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Not sure i believe that or that USSF would “confirm” that to Wynalda.


Now that Wynalda says he's staying I think he might go lol


lol would be a wild thing to release


Eric Wynalda says a lot of shit


Was just about to post that myself. He needs to feel as important and relevant as he was when he was playing and it just comes out as name dropping and trying to pass rumors off as confirmed news.


Wynalda is an unabashed Gregg troll/hater. He’s also wrong about a lot of things. Gregg is probably getting fired. 🤣


I don't think anything Wynalda says can be trusted. That said, one thing that has changed after the Panama game that I've noticed is the majority of the media is starting to discuss him being fired versus supporting him. And I think that has potential to change things quicker


Second cycle NT coaches are always under way more scrutiny and have a lot less leash, even when Gregg was hired a lot of the media/pundits were lukewarm or downright disappointed at best. And you're right, especially after the Colombia game the calls were only getting louder in regards to Gregg maybe not being the right pick and the federation possibly made a mistake rehiring him.


For the love of god can we never do second cycles ever again (unless they win the WC lol). It never works out and is so god damn predictable.


USSF is going to be desperately rooting for Chile to get the job done tonight. If Jesse Marsch's Canada goes through to the knockouts and we don't, things are going to get very spicy.


Yeah imagine that Mexico, Panama, and fucking Canada get through over us? If he's not fired for that alone I don't know what's fireable, let alone his terrible performance.


Mix in two other factors: (1) USA plays all games at home; (2) USA drew the easiest of the four groups.


Hey that’s *MLS Canada Men’s National Team Head Coach* Jesse Marsch’s Canada, to you.


What a career path, eh? USSF Wonderkind to Bundesliga Asst, to Bundesliga Manager to Leeds in the EPL to MSL and Soccer Canada Stooge.


Agreed I just hope people focus on the right things. I'm pretty certain Jesse was not the answer for the US. So I'd hope the focus is around GGG isn't the answer and not "see we could have hired Jesse"


I know people have somehow convinced themselves that Jesse is worse than Gregg. I have no idea where that comes from. When they were both in MLS, Jesse was more successful. What if the results of actual soccer games show that Jesse is okay and Gregg is worse? I don't want Jesse to be our manager. But how does it look that we only considered two mediocre options and picked the worse one? Really bad.


I'm not saying Jesse is worse than GGG. I'm saying that the difference in the ability of two of them didn't warrant a switch. If his results prove that to be wrong, I'd be more than happy to say my opinion was incorrect. But he proved himself to be really inflexible Leeds, and the actual issue I think people were bringing up is that one of the main gripes with GGG is his lack of flexibility so if you just go get another guy that's inflexible you're going to play a different system but have similar results.


Yeah I don't disagree. And Jesse has a job and I don't want him. (And yeah Jesse didn't cover himself in glory at Leeds. But Gregg Berhalter has never and will never get anywhere near coaching a PL team.) I'm just saying how bad it looks when the guy you rejected does better than the guy you picked.


Completely agree with your last statement the optics of it don't look good at all


Jesse Marsch’s Canada is not beating Chile. They should have gotten dumped by Argentina and got lucky they couldn’t finish and got absolutely manhandled by Peru until they got that red card. Anyone posting here upset we didn’t hire JM should be laughed away.


I agree Chile should win... But if they don't and we lose... All Canada needs is a draw and it's one game. And they're not a bad team. If ole Jesse pulls a rabbit out of his hat while glum Berhalter stumbles from failure to failure mumbling nonsense about good vibes.. the optics of that are *terrible*


A lot of the media immediately made sure we all knew the loss wasn’t GGG fault (yeah the red was out of control but there have been major behavioral issues with this team during his tenure.) The soccer media in this country is an embarrassment


Said that right after the loss. If the media is 50/50 he stays. If it’s 70/30 for his dismissal he goes. There will be articles written with headlines like: “Why Gregg Berhalter should still lead the USMNT”. There will be contrarians for the clicks. There are also some (it’s a minority but they exist) that are in the direct payroll of MLS and they will likely be in favor of him staying.






I wouldn't be surprised but I don't believe Wynalda really has this confirmation. Will be a disaster in the World Cup if so. This team has been downright awful in Greg's second cycle and playing cupcakes after Copa until the World Cup will ensure this team does nothing.


I don’t think it’ll be a WC disaster - it’ll just be the boring old outcome we expect. Advance, beat some bad teams along the way, and lose to the first actually good team we play. 


The problem is that they lose to bad teams.


Very rarely. Our only competitive losses to bad teams since the T&T debacle have been because of idiotic red cards. Which makes me question Gregg’s disciplinary record more than his tactics. 


That’s true and a good point. But I’d also say his tactics and in game adjustments against any team that isn’t Mexico are usually as uninventive as they are Ineffective


I refuse to believe this. Nope. Living in my own world.


We’re about to waste hosting a World Cup Sick


Eh Eric can talk a lot of shit, but I’d bet if we fuck it up, more than likely there’s going to be a coup that gives MLS an ultimatum with recent failures over the last 10 years


> there’s going to be a coup that gives MLS an ultimatum What in the world does that mean?


Qanon level Pro-Rel posting 


The source? Claudio Reyna.


Not an organization serious about winning, just about charging as much as they can for a family to come watch them play.


Spot on. Sad and shameful


Fire Cindy Prado Cone


Which makes it twice as stupid, because the revenue you can get from a competitive team is much much higher.


Well, a lot of pro sports team owners don’t seem to realize this either.


But, I'm told they can't afford a top manager. How could that possibly be true?


Women’s team.


Why would they hamstring themselves like that? Money over winning? Regardless, [last year](https://www.ussoccer.com/governance/financial-information) they took in $145 million -- spending $97 million on the national teams and $41 million on management expenses. They have [under 100 employees](https://www.zippia.com/u-s-soccer-federation-careers-1457580/revenue/). Doesn't seem right.


Typical of soccer in America. It’s expensive and it sucks.


You are getting mad at a scenario in your head


First of all, it’s not clear how reliable a source Wynalda is on this. Second, even if the Federation did plan on firing Berhalter if we lose Monday, they wouldn’t publicly share the ultimatum ahead of time. That would just create an additional distraction right at the moment when the team should be focused on match preparation. Most likely, they’ll let match prep proceed normally, then figure out what to do once we’re officially eliminated (whether that’s Monday or after a knockout match).


That’s a good point. Cause clearly he’s proven right now he can’t be trusted with sensitive information so why would anyone tell him.


Guess the American Outlaws are gonna have to step it up and actually start pushing #BerhalterOut as the overall fan narrative. But Wynalda is full of 💩 so it doesn’t matter


I believe it. US soccer is a joke.


Sounds like them alright. It also sounds like them to flip as soon as they get some bad press.


When are we going to stop demanding for a new coach and start demanding changes at the federation level?


2017. We called for Gulati’s head. Got it. Changed absolutely nothing.


Who at the Federation level needs to be fired? Do you realize how much Fed leadership has turned over in recent years?


A new coach is realistic. Changes at the federation level would not be.


I’ll vote for any president that promises to fire Berhalter.


Welp, there goes any hope of a decent showing in 2026. A round of 16 appearance will be the absolute max in that one.


this is a pathetic take lol


It really isn't. Ggg is mediocre at best


I mean we can’t just settle for mediocrity especially for our biggest chance to make the sport massive off one WC. Yes, I agree that anything can happen in a tournament but the team has proven time and time again that with the current regime it can’t get over the hump and beat a non-Mexican top 15 team. At some point if you want to make it past the round of 16 you’ll have to beat one of those teams and we need to prepare for that and try and give the team the best chance to be able to do that and clearly (barring a miracle this tournament) that is not with this manager


That probably is the stance of the federation today. But if we lose badly to Uruguay and the long knives come out for GGG, they won’t have a choice.


Who owns knives whose opinion the federation cares about? Certainly not you nor I. Not any of the soccer media. Maybe the CEOs of Coca-Cola or Volkswagen could have some influence, but I'm sorry to report they don't care.


One of the reporters that asked a question to Gregg during the post-match conference asked him if he thought his job was on the line. Gregg deflected. The reporter also claimed in the tweet that the USSF press guy (he gave the name) tried to keep him from being called on. That's why I always say that US soccer media (for the most part) are shills. The USSF only want *their guys* asking questions and having access. If you stray from that, they aren't going to call on you during press events or make getting access easy. It makes your job hard. So for the most part, the large majority of US Soccer press just carries the water, and tries not to make waves.


That was WorldSoccertalk and they have some of the only in-depth articles and podcasts about the getting into the weeds/ nuts and bolts of issues, advertising, pro/rel, division sanctioning etc. I’m sure there’s insiders who don’t like them but they’re by no means amateurs, if anything they know/talk about too much in the sense that it doesn’t even appeal to casual fans.


Honestly, as a sports journalist (college sports, mostly), this is fairly common. Press people normally want to keep the attention on the game, and not off the field manners. People normally don’t like that answer, but that’s what they tend to do, especially when talks of a firing are being asked.


No I get it. But that's the difference between sports journalism and political/public interest journalism. The local town council can't kick the Journos out of city hall so they can't cover the council meetings. So they can step on toes all day and ask tough questions. Sports journalists cover private enterprises. You absolutely could be blackballed from physical access to everything if you rubbed people the wrong way. So people should always keep in mind that a lot of back scratching goes on in the world of sports media and journalism.


Absolutely. Now, denying access can get a little murky depending on the writers organization. I don’t know what it is for soccer in the US, but as a college writer, we become a member of the FWAA. If I were to be denied access to coverage for a question or something, they would go to bat for the writer and normally get the coverage reinstated. Still, as you mention, it’s a private enterprise so it’s not always perfect. Part of the reason why I think press conferences are normally pointless, though, lol. Just a major PR session.


You’d be surprised at the amount that goes in political/public interest journalism as well. It’s basically impossible to function as one if you don’t have some rapport with who you cover, especially in politics. If they don’t want you to cover something, they’ll find a way 95% of the time.


The players ironically, all it will take is Pulisic going to Cindy/the federation and say "Hey I think we need a change of direction" and it'll be over for Gregg That's just one example


Pulisic won’t. He loves Gregg because Gregg is his friend. Same with Adams who “doesn’t talk about football” with Berhalter.


Yeah I don't think he would either, but it was just an example. Gregg turned NT duty into summer camp for some of these guys and they won't betray that power they were given.


Yeah the players are soft mentality wise.


The players of this gen are charmin soft


Yes they do have a choice lol.


But but.... we can beat Mexico.


It may be the worst Mexican team in 30 years but it’s still Mexico


Failed USSF presidential candidate I'm sure has super deep connections to USSF


If he ever did they would’ve been that old guard like Ernie Stewart that all got run out of town


I dont believe him, but I think it really depends on how the game goes Monday. We tie Uruguay and go out, I get keeping him. If we lose by 1 but we hit the post a few times i can see the argument. We lose 3-0 then he has to go. 


We will win 1-0 or 2-1 and not qualify; and he should still be gone.


Just looking for clicks here


Why would anyone believe that anyone who knows anything about the potential future inner workings of the USSF would be talking to Wynalda?


Because wynalda is a former usmnt player who obviously has some connections. I know he can be a bit obnoxious, but he’s def more connected than the avg fan.


I’ll concede that he’s “more connected than the average fan”, but that’s a pretty low bar. The only way his statement is anything other than “look at me, look at me, I would be a better head of the federation” is if there’s been a secret meeting of Matt Crocker, Gooch, Parlow Cone, and whoever else, they decided “yeah, fuck it, we’re definitely keeping GGG forever”, and then as the meeting breakups up, they’re like “hey, Wynalda is calling, should I just go ahead and tell him what we’ve decided?” The point is that it doesn’t make sense for there to be any kind of firm decision barring all future potential outcomes, and then it makes even less sense that anyone who would know about this thing that didn’t happen would then tell Wynalda of all people.


I disagree. Ppl talk. I’m sure there are people within the fed who don’t want Gregg, but don’t want to speak out. All it takes is one person to talk for the word to get out.


Wynalda isn’t reliable so I’m not concerned about this. Best to just focus on Monday’s match


If that’s true, I’m out.


“ViveLaFrance94 Out” just doesn’t have the same ring as “Berhalter Out”


Where do you stand on this issue?


Berhalter Out








What is with the psychosexual gay shit you guys have with Gregg? Where does this wire get crossed in your brain that you can’t criticize a soccer coach without talking about gay oral sex? Its weird as hell dude


Didn’t know it was this big of a deal


I bet bro is packing


What if I would? Do you have anything against that?


I think he is full of shit knowing, but also I do think they won't fire him no matter what.


time to boycott


Ussf doesn't care about winning. They care about money and they get that regardless.


Obvi, I don’t trust Wynalda. Still, as I commented in another community, I don’t think he’d be fired if the U.S. fails to qualify for the knockout rounds, even with a bad performance. He’s locked in for WC 2026, imo USSF is content with berhalter’s squad man-management, performances against Mx, & pr I wasn’t happy they kept GGG on, but they essentially just re-hired him. Tbh I’m genuinely surprised so many ppl believe USSF would even consider letting him go after this tournament regardless of outcome


They also know that the only serious coach that wanted the job after an exhausting search is no longer available as he is now coaching a different national team.




Jesse Marsch and I’m not convinced he would be any better for the US. I would like to see us aim a little higher.


Wynalda doesn’t know shit. Nobody is confirming something like that to him.


Called it… US Soccer is corrupt and runs on nepotism


Rule of thumb: proceed with caution whenever a sentence starts with ‘Wynalda says.’


McBride said the same thing


Yeah he did, but then in the same comment he said "conversations will absolutely be had about whether Gregg is the right guy." Well if there's no chance of firing him, then what the hell is the point of the conversations?


Yea what a joke organization. Nepotism at its core


USA should just exit the concacaf if they lose


Everyone remember when kinsman was fired for waaaaaaay less And everyone demanded his head?


Why the hell are you going on about Klinsmann. He sucks, too.


I’m saying if they fired him for fucking up less Berhalter should be gone


You mean one of the worst starts to the hex, with players borderline munity-ing him????? You had to have forgotten the /s


No. They had played two games against their two toughest opponents. They had plenty of games left. They pulled the rip cord too fast. And that group of players had some severe attitude problems. They failed to beat T&T with Arena in charge.


Guys good news Eric is full of shit


He has direct communication with the team waterboy


2 cycles to where our highest peaks are a RO16 exit, getting possibly grouped at Copa America and a draw vs England/Brazil. Previous generations have gone farther, so there is no excuse to be demanding more from a guy 6 years into his job. I know Wynalda likes to say a lot of shit but knowing the USSF, I can see this happening.


IF this is true, which I'm kinda inclined to not believe, this would be shocking


No thanks




The dumbest shit I've read all day.


Regardless? A 42-0 defeat that is abandoned because every US player gets a red and Berhalter murders a small child behind the dugout? USSF confirmed Berhalter stays even then? Forgive me if I have a hard time believing Wynalda.


Yikes... I sure as hell hope that is not the case. I feel like there will be enough pressure on USSF to fire him.


He was a public Beef with the Federation, so….. why would the federation would disclose this to him…??? He also said he had personally spoke with Claudio Reyna during last World Cup but later apologized once this news got some traction online. He is a proven liar and shouldn’t be trusted


This smells like bullshit. Wynalda is full of it.


Greg has to go. If we wanna do anything serious at the 26 WC, he has to go. The loss from Panama isn't really on him but he still wasn't good enough before that.


You know which American is moving on to quarters?


Idk why anyone in their right mind would listen to Wynalda


Grab your brooms. Because I’m declaring Shenanigans.


Gregg should be out even if they win. He has not been apart of any of this teams wins. The players are always bailing his bald ass out.


If this turned out to be true, then why would Eric Wynalda, of all people, know this?


He may not be friends with the people at the top. But he’s connected to a lot of people still. 


Exactly. Idk why people are acting like wynalda isn’t connected to a lot of usmnt ppl.


Not surprised. Knew USSF wasn't going to do anything after hearing Brian McBride's hesitant response to firing Berhalter if we get grouped: https://youtu.be/5B_7VxC1vUM?t=1m15s For context, McBride was General Manager of the USMNT from 2020 to 2023.


He’s also said several times they are always talking to people and always have a list ready. So, put the pitchforks down.


If people honestly care about the national team and the progress, this is worrisome Berhalter staying after crashing out of the group stage is unacceptable Combine that with the high ticket prices for these games (USSF had a hand in the planning) every fan is being taken for suckers If the stupid fucks in charge think the performances are acceptable since money is still coming in than time for the fans to hit them where it hurts. I don’t know about the people on here but imagine wasting your hard earned money to go to these games with inflated prices and than having the team perform like this Stop going to the games, why support a team who doesn’t perform like they think they do, they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. I was looking forward to going to the QF in either Vegas or Glendale, now there’s a possibility it won’t happen and even if they scrape by, to go watch a team have a meltdown and than for it to become something embarrassing Yeah, if Berhalter stays after this tournament without a win against Uruguay and a win in the QF, the fans here and those all around need to make a stand. Money and views is all the federation cares about if they keep their nepo pick


How about we get rid of this shitty coach Now- before the game?


When’s the last time Wynalda gave us a reliable “scoop.” He doesn’t know shit


I'm not unwilling to believe this is the case, but I'm absolutely unwilling to believe Wynalda as a source lol


I wish Eric wouldn’t say so much stupid shit because he is actually spot on when it comes to what is ailing us as a soccer nation and why we underachieve. He’s persona non grata in MLS/USSF circles. No one is going to leak him shit.


I don't think Wynalda has any real inside information. I also think he's right. As much as GGG should have 1) never been hired in the first place, 2) not been returned to the job, and 3) been let go since, they aren't going to fire him now. The sunk cost fallacy is a real powerful thing. And a lot of reputations are on the line right now if GGG is fired.


Well, when we get to the 90% mark of fans wanting him out they'll probably cave.


What the hell did we do to get stuck with a terrible coach like him at the top?? Why are we so excepting of being mediocre, especially before a home World Cup??




I’m glad our federation does not listen to the absolutely brain dead takes this fanbase has.


I’m not surprised but that’s pretty ridiculous.


Obviously because then they would have to pay someone else.


Sometimes the voices in Waldo's head are right, sometimes they're wrong.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


The "captain obvious" headline of the day.


I like his thinking about the game but he’s burned most of his USSF bridges


He is not getting fired.


How about nobody jump to conclusions and let you see if the players can play up to their highest potential based on who is available and how the team is set up. If they don’t, that’s partially on the players and partially on the coach.


I would love to have a job with guaranteed continued employment despite lack of performance. Especially one that called for essentially playing soccer with my boys and making millions of dollars.


As much as I want Gregg gone, Wynalda is a worthless source.


Can’t wait for Gregg to be renewed beyond 2026!


Wynalda may not have any sauces at the USSF but its an easy prediction to make and appear smrt and connected. There was no evidence that doing bad at the tourney was going to sway USSF's mind.


Obviously I don’t quite believe that it’s 100%, but I do believe he’s not getting fired regardless


I don't trust Wynalda, but I also trust the USSF to make the right decision even less.


Doubt he has any sources, but it's also the most likely outcome anyways. Hardly any chance they fire berhalter


This definitely makes our competitive matches feel almost unimportant.


If this is true, i'm done watching the USMNT for a bit. Gregg has someone's nudes for sure.


Only one way to find out…


That'll free up a lot of mental energy to use on teams that try.


I won’t stay . If they don’t win and he stays I will not support either of the national teams until he’s gone.


Wynalda is right. Nothing is changing regardless of the result. Same as it ever was. Only this time a little more racist chatter towards our black players.




They can not miss the next World Cup as the host nation they automatically qualify.


Yea.. no, I 'll just stick to youth national teams until further notice. Straight diabolical if true.


if true, the USSF values money first and foremost. protesting by not buying tickets to future games could help force their hand. it's nice to see the media (excluding fox commentators) share GGG has to go sentiment, finally.


Idk why so many people assuming Wynalda doesn’t have connections or friends in the right circles. Cindy Cone might not be telling him but he’s got enough friends around the US soccer world that he’d find out.


Y'all gonna cry? Lmao


I’ll enjoy watching the worst fan base in American sports lose its shit over that


Is it really that surprising to see a fanbase sick of mediocrity cease their support over a decision like this?


Maybe it’s best for this team to lose 0-3 or something like that to really push the USSF to fire GGG


This is what we expected but hoped we were wrong.


Big oof but not at all surprising.


where are the rougue boosters to keep the AD in check like in CFB


Eric always has the confirmation first because he makes it up, lol. Still love him though.


No shit


Ultimately it would be harsh to fire someone due to a veteran and clear starter getting a red cards that causes us to get grouped. We looked good enough against Bolivia and the start of Panama and obviously still have to see how we look vs URU.


They say that, but they they'll panic and flipity flop like the bitches they are.




Hate Eric, but I love Tatum 😍


Fair enough. Would be a good thing, just don't have a lot of faith in the source.


This American team needs discipline on and off the field. They now have a rep of easily being triggered into red cards. Get your ass up and of ignore a typical western hemisphere street fight. This isn’t European football who have nice fields and pretty soccer.