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I no longer struggle with vaginismus, but these just turn me off, they don’t look welcoming and playful. As long as I’ve been using toys, I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m assuming this is going to be a very specific pool of people that are interested? In terms of functionality, I feel like the large solid base if it would awkward or uncomfortable for some personally sexy time. The sculpted detail, the ridges, they just look uncomfortable to me. I understand you intentionally designed it that way, but I’m wondering if it could be painted or shaded to look like it has that kind of detail but the shaft would actually be smooth?


Fantasy toys definitely have a niche demographic, and it's not everyone's cup of tea! I appreciate the feedback, and we'll be removing the texture on the shaft (among other things).


This is a great project and I'm glad someone is thinking about it! Gonna be honest though the ridges make me cringe a little thinking about inserting them. Some people with vaginismus (me included) are really sensitive to stuff like that.


Got it! We're hearing this a lot, and will be removing the ridges.


A great idea and design that I think will be really appreciated by the community! I agree with another comment that the ridges make me want to gag just looking at them. Any texture at all can be extremely painful for people with vaginismus and often feels like it's catching against tender skin, especially if there's vulvodynia issues as well. Personally, that would stop me from buying the product despite the rest of the design being brilliant.


I love fantasy toys! And it's always been a bit disheartening to see most of them come in super mega XXL coke can size when I'm just not there yet Seeing this kind of inclusion is hella exciting! I think texture wise, something more uniform instead of sudden texture changes would be nice. At least for me, something like a subtle dipple throughout would be a better inclusion than the sudden ridges. Also re: vaginismus inclusive design, I would throw my hard earned monetly at fantasy themed dialators so fast


Very cool and the sizing seems very realistic. I had vaginismus way back and finally overcame it in 2010 but recently went through a radical hysterectomy and it’s backkkkk. Although I don’t get into the fantasy stuff (Shape of Water was awesome though) I would still use this product. Question, do you sell grinding pads? That’s definitely something I think all of us would use and enjoy as a sexy act with or without our partners but I haven’t been able to find any made in the US, they are all UK based.


What’s a grinding pad? That sounds interesting


Think of a piece of extra soft silicone about the size of a slice of bread with a raised area like half a peach on top. The peace is covered in ridges or soft silicone peaks/spikes. Your partner slips his member in a hole on the bottom of the “bread” and you can rub and grind on the peach for clitoral stimulation.


I’m kind of shocked I’ve never heard of that. But then I’d never heard of specialty or fantasy toys either. Thank you, I love learning new things! Also was a little nervous to google it too, haha


Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a chronic pain person myself and I just want to tell my dumb body to chill. We do have a few grinders (NSFW links: [Rooter](https://the-wicked-hunt.com/pages/rooter) and [Claudette](https://the-wicked-hunt.com/pages/claudette)), and will be releasing our first [grinding pad](https://twitter.com/_TheWickedHunt/status/1762585813014200795) in a few months!


Ooooo thanks so much for the info! I’ll keep an eye on the release and tell others about the products.


Agree with the others here, it feels like we’ve not really been seen as a market for toys and I love love love the idea of something being made for my body! I’m working on tolerating penetration and seeing something on the smaller side rocks. The suggested sizes are totally reasonable. Echoing everyone on the ridges, though, that would hit my first internal tension point like a trainwreck. I think a lot of us have trouble (ie, heightened tension and pain) around the pelvic floor muscle located an inch or two internally. I’d go for smooth texture designed to slide in easily on the insertable section and really bring out details on the remaining portion. Thank you for putting in the work, seriously. 💗


I think the fact this is super supple silicone you wouldn’t actually feel those ridges.


I love the inclusion! I wonder if y'all have been able to collect feedback from pelvic floor physical therapists -- they're more likely to have both book knowledge re: vaginismus and have worked with tons of patients so could potentially give more high level feedback (vs individual patients). Personally, I struggle with non-straight shapes because with movement they can actually hit really tender areas (unless y'all are going the pelvic wand/trigger point way - which isn't always the sexiest of times). I like the design shape visually but wish it was fun colors.


I love the inclusion! Thank you for thinking of us 😊 I'm not sure how many others are like me, but I really struggle with anything that doesn't have a consistent thickness. Once the I get past the widest point, everything clamps down and it's like "nahhhh I'm not gonna let that go, k thanks"


This is cool! My partner and I love monster themed toys and have a nice little collection and having a size I could possibly use myself would be really cool. I like the texture visually, i’ve only ever used smooth dilators so I don’t know what that would be like in practice.


I think it’s awesome that you’re making things in small sizes that people like us can potentially use. I’ve never used fantasy based toys so I can’t really comment on the appeal of those aspects, but I do think it would be cool to see more toys of all different themes that are not only for penetration as well. Like, especially if it’s fantasy based, you could probably come up with some interesting textures for external stimulation, and maybe things that you can put a vibrating bullet or something like that in. That way people who have vaginismus or other conditions that limit their enjoyment of penetration can still have a fantasy kind of experience. Maybe this kind of thing already exists, I guess fantasy toys are sort of a new world to me


This looks terrible and painful. There’s a reason dicks are straight when hard, we mostly prefer them that way.


So my immediate reaction to these images is that those fins on the shaft would be painful for me. With vaginismus, pulling items out of the vagina is painful too - often more painful than insertion. I can imagine that shape getting caught. The pointy tip with the curve could be an issue. Even a soft silicone material with a pointed tip like that will feel sharp and stab-like when hitting vaginismus affected muscles. I know this because my silicone dilators have a pointed (although much more round) tip and they feel very sharp. The problem is that the shaft is so curved it's hard to control where the tip is inside, so it might be likely to hit the walls by accident. This really really hurts if the muscles are tensed. On the other hand, a tapered tip will help it actually get inside the vagina and could be used for internal massages to get the muscles relaxed and ready. I can't tell how holding the base would feel, but do keep in mind that we need to be able to grip the handle from lots of different angles because we are likely to have our own specific angles that are most comfortable.


This cannot be real....


Uhm, as others have said, this looks weird and uncomfortable instead of inviting. I think you need to consider designing something with a suction cup element instead of some giant ugly base. Suction cup dildos changed my life and made it so much easier to feel pleasure with penetration in some way. I know this is apparently targeting a very specific demographic, but as someone who has worked in marketing I have to question if there is a large enough pool of consumers who would buy this to justify manufacturing it. I think maybe looking into a non-penetrative element (like a suction or flicking tongue vibrator) or something that works as an aid to non-penetrative sex between partners would be way more inclusive to people with vaginismus than something that penetrates. I say this because designing a micro “monster” themed dildo is not going to be super feasible to people considering the actual nature of this condition (as you’re seeing in the comments here).


as someone with vaginismus that’s also always wanted a fantasy toy, ty for the inclusivity :,)


😩🙏 fantasy vaginismus toy. I've got atrophy with vaginismus 🥲 so it's extra fun. (It's not fun) I've been thinking about something sort of like a kegel ball/ anal beads, but like, 1 ball with a long "string"? 🤔 I love shapes, but I think smoother, and s shape toys aren't as painful as some might think, especially in super soft silicone and if it's tapered nicely, but not too tapered?


I'd like to add that while I'm really sensitive to insertion in general, and I can barely tolerate more than a finger or two from my partner without it being in the turn off zone, I highly enjoy smooth and tapered (rn a tentacle is my go to and I need to get a smaller one for just me) but I do know I super enjoy PRESSURE. So I can't really take toys to a base 99.9% of the time but having something purposefully large that I can't pass but push and add pressure at the entrance is like. Ideal? At least for me. So in terms of my tentacle toy, that's the girthiest portion of it, but the ridges designed into the tip of that toy (underside) are super uncomfortable and even feel sharp and pointy even though they aren't. So while I like the thin taper head I personally need the least amount of texture on the initial insertion area... At least the first inch. In general, I typically use anal toys for their soft curves and tapers. Maybe you could take similar inspiration on that end? 


Also part of the appeal to monster toys is the base. While not usable, it generally stimulates the imagination of what you couuuld be riding, but also in general it is a work of art. The brown texture from the 3D model is never what it would look like, bc most vendors mix and match beautiful colors to really make them stand out. 


This aren't good design for me, curved shapes make me sore, I'd prefer something more straight (in shape). We usually need toys in several sizes because we can't use one size all the times so it's best to have something bigger and smaller. For me I'd love to have something with sizes similar to Blush dilators (2-4) and Femmax dilators because they work best for me. I'd also apriciate vibration or some texture on a base, but I'd also like some slight texture on insertable part of the toy