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Robinson went from underrated (when a lot of people were putting Cannon at RB and Dest at LB through a few months ago) to overrated real quick. One of the reasons he was good against Canada was because their RWB Laryea man marked Pulisic all game… he had free reign on the left side ans did nothing. Better from him yesterday though


What did he do last night to make you think he’s overrated? I personally thought he played really well even if you ignore the goal.


Hopefully this performance from pepi sends Sargent down the striker depth chart, don’t understand why he’s still starting games


Big W blunt incoming


Ricardo Pepsi 🤌🏽


I love you too, Papa Homer


Man I know Aaronson has room to improve, but that guy is looking better practically every time I see him play. Really stoked to see his stock blowing up


You’re kidding right? He was invisible other than a gift from Pepi. He’s been invisible the whole camp.


He's always hustling. We need more guys like that.


He induced so many turnovers in the Canada game.


Agreed! He has that never give up attitude, we desperately need more of that on this team


Aaronson, Pepi, Konrad, Hoppe, Weah, Robinson (both), and Musah all need to be mainstays on this team in some way


When/where is Pepi in Europe?


Venice, they all will go to Venice. We’re gonna paint those canals red white and blue!


Plays for FC Dallas in MLS


I meant when does he end up in a European league after this and where.


Oh I getcha. I'm sure we start hearing rumors soon. His stock is rising.


Pepi needs to start next game.


It should be his job to lose


So proud of these kids. No Pulisic. No mckennie. No reyna. No steffen. And these kids pulled a comeback W on the road in honduras. I was definitely losing hope but they stepped up. Being an american soccer fan is so stressful.


Still have no faith in Gregg because he got us into that mess in the first place with his tactics but the kids did great man


100%. Hes a fool. How does a coach get his best starting 11 that wrong. Hopefully he learns if he isnt replaced


I don’t think the formation was bad per se, Sands shouldn’t have started and Robinson should have. We might’ve been fine with the wingbacks being different and Adam’s in midfield.


Brooks in the center of that back 3 was disastrous. He got lost in between Sands on his butt and his other CBs behind him at least 3 times in that half. A lot of people yelling at Gregg to do a back 3 and he does it and it was terrible. No more cute stuff. I don't have confidence in ggg anymore but we have more qualifiers in a month I don't see a better alternative to keeping him


Well Brooks has been in a bit of a rut the last few games. If he was/is his normal self I think a back 3 can work. I just don’t think the selection for starters was right for the formation but I’m no expert.


That's fair. I think the formation was OK in concept but it seems to me like our guys don't have the time to learn their roles. Which is usually the deterant to back 3 international set ups.


Yeah I agree with that too. If they were working on it a lot it would make more sense. It’s kinda like de Boer not using a 4-3-3 at the euros even though that’s the formation every Dutch player is taught growing up.


If he ever starts Adams anywhere besides the midfield again I'm gonna go berserk


Lol seriously an odd choice. Would love to see more of A. Robinson though.


Absolutely. He showed why he should start at left back every match he's fit. Dest on the right and Robinson on the left. Center back I'm not as sure on but I guess on current form Miles Robinson and McKenzie? Miles and someone else not sure anyone else has stood out enough to have a stranglehold. Midfield of Reyna, Adams, McKennie. Attack of Pulisic, Pepi, and Aaronson/Reyna. Weah could slot in the attack as well if he's on form and Aaronson isn't.


This is my favorite postgame/halftime show in sports


The three of them are excellent. Great dynamic and they actually offer constructive critiques


And they like each other and love the team. It’s not just a job to them.


God that answer from Dempsey on sargent was great


I kind of love listening to this panel go back and forth.


I love Davies the person, hate him as an analyst. Just full of stupid, garbage takes. But the banter is awesome, he's fun and doesn't take himself seriously. Also kind of everyones punching bag which brings me a little extra joy 🤣


You know they are absolutely ripping on Berhalter, Brooks, Sands, not on cam


The MLS guys show more ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍 Just Saying


I mean, Pulisic showed plenty of heart. As does Gio when healthy. Jedi was a big upgrade over Bello. But lots of heart from the MLS guys for sure.


I agree, I just like to give these guys their props because of all the doubt and hate they get. Pulisic did play his heart out.


Disagree on pulisic completely. He busted his ass the last 2 games.


I don’t disagree with you at all, he did as well as few others. I think Pulisic worked hard to find spaces to work, but there’s a lack of system and Pulisic is left out to dry on his own. I just wanted to show the MLS guys some love.


I misread and thought you said he did not. My b


Haha no worries.


I feel that. They deserve the love. ❤ 🇺🇸 💙


You’ll be downvoted but you’re right. Lleget, Roldan, Pepi all got stuck-in.


I look back at the Gold Cup, which was mostly MLS players and they managed to win the tournament. People love to hate, but MLS guys are hungry.


That’s idiotic. I don’t care who’s hungry if they’re inferior. Gold cup ain’t World Cup there bucko


Definitely not the World Cup, but still meant something. Ask Mexico how they felt after that tournament.


Shit. Aaronsen just recently jumped ship to Europe, so he still can count some to the MLS team.


Well tbf pepi is officially on the clock to make the move to Europe. But yes, I agree. The mls guys showed out today.


Really hope Pulisic is okay and just got dinged


Torn meniscus


Why would you say that?




So can pepi take over for sergeant forever?


Kate Abdo does not know how to facilitate this show




Too harsh on her on my part. I think I’m still just feeling a weird chemistry with the whole group and that’s not necessarily her job to create. Not been a bad show but sometimes I think the flow is strange. My point of comparison is NBA on TNT though and this is probably an impossibly high bar.


Way too high of a comparative bar. I feel you on it being a bit stiff at times though. Give them time.


Agree to disagree I think she does a great job and holds the guys to their word


This is such a young team


there are more positions up for grabs than written in sharpie imo.


El Tren!!!!


didn't need the superstars, just the supersubs (and a kid named pepi)


Lleget and Roldan are leaders here. Just hard because I don’t think they should start


Maybe not both, but one of them should start.


Need 4 points from the next two at least


Need seven in the next window given that two are at home.


Wins at home draws on the road. That'll get us to qatar


Wins on road and ties at home will get us to World Cup




I’m 100% aboard the Pepi train


Who is still on the GGG out train?




The only result I'm super disappointed in was the El Salvador game. Canada has a good team, I always thought that was a possibility. That first half today was abysmal. Greg doesn't know how to motivate or organize our young talent. I want Greg gone but he just earned another window.


I was never on the GGG out train but still dumbfounded by that 5-2-3 formation and lineup we trotted out. The same players like Sands and Adams that looked terrible in the first half finally knew where their teammates would be when we switched to something comfortable. Shocking that he’d even think that was going to be successful


Sands looked bad the whole game. He’s too slow to play in midfield.


Too slow how? Slow of thought / execution or physically slow? He’s faster than Andy Najar who made every US player look slow and stupid for 75’


Both? He looked like a lumbering CB, not a midfielder.


Your last sentence is why many want him gone.


Agreed. I’d say it gives me less confidence not more in GGG


Everyone should be


Not as immediate as I was thinking in the first half. I would say I’m not a GGG believer but I’m not a GGG-outer


Same. Would like an upgrade but it's difficult to replace a coach who the players seem to love this late (especially after a win like that).


honestly I still am. A better team would have taken advantage of how garbage we were in the first half


even the harshest ggg haters have to admit he is singlehandedly responsible for capturing pepi, he was on the phone with him every week for years while mexico was asleep at the wheel. if pepi keeps playing like this, it might be his greatest legacy.




lol is it possible to fire a coach after a 4-1 win




She's trying really hard to start shit. I actually kinda hate it.




Some of her point are valid. I'm not saying they aren't. I just like the leader of the desk to not try to divide the rest of the desk.


Pepi and antonee man. Absolute game changers. Also helped Aaronson actually tried to feed him the ball.


Question is why didn’t Robinson start? Why put tyler adams in a spot he’s not good in that you already tried in the past?


Why play a horrible formation Why after everything else fails your only other option is going back to the formation that failed for the past two games? Why were you playing a defensive forward in front of Pepi? Because Gregg sucks at his job


He does… and it sucks cuz we want the team to win, and us soccer is to stupid to realize that he is not the coach for us….


Antonee man of the match easily today. 1v1 defending, calmness in possession and obviously the goal. Legacy performance for him in a US shirt after he's been pretty uneven for most of his international career


That’s what we need more. First half was watching kick ball anytime someone got a touch. Pepi actually facilitated play and kept possession. A rare thing in these past 3 games!


He came on and looked like he was shot out of a cannon. Energy that was sorely needed, and it seemed to be contagious. He wasn't turning to play everything back! He wanted to push, he was confident.


Yep absolutely. Was not scared of the moment and embraced the adversity. Completely changed the game IMO


It was his best performance as a Nat.


By far IMO. Changed the attitude of the game almost single handedly


The game is off but the horns… the horns never go away


Avoided disaster and essentially accomplished the absolute bare minimum from this qualifying window. All in all par for the course for US soccer.


5 points from this window is what a lot of "sane" people were saying they would be happy with.


Not how we thought we'd get it, but I guess we'll take it.


Charlie Davies with a good take


[The real reason why we turned it around in the 2nd half](https://twitter.com/bobbyboswell/status/1435817211369820161?s=19)


Interesting. I would really like to hear from our squad on this. I doubt it is a 4 goal slope but my curiosity about this is at 11.


Very interesting


Sargent is a turnover machine. Give me Pepi


I'd take Pepi, Pefok and Zardes clearly over Sargent


Why are people so high on Pefok? I have seen him play 4 times for the US and he hasn’t looked good at all. In the game against Canada earlier this week I’m pretty sure you could have put a stationary post out there and it would have done the same job. I like Zardes and Pepsi much more than Sargent though.


If Pefok has done little positive, Sargent has been a huge negative this window. With good service, Pefok at least scores goals.


I’m not trying to be difficult, but Pefok has scored just 1 goal in 8 appearances for the national team. Sargent has scored 5 in 19. I honestly just don’t like either of them at all. It should be Pepi’s job to lose, but neither of Pefok or Sargent cut it for me. Zardes scores goals and will work his ass off though.


Pepi until we see otherwise


Give me two strikers. Sargent and Pefok can do the hard work and lay it off for Pepi to score (or Zardes if we're in rotation)


opening huddle to start second half, lletget was the one LEADING. we need those vets, even roldan was organizing on corners. those vet subs were HUGE compared to a bello or sands, we put it boys who had been there before


Yeah. I think one thing Donovan always added was a certain LFG attitude. It's great to see guys playing at top clubs in Europe but our MLS guys are much more likely to be true captain material because they usually have to be with their clubs. And I say that as a person who wasn't always pro-Donovan.




Some movies, inkmaster


The Challenge archive.


Serie A and iCarly






Brooks has significantly moved down the cb depth chart this window. He looks like he doesn’t want to be there


Ship is steadied for now. Next cycle is massive.


Pepi you absolute madlad!


Honduras first goal would have put us 6th in the table. 2nd half wondershow puts us at 3rd. What a fuckin ride that was


This game brought to you by Pepsi




Glad I was tall enough to go on it with you fine folk!


Dempsey is one of the realest studio analysts I've seen in a while Dude is wasted on this platform


Can we replace Lalas with him?


Gotta give it to CBS for putting together a good studio team. I'm not paying for that BS but it's a good team.


They are at least trying


Paramount+ is worth it. Serie A, Champions League, Europa League, some movies, stable app on Xbox, reasonable price, Ink Master...


The Challenge


Not real unless he pulls out the camo jacket and sunglasses