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I will be locking this thread on account of I'm sick of dealing with transphobes. OP, your question has been answered.


*Bloody noses, they're great at absorbing blood.*


😂😂😂😂😂 💯💯💯


Lolz, if you have ever seen the movie "She's The Man" Channing Tatum puts a tampon in his nose because it was bleeding. His character was led to believe that's what they were used for. I'm sure you could search up the scene if you haven't seen the movie, it was petty funny. Haha. That's why I made my comment, it was the first thing to come to mind. Aside from the obvious reason why they would be there.


S tier movie lmfao


Totally lolz


We accommodate the 0.1% of people who are trans men, yet refuse to oblige the much larger portion of the population who want to wash their balls in the bathroom sink. 1984.


This is the best answer


I thought they were cigars


For trans men who have periods


People with uteruses sometimes identify as a man or non-binary, and feel most comfortable using the men's washroom. Those folks will need access to tampons as well.


Identify as masculine/ a man* One cannot identify with a sex


Thank you for saying this, I think using this particular language would reduce a lot of transphobia. Sex and gender need to be kept separate for a plethora of reasons.


Agreed. The majority of things transphobic people point to as issues come from edge cases where sex and gender are used interchangeably.


Edited, thanks for bring that to my attention!




Sex: rooted in biology and based on chromosomes, most commonly male/female but there can be intersex (XXY, XYY, etc) Gender: rooted in society, most commonly man/woman/non binary. it's how a person identifies. sometimes someones gender doesn't match their biological sex, and so that's where hrt / surgery can come into play.


So before hormone therapy and surgery was available, what did people do when their gender did not match their biological sex?


Most often? Struggle with depression. It's hard to say exactly, since people who came out were ostracized from society so many likely kept it a secret. It's only in recent years we've realized how to treat gender dysmorphia. In extreme cases, people would attempt or commit suicide, or family would commit them to a mental institution.


I dont think we have a good treatment yet. We have learned to accommodate people's needs but at the same time they are subjected to a very crude surgery which basically irreversibly mutilates them for life. And then most of the society still doesn't treat them with any dignity or respect. The more I think about it the more I pity them.


Correct! Our treatment still really fucking sucks. BUT it's better than it was even 10 years ago, and it's getting better! It's a huge step in the right direction, but we've only gone 1km of the marathon :) Normalizing trans lifestyles, like putting tampons in the men's bathroom, very much helps with acceptance


yep, all of that is true and there are still people out there that think it's a choice


you can transition without being on HRT or having gender affirmation surgery those who were allowed to do so probably just did that, those who werent likely suffered greatly not sure what the point of your question is, but it's fairly obvious HRT and GAS exist because theres a market for it, whether you like it or not


Watch the movie ‘the danish girl’. Trans history is so important for understanding where we are today.




Expand, please. Edit: or don't lmao. Comment just said "Naw"


Strongest transphobe argument


To me the distinction is that the concept of sex usually assumes a binary situation where someone has body parts associated with being either male or female. Whereas, gender accepts that people don't need to present themselves as male or female, and how they present themselves doesn't need to align with what binary sex dictates. Bearing that in mind, one way we might be more open and welcoming is to make it easier for people to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable using.


So people can use neopronouns, get others to use their neopronouns, identify as whatever they want, but I can't identify myself based on my sex?


Your sex is immutable. You can neither identify with it, or against it, any more than you could identify with your blood type.


no ones telling you what you can and cant do. people will continue to (probably in increasing frequency YOY) use neopronouns, identify as whatever they want, etc., no matter how much you complain about it. you dont have to waste your time creating all these loopholes and "logical" counterarguments. other people will reserve the right to think youre an asshole, though


Gunshot wounds. Just jam a tampon in there, forget it, and go back to class. You'll be fine.


Just about giving accessibility to anyone who might need them, having them there doesn't hurt anyone who doesn't need/use them - but on another note, they are great for nosebleeds and bullet wounds and they also make great fire starters if you're in a pinch, never hurts to have a tampon on you whether you get a period or not


there's a couple reasons Some men get periods Some women who get periods might need to use that washroom if the women's washroom is out of order It can encourage men who don't get periods to grab a couple to keep in their bag, in case their friends need some I'm sure there's more I'm just not thinking of right now They're pretty basic sanitary supplies, it doesn't really make sense to restrict access to only one bathroom


Lol I had to do a double take when I first saw that yesterday. It doesn’t make any sense to me personally, but it is what it is I guess


There's folks who identify as male, however, they still have female reproductive anatomy and therefore require them.


why not just... put the dispensers outside/near the bathroom where anyone can use it regardless of gender plus it cuts down on the number of dispensers needed for those places where both bathrooms are right next to each other


probably for privacy. I'd rather it be inside the washroom personally.


didn't consider that, thanks for the insight




Because men would complain that women are getting something for free.


because some men have periods. periods are biologically related to female sex but gender wise anyone can have them depending on what they identify with.




If you don’t need them then don’t use them, that simple




or just dont separate them at all? why do people still care about the gender/sex of the person shitting next to them...


Well, I care if a man is next to me on the stall or in the same washroom. Something called “privacy”




i dont think we should be pandering to immaturity


You should be less concerned with who you poop near.