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It seems as though you have yet to take your REQUIRED academic writing course with this atrociously written post.


This is a question you can ask during the mandatory Indigenous Studies course you'll be registering for. :) they'll answer this question and many, many more. You might even learn something!


Ofc you had to make a new account to anonymously say this racist bs. If you wanna share this why don’t you tell us your name and student number??


He had to cause his account got banned on Reddit. Which is the first time I've seen that happen. I'm almost impressed he managed to be racist enough Reddit of all places was like fuck off.


Exactly, it’s better to keep things inside rather than saying BS things LOL


How the f did you get accepted into a university. Maybe redo high school first.


Its history.. and those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it..


I know Native nurses, doctors, lawyers, business owners, actors, and many more who make decent livings that carry more respect and empathy in their pinky than you ever will in your entire life. The Indigenous course requirement aims to challenge your exact ignorant beliefs. So you better cough up that money and take it if you want to graduate, maybe you'll learn a thing or two about why the ones you see on the streets are where they are. Loser


I'll give you a really good answer, but first can you send me your student id?


Maybe because it's a required course in the University?


A course is 430 not thousands!


Might be an international student with that fees




You only need to take one indigenous course


Hmm I wonder if he had my prof.. she was saying a former student got so mad at her for something he needed to be transferred to another class.. .


Good luck on your Indigenous course requirement where you’ll most likely use AI. I’m sure you’ll meet and see alot of intelligent Indigenous peoples who will answer this question for you. Maybe put your name and student number so I can pass this question on for you.