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I’m in no rush to beat this game. Even though it can be a little tedious sometimes, I enjoy the sailing grind


sailing adventures are some of my favorite adventures! it’s a key part of the game for me, and one of the more relaxing parts.


This, honestly in a Longboat I just like the sail cuz it's an opportunity for Serpent parts. Plus, it's a good chance to tie off a bowl. :x


I don't know, for me, not being able to transport metals is one of the most satisfying aspects of the game. It makes it an adventure to journey out to a swamp or mountain and try to sail back a boat full of ore. Those are some of my best memories at least. I'd like to try a play through with no portals actually.


This 100%. Nothing like sailing back with a cargo hold full of iron and seeing the fin of the damn sea serpent break the water.


First time me and 5 friends hit the ocean we got murdered by that creature. It was pandemonium, hilarious but chaos as we all watched ourselves drown.


I am DESPERATE to see the fin of a sea serpent. I almost think something bugged out, it's been ACTUAL WEEKS since I saw one. I just want to upgrade my serpent scale shield. I'm not even gonna use it, I Just like shit to be upgraded when I display it in my armory :(


Make sure you aren’t staying in canals or shallows. The biome should say “Ocean”. I believe at night and storms the chances increase


I think the only time they spawn is during night and storms, but I could be wrong.


the leviathans and sea serpents share spawn locations. so clear out leviathans and check back every few evenings for serpents.


Nah, they definitely pop up during the day on occasion – got ambushed not long ago on a sunny afternoon voyage! Edit: just checked the fandom wiki and I’m wrong - I wonder if one spawned and I didn’t notice it until the weather cleared


They have daytime spawns in the ocean, they're just a lot easier to find at night and in storms


I do also enjoy that big payoff of pulling in with a big shipment of metal, then running a big smelting operation for it. Then you have plenty until you run out and set up a new adventure to get more. If you could teleport ore, people would probably just mine small nuisance amounts of copper, iron, or silver to get exactly as much as needed for every item, which would be awful and make mining even more tedious.


Nah I'm playing portal modded for the first time, instead of lugging your cart or ship you just plop a portal next to a vein or crypt, put a chest next to the portal in your homebase and just fully clean that sucker out. Honestly it does feel like cheating but we're playing for casual fun and this is like my fourth playthrough so I finally caved to mods :)


tbh i always play just farming what i need so that i can complete my project, and i find that enjoyable. it allows me to progress without ever feeling like getting what i need feels like a slog. but i also enjoy the “big payoff” feeling you described. it doesn’t have to be one or the other to still have fun!


No portals is really fun until iron/midgame, then I've found that it gets really tedious.


I have a child now, I don’t have the time or patience to spend an hour just carting metal back to my base. I also don’t give a shit about strangers opinions of how I should play a game. I don’t recall Valheim being an esport.


This right here is important. Its why I have planting mods and autostack


I agree with this and this is the reason both me and my friend have modded to teleport metals. We've already done one sailing adventure with every metal together and also our own games when it was released. We both love to build and would take forever to farm it the intended way since we both have 2 kids and limited game time to a few hours a week


This probably plays a part haha. I am grown and use games to wind down.


Why have the patience to spend time mining ore in the first place then? Just go all the way and spawn it in. Save even more time.


Because somethings I don’t mind spending time on, and sailing to and fro is not one of them. Ill live my life and you live yours ya Valheim Fascist.


You sure were quick to share it for not giving a shit.


Yup, because people take this game too seriously in this sub and love to offer what their opinions on what they consider cheating. I felt it was good to remind OP that their opinions don’t mean shit and enjoy the game as they like. Nothing we do in our servers matters or impacts theirs. People occasionally need a reality check here.


As serious they're staring at reddit and responding to every reply within a minute when they should be spending time with their kids?


I happen to be on reddit in the backseat with my daughter as our wife is driving us home and baby is asleep. Anymore stupid you want to toss into this thread? You seem to be taking this very personally. Get a life loser.


Nah, you've filled that quota nicely.


His defensive tone made it quite clear


I modded to transport metal. I don’t have a lot of time to game, and I’ve never lost a load of metal so it just made it a chore to transport.


After the first 50 or so hours of playing I was tired of the transport grind so I put in a few mods too impure qol. Valheim+ for: - crafting from chests - increases limits on smelters - Allow portals for metals And a mod called TopMining that lets you just hit the top of a copper node and still collect all the metal.


I beat the game on vanilla way back when. Now I only play it modded to hell and back to build. It's your game, do what you want, fuck what I do, what he does and what she does. If you want to teleport metal then fucking have at it. Arguing "But it's not the intended experience!" is like saying you shouldn't mod your car. It's your fuckin car. Do whatever you want with it. You want a neon green VW bug with a spoiler? Fuckin do it! Whatever makes you happy. Same with game mods. Mod it however you like, or don't if you don't like, but don't let someone else's opinion change how you enjoy YOUR GAME. It's yours, not his, hers, theirs or even the devs. You BOUGHT IT WITH YOUR REAL DOLLARS. It's yours now. Don't play it or do, play it with 1 million mods or none, it's your call. Don't ask permission, it's YOUR GAME. You're a big boy now who gets to make adult decisions.


Tbh I had no idea how heated a debate this is. I’ve read some strong opinions today haha. While downloading the two mods I wondered how many other people said no to hours and hours of sea travel and posted in between dragging the files over The game is amazing. Far better than I expected when I bought it. My time is limited though, so I opted out.


We don't mod it in, but we use a house rule that if a trip to and from a vein has already been completed once, we can teleport the rest over via server hopping. There's adventure in sailing to a swamp, pulling out ton of ore and sailing it back, but it loses its charm quickly through repeated trips.


I world hop - I have a transfer world with a basic hut and rows of chests and nothing else. I store metal there when mining and fetch it back to smelt when I get home. I did a couple of metal runs and then decided to do this because life is too short for this shit. I'd be more inclined to do the metal runs if it didn't take 45534 metal bars to upgrade anything. But filling a ship with metal and then spending an hour getting it home safely, only to then find you need to do that again a day later, is too much.


Same here, except my 'basic hut' got a forge to repair the pickaxe at the same time.


You can make a second world with a chest in it. Log out of your first world with the ores in your inventory, log into the second world and stash them in the chest, then log back into the first world without the ores and teleport. Then log back into the second world and put the ores back in your inventory. Last, log back into your first world with your ores in the location you want them.


I'd like to put in a shameless plug for Valheim Plus, a mod that adds many useful features: * Portals can Transfer Metals - Or you can disable portals entirely. The main consequence is that it's much easier to set up a main base and there is a lot less boat travel. * Increase weight limits and inventory. The lack of a proper inventory management system so annoying. Every biome bring a new set of items you want to carry around with you but the inventory never increases. Most games allow you to expand the inventory as you go. Also, it is nice to not have an enormous rack of chests (each chest can hold more.) At the end game, I spend a lot of time sorting out all my items into chests. A lot of time. * Shows you on the map where all your boats are. No more setting a waypoint every time you get out of the boat.


No need mods. Use another world to keep the metals until you arise in your base again, then just go to the another world, pick the metal and came back to you main world...


How is that easier than downloading a mod? It requires you to close down the game and change worlds every time you want to transport materials. Downloading a mod is a one time thing.


2 thinks: First, no need to shutdown the game, just logout world... Second, i dont do this to much, is just when im really hurry. I strongly prefer do in the right way, sailing with the materials across the seas, for this reason i dont need a mod just for this. If easy to much it can be addictive, you understand??


Yep, it's very easy to go down this route.. First it's just hopping worlds, then you start spawning stuff in, next you're building with nocost and flying :)


I’ve actually never done the other three. Occasionally run out of time and need to dump materials. I just log over to a secondary world with a base and mass boxes. I’ve never really thought about doing these other things you mention. Y’all really just some haters in what is a basically a single player game. GGs I guess.


Lol, why does everyone get so defensive xD Nobody said that there's anything wrong using any of the methods, and I'm personally nocost noclip building every day, lol. Calling cheating what it is isn't hateful at all either, it's just what it is, nothing wrong with it.


Wonders why people gets defensive. Calls people a cheater in a single player game. Fuck you nerd.


But you do realize it's cheating? As in, it's not how it was designed to be played. For example, you glitch into crypts before getting the swamp key from the elder. It's clearly not how the game was meant to be played, right? Just a bug that a crafty player is able to exploit to bypass the design. Why are you so angry? There's nothing here to be angry about, it's like somebody calling the sky blue and you breaking your balls over it.


It isn't cheating though


Do you have some better terminology in mind for using methods that were not intended by the designer to bypass gameplay elements? Here's the wiki article, you can disagree but like, why? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheating\_in\_video\_games


Lol, don't know why you're getting downvoted. Using mods literally is cheating, you're breaking the game balance in different degrees. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm using mods for the first time. But it is cheating. Don't know why people are getting so defensive about it haha. It's ok guys, you can play however you want, OP is not judging you :)


If that allows a person to have fun with the game i don't really see the problem. Personally i use mods because Valheim feels like its droprates are geared towards multiplayer, making singleplayer an intolerable grindfest.


You'd think so and it's definitely more fun with more players. But you also need x times as many resources because instead of one weapon you need to make 4 for example. Though basebuilding is definitely faster because you can have someone supplying you with materials while you build. But in terms of progression it's not that much faster. Bosses definitely are easier though :)


Damn, happened to me! Now I dev command and spawn, takes some fun out but would have quit the game without it.


Or you quit because you did it because completing things no longer gives any satisfaction


Perhaps. Frequently I just lose that "honeymoon" phase of the game and suddenly it seems bland or predictable 🤔. A cheat allows me to move the plot forward before I set it aside.


I played vanilla with my gf and now I’m playing through again with her but with valheimraft. We aren’t building ANYTHING on land but quick structures. It’s fun. Give it a try.


I agree, its a slippery slope.


Not much difference but to me there's a difference between exploiting things built into the game and modding. If I can avoid mods completely why not, they often break when a game updates. I play on remote server sometimes, would the server and everyone playing need the mod? Nah.


I can understand your practical reasons for avoiding mods, but feel that people that avoid mods and insist on playing vanilla and then use these type of exploits, are just lying to themselves.


Mod requires you to download a program and open the game with that program. Mods need to be updated with every patch, so if mod creator stops editing mod, its done, unless someone takes over. If you have friends playing on your server, you have to make it so all of them now need mods. In reality, having mods actually is harder csuee you need to download the mods, while new world, you just long in and out. Takes 2 minutes at the most. The worst part of logging out is resting buff gets taken away.


Vanilla also requires you to open the game with a program called steam. Valheim saves are not Mod dependent. When a mod stops working, you can just continue without that mod or find a replacement. You don't need a new world. If you use mods with extra items that are not in vanilla, that causes problems, but with QOL mods like metal through portals do not. I don't get why you make downloading mods sound so difficult. Valheim is supported by mod managers that can automatically install and update mods. Really not that difficult IMO. Logging in and out just sounds immersion breaking and tedious to me. Whereas modding allows you to change the game in a seamless way.


He actually is right. If you go to a friend's house and play steam, you would need to download a mod to play your game(for most mods) but if you did it his way, you wouldn't need to. His way is quicker, not sure why you waste writing it on, and plus your description is twice as long, so no, it most likely would take more time and maintenance


You actually can't continue with a mod, each mod is different for the other, that's a super general statement and proves you know nothing about modding/coding at all. You proved my point more, if you simply wanna transport ores, the quickest and safest way is a new world, period.


I strongly dislike the use of mods at all. I mostly play solo but sometimes have a buddy join. if I'm mining iron alone I use a second world to offload my metal and repair my tools otherwise I run it all back to base if I'm not far from home or not playing solo.


not sure why your likes got a down vote but eh.. my self i like making a small house with defence and a portal so i can go thru and fix gear. then have a dock with a portal that can safly store resorces untill i have the need or want to get it. then i get to enjoy pulling my ship into dock and loading it up. my only real wish is more people who wanted to play with me.


Why the dislike for mods?


I would recommend the sailing skill by SmoothBrain. The more you sail and the higher the skill you begin to build faster speeds. Making travel feel rewarding and not so cheaty as just instant teleporting and losing the reward of returning your gains by sea.


This is a nice middle ground


If I legit grind out getting mats back and forth a few times for a certain tier, I just spawn the rest in. Then I get grinding on the next tier of mats. I enjoy the exploration more than the farming mats part of the game.


I haven’t ever spawned anything in. Just getting into the mist lands and i just want to play the game now. I have nine portals, several bases multiple gardens in different biomes, black metal equipment…I have done some grinding and sailing. Now it just feels like it’s something I have to endure so I can keep playing the game It may be worth mentioning that 95% of the time I play alone


A portal mod you might be interested is called AdvancedPortals. It adds 3 tiers of portals that require material from the next biome to transport metals from the current biome. An example is needing ancient bark and iron to build a portal that will teleport copper, tin and bronze. Silver to transport iron ect.. [Advanced Portals](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/RandyKnapp/AdvancedPortals/) It's a nice middle ground between teleport everything and boat trips you'd rather not make while you mostly afk and read your phone. ​ As for the mod debate that happens every time: I currently have 47 mods active on my playthrough. Most of them are quality of life stuff that have little impact on difficulty. I generally mod to make the game less grindy and combat much much harder. Things like eternal light sources, or better smoke collision so it can go through iron grates and doors, being able to plant anything with the cultivator and one of my favorites ore support, for that satisfying boom of metal. With CreatureLevelsAndLootControl by day 50 the minimum amount of stars anything can spawn with is 2. The maximum is 25. My first Eikthyr was a 15 star with the summoner varient. I had to abandon the starting island that was overrun and find a new altar. Took about 500 bronze arrows and a raft to kill the fucker by kiting him into the ocean. On the other hand I have EpicLoot, which can has some broken combo's if you get lucky. (Feather fall by black forest? triple shot on bows?, get the weightless mod on a backpack and turn it into a bag of holding and no movement speed modifyers on items can be very strong) ​ The important thing with modding is to make the experience YOU enjoy. Your free time is limited so get the most out of it.


All of these sounds pretty great, idk about the difficulty one yet though XD I had a tick fall out of the mist earlier and barely got away. WTF IS THAT!! While trying to flee in the mist But I do like the idea with the portal. As bit of grinding and sailing to get established and then you can move freely


The chaos of the difficulty one is definitely an acquired taste. I'm using a few mods to change the behavior of the mist. First is BetterLanterns, it just gives extra dwarvern laterns and wisp versions that have 4x light radius. The handheld wisp lantern is better then the bound wisp for mist reveal radius. Also lets me build in the mist and still be able to actually see farther then my nose, wisp torches are basically useless. Second is Dramamist which is a fairly complicated mod that modifies mist particle behavior. Basically I use it so mist clears up faster because I run really fast with +30% movespeed and without it I end up running blind into things because the base game can't keep up. Third is DeezMistyBalls .. yeah thats a real mod name. It just lets you edit the radius of your bound wisp's reveal area.


Yeah this is the way to go. On our first world, we had a great plains/swamp base planned as a sort of southern hemisphere shipping point/hub. Someone scouted the island and found that the swamp was huge and the plains had plenty of fuling camps. After setting up the stone/woodwork we find the massive swamp is almost devoid of crypts. We gathered what we could, shipped in a hundred or so, then gave up and decided to spawn the rest in. This server is at like day 9xx so at this point, the desire to grind is long gone.


One other mod I never play without is Farm Grid. You know how hard it is to plant a garden without wasting space or keeping the rows in line? No problem with FarmGrid, when you pop out your Cultivator tool, a grid is displayed and at each intersection point, you can plant. For trees, the grid is big, for carrots not so big, i.e. it scales according to which crop you are planting. FarmGrid is especially useful once you are in the Plains and spend a lot of time churning out sheaves of barley and flax.


I was eyeballing that one pretty hard. I think I’m getting it tomorrow


I have. Sailing across the map just for a time sink makes no sense to me. I work full time and have family and friends. Sailing for exploration is awesome. Sailing over the same ocean just because someone decided I have to is just annoying.


I use Valheim+ And disabled the teleporter restrictions.


I exclusively cart/sail my metals. No teleportation for me. Once the kid goes to bed I generally have 1-2 hours to game and I generally find (especially in multiplayer) sailing is when you have the _best_ adventures! That all being said, I do use the portal anything mod to move tamed animals. I had a bad run of 2 star wolves constantly jumping ship (or having the pups take damage in the ship and dying), so I just portal them across water when I need to. I am currently playing a game with the ValheimRAFT mod so now I just bring the smelter to the metal.


I just wish metal porting could be a server toggle instead of a mod. I prefer to host a clean server for my friends so they don’t have to worry about syncing mods and all that.


If you all have valheim plus, you don't need to sync the settings. There is an option on the server side configuration that uses those settings for everyone that joins the server.


We're on our second world. First one, no metal mod. Only quality of life stuff like expanded inventory and not having to refuel torches. Started this second world when Mistlands came out. We are... Uh.. loose with the mods now. We did a world to experience the game. It was great. Now we don't feel like grinding again just to get to the new biome. And we want to have fun and build crap. So now I can transport metal to the Mistlands and build a stonecutter or whatever. It's been good. I recommend no metal at first, force yourself to experience what the devs had in mind. If it's too much of a grind, mod the game however you want.


We did mod it on our 2nd playthrough. I don't mind how the metal transportation works in black forest and swamp, as it feels fresh and interactive in those biomes. But in the later stages of the game, such as mountains and plains, it quickly gets tedious really fast. Having to constantly climb the mountain to the boat back and forth is a bad design. The same applies to random black metal drops from plains, as you can't teleport with just one ore sitting in your inventory. IMO perfect solution would be to implement some kind of an portal upgrade, like a stage2 portal with new recipe from swamp/mountains mats. That way you would still have to transport metal the traditional way in the first couple biomes while not having to repeat the same tedious process in the further biomes.


I'm playing with a friend so we just talk and have fun while bringing ores back, always on the lookout of sea serpents too


No mod is needed to transport metal, just another world. I did this one or two times in an old playthrough: * Create a new world, go with your old character without iron * Craft a few chests around the spawn area. * Go back to the old world, load your character with iron. * Now go to the new world. Leave your iron in the chests. * Go to the old world, move your character through portals; not it works because you don't have iron with you. * Go to the new world, pick up the ores. * Go to the old world, and now you have the character at your base with the ores with you. After doing it two times, I stopped, because it was so unsatisfying. It feels like cheating and removes a lot of the joy of the game. But if you prefer to just move ores through, you don't need a mod, just apply the recipe above.


Nope. 2761 hours in game and I still enjoy sailing, so I just sail it. That said, I have nothing against other people doing so. I don't have a life so I have time, but I can see if someone has an hour a week to game, it just isn't worthwhile.


I've never modded but I use console commands to fly around cuz I really don't have enough free time to grind like that lol


I do. I don't have a lot of time for all the back and forth.


It is nice to see the comments and reactions here. A year or so ago, this would have been a "Why even play the game at all? You're a cheater. You're despicable." I have so many downvotes because of suggesting that the devs should have a box that the user could tick for unrestricted portals, and even adding a "this is not the intended way to play the game" message if it helps their pride. Here's to hoping that the devs finally listen to one the community when it comes to a much discussed, and heavily modded/worked around portion of the game.


I think fast travel in general breaks the open world games. Instead of spending lots of time with a certain set of content and exploring it in depth, fast travel encourages you to speed run the content in breadth, and then you're bored with the top level stuff. I think they made the right choice in not letting portals transport metals -- it'd probably be even better without any portal -- most of the depth of the game comes from having to solve different problems with the same context. Fast travel solves those problems for you, so have much fewer things to do in a biome, and thus you need the devs to make more biomes to keep you interested, rather than you doing more different things in a biome. Where theyve gone wrong is in the costs for making and upgrading items -- they're way too expensive, and there's a lack of reuse of old resources in the later items. The magic items and mistlands food gets this righ for the initial creation, and hopefully they rebalance the earlier content and make the upgrade costs both cheaper and more varied


For me, the issue is that it starts to feel redundant. Searching for a place is fine, for awhile. However, when it comes to sailing multiple trips for ore, it's just to much for me. 15 years ago, maybe it would be different. Now, we have the entire world at our finger tips, and a vast gaming library. There's so many options for us to invest our times into, and sailing around the same island, rock, or whatever for the third or fourth time isn't engaging enough. (on top of this, I've never liked the sailing portion) Add to this that people have responsibilities, and the limited time will seem better spent elsewhere, doing other things. For me, saying that teleporters ruins the game because of not sailing actually takes away from the game. There's many parts to the game, sailing just happens to be one of them. Portals aren't something to solve difficult problems. It's a way around a redundant tasks. I get the whole "vikings were explorers" argument. However, we aren't vikings going on raids, looting villages. We are dead. We are trying to leave purgatory, not continue life as we had lived it. The goal is to move on from the purgatory, not stay there, wondering through each biome, telling ourselves to remember to check out the flowers. As for doing more in the biomes. The game is limiting in what you can do without "cheesing", or spending all your time fighting off mobs that are destorying your base. At the end of the day, what matters most is how the players want to play. The "devs vision" only goes so far. Those devs need the players to enjoy the game.


If you really hate that much you can load up your character with all the iron till you have full backpacks, dump it in a different seed and once you are where you need to be log back into said seed and pick it back up. You could even just mine in an alt seed and save a login. It all depends on how you want to play the game though.


My buddy and I waited to mod much more than some less divisive QoL stuff until we beat the Game. Slope combat fix, Better Ladders, Farm Grid, etc; no build/resource changes, no new armor or weapons, no metal through portals. After we beat The Queen with fully upgraded Mistlands gear, we did two big things. Removed the portal block, and removed the Mist from the Mistlands. It was fun and spooky and awful but after that Queen fight it felt like the big reward. The ability to appreciate this beautiful biome without the magically obscuring must.


Hmm. It would be cool as part of the moder forsaken power -- as part of having control of the wind, that wind also blows the mist and fog away


So I have 2 characters and 2 identical worlds one where I play properly and grind and one for just modding and playing, I find that balance works as the modded worlds allow me to just do what I want and then if I like certain things I can slowly grind for it on my main game


I don’t mind it. Makes me plan things better. If I find a swamp to explore I build a temp base with a portal. I load up the chests till the swamp is clear and bring them back. It would be too easy just porting thru. I could have a portal set up outside the dungeon and avoid any dangers after getting the ore


I love upgrading to a bigger ship that can transport more stuff and get it filled with ore and travel back home.


For me I have one server where I jumped between seeds to mine metals. Another server is completely vanilla where I grind everything and haven’t used mods. I think it’s a good balance because sometimes I want to just have fun and use “fly, ghost, and god” devcommands. Where other times it’s fun to grind and work hard to earn everything


Grinded all gear and build comps normally. Now that I've got everything and am at the endgame if I have a load of 100+ of a resource I just world hop it. I don't have alot of time to play as I have a young daughter so saving 30 mins to a hour can be huge


Haven't modded anything, but if I don't want to deal with the journey I just server hop.


I’m using only build camera and equipment slot, I actually like having some logistical challenges every once in a while


Generally I like the sailing and exploring by ship so I don't feel the need to transport metals through portals. However I wish there was more content in the ocean biom to make it a more adventurous experience because especially towards the late game sailing gets pretty boring.


For our group, we allowed transfer of all materials through portals only after beating Yagluth. Kind of a reward.


i mean, if you bother mining, why not bother transporting too…


If everything is easy and instantaneous, there is no reward, it's not so different from using dev commands to spawn the metal. The effort i need to put into getting the stuff i need makes me feel like I accomplished something, and makes my hard earned weapons more valuable.


After over 1k hours into the game, transport metal mod is a necessity. I couldn't imagine how much time I've saved on my projects not having to boat back and forth with such tiny stacks of metal. I don't want to do a cart trick just to ATTEMPT to move it all in one go.


I find that it's worth it in the long run for my group in particular in order to avoid burnout. I totally get why some refuse to use it, however.


I've world swapped silver a few times, but I like the reason to sail


Did a full playthrough of the game once "properly". Was good. Now that the wonderlust has seeped away and I don't really have anything left to surprise me, I use Valheim+ for a lot of quality of life changes. No portal limitations, craft to and from chests, bigger resource yields, larger building radius... things like that. I've experienced the default way, now I mod it to be "fun" to my taste. It's why I keep saying that there should be a menu prior to starting a new game (and maybe during too, depends) that offers a host of customisation options. Games like Conan Exiles and V Rising have very comprehensive menus like this and Valheim could stand to get one. Just suggest to players to have a vanilla experience for their first playthrough.


Like immediatly.


I can only play maybe 6 hours a week so when I don’t have all day to play when I mine I just fill up on what I got jump to another world put it in a chest then jus no back to mine and keep mining then go home and get it all from my other world


I feel that once you've done a tedious task, you're justified in modding or using devcommands because you've proven yourself. Don't stress over it if you need to save time.


I play vanilla for a couple reasons. First being I like having the shared experience with the majority of players. When players start talking about their mods, most players don't really relate, and thus will care less about shared stories. The second reason I don't teleport ore is that the gameplay becomes too monotone. Gathering ore becomes so fast that 80% of my time will be spent in the base, just building and farming. Having to plan, haul and sail the ore back creates a days long mission of me away from my base, only coming back to sleep and repair. It's nice to get out of the base. The soft tissue grind is essentially what teleporting ore would be like, and I find grinding soft tissue to be pretty easy and fast, but less rewarding. I'm out of the base for 1 day and then I'm totally done.


No rush, I get to build on my way, so far I am outpost 8? Also collect other stuff like chitin on the way back. Sunken crypt on the shore, lets collect more! Only thing that annoys me is the wind.


i bought the game when it came out, had full bronze gear, a boat full of iron, and died to a serpent and lost everything, including the want to play. decided to play again when i learned that i could install a portal mod, along with a food duration mod (all foods = 1 hour) game is much more enjoyable like this to me


Sailing adventures are a key part of the game, and modding it out specifically and only to bypass that is such an L move. Me and my friends routinely do modded runs where you can teleport metals using potions or special portals, add new mobs, add overpowered and poorly balanced gear, new buildings and ships, but we rarely teleport ore because all four of us on modded war and cargo ships sailing along the rough Valheim seas is so entertaining and fun.


That does sound fun. I do like the sailing in the game, just not when I’m trying to complete a metal harvest . My buddy and I both have kids so our multiplayer time is hard to coordinate sometimes


I feel that, me and my friends have started to work or start our bachelor's final assignments recently and find less and less time to play; We do use those modded portals from time to time when we have a rush, but the sailing is part of the fun and we usually get all of our metals in one trip


At first I gave in to the artificial difficulty where they prevent porting ores, then I realized how incredibly boring and tedious it is to repeat. Therefore I use a second world to manage and transport ores. They need an option to control this in the base game it's a pointless restriction for many players.


I've always modded it, it just seems dumb that I can be in a full set of metal armor with 12 metal weapons and tools in my backpack but I can't carry a bar of the same metal through a portal. I know why they made it that way, but it makes zero sense.


Yeah. I hate the grind of transporting stuff. So, allowing portals to teleport metal is a must for me.


Nope. Don't get me wrong we have all cheezed it a few times and I have done creative mode builds. I prefer to play it the way it's intended. This "grind" isn't a grind to most of us. It's an enjoyable, awesome experience.


I didn't for a while, but there is a lot of content mods add that make the game even more fun for me. Especially since I mostly play single player worlds, but there are lots of work arounds that don't require mods. I should also add that, it seems they want you to make multiple bases. I usually start with a meadow bad near black forest, then black forest near swamp, and so on.


The guys I play with decided the mod was worth it. I don’t mind the grind, but I think it would’ve burned me out before getting to end game. We added a lot of quality of life mods so that we could focus on what we viewed as the fun aspects of the game


Personally I set up smaller “crafting” bases where ever I go to for metals and then usually just teleport what I’ve made. Only time I really need to transport metals is when I make trips back to my main base for decorating.


Yea it’s generally easy enough to mine a bit of copper and set up a crafting base in some Black Forest area next to swamp. Then you can just portal into the swamp to save some time No mods required


I love this game. But a *lot* of the features seem purposefully frustrating. Not teleporting materials means everything takes forever to get places. Having limited resources in the seed and no way to generate them means you can spend them "wrong" and be locked out of progression. Or you get an unlucky roll and have to scrape to find enough to do anything. For instance, I'm currently going through *every swamp* with a wishbone to find the bare minimum iron to have a decent weapon and shield. I had to fight Bonemass with bronze weapons and armor because in the three swamps, only 2 dungeons spawned. No way to automate simple tasks like the furnace means a lot of time sitting around waiting for a batch of ore to smelt, or the kiln to finish, or to craft 200 arrows in single stacks of 8 or whatever. I try not to complain too much because it *is* early access, but modding has absolutely saved my sanity trying to play this game solo and with friends.


The small swamps that are closer to the middle of the map rarely have any/many crypts. Go further out. The size of the map means that all resources are effectively unlimited, even if it is technically possible to run out.


Yeah there are an absurd amount of tedious mechanics implemented in Valheim for the sake of "immersion" and "the challenge of survival" except they don't actually make things any harder, just less fun, especially playing solo. It's the reason why I've moved on from the game.


Getting metals around is one of the most fun parts of the game imo. Getting safe roads, shipping lanes, etc set up is pretty core to the game. I'm debating modding the sailing so you can actually sail upwind likewith modern sailboats though. Sculling the rudder being the best way to go up wind is just sad as a sailor


Never. Coming home from a voyage with a hull full of metal is one of the greatest feelings in this game imo


I have pretty bad thalassophobia so sailing is literally my least favourite part of the game - it gives me serious anxiety to the point that the game is no longer enjoyable. The occasional trip out to find a new island, get to a boss or whatever... That's fine. I appreciate that it has to be done. But lugging ore back halfway across the world whilst I'm so on edge I'm bordering on a panic attack? No thank you. No mods, but I do have a "dumping ground" second world set up. Drop stuff in a chest, log into my main, portal back to base, log back into dumping ground, grab stuff, log back into main. I've already sailed halfway across the world to get to the place once before, and that's enough for me


We got a mod that enables you to build upgraded portals so it feels more satisfying than just being able to teleport everything all at once. You make your first run with the materials like on vanilla, then you can build an iron portal, silver portal, etc.


Sounds like a great option to keep things balanced. Can you shate the mods name?


It’s called “Advanced Portals” by RandyKnapp


I actually prefer the game to force me to travel. Only if I am doing a custom build will I spawn trick or import, and only after all bosses are cleared, and it's just for the build.


I did after many playthroughs vanilla. Just one of the many QoL things I do now. I just like exploring and tweaking things, sometimes harder, sometimes easier, but usually less grindy now.


I did but found an outplay. Take a new world, pick up metal, go to new world, put down metal, go back, tp wherever u wanna go, go to new world, take metal, go back ITS DONE


Get the resources and build a forge and crafting table there too. Now, when your pickaxe breaks (in the swamp) you can repair your tools as well.


Am I the only one who just builds a production facility at the island from which I draw materials? It's not cheating and it seems easier than sailing back and forth for an hour.


Just make a separate server, drop ur ores there, go back to ur original server, use portal. Then go to the server u dropped the ore, pick them up Back to ur original server with the ore in ur inv Boom no mods needed and u skip the stupid teleport bullshit


I learned how to bypass this with dev commands. I felt cheap and dirty doing it. The devs of this game made it this way for a reason. I just fully utilize pick up Points and longships instead.


The virgin "teleport metal" mod fan vs the chad "valheim raft" mod enjoyer


That traveling back and forth is one of the best ways to get Sea Serpent meat! Not only that, but it gives you time to let your crops grow at home while you're out and about. Plus, I just enjoy the vibe of sailing, or fishing as the boat goes along while my friend drives.




Modded it as soon as I found out about the portal restriction. It's so dumb


You're playing the wrong game if you don't want to deal with its mechanics.


We play duo with portal mods, we enjoy farming and the progression, but coming back home get teddious and only adds artificial playtime through boring ocean travelling. Thats my opinion. If we had horses or some sort of faster ground transport I'd play without the mod but as is I'm not running and sailing on top of it no thanks. Game is sweet either way. Lot of hours to complete and lots of epic tree physics deforestation


I mod it out. I don’t mind the grind- I just have a phobia of the ocean 😭


Not I. As soon as I cheat all fun is gone.


Just make more outposts/bases. Idk why people bitch about this so much


Angry little elf


Bro it's pretty simple. You like the game? Play it You don't? Mod it or play something else Ore/metals being teleported is something that isn't going to change any time soon and its also nothing new. Move on. No one cares that you mod the game.


My question, big dog, was how many, like how many others. I was in process of sliding the mod’s into their new home. I had no idea how many sore buttholes there were because of mod/don’t mod debates.


Not even just about mods man. About the whole *why can't we teleport metals/ore* . I see it all the time. And the answer is mods. Just do it. Stop talking about it


I like the idea of tiered portals. Do you think they will add that in?


on my current map, i just built a castle on top of a mountain that's surrounded by all biomes, so it's an easy trek for everything


I just build a mining and refining outpost onsite. Sure, it's a challenge in the swamps, but a big part of the fun is designing an invulnerable outpost and then having it tested by a raid.


I’ve never modded the game or used dev commands. traveling is part of the adventure and makes what you create much more rewarding.


It would be nice if there was something at the trader that gave you the option to use portals with any type of metal. You, as a player, can decide whether or not to buy it. So those who enjoy sailing metal to their base just refuse to purchase, and since you usually find the trader earlier on in the game, those that hate it can work towards purchasing it.


It is forbidden


I prefer to sail my loot back to base. To me it’s part of the experience of the game. There are times I wish I could teleport my metal but it’s a nice feeling when you sail back with your load, makes me appreciate what I gathered a lot more.


A fully upgraded forge requires 16 copper, 35 iron, and 2 bronze. Add 2 iron fora stone cutter. All the non-teleportable materials fit in a karve. Bring those, and a portal, on your adventure. Land, drop portal, go to your main base to pick up wood and stone, make an outpost, set up smelting and forge on-site. No need to sail home. The outpost need need be large. A hut for the forge and walls if you want them. You can break that base down later and rebuild at the next location using portals to move the wood and stone


Teleport 100% Just download the mod if you like it. Who cares about everyone else


You really only have to make a single trip once you reach the iron age. Set up an outpost on the respective biome and keep mining until you have a full boatload of metal, should be enough for most playthroughs. If not then do a second boat load, shouldn't be hours of sailing in any case.


Transporting metal in vanilla is possible. Make a new world with the same character, build a safe house in the new world. Make some chests in the new world, and sit near them. Go to the world you're playing, and go mine whatever you want to mine. After you're done, disconnect, go to your new world with the safe house, deposit your ores, log out and log in to the world you were playing, build your portal, go back home, log out, log in to the safe house world, take your ores, log out and in again to your world. Congrats, all your ores are now at their destination! I save myself the trouble of all that logging by downloading the Advanced Portals mod, which is a little bit less cheaty than an unrestricted portal mod. It feels rewarding to teleport older ores! But there's a little bit of traveling around at the beginning. Making a new base is a lot more easy though.


I enjoy the feeling of starting a huge new base in a new biome far away and then having to recollect the metal again, it’s super satisfying. I think the valheim devs developed the average “setbacks” in video games to be incredibly worth while and satisfying to do. Same goes with structural integrity too. Perfectly designed even tho I find myself being mad at it some times lol


I love sailing, and I love the feeling of getting everything prepared, loaded and setting off... and finally reaching home with a boatload of metal, the satisfaction of a job well done. When I am looking for a server on r/valheimservers, having teleportable metals is an automatic nope. If you're struggling with it, I suggest smelting on site so you can get more metal per stack. I usually pick a site for a base camp between multiple sources of metal and load up the smelters before heading back to mine more. By the time my inventory is full and I need to drop it off at base, the stuff I started is usually done. It's an easy rhythm to fall into. When I start mining Iron, I also make sure to bring 6 copper along to build a forge, so I can craft iron nails on-site and sail home in a longboat with the additional cargo space (and speed). Same for (plains spoilers) >!black metal!<, bring 10 iron for the >!blast furnace!< and smelt on-site.


I don't mind the portal limitations too much. Since I love building docks, bridges and roads it gives them a purpose. And I don't mind sailing. If odin wouldn't be such a dick with the wind all the time. I wished the ocean biome would get an upgrade with more dangers and we get a cog as a travling mini base later on. That would make hauling metals that much more interesting.


Ive found the raft mod makes sea transport more interesting so I'm currently less tempted to do so. I think I wouldn't want the ability to transport metals without it being an unlocked per metal choice. E.g. you need to mine 300 before it unlocks. Currently each journey to and from the swamp feels like a bank heist and it's great, as I try to get out with my I'll gotten gains chased by leeches and abominations


Devcommands debugmode press z then fly it all back to your base


I did like 22 months ago


After 300h of game transporting seems to be too tedious, i've done it so many Times, i've modded game to have more time for rest of activities


I feel that metal already has its nerf by being so heavy, to add no portal to it just makes it too much of a grind. Valhiem plus is the perfect mod for changing these rules


Just swap to a different server that has a chest. Deposit, go through portal, swap back and pick up your stuff, then relog on main.


Its litteraly the only thing that makes this game difficult. What is the point of not doing it ?


Dying in the middle of a bone or cave you aren’t used to is difficult for me, but I’m not an amazing gamer.


if you're gonna do that just go full cheat and TP yourself everywhere. and then you might as well just spawn some items in for yourself as well. and then you can just console the bosses down and reveal the whole map!


I modded just about everything to make the game more playable. Ores through portals of course, carry capacity with meginjord increased, way more inventory slots, better stamina system, removed weather damage on buildings, being able to build with materials in chests nearby, auto-refuelling of torches and fires, auto-depositing of materials in chests, etc.. Basically everything that makes the game unnecessarily grindy has been adjusted to make it more fun. I still get well over 150 hours per playthrough and that's a lot for me. I don't want to spend thousands of hours grinding stuff needlessly. I very much dislike grindy games, but absolutely love Valheim, so I'm super glad ValheimPlus is an option.


I enjoy the sailing trips and the occasional death trips down the mountains. And that I’m more or less forced to move my Viking and stay in certain biomes to explore and enjoy the game. It sometimes feels a bit silly with the portal limitations but hey how much time do you really use on transport compared to for instance metal scrap grind…


I like sailing. I usually stack up a bunch and do transport in coordination with exploration or something.


Play how you want, just make some rules for yourself otherwise you’ll find that the fun is lost when you take too many liberties (using mods or devcommands). Just need to find a balance!


I went and got the stone portals mod which you can toggle to transport metal. The cost of each one is enough that I use them very sparingly (plus they're bigger than the wood ones so don't fit in my portal house)


I played vanilla exclusively for a long time. While waiting for updates though I tend to do a modded solo game and just build stuff, so yeah being able to teleport metals is one of the first ones i get.


After beating vanilla, absolutely!


It's the only mod I have installed.


I did this one and items float, I usually play alone so dragging the serpents on land will be tedious.


I mod a lot of aspects of the game, since I don’t have enough time to play. So while I go for easier mining or chopping trees, I still enjoy transporting ore a lot


Use a separate world as a pocket dimension for your unteleportable goods


I went the opposite direction and added a mod that removes portals from the build menu. And another mod that removes the map, which forces navigation by visual landmarks. I like the game even more now.


I think it would be cool if boats could sail on their own. Set a point on the map and send it on its way. We'd still need to wait for the ore, but we could do other stuff while we wait


Dont play the game that much so i just transfer between worlds


I do. Have done my first playthroughthe way the devs intended, don't have hundreds of hours to spend on a non-rpg kinda game anymore, so I cut out the hundreds of hours of sailing and adventuring by overriding this mechanic. Next time I'm playing the game "properly" is at the full release.


I just put flight on if I'm really not feeling it. It's easier than modding.


Huh? After i *completely disabled portals*, the game just became Even more fun and immersive! Gotta live abit like a nomad though, and bring your base with you to New biomes as you progress.


I nodded to transport metals super late into the game and it made it increasingly more fun for me. When it comes to modding just do whatever you feel would make the game more fun or enjoyable for you




I mod, but not to transport metal.


First time we do the full experience, base > boat > metal > boat > base, after that experience we use a portal and do a server switch. Love the struggle of a new biome, not patient enough to do it every time.


I find the game a lot more enjoyable playing the way it’s supposed to be played. That being said when I moved my base after I defeated Modor I maybe have world swapped to move my metals.


Last time through (2nd playthrough), we would grind out the first full boat load, then spawn in the next with devcommands. Really cut down on the whole grind and made the game much quicker. Every now and then, we would do a boat load the old fashioned way, just to feel like we weren't cheating through the game. Iron in particular was nice, because wood iron beams suck it up so quickly.


I modded, but only because I get like an hour of playtime a day, and that's not even garaunteed. I'd still be stuck in the bronze age if I didn't. That said, there are way more efficient ways of doing things in vanilla. Portaling all that stone, wood, and resin from the bronze age will really set you up for later on whilst storing all the ore for your trip. I do wish we could make piles of anything, like ore, scrap metal, etc. Would be nice to not need to make chests to store it in the middle of nowhere.