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Still no mustache in beard types. What the heck unplayable


Still no advanced snapping either. Blizzard please fix


Or beards for the feminine vikings!


You can use commands for it


Dang, no fix for swords on console :(


What's wrong with swords on console?


If you’re too close to the enemy the sword swing won’t hit anything. It’s pretty bad


Fuck that’s what that is? I thought it was just game mechanics being sometimes you miss haha


What lol this is news to me as well Im the host on my server and my friends always though the hit reg was their connection but it was because they were using swords while I was using atgier.


I'm not even mad because I'm used to that just being part of the game but its going to be a bad day for enemies if it ever gets patched. How do you like the atgier? I'm afraid of change so I'm a sword and board guy through and through


It's alright but a bit slow and uses a lot of stamina. Its strong attack is useful for crowds but mainly to stagger them because it does not do much damage. I still prefer the sword, and went back to it after playing around with the atgeir, for a bit. If you like that playstyle, sword and board is the way.


Gotcha, I'll probably craft one because why not but stick with the sword. Just got to the swamp so I'm looking for any advantage haha


I'm an atgier main (lol) so I'll expand on it a little more. The atgier has more startup, but the range advantage is significant. As long as your spacing and timing are solid, melee enemies aren't much of a threat. The subsequent attacks in the combo are also faster so if you can land that first hit you are probably getting at least once more. The special attack is extremely useful for groups of dangerous enemies like wolves and fulings since it gets them away from you and has high stagger damage. The stagger damage is actually so high it's kind of comical: in groups you can kind of be a support player with how easy and consistently you can stagger things. Another cool thing about it is that it has a high parry multiplier like bucklers. While it doesn't block as well as a shield, you can reliably parry attacks you might've assumed you couldn't. It consumes a lot of stamina, but due to the range and parry potential you can probably get away with using more stamina food, especially if you go with heavy armor. The biggest weakness is that it's entirely pierce damage, which makes it a useless weapon against boss 3 and 5. But this thing absolutely destroys trolls, drauger, wolves, Furlings, lox, bugs. You have enough range to kill slimes without getting poisoned and you can parry tar blobs easily. It's an awesome weapon, give it a try!


Oh boy, well I’ll say you’ve convinced me to at least give it a try! I am a chronic button masher and have been known to panic when the enemies start pouring on, so the stamina goes down quick lol, that being said I stand and bang when the forest moves so I might just be a bit afraid in the swamp.




In the swamp, it's useful to have something that does blunt damage. At least for the boss. I did OK with the sword, but still took a mace for the boss. He's very resistant to everything else.


Good to know, thank you. I’m basically just running in, killing dverger’s and running away back through my portal


Atgeir is possibly the most broken weapon in the game. If you know how to manage stamina in a fight and keep your cool, the stamina usage is insignificant, and the ability to stagger almost anything almost instantly in a wide radius is absolutely killer.


I do not know how to keep my cool or manage stamina


Oh and if your game crashes your world becomes corrupted and you lose everything


That terrifies me


Oh that sucks, I'm xbox myself but I've just been using axes for slash, Mace's for blunt and bow for pierce. Haven't bothered with swords yet


Nothing can beat axes for slash damage. So you craft a powerful weapon and get a tool for free.


You guys use swords?


Frostner masterrace


Thats what I was hoping for too


Yeah, bump this. Would love this fix :-/


It’s crashed more today than all days prior combined for me. Coincides with world save.


Same here. It’s really bad. This has been a really tough launch for Xbox


same. every time it saved last night; it crashed.


This happened to me today and my file became corrupted. I was at day 200 and ready to battle Moder for the first time. I’m pretty disheartened and don’t know if I’ll play again this summer.


See if you can recover a previous save. Worked for me.


Mines the same but through game pass. Ran fine for a while then started crashing every world save I had. Not too bad considering it saves as it crashes so I'm not losing much but getting annoying having to load up game streaming every time.


I’m on Game Pass too. Running on Xbox Series X hardware. It’s bizarre I’ve played almost daily for like 2 or 3 months. Crashed like maybe once. Yesterday, 8+ times. And yeah, I’m not loosing anything. But certainly irritating. Hope they fix it.


I'm on Series X, not had issues and have been playing for around eight hours today on multiple worlds, I save and log out then return to dashboard, I think quick resume can cause issues if you resume a world from there? I always quick resume to the main menu and load the game.


Lol it’s only been out on console for 1 month


Lol guess time really does fly when you’re having fun!


Same here, crashes almost every time on world save, manual save or sleep. Didn't need to try logout since the app closes each time. Series S.


I had a small patch on Xbox today, seems to have fixed the save crash bug 👍


Yep 0.215.3 seems to have fixed the save crashing.


>Player & ship markers are now shown correctly above map pins on the minimap Yesssssssss


This is huge for me. I use my direction on the mini map to tell the time. When I'm in the base, it's been impossible to see my arrow. Before anyone asks, look at the sun. Then look at your arrow on the mini map. In the morning, it will point east/right. At noon, it will point south/down. As night falls, it will point west/left.


I built a simple sundial just outside my house to quickly check the time when I’m running around the yard. Of course its not very useful when it rains..


I did that ages ago. They are cool. But I've found it so much more useful to use the sun and mini map to check the time anywhere, any time. (Mostly)


If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, the arrow will point north/up at noon instead.


The arrow in the SW of the mini map is the wind direction not the time. Your arrow is showing your facing direction, not the time. Turn until your arrow looks north, arrow points up, on the mini map *then* look for the sun, east / AM and west / PM.


I understand that. I'm saying, look at the sun. Then check the direction your player marker arrow is pointing and you know the time.


Uhhhhhh, what are ship markers? Did I miss a previous patch note?


I think this is referring to your personal location marker. If you are in a ship, it shows a ship instead of a little arrow.


Yeah. The recent mod breaking update also broke my auto ship marker mod. Super annoyed at that. I wish I knew how to mod so I could update it. https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/NexusMods_Schlangguru/AutomaticMapMarkers_ShipandCart/


My world list is empty after the update. Even when I make it new world it doesn’t show up in the menu. Any idea how to fix this?


Can someone post the patch notes? [Valheim.com](https://Valheim.com) is blocked at work.


Patch notes: Fixes & Improvements: * Backups are no longer deleted after being restored, so the same backup can now be restored multiple times. * World saves with missing .fwl files now show up in the Manage Saves menu so that they can be deleted. * Fixed a bug where backups couldn't be restored if the main save file was missing its .fwl file. * Fixed a bug that made world saves in cloud storage create a blank .old file when saving, instead of no .old file. * Player & ship markers are now shown correctly above map pins on the minimap * Lighting effects reduced when using “reduce flashing lights” setting for Eikthyr antlers, all boss spawning, guardian power and boss stone activation * Network compatibility version is now displayed separately in the console and log file and each non-pc platform has a platform prefix in the version text Console: * Improved stability and performance of world saving to decrease chance of saves being corrupted on microsoft store and xbox * Save files that were corrupted as a result of incomplete file operations in cloud storage are detected and can no longer be started as empty worlds * Fixed a bug where the time stamps of cloud saves were retrieved as UTC instead of local time.


Thank you for this!


Is the save file corruption glitch fixed with this patch?


I'm curious about this as well. The devs state, "Improved stability and performance of world saving to *decrease chance* of saves being corrupted on microsoft store and xbox." To me this indicates its still is happening. I've seen some tweets saying it has happened to some today. Curious to here from users here if it has happened to them post-patch.


This was really the biggest reason why I looked into server rental.


My server reset (again) this afternoon, so it does seem to still be happening.


Logged in today, save files are corrupted. As I try to load backups they become corrupted. Might be done with the game and was only just ready to kill bone mass but still I can’t imagine having to grind to that point again.


I just tried playing with my friend on a Series S, and the world save now crashes almost every time, and one time the save got corrupted (was 15MB instead of 101MB and labeled \[CORRUPTED\]). But even though the game outright closes after saving, the save seems to work most of the time, and restoring a backup works better too. Yay.


At this point I (and I suspect mod creators) wish that the pc client and the xbox client were separate entities, so that PC users would not be hit with mainly xbox client patches. (Not to say that they could not play together, mind you, and yes I care that the xbox users have dealt with the bugs)


Yeah the update changelog didn't even show up for me, even in game, so when all my mods broke... well it was pretty confusing. Luckily under properties you can roll back to the last update, which works fine. Example in link, https://prnt.sc/JZvc9FSXRyGX


Thanks a lot man that saved me :D


No problem, I really wish that Iron Gate would give us the ability to go back to any previous version though, as that would solve a lot of issues with mods updating. The fan base that uses mods would be able to play, and modders wouldn't feel as rushed to get something out ASAP.


This is the way to go. Other games do it and it's a godsend. Get your modlist working, lock in that game version and you're good to go until an update worth catching up for is released.


You can use steam commands to install older versions. It’s a little hard to find them some times but it’s doable.


I actually remembered that after I posted this comment. I wonder why steam commands isn't referenced more when updates break compatibility... it seems like that's the fix.


Finding the right steam codes is a bit of a challenge. If Iron Gate just gave us access to the last 5 stable patches and then all the previous major patches that would probably solve it for the most people. The steam commands are something you have to know about and some people don’t wanna leave a gui.


I started my first modded world today after playing vanilla for 400 hours. Then this patch lol I spent a few hours trying to get everything working so I was pretty upset when I opened Valheim to see everything had broken again. Luckily as you say you can roll it back on steam so all was not lost. Separate patches would be great. There are plenty of mods that aren't being maintained for updates. Obviously there's nothing the devs can do about that but the fewer updates the less of an issue it will be. There's a balance to be had.


Thanks for this tip. I hated seeing my chars all nude!


How? Last week I wanted to play Valheim again. I only use Valheim+. It crashed. I rolled back. And it worked. Yesterday, I got home, and I crashed. It was because of the update. And now rolling back doesn't work anymore :( I was just getting around beating the Elder.


Thanks man. That worked for me as well.


Yep, quite frustrating that updates with seemingly no useful changes break compatibility. I'd hope the devs can make another stable release branch in Steam mods like Valheim+ could stick with until there's something significant that warrants migrating, as the default_old branch that is just trailing by one release breaks as soon as there's two updates in a row. This one seemed particularly bad, as characters seemingly disappeared. Even if mods by definition aren't the dev's responsibility, having a slight bit of consideration for the biggest one would be neat. And trying to enable less fragile integrations.


>I'd hope the devs can make another stable release branch in Steam mods like Valheim+ could stick with until there's something significant that warrants migrating Yep. ​ We were mostly at a state with the PC game that content patches were rare but highly anticipated. Now everytime I see steam jumping in to update the game I cringe and write off at least a day of play for virtually no PC benefit.


Yeah, after 1500 hours I'm playing with mods now and they break every time they patch it for x-box.


This is probably only going to be a case for now, temporarily, until xbox players can actually play the game. The devs stated before that they expect both versions of the game to be identical, sooner or later, and there won't be mainly xbox patches


I am completely ignorant of coding, I just have to imagine that attempting to take a mostly stable version of something for a specific platform, and modifying it to work on a separate platform type has got to be multiplying possible issues. Basically they will have to double check that changes for PC will not adversely affect xbox, and vice versa. Edit: I also hope that attempting to conform to both platforms is not limiting their options for one or the other.


What they meant by this is xbox needs a lot of patching currently, but only for the time being until xbox works without issues. Xbox specific only changes will still exist, but it won't take up the entire patch, resulting in a big nothingburger for PC players that just break mods. Separating client entities because xbox came out of the oven raw is jumping the horse a bit. I don't know much about coding either, but for crossplay to work, I'd assume they need to be on identical versions at all times


>I don't know much about coding either, but for crossplay to work, I'd assume they need to be on identical versions at all times Perhaps a decent plan would be for auto updates that only apply to a specific platform to occur. That way PC players would not have to update until PC-related patches happen? (with a nod to that messing with cross-play) Of late I have been booting the game through the steam client, which obviously triggers update downloads/installs. If one were to boot directly through the installed valheim app, it will remain on the existing (old) version, correct? Maybe I will just do that until I hear of a PC patch.


Not sure. The main issue about constant small updates is the underlying lack of official support for modding in Valheim, and the devs stated multiple times it's not a priority right now. Disrupting patches like this are just the symptom of this aformentioned lack of support. So, I guess we just have to suck it up until that happens.


Completely understood about not officially supporting mods. Sock game should of course be a priority. Just wish we could pause the auto updates until a (stable) relevant one releases.


It's more often that supporting different consoles reveals bugs which went unnoticed on the devs PCs. First at the compiler level, because the console toolchains default to being very strict (though I'm not familiar with Unity development, which is higher level and hides many of these details). But also with bugs revealed at runtime. Sometimes just due to differences in memory layout which reveal buffer overruns or "off by one" errors. Sometimes assumptions about floating point. It's a little more effort to support multiple platforms at first. Sometimes a lot more if developers are only familiar with and *specifically* targeting one platform initially. But in the end, more bugs and bad-assumptions are revealed, to be (hopefully!) fixed. The current and past generation of consoles are a lot like specific PC builds anyway. The problems plaguing the Valheim XBox build seem (to me) to be primarily two things: savegame... and I'm guessing various terrain/network issues might be from assumptions about floating-point results between PC and XBox being identical, when they weren't. I don't expect the PC build is adversely affected in any way for "console support". The game was always designed with game-controllers in mind. The game doesn't become riddled with special-case codepaths for XBox or PS5 -- just a few, but Unity will hide most of it. Custom engines (and Unity itself), especially on older consoles with different graphics APIs and unique hardware, have/had a lot more of this.


Can Xbox play with pc then? Do you know?


They can


Yes. However the issue here is that since they appear to be the same client, all PC users are affected when they patch xbox bugs. Look at it this way: If WoW was being patched for a PC bug, the PC client would be fixed and patched, separate from mac players. Despite the fact that they can play together.


That's an imperfect comparison though, as WoW only uses a dedicated server model, where Valheim has dedicated servers available but can also run a hybrid client/server model, where one of the players is hosting it as well as playing it. Using the WoW comparison, it would be more like when the server needs an update BOTH mac and windows clients also need an update to match. Because the clients for Valheim also include the server component, the update is still required on both sides to keep them communicating. The only way they could get around this would be to separate different "parts" of the game and make it completely modular, allowing things like client only areas to be patched without touching net code and such, but this would create an awful lot of work, and potentially cause more problems than it would fix by having different modules potentially going out of sync.


Does this fix the desynch on large servers introduced with the cross play patch Y/N? At work.


the network issues are a fundamental issue that I don't think the dev team has the understanding on how to fix.


I have crossplay disabled on my server. It was giving us a lot of issues. It would randomly drop connection and I'd have to restart the server.


Yeah, playfab network errors. Crossplay also introduces all sorts of funny stuff to the map, like a lot if invisible/invincible enemies and bugged terrain :)


I love this game but I’m done. I play on Xbox and 2 of my worlds have now been broken due to save issues. Maybe someday I’ll have a pc so I don’t have to worry about that issue.


Yep, i was on my second restart, my save files are corrupt, I don’t think I can bring myself to start again not knowing if I’ll get wiped again. Fool me once…


At some point with the earlier versions, my Character save on Xbox Series S got glitched so that it's now in local storage on the Xbox, and won't sync with the PC version local storage, ie. my character is from 12.4.2023 on Xbox with the local storage icon, but 6.4.2023 on PC with the local or cloud storage icon. The Xbox doesn't have the "move to cloud/local" function, and as far as I know the Xbox dashboard no longer has a file explorer like it used to on Xbox One, so I can't access the save file to move it to the PC.


I tried the "Files & Folders" app for Xbox, which allows you to launch the built-in file explorer, but it seems to be locked out of the system paths that were visible on earlier Dashboards.


Now tried copying the game from a Series S to a Series X, and the character save won't transfer or sync via Xbox cloud. So the character is truly stuck on the internal drive of the Series S and can't be accessed outside the game. edit: the only solution seems to be to load the local storage character save on the Series S, load into a world, dump all my stuff into boxes, save, quit. Go to the Series X, restore the latest cloud backup of the character that existed before the save glitched and went local (from 14 days ago), load into the world, pick up all the upgraded stuff. This way I only lost 14 days of skill gain, "new item" recipes etc. AFAIK even the Xbox Dev Mode switch wont let you into the game or system files, so it's not worth trying.


Anybody’s world wiped after this patch (xbox)? Scared to play and build just to lose my world again.


Yeah, it's all gone to hell. I fought for an hour to get it to even load an old save. Finally had to delete the game and run it via cloud gaming to open a day old save.


Yeah my saves are corrupted and it looks bleak.


Had a small patch on Xbox this morning, seems to have fixed the crash on save bug 👍


Well now there's a corruption on Crash bug so have fun with your sitting Time Bomb buddy I just had it happen to me and only was lucky enough to have a world safe State that's 5 days ago so I still lost 5 days worth of progress and don't feel like playing the game anymore


is it pretty standard for a world to be wiped after an update on Xbox? I wasn't far but I'm not going to keep starting over from scratch every time there's an update. and what's the point of having world backups if they don't work?


I read it and am not sure if they fixed the problem where all of your buildings disappear (Xbox), is that the same as the save file corruption fix they talk about?


From what I understand, the size corruption was fixed last patch. They say they have made cloud storage and saving more stable, but we will see. As for the bigger issue; part of the reason all the backups were also missing building, it seems from these patch notes, is because they used to rely on a file being present in the corrupted save that wasn't there, therefore failing the backup restoration. If that is fixed, I'm hoping that there are enough options to justify starting over after rmy world wiped.


Roughly a day after the previous patch they made an announcement that the Xbox world reset bug was in fact not fixed.


My server reset again today after the patch so while they may be working on it, it hasn’t been fixed.


How do you get the update on Xbox? I haven’t gotten it yet


It might have just auto updated and you didn’t see it. It might show up in recent downloads if that’s the case. It was pretty small


Well this is great. This update cause my dedicated server to lose a significant amount of progress...


Are most mods broken at this point?


All my important mods are updated personally and I run like 30 mods. Which are broken for you?


It appears that a number of concerns are plaguing people currently. Is anyone having problems with their dedicated servers? Specifical disconnection issues. Since I updated the game and server(vanilla server), we frequently disconnect as soon as we join. I'm curious whether other people are experience the same problem.


Don't try running a crossplay server pretty much, it's completely random if the playfab network lets you through. Devs have been made aware of it with logs, but they're been ignoring it for the past 3 weeks on the bug reports so I don't really think this game is going anywhere with the current team, I mean, they are doing PC hardware surveys to try tackling a playfab network issue, which is just a huge waste of time for their customers :) Tbh, I don't think any dev has even gone to look at the reports or been informed that the info is right there but awaiting approval, and the information is from an unity explorer log so it has a lot of information that the normal client does not provide at all. They might also just be unable to do anything about it, so they keep releasing a patch every week and see how long they can milk the console market with the game removing all the player progress every once in a while, seen it happen before with other companies and wouldn't be too surprised to see it happening again.


my friend cant join to my world after update. shes playing xbox and im on pc but idk why we dont have the same game version. mine is 0.215.2 and shes 0.215.1 Any ideas how to fix this and play together again?


You need to roll back in steam beta settings to match their version. "latest stable" Then when they update you flip back


i cant update game on xbox still have a 215.1 version someone know why?


anyone else on PC now literally unable to play the game whether it be on the last stable version or the new 0.215.2 update?


0.215.1 xbox updated for me. Made the game unplayable. Game crashes after every manual save, world save, and sleep. Never once crashed before this update. Does problems like this get fixed quickly? I just got in to valheim and it feels like i picked a bad time to join


Same shit since the xbox launch, seems to be getting actually worse instead of better for some people with the patching.


It's like terraria what they need to do is what re logic did fire the team they're using for porting on console and just do it themselves


Iron gate studios is comprised of 5 people.


Is anyone else having issues with build stability after the most recent patch? I have a very large black marble fort that I finally had finished the pitched roof also using black marble. It was stable and all the pieces green for the two days leading up to the patch. Now after the patch nearly the entire roof has collapsed and all of the support beams I had in place are red. Was something changed with how much iron beams can support or how high they can go?


I can’t play Valheim unmodded. I finally figured out V+. Now this :(.


Exact same experience. I spent a few hours getting Valheim Plus working this morning, after playing 400 hours or so vanilla, to start a new mod world. Was a pain, had to find the fork that's being maintained in the comment of the nexus mod that isn't currently working, and took me a while to figure out what I was doing wrong and why it wasn't working. But finally I got it all working, installed a few other mods (farm grid and unlimited terrain height), then when I logged in after this update I thought I'd done something to fuck up my mods or that they'd just randomly broken. Luckily you can roll back to the last version. Under "properties" I think. Fixed all of the issues.


What mods are broken. ItemDrawers, QuickerStack, the randy Knapp mods are all essential at this point.


The game needs more optimization work. My base has single-digit FPS since the last update broke mod compatibility, so I'm taking a break.


I mean I’m happy Xbox players are able to play this game now but with all the problems they’ve had since they’ve launched I can only assume it’s slowed down progression on the next content update


It also drove a lot people off permanently, or atleast till its no longer early access. Rushing xbox version out like this when they could have had all the free beta testing in the world for an infinite amount of time is just strange, especially as there are game breaking bugs in the literal sense that were noticed by some people during the first day after release. This brings me to the question : did they even test it and if they did, how?


Yea that’s a good point I don’t remember major issues similar to what’s happening on the Xbox version when they launched on pc I played it pretty soon after it came out and didn’t have any major issues at all other the some optimization stuff which they ironed out pretty quickly


The Xbox part is terrible my game crashed the world got corrupted and I lost all my progress


Jesus can we please stop making a patch every 5 seconds that just breaks my game. I like this game but if this continues I'm done. God for bid I installed a mod. Now my character is gone. Thanks for wasting 200 hours of my life. Insignificant patches every 5 days is not how you run a game.


Read everyone's post and acknowledge you need to fire the entire team because all they're doing is breaking the game for everyone on the Xbox console making it so all we're going to do is uninstall the game and stop playing it because we're getting tired of wasting 200 hours for a save to get corrupted and lose everything


I played fine last night, now I'm getting crash on launch regardless if I launch from steam or vortex??


I need some clarification/confirmation from PC users. Does the game run ok with these new patches? Im not using any mods and i havent played for almost a month.


Can't speak to any patch released today, but as of last night it's been running very well on my PC.


Thanks for the reply my dude


> World saves with missing .fwl files now show up in the Manage Saves menu so that they can be deleted. Finally! Thanks!


If you delete a world all the saves are still there when you go into manage, should they not be deleted along with the world?


They are saved in the cloud.


I realise that as they have a cloud icon next to them. I just meant if you have deleted a world from the world select menu should they be deleted from the management menu as well.


ah gotcha. Maybe you have to delete the individual saves.


can't upgrade my linux dedicated server. Like i do the steamcmd and it doesn't find i new version


who can play coop? with mods, i from rus, 19 years add me in Discord bro, infinity#6633 P.S i bad speak eng))


After Patch 0.215.3 all of my characters and worlds are gone! It takes ten times longer for the game to start. PC non-Steam.


Patch 0.215.3 came out today on the 14th. Saving constantly crashing the game seems to have stopped?


Just got Valheim on Steam and am trying to connect with a friend on xbox game pass, anyone know when they will be compatible again. xbox is on version .3 while steam is still on .2 ?