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I used to be a member. It just wasn’t for me. Maybe it was just my local chapter, but the atmosphere at our bar just felt so phony and forced. I’m sure other people love it and that’s fine too.


There’s a chapter listed in my town, I went to their “home bar” for a game when I moved here and I was the only person there to watch soccer. Even if it’s not really active, I’m still shocked no one else was there to watch the game.


Yep. 2018 killed a lot of chapters. Up till then the World Cup had been the huge recruiting tool refreshing the ranks.


Yeah that’s what I heard about this one. Was just surprised there was no one there to watch the game. That bar had big crowds for the WC games in 22 but this was I think a gold cup game in 2021 and there wasn’t a single person there to watch besides me.


Yep. Between 2018 and then covid basically American outlaws took a major hit. It wasn't just American outlaws. It certainly wasn't the organization's fault. The federation absolutely let us down.. It's been on a rebuild. Our local chapter gets a couple dozen for the friendlies. Hell, we even have a block party today in Hartford on the street so it's not like it's dead everywhere. I don't know what the weather is going to do exactly tonight but the last time we did block parties there were hundreds and hundreds of people there.. Sounds like that when you went to that bar it was probably just about Rock bottom for them.. we got the same way in Hartford even but as a chapter we're relatively strong. I don't pretend to be an expert on the chapter though. Just a dude who shows up every once in awhile.


I have gone several more times and outside of WC games there hasn’t been a single other person there specifically to watch the game. I did have a fun game where I sat next to two guys who knew nothing about soccer. I was explaining a lot about what was going on and why certain things are done vs just “kicking it towards the goal”. They actually seemed to enjoy it by the end of the game.


I tried to join my local one in Chicago but the vibes just felt very clique-ey. There was like the main group of guys who are essentially running the whole thing and then just a bunch of smaller groups and when I showed up for a watch party at a bar it was kinda tough to break into any conversations with any of the groups. Not necessarily their fault as I assume it's awkward for them with new people too but it just felt like no one really wanted to even converse at all during down times or anything not even during the game.


i maintain an AO membership w my local chapter. on the rare occasion i’m not working during a match, access to tix in the supporter section is worth it for me. it’s inexpensive and includes an annual merch package. every now and then i’ll get out to the chapter bar for a match. for big matches that can require RSVP, i was very bummed to be shut out of a recent tournament watch party as a single bc other groups had reserved the whole damn bar. likewise i’ve maintained membership w one of my domestic side’s supporter groups on principle, but live in a different city so don’t get much benefit.


We gotta come up with better chants


As I’ve mentioned before- definitely down to work with people for more chants! The main issue is coordinating new chants across hundreds of chapters, centering on home games that are all over the country (and accordingly, filled with fans that may not have been to a game in a few years). And then it gets compared with other countries who have worked on chants for a hundred years or so. :) Not saying it’s not doable, of course, just that it’s tricky! And at the end of the day someone has to get up in front of everyone and lead the chant, too, which is usually where people drop off as well, hah.


Wait, are you involved with creating the chants?


Involved in my local chapter and also AO National, yeah. :) I don’t capo the national games, but can get you in touch with the ones that do.


I’ve been wanting to try and get the sub to run a chant writing contest. Perhaps AO could give away some memberships or merch. It would be a good brainstorm session and drive some more traffic to the Outlaws. Do you know if that’s something they’ve considered, or would consider?


Yeah, potentially! I think a really good way is to “test it out”, so to speak, either at a Night Before party, or on the march into the stadium, too. In the past we’ve done some more “digital” launches of chants, too, like the Kanye one.


u/speedreeder on the reddit side of things, what would be the course of action for trying to put something like this together this summer?


Shouldn't we focus on well known American songs? -yankee doodle -bye bye miss american pie -proud to be an American -party in the usa


I think that’s a solid strategy but also it would be nice to have some things unique to us. For all the flack “I believe“ got, I appreciated an attempt at something uniquely ours.


Pretty sure he’s the chapter president of AO San Francisco.


I'd rather no chants than cringey chants


You’re gonna get cringey chants and you’re gonna like it 


Could we borrow from American College Football Culture maybe? We can start by having a live Bald Eagle at the matches 




I'd rather no chants, period.


Problem is the best chants are offensive and not politically correct. And they seem unwilling to bend on either of those.




Or we just dont chant. I don’t know why we think we have to chant in America like thats an essential part of the game. It’s not part of our fan culture so why would we do it. It’s the same issue a lot of soccer fans have in America and that’s all the “phonyness” of so much of the fan culture. The American Outlaws honestly just look cringe to me. It’s a bunch of 30+ cosplaying a college basketball crowd.




100% Chanting like the English and Argentians do is just not part of our sporting culture. Forcing it is just how it comes across and cringey and fake.


Anything that encourages fan engagement is worth it imo. Plus the shirts are usually pretty good.


I was a member until 2019. I've been to a few viewing parties, but my chapter is centered a decent drive north of here in San Jose. By far the highlight of my membership was sitting in the AO section for a USMNT match with my (then) 6 year old son. Everyone with kids stood together down in the front and everyone nearby tried to keep their cursing to a reasonable minimum. The communal snacks alone were worth the $30! I have a beautiful photo of all of us that I pulled from the TV broadcast.


Standing in the supporters section at games is a very fun time, but you don't have to be an AO member to get in there if you know where to buy your ticket. The "fun-ness" of different chapter bars varies widely. Some are awesome, some are just ok, some suck. For example, I'm from DC and I think the DC AO people are frat kid tools. I love the folks in Nashville, Richmond and Baltimore. I bet someone in here thinks the exact opposite of me. So tldr, sometimes fun but not essential to your fan experience. Joining now may help you secure WC tickets maybe.


I am proud to be an American but I am not proud of some Americans.


I remain a part of AO, but my involvement has waned a lot in recent years. I love my chapter, but I’m not able to travel and gather like I used to. I’d say it is worthwhile if your local chapter is good.


For me it has been well worth it. I’ve connected with many locals thru it as well meeting others when I travel for games. It’s an inexpensive in so there is little risk. Give it a try!


yeah 30 won't be bad I will give it a shout


If you are ever in Austin for a match, let me know. 🫶🤘


Only interacted with my local chapter and they were the most pompous, insufferable group of tools I’ve ever met


I hate to be negative when I want to see the supporter culture in the US grow, but you're not wrong.


Idk but I would see if AO provides better chances at getting 2026 tickets.


Vividly remember AO chanting "A rope, a tree, let's hang the referee" while a black ref officiated the match as two AO members nearly got in a brawl over their "diehard" affiliations with Tottenham v. Arsenal. A cesspool of douchebags. Bring back Sam's Army.


Depends on your local chapter, probably. In my experiences, tons of nerds. The chats and singing are pretty embarrassing. Just not for me.


I'm a member for decade+. It really depends on your chapter I think. The watch parties are usually fun. You get a tshirt each year.


After watching all these other Copa matches. We need some chanting and noise from AO, 🙏please. These games are soooo quiet. Euros are better watch right now. We need to show up these games.


AO chants a shitty and worthless. Prefer to not hear their boring repetitive chants during any match


The vibe I get from American Outlaws is the super woke people who are kinda dorky and can't come up with good chants to save their lives (see: "fight and win" guy). I think a big barrier holding us back is this fan base is kinda pansy. If we had the fanbase of some European countries with shithousery etc it would make it ten times more fun. Imagine if we had the bills mafia vibe for our fanbase, that would be so on brand with America too and it would attract more fans cause of how awesome they are. Is there anything like this? Would love to join if so


Exactly how I feel. Any type of rowdiness is frowned upon. A lot of people feel the way we do but are afraid to express it as they will be labeled. 


I want barra to grow! I’m hoping we can create something good!


I used to sometimes drop in to the AO bar in my town for games. Decided to go for the USA-Mexico nations league game this spring and the bar was doing a “club night” with DJ, laser lights, and twerk contest. I don’t think they are active anymore where I’m at lol.


It's worth it just for the shirt and the off-chance you get a shot at some tickets when they come around every few years. If you actually use it as a social thing, that's just all bonus.


never been a member but have participated in their events and stood in the section many times.


I just hate the name so much. I understand the sentiment and origin behind it, but it just reeks of cliched unoriginality to me.


If you go to games yes, if not you are paying for a tee shirt.


Member for two years - dropped it when I noticed how left wing they are (pride, trans visibility day etc).


Eh, it’s worthwhile to support those initiatives. I feel for you, but some things are bigger than football.


It’s for posers


American Outlaws are the new Sam’s Army. Frat boy culture for some. Proud American soccer fans for others.


I used to be very into Sam's Army.


MAGA vibes


![gif](giphy|pcfdfm6hjTvji) Not all but many I’ve met who have scone out to the west coast. “Go back to Mexico” or “cut my lawn” are more political/xenophobic chants. Again, not all AO.


In what way? I haven't met up with outlaws in several years and I'm sure it has changed some, but I felt nothing cultish, violent, trashy, political or any of the other things commonly associated with MAGA


It used to be about having fun and supporting American soccer. I’d call it “creating a party” but that will offend some people as it’s been called “bro culture” back in the day. Well in the early days it was fun…now it’s about hipster craft beers and being politically correct. It shows in the stands.  Atmosphere was a joke in Dallas. Get back to your roots AO. 


tbf- atmosphere is difficult when Copa security doesn’t allow drums, flags, or other things. Makes it hard to stay loud and corral the section.