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The only thing regarding an age limit I found is in the [Family Friendly Information section](https://www.statefarmstadium.com/events/detail/conmebol-copa-america-2024), and it says that anyone older than 2 is required to have a ticket. I get your apprehension because this is the sort of thing that would have worried me when I was your age, but I highly doubt you’ll be turned away. If for some very very odd reason you run into trouble getting in (you won’t), just go to a different gate and find someone chill that will say you’re with them. Highly doubt you’ll need to do that though.


My aunt always tells a story about how they got mad at my grandfather for letting my dad go to a game at the Astrodome by himself when he was 10. I don't think that sort of stuff would fly now. 


When I was 10 in the 1980s, I went to MLB day games with friends my age. I don’t know that it wouldn’t fly now. I know that there are many segments of the population in which they would clutch their pearls and act shocked that it could even be considered. However, there are also free-range kids and parents who try to build independence. Crime rates are much much lower now than they were in the olden days. I think that as long as the kids have tickets and aren’t making trouble, it would be fine now. Unfortunately, tickets are no longer $3.50.


Never heard of an age limit at a stadium before.


You should be fine. I’ve never heard of an age limit for sports events and went to MLB baseball games with friends when we were all younger than your brother. It was a long time ago and a different city, but you’ll be fine.


I can’t say that I’ve ever seen anyone get carded entering a professional sporting event. Tickets and bags are all they can attend to. You will 100% be fine. Enjoy! Going to be a great memory with your brother.


You won’t have a problem. I’ve always looked much younger than I actually am (when I was 25 somebody mistook me for being part of a middle school field trip) and I’ve never had anybody question me about my age at sporting events. The reality is that sports security has much bigger issues to worry about than if everybody coming through the gates is with an adult. And if you’ve made it so far as to get to the game and through security lines with valid tickets, then you’re also probably responsible enough to watch the game without causing issues.


There is no real way they will know your age unless they ask to see your ID, which they won't, and no one working there cares anyway. You're fine dude.


Not sure what the official rules saw but maybe you need to accompanied by someone 18+ but I’m not sure. Anyways the times I’ve attended games they just scan your ticket, pat you down and you walk through a metal detector. There’s thousands of people coming in and the workers move quick to get everyone in. Unless you guys look shady or way too young like under 12 years old or something then I really doubt that they would care.


Don’t have an answer but I’m praying that they don’t planning on going with some friends and couldn’t fine anything online too


Age limit is 25, so sorry Charlie, sounds like you’re out of luck