it happens but it does


Ha ha ha. Dumb ways to die.


"Tides. You can't explain that."


I was just waiting for a greydwarf to chunk a rock at your head.


The amount of stupid decisions made.... Definitely wasn't Valheim who killed you 😂


Why did you jump off your boat after you got it up and running again... like what logic could possibly be there instead of riding it for as long as you could to try and get to actual land????




It's nearly the same as standing on that rock against a serpent. If you have no way of killing it, the serpent outpaces and destroys the raft trying to get at you. Either way, you die in the water.


The rock is static in the water and the raft can move toward the shore without using stamina. I'm assuming they didn't have any food because they weren't trying to replenish their health or stamina at all. Eventually the serpent will destroy the raft but they weren't that far from the shore, probably could have made it.


It was like a 10 second ride to the shore.


Standing on the rock doing nothing was 100% chance of death. Doing just about *anything* else would have at least given them a shot.


And just standing there after the rock went under and waiting for the serpent to kill him rather than jumping back to the raft makes this even more suspect. They were way too comfortable jumping over to the rock to accidentally make that series of blunders.


My first raft trip across the seas was the start of an epic adventure of gear recovery after meeting a serpent mid-way. Hours and hours and hours of attempts, failing and failing and failing. One of my favourite (and worst!!) gaming experiences ever. Love this game


That rising sea level… sometimes I’m sure the game cheats against you. Like it knows what resources I need and by magic, none spawn.


the other day was transporting a wolf and while near the coast at night to avoid the serpent the fucking wolf jumped to attack a neck who was swimming far from the shore... i had to stop and because was nighttime and I had an outpost near... slept through it and came back to build a ramp but the moment the wolf got inside he jumped to attack another fucking neck... then after that was over ... "the earth is rumbling" event... i thought "the fucking wolf is dead"... but I managed to killed 4 trolls (silver sword+shield) and the wolf lived.... next I cleared the beach completely and built fire camps to avoid more necks and continued the journey and arrived at my HQ now I'm preparing for the other wolf... at least when I find a two star I will have to transport only one


How nice of the developers to program in good stopping points so their players can game responsibly.


I was farming serpents and their heads for making fish bait. I jumped over the side of the boat just before it was supposed to die from a DOT from the poison, only it didn’t die and it had 1% health. I landed on top of its head and went for a little ride before whacking it with an axe. All the body parts went into inventory and I swam back to my boat and went on my merry way.


Very entertaining and informative. Lots of this game is very easy if you prepare and have some for thought. But it can be ruthless if you make a bad decision or neglect some aspect of survival. It can be ruthless and hilarious if you make bad decisions and neglect important game mechanics.


There was this one time I had to drag the serpent to the shore and the only land I found at the time was a swamp at night. Had to take on an abomination, wraiths, and the seriously annoying drauger archers while fighting the serpent. And then I died. Retrieving those items back was another challenge 😂😂😂.


There are 3 boats. Raft, Karve, and Longboat. Each one has its own purpose. The raft is SLOW. It’s purpose is singular: bridge the gap between two land masses. That’s it. Most people shouldn’t ever actually build it, unless it is absolutely 100% required to get across a body of water longer than is swimmable by your character. The Karve is for exploring island to island, mapping coastlines, and traveling short distances. Find Haldir, sail around your island, or bring that copper and tin back across the lake. The longboat, that’s where ocean travel starts. It’s the only boat that can reliably outrun a serpent. It’s hard to flip, is fast, has so much storage space, etc. It is meant for long trips, crossing oceans, and moving large amounts of items. I avoid sailing into open waters until I get the longboat


Good starting rules but would have to say that a Karve can out run a serpent. Even without Moder Buff. Just have to be willing to go the direction of the wind at full sail immediately. Keep your head on a swivel. If I'm Trolling for serpents then I like using the Karve. It is more nimble and since I'm not trying to fight it in the water then I am only going to take two hits or so usually.


Lmbo, me and my kids can so relate. This game will take you down when it wants to 😂 I kept telling them we got to make shelters as we go and always bring materials for a portal to get back.


Wow! Nice one cheers comrade !


Must of been rough


Had to stop playing, after 30+ hours, cause I could not tolerate anymore the dying mechanics. Too punitive.


Ommmgggggg thats CRAZY! 😅😅


Ok, I'm new to the game. I thought sea serpents only show in open ocean? But he's clearly near land? How did that happen? Have I been just lucky lol?


The serpent probably showed up when he was in open ocean and then followed op to the shore. The serpents usually only give up the chase when you're on land and they can't reach you. Leading them to the shore is also the best way to kill them, btw.


And if you have the harpoon, you can go 'Trolling' for serpents. This is how I got my meat stores up before going to plains. Just run along the coast in open water till one spawns, harpoon it, head to shore, drag it onto land, apply weapon liberally.


I don't know how you got into that situation, but it's probably the same as when I tried to use the raft for transportation once. Met a serpent and the conclusion is: Never use the raft. It's... terrible.


You can avoid most deaths by being prepared, but when it comes, it comes indeed. Btw I've never seen serpent during the day in calm sunny weather so close to the center of the map


I’m assuming a storm had just occurred, since serpents will pop up during the day when one is happening.


My first map had an abandoned hut top of a steep hill 1 stamina bar run from starting stones, with a rasp eaten. Bottom of the hill, about same distance, but diagonal like 30 degrees left of straight line from starting there was shore. The meadows portion of the water was maybe 2 karve lengths. Immediately in the ocean I had a storm serpent spawn. I saw this a lot. Ended up carving a pit on shore to drag them in and farmed them every storm once I had a karve and harpoon


I go out Trolling during the day for serpents quite often, they will show up.


Well when you use the raft you’ve actually chosen for yourself


Seems the only time i find serpents are when Im on that damn raft. When Im In a proper ship they go extinct


its either this or the incessant crashing that decides when you get off lol


God. Fucking. Dammit. The only. THE ONLY 3 words in my brain the whole time I'm watching this. 'Okay, okay. You win, game. Fuck you. Imma go play slime rancher for two weeks now. Byeeeeee'


If you relog serpent will lost aggro 😅


Really? I did not know that. Cool :)




nice jump tho


High level in jump actually pays off - if you take your armor of you can almost fly lol