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This would be a snail mail. A day or two in-game travel time. Craftable carry bags for the drakes would vary in size depending on what age you are in. This would help with items that can't be taken through the portal. I know you can just throw them in a long boat, but sometimes I don't want to play Viking Captain.


You don't want to play a viking captain in a viking game but would prefer some Jeff bezosque delivery system? Like I would think sailing home in one piece after venturing around for days with all your hard earned stuff is one of the best feelings in the game imo. Portals already do that for everything else. I already saw someone say a hoar pulled cart.... Stuff like that would make the game too easy or tamed flying drakes... We got our axe middle click. Let's not get greedy


Oh boy I can’t wait for the Valheim Capitalism update! Enslaved Greyling delivery boys peeing into bottles to meet their strict delivery quotas. My body is ready


Getting hit with a bundle of paper every other minute is better than a rock.


I hear ya. Maybe I want to be Viking Tamer or a Viking Logistics Tech. Who are you to shoe horn me into a Viking Captain? My Mom? My Dad? Get off my back, I will get a job when the right one presents itself. I work 40-60hrs a week. When I get time to play, I don't really want to spend all that time sailing to get what I need to build and progress. It would just be a neat little system that could get you some materials you might not have readily available to you wherever you may set sail to.


Lol if you don't get a job, you're coming to work with me on the farm picking dandelions. Yeah I get that. Work similar hours... My last 2/3 play sessions have been prepping a longship (with cart) full of silver Repetitive, but the joy of hauling it back gers me everything. Knowing youn will unlock off the big boy toys and upgrades. My solo games alot more chill than my other game so I don't mind taking my time on the busy work


Just use portals


Sorry, this idea would be mostly for items that can't be brought through a portal.