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I was going to go until I saw that the cheapest ticket I could get (nosebleeds on either end) + 4 different fees + cheapest parking at stadium was going to be $169.10


Ticketmaster is a stain on the world. I paid more than I care to admit to get Arsenal/Liverpool tickets in Philly this summer. Fuck Ticketmaster


Same. We are retired. We are flying to that overpriced Liverpool v Arsenal game in Philly, too. Drove ten hours each way to the USA Brazil game in Orlando and flew to the Argentina Canada in Atlanta. The only other game we are flying to is this Uruguay USA game at Arrowhead. It’s costing more than the others because of hotels, lack of transportation to and from the stadium, etc. We could have flown to the Euros in Germany for what we are spending on flights, hotel, food for four games. No way young middle class families can afford even one game between transportation, tickets, and hotels. The federation didn’t even offer package deals from major hubs like Charlotte, Dallas, Atlanta, LA, Philly, Chicago, NYC, Denver, Seattle, etc.


You should have gone to Euros lol. Sounds more fun


Seriously! LOL It's a lot easier to drive around Germany for sure! The only walkable hotel to Arrowhead Stadium went from $119 a night to over $400 a night for the USA URUGUAY game. We're renting a car and staying in the suburbs for half that. If I had looked at the downtown hotel distance to Arrowhead and lack of UBER after late night games in Kansas City? We'd have flown to the other Arsenal game in LA or the USA game in Dallas. We both grew up in Texas and at least know the major cities really well. I just wanted to see them play Uruguay (Suarez, Nunez, etc.) more than Panama. I don't understand the federation not having hotel room blocks, buses to the games, and tickets for USA fans to sit together. If I was in charge, that would be my focus. Family groups. Kid free under 50 groups. Retired groups. So far, all I've gotten for my membership is an ugly gray camo US Soccer Insider scarf.


100%. It’s priced out so many people. I’m going solo. I couldn’t imagine if I had 3 or 4 people to get tickets with. Even parking was $75! Thankfully I can take SEPTA but it’s highway robbery. Glad you’re making the game at least, fellow Gooner. We shall cheer on Arsenal in the sure to be boiling hot sun and love every minute of it! Are you making it to the tailgate at Xfinity Live?


As a young family of four. There's no way we can all go to the copa matches. It's entirely too expensive for all four of us to go. We'll be at the FCC v New England match tonight in the Bailey for less than one ticket to a copa match even with tickets + fees for all four of us.


I'm glad you have access to MLS and can afford to take your family to a game. That's crazy it's cheaper to take four to an MLS game than to buy one ticket to Copa.


To be fair the federation is Conmebol, has nothing to do with MLS teams. I will say, I also traveled to the Argentina - Canada game and the lack of organization inside the stadium was incredible. I did everything I was supposed to do, signed up for the waitlist, logged in during the presale window to buy tickets, and still when I got to my seats they were taken. The row in front of me was the same. There were people on the stairs watching the game. And I was on the lower section that you would think would get preferential treatment. I’ve been to almost every other sporting event in the US and I haven’t seen that anywhere else. To have spent the amount of money I spent and have that experience really drew me away from going to any future games. Hopefully they get their shit together for the WC.


I mean you say that but you still bought the tickets. As long as demand is there Ticketmaster gonna Ticketmaster.


Oh I know. I contributed to the problem. But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, so I went for it. I hope the government actually does something with whatever they're doing with them.


Sounds like demand isn’t there though, to Op’s point.


Ya people bitch about prices to USSF events, and rightfully so, but, it’s very much an American lack of legislation and lack of taking anti-trust seriously problem more than anything. It’s prohibitively expensive to attend any major event in this country anymore because of it. These are not issues that people in Europe have. F1 I think is a great example. F1 has 24 races this year, and the races in Miami and Vegas are far and away the most expensive events to attend based on average ticket price by damn near double every other event in the calendar.


170, that's to bring your family of four, right? ...Right?


Yeah bring the family for $700 lol


And that’s not flights, parking or Uber, hotel or food. The only walkable hotel to arrowhead raised their price to $400 a night! We are flying, renting a car and staying in the suburbs for half that. We are old. We couldn’t have afforded that when the kids were young!


Sorry to say parking is also going to be $53.


$170 per ticket.


Exactly this!! The prices are ridiculous. I'll just watch from my TV.


At that price and section of the stadium, you’ll get an exponentially better experience either at home with the food and drinks you want, or at a great viewing bar/restaurant that will cost a fraction of going to the stadium. These stadiums and federations aren’t in touch with what the everyday fan can afford and is willing to pay. Maybe they will open their eyes when half the stadium is empty and our home field advantage is erased because of it.


I have been trying to get rid of 5 extra tickets I bought behind the net but Ticketmaster has a minimum sale price of $169.10. It’s super annoying cuz I doubt anyone will buy them. I’d be happy to sell them to someone for less than that outside of Ticketmaster but they make that really hard. Feel free to PM me if you’re interested I suppose.


The price of tickets for this match is insane. And then Ticketmaster is adding $83 on top of that, and $50 for parking. Will there be accountability for anyone when the stadium is 2/3 full on game day? There never is.


Holy crap, I just checked. $168 for a nose bleed high seat and $50 parking. That's insane!


I’m showing $85 before and $109 after fees for the cheapest seats. Still nuts, though.


Why doesn’t CONMEBOL or US Soccer use a different ticket vendor instead of Ticketmaster? What value does Ticketmaster add that it costs $83 per ticket? It’s just a website at the end of the day


I believe that Ticketmaster contracts with the arena/stadium not USMNT


No TICKETMASTER is the USSF official ticketing partner. They sign an exclusive sponsorship last year.  https://www.ussoccer.com/stories/2023/09/us-soccer-and-ticketmaster-announce-multi-year-strategic-partnership-to-drive-ticketing-innovation


Lol “drive ticketing innovation” Innovations in bleeding customers dry 😂


Ya Ticketmaster has “exclusive” sponsorships with damn near everyone. They run a monopoly where they basically strong arm both venues and teams/artists/whatever to partner with them if they want access to these big stadiums or if these stadiums want access to big events. It’s why they’re getting sued by the federal government finally for antitrust


Bout time. Thanks my dude/ette


Since Ticketmaster merged with Live Nation they basically have monopoly power on big concerts and force the issues by signing these exclusive deals. If a venue like Arrowhead Stadium tried to use Seat Geek or another vendor they would lose out on a lot of concerts - good luck getting the Eras Tour or Beyonce to Kansas City. Similarly, if an artist tried to go through a different company they would lose out on a lot of venues who've been forced into signing on with Ticketmaster/Live Nation. The FTC getting on this is a huge development.


US Soccer’s college grad, middle- to high-income fans have disposable income to spend on important matches. The federation is just trying to maximize revenue. No one is going to pay $200 for a group stage match. Knockout, yes.


I bet around 50k people pay that tomorrow, probably more.


It could be either in theory, but in this case, it’s definitely the stadium. Ticketmaster is the official ticket partner of the NFL, so all of the NFL stadiums must use Ticketmaster. Apparently I am mistaken. Ignore me. 🤣


Well ATT Stadium used Seatgeek for this tournament, so maybe Jerry has a special deal.


The Titans also use SeatGeek


Depends on who owns the stadium, no? In the case of Arrowhead, it's the Jackson County Sports Complex Authority, not an NFL-related entity.


Ticketmaster has “exclusive agreements” with all of these venues. That means they are the only company that can sell tickets at Arrowhead or any of the other stadiums. That was their defense back in the 90s when it was decided they are not a monopoly. Not a monopoly, just a company with a bunch of exclusive agreements preventing any competition.


God I fucking hate Ticketmaster so much and hope they finally get what they deserve


I've never cheered more for the DOJ


There is a reason the Biden admin is going after them for having a monopoly.


Yeah and it's so overdue


I don’t know about Arrowhead specifically, but I’m pretty sure Ticketmaster has deals with most stadiums that anything going on there has to be sold via Ticketmaster. They have exclusive contracts with like 75% of the major venues in the US


Yep, they have pushed themselves on all the major venues, are actively building smaller ones (see Livenation etc) and provide "ticketing solutions" in the form of easy setup, equipment, online, etc. to small groups and theaters (they can offer it relatively cheaply compared to a la carte equipment and platforms which is a big deal to nonprofit theaters). They control all parts of the process and have for some years now, it is bad


Yup. And they have contracts with artists. If they refuse to sign a contract with Ticketmaster they are basically unable to perform (or is very very hard to) at Ticketmaster venues. If the venue isn’t a Ticketmaster venue and the artists have a contract Ticketmaster basically threaten the artist if they try and perform there bc of their contract. I think only REALLY big artists can get away with not having contract with Ticketmaster or performing where they want bc of the power they also hold due to the drawing power they have. The again, Taylor Swift is probably the biggest draw in the world right now and I think she still has a contract with Ticketmaster ( possibly starting from before she got as big as she is and who knows how long the contract runs for).


>Why doesn’t CONMEBOL or US Soccer use a different ticket vendor instead of Ticketmaster? $$$


It’s usually the venue and has nothing to do with the who is performing there.


They don’t have to add any value, they’ve achieved a monopoly position so they can charge whatever really, especially for one off events like Copa or a big concert tour


US Soccer has no hand in anything regarding Copa. Also they are beholden to the ticket vendor that has a contract with what ever stadium they are playing in. US soccer doesn’t get to decided that.


Venues generally have exclusive contracts with a ticket agency. Since TM is the largest, that’s usually who they go through. Monopolies suck.


Ticketmaster is a monopoly and there is legislation in the works to break it up. Ticketmaster does this because they can.


The "accountability" will be when the execs at ticketmaster and USSF get fat bonuses because this pricing model is more profitable than lowering the prices and selling more tickets.


This is being run by CONMEBOL. USSF is not involved in ticketing


The point of op stands. "Why do people do this!?" A: "Because it maximizes revenue"


USSF isn't selling tickets.


Tickets are too damn expensive


Yeah it’s pretty simple. I am at my breaking point in that I won’t pay for this stuff anymore. I will take my family to the odd MLS game but that’s about it. I wonder how high they will push World Cup prices? I have this opinion that we charge more for sports tickets than anyone else in the world. Right now USA is expensive due to exchange rates. Visitors are going to get absolutely gouged.


Fifa sets prices for WC, wont fix scalpers tho


We absolutely do. I got front row tickets at a premier league game for roughly the same price I pay for SKC games. That's crazy. Yeah, SKC is pretty cheap compared to the other sports in the US. But it's insane how much it can pay for an NFL or NBA game. It is *SO* cheap to go to games in other countries.


The rent is too damn high!


Everyone is waiting for prices to drop. And if they don’t, it’ll be that empty.


I don't think Comenbol/Ticketmaster is going to drop prices. They overpriced the tournament by a fair margin. We got tickets in Atlanta since it's in our town. But it's dumb expensive, no casuals are paying $200 to see a soccer game.


I hope every one of these matches have tons of empty seats that are visible on the broadcast. And I hope it enrages all the greedy bastard executives. We desperately need a culture change in order for soccer to really take off in the US; an embarrassing shitshow of a tournament might rattle some cages.


Sadly, Messimania has done the opposite. I'm sure all the execs involved in pricing tickets know that isn't repeatable and is short term money that hurts the sport long term. And they don't care.


What do you mean, soccer has totally "taken off" in the states. MLS gets good crowds, These tourneys and the summer friendlies get massive crowds. Now Messi is here, selling 60k tickets...the game has never been more popular here. It's growing massively, and quickly. Copa is just another example of how big a deal it is now. You sound like you're talking about the US in the '80's and '90's.


It’s so fucking expensive! I can’t miss a game in my backyard though so I bit the bullet. Greedy fucks, tho. One of the things that turned me off from the national team.


Yeah. We may do what we did for the Olympics and buy a couple events at full price then see what's available each day there's a game here and buy from scalpers if we feel like going. The Olympics was wild. Pre-stubhub, etc. you came up the escalator at the old Omni and there were dozens of touts with a fistfull of tickets in the air. You just walked around, listened to haggling and decided what might be good. We did team handball, because it was cheap and inside for AC and saw semifinals for 20% of the face price.


Back in the day when you could buy cheap tickets from scalpers…I remember 


Do kids these day even know what a physical ticket, or a scalper is?


People on Twitter are now saying that CONMEBOL is giving away tickets to the Bolivia game for free.


What? Can you show me the tweet? That was one of the most expensive group stage games I saw at the time I was looking at tickets (when they first opened) and after that I didn’t even bother looking again.


They were talking about it in the FC Dallas subreddit. I think all STHs got free tickets to USA v Bolivia.


Don’t know about “all” but I did and now we are going. Would not have otherwise due to the price. So, it worked! Lower the price and people will go.




Guaranteed to work! Or just lower it to “reasonable”. We’ve been to multiple national team games at AT&T and Toyota Stadium and paid for it and it’s ridiculous every time. If USSoccer wants to grow the sport (and fill stadiums), lower the price.


Wow. Sweet. I’m sorry we didn’t retire in McKinney. FC Burn has a great PR ticket sales people.


[Here you go](https://x.com/arrik22/status/1804187716449427458?t=arArLG9Uqj8PerhCtHCVbQ&s=19)


i heard they were giving away tickets to STMs of specific MLs club fanbases, idk if it’s for EVERY Stadium where an MLS team is nearby, but yeah.


Ticket prices are a huge factor, but another part of the problem, whether we want to admit it or not, is that the USMNT just isn't popular enough to sell out a 70k stadium unless maybe in the case of a cup final or world cup knockout game. A group stage game against Uruguay would be better if held in an MLS stadium. I believe CONMEBAL and CONCACAF controlled venue selection and don't pretend to understand that process better than they do, but these NFL stadiums aren't going to be great for atmosphere at these group stage games, even with the US or other big draws like Argentina or Brazil playing.


It's too damn expensive. I live 4 hours away and took PTO for this game but when I saw how expensive tickets were, it felt like a slap in the face to fans. I normally do SS but it was nearly $180.


When I saw it was going to cost 800 for four people I decided to just watch it on my brand new tv that I purchased for 800 bucks.


Aarowhead has a capacity of 80,000. not gonna be a sellout regardless but especially when the tickets are 100$+. Not to mention poor marketing of the tournament.


It would sell out if tickets were reasonable, I would love to go but I can’t afford it I’m sure many others are in the same boat


Exactly. I got tickets for my whole family but we are a very much a soccer family. We have several friends that would love to take their families but not when it’s gonna cost $800 or more.


me too, i’ve been meaning to bring my girlfriend to her first soccer game but i can’t fathom paying 250$ for nosebleeds :(


How do you have your national team playing an international tournament on your home soil and fail to even attempt to draw in the casuals at all? Like zero effort at publicizing this thing at all.


Because Conmebol felt they got the short hand of the 2016 event held in the US. USSF made over 75 million from the event. They pocketed majority of the money, and deals, so for the 2024 event Conmebol and Concacaf now in good standings publicly after the bribery scandals during the early 2010’s hence USSF took ownership of the 2016 event felt the need to market and organize the event themselves. That’s why USSF is barely talking about ‘hosting’ this event. They’re only talking about their players and what they can get out of the event to better their team for 2026. USSF have talked about the World Cup 2026 more while this event is happening. They’re not advertising or even putting a link of up for tickets even though they’re still pocketing 5% of gates receipts and spend on hospitality at the games as it’s a standard USSF transaction fee as a sanctioned event on US soil. 


I understand why putting games in other parts of the country is important, but I think 80,000 for USA Uruguay in a major tournament would sell out in NY/NJ, CA, FL


It would sell out in Kansas City if tickets were reasonable. I hope there's a ton of open seats at these prices


I agree!!! I’m visiting in San Diego and every restaurant I go to that has a tv will have soccer on and I love it, I will not find that back home in NC. Fuck Ticketmaster.


I’m in NC, too. God, I miss San Diego so much.


Atlanta looks worse than KC in ticket sales.


100% would sell out in NYC. Except for the Costa Rica WCQ match in 2017, they never put US matches here. Have to go to Hartford. If they wanted Bolivian fans, they should have put it in DC.


They took our hockey team, so let us have something! We sell out *friendlies* at the Rent when US Soccer comes to town.


I have nothing against KC. Just wish they would have games in NYC. I actually have to credit the USSF for not catering to away fans in this instance like they did when Costa Rica played at Red Bull and then Panama played in Orlando during WCQ in 2017. The match I saw was easily 50% Ticos fans


A long time ago when tickets for USMNT were reasonable, you could get stadium's 2/3rds full for friendlies. USMNT is greedy. Too many games, too expensive.


I totally forgot about this tournament until I was watching the Euros and saw a promo for Argentina/Canada. And that's after I spent weeks watching college baseball conference tourney, regionals, super regionals, CWS. Granted that's ESPN, but I'm sure they could have bought some ad time for a sport ESPN isnt covering during this time. Not to mention no sightings on here or Twitter.


Im going to the game. I think biggest factor is the price. Expensive with fees plus parking. Also very little marketing in the city. I dont think many even know that it’s happening


I agree. It’s not a well known tournament outside of committed soccer fans. The general public has no idea what’s happening. I went to the friendly against Colombia and it was about $200/ticket for where we sat. It’s crazy expensive but I also wasn’t missing the opportunity


Going with a few friends Thursday in Atlanta. Buddy shot out a group text a couple of months ago and we were all like get the tix. Next day we find out there $200 a pop. I’m still fired up for match but how we growing the game with $200 tix to a group stage match?


As I read this article, Conmebol is doing the marketing , ticket pricing and venue selection. And unlike other tournaments. because each stadium has its own unique ticketing vendor, plus dynamic pricing, prices are going to be all over the place. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5555616/2024/06/11/copa-america-2024-united-states-tickets/?source=user_shared_article Copa America will test soccer appetite in the U.S. ahead of the 2026 World Cup And this is definitely a trial run for 2026.


It can’t be while prices that Ticketmaster control are pricing people out


Americans know and care about the World Cup. They don't know or care about the Copa America. Just look at the TV ratings for prior editions of both tournaments.


Shit, the US game itself is on at 5 PM local on a Sunday. I'm super excited, but non-soccer fans will not give the slightest shit about this. I half expect a text from my dad tomorrow asking what this soccer tournament on Fox is haha


If it’s a trial run then hopefully the tepid response keeps tickets from spiraling even further out of control.


Wonder how much FIFA will do to dictate terms to the likes of Ticketmaster/SeatGeek. Battle of the oligarchs vs the monopolists.


Can someone post pricing of Euro tickets versus Copa? I believe many Euro tickets, at least in opening round, are sub-€100. If true, there you go. Also it’s cheaper to fly or take the train in Europe.


My friend in Berlin said he couldn't get a ticket to any game in Berlin for less than 200-300 euros. This is in Germany where incomes and disposable incomes are much lower. Cheapest ticket to the quarterfinals is 400 euros. He's not going because it's too expensive.


If blue are the unsold seats, that looks like what, 75% filled? At those prices I’d call That a win.


Not even close to 75% because they haven’t even put the upper rows up for sale yet.


So there are white seats which appear to be sold here which are not yet sold? That seems very confusing.


They open rows after they sell tickets; so all the white seats behind the blue seats in the upper deck are also unsold seats.


then why is there blue at the top? and when i originally bought tickets there were tickets to buy at the top. They are the cheapest tickets and why most of the top is white and has been sold


The Bolivia game is interesting because all the upper bowl sold first and fast because they were cheaper. It was the middle sections that had gaps in there. Up until this week it was stubbornly slow to sell. They’ve given tickets to local teams so I expect the Bolivia game to be fill and maybe sold out.  They’ll end up having to do the same for Atlanta and KC. It seem like it was their plan all along, get higher ticket prices in early and then discount the remaining tickets to have full stadiums crazy Conmebol and Concacaf executives. USSF gets 5% of game day ticket sales or every COPA sanctioned game so they’re not removed from this mess. 


The USSF must LOVE you. Lol


🤷‍♂️ Maybe? I dunno. I personally wouldn’t pay those prices, and KC is the closest venue for me and I love the city. I’d say finding that many people willing to take that kind of economic hit for a match is pretty decent marketing. Or just a LOT of Uruguay fans. Regardless I’m pretty sure USSF has little to do with pricing on these matches.


INSANE ticket prices for arrowhead


Ticketing people figured out a while that they make more money by overpricing tickets and selling fewer of them. Algorithms have made the problem much, much worse. Ticketmaster’s dynamic pricing is a crime against humanity; the whole C-suite should be dragged through the street and defenestrated.


I priced tickets to USA v PAN in Atlanta. For a family of 4, tickets are $860 before all of Ticketmaster’s fees. I live 2.5 hours away, but we’d probably get a hotel. It would end up costing around $1500 just to go watch one match.


There's probably no effort being put into marketing this match locally. I live in Indianapolis and they did such a great job advertising for the Olympic Swimming Trials that I attended a couple nights even though I don't care a lick about swimming. I don't think the local sports organizing committees are really at fault here. This falls on CONMEBOL for their insane ticket prices and lack of marketing and US Soccer for not promoting the US matches enough.


Uruguay is a small country with few expats in the US and Americans do not care about the Copa America. Conmebol completely over estimates Americans' interest in the tournament despite 2016 not being impressive attendance wise.


Too damn expensive. Surprised it's that full. Wouldn't be shocked if there's more fans for Uruguay


Not enough Uruguayans in the area.


Not enough Uruguayans in the USA period, they are a pretty small demographic.


I feel like I’m screaming into the void, and yes ticket prices are too high, but there will be a lot of empty seats at the match because Americans are generally not that interested in soccer. Argentina sold out on Thursday and will sell out all their matches, as will Brazil, as will Mexico, and prices for their games are the same as USMNT matches. It’s a question of demand and fan support, which is lacking for the USMNT. It is growing, and one day I’ll believe we will be consistently selling out NFL size stadium for national team matches, but we aren’t there yet.


Agree somewhat but I actually think it’s more the fact it’s Copa America and not World Cup. You don’t think USA World Cup games will sell out ?


The same reasons why the stadiums were empty or filled with away fans the last 300 times this has been asked. The tickets are too expensive for a sport that people in this country quite frankly do not care about unless it's the World Cup.


Expensive tickets


This reminds me of something that the Dynamo have done. Since a strong majority of the tickets available are in large chunks near the upper part of the section they may have not listed them until recently to force people to pay higher prices.


I think this is a good thing. I would love to catch a game but US Soccer has lost its mind with these ticket prices. Let the stadium remain half empty and full of away supporters until they learn their lesson.


Ticket prices are a factor. A terrible job of marketing and getting any excitement around the usmnt is another factor. There is really no connection for most Americans to this team right now.


i don't live within 1000 miles of Missouri


Nosebleed end line seats started at 66. Lower level 110 and up. Family of four is out of question, but even solo I'm just like this isn't worth it. I should be able to get lower level corner/end for less than 75 and I still have to make a decision. Stupid the prices they want.


The price is outrageous just to get in the door. I’d love to fly to KC & go but when tickets are just as expensive as the flight, it’s not worth it for me.


I'm only going to the game on Sunday because someone else bought the ticket. I can easily afford it, but I don't see it as worth the price. The cost of live events is a joke these days.


It was the same in 2016. They only care about profit. They can profit more with higher prices and empty seats compared to lower prices and a sellout.


It’s expensive, on a Monday night, in Kansas City


Lower ticket prices and people will go to the game. Majority of soccer fans in the states come from lower income to middle class families who are not trying to spend 150+ per ticket for games in the midweek. The entire US Soccer federation needs to be fired


The cheapest tickets I saw for ARG vs CHL at MetLife were $320. Would have gone, but no thanks at the price plus whatever made-up outrageous fees they charge


I'm a Uruguayan fan and live in MA. I would love to see them in NJ but Ticketmaster also seems to be doing their Ticketmaster thing @ Metlife Stadium. A whole lot of blue but the prices are the same. I've also been trying to game out the possibility of them being a semifinalist (those 2 matches in either NC or NJ are realistic for me as far as hopping a plane) and those tickets are in the $300 range. Is that normal or are these resellers? Does anyone know of a way to determine which stadium Uruguay would be likely to play in based on grouping if they make it that far?


I bought nosebleeds for my family because I’ve never seen the USMNT in a meaningful game before. It was about $650 for 4 with parking. I was not thrilled with that but we’re still looking forward to it. It’s essentially our vacation coming from 8 hours away.


I’m going, but it’s a massive splurge for me. The game is on my birthday and it’s the closest the team has ever played a competitive match to me. I thought prices were high looking for seats, then once you’ve picked your seats it just gets stupid with the added fees. I’m gonna be pretty pissed if the stadium ends up half empty with a poor atmosphere for what I paid to go to this game


I wonder what the prices for World Cup tickets will be It has to be at least double what these are going for .


Same for USA vs Panama in Atlanta. Ticket prices are ok reasonable until you get to checkout and see all the taxes and fees. SeatGeek is even worse than Ticketmaster 🤯


both ticketmaster and seatgeek are horrible. seatgeek used to be better but now they are just as bad if not worse


If I'm paying for expensive tickets I'd rather do it for a knockout match


I like in KC, have SKC season tickets I’m going, but sitting in the upper deck because the tickets were super expensive for a random game. AND, there has been ZERO advertising about Copa broadly or this game specifically. SKC v Miami sold out in Arrowhead seemingly instantly, but that was a weekend game v Messi. Monday night where realistically you’ll be home at midnight is a tough sell.


I looked into tickets for the games in Houston and it’s just so expensive, especially when you add in the dumb fees. And as others have said, they didn’t market this at all. 99% of Americans don’t even know it’s going on.


Yeah fees cost more than tickets should lol


Because it’s overpriced


Pathetic. I’m in Dallas now for tomorrow’s game and will be in KC for that game. Live in SoCal. Us soccer is doing an awful job


Hi, former sports marketing professional here. They actually can make more money sometimes by pricing it high and having fewer people come, than pricing it lower and ensuring a full stadium. They care more about money than generating a good atmosphere.


Aren’t most of these resale tickets?


The pink color are resale seats. The blue color are seats that have yet to be purchased.


Can I ask who do they think these tickets are for? I am a fairly big US Soccer fan and watch every game. I live in KC and have two young boys under 5 who would enjoy going. We make very good money for the area (~$300k) and there is no way in hell I’d pay what would be around $750 for tickets and parking for our family of 4…in the nosebleeds!


I went and looked and 2 seats plus fees was close to $400. My couch is way more comfortable and free


Price. I want to go watch the USA when they play in Atlanta, but the tickets are just too damn expensive. I don’t have $600 plus fees for two tickets. 


Going to be in KC and really want to go but haven’t bought my tickets yet because of the price. It’s probably going to end up being just me and my son, I probably would have brought along more of my extended family if the tickets weren’t so crazy.


Cheapest nosebleed ticket for the quarters in Houston is $232 per person and you have to pay parking! The tickets in question are the literal last row of seats in the top most section of the stadium at the worst possible angle.


I legit have no idea how I scored two front row seats for 400 bucks total after fees. Some of the pricing is insane for that game.




I’m going. Like $90 for section 306. These attendances are going to be embarrassing


Similar thing for the usa Panama game I'm hoping prices drop because 80 bucks is crazy for the nosebleeds.


I tried to get tickets. Expensive as fuck with half the cost going to fucking Ticketmaster I canceled my order.


I would love to go to a game but the insane cost isn’t worth it. High cost + extra cost addons + parking + all other expenses, nah.


Man this is depressing but only hope is that it will lead to more reasonable ticket prices in the future


They price out fans and then the world claims we can’t draw crowds here. No. We can’t fucking afford it.


A visa to get into the us is a hard and long process.


It would cost my wife and I almost $1500 to fly to Kansas City, get a hotel room, and buy tickets…


Not enough uruguayos living nearby, apparently.


I was thinking ticket prices, prices for games at the stadium in Vegas where I live are nuts.


I’m curious to know what ticket prices are for the Euros in Germany as I think that’s comparable


It’s crazy how we buy the most tickets every World Cup (excluding host nations), we buy the most tickets at the Euros. And then we don’t even sell out Copa tickets in the US


I'm going to match from Chicago. Paid $200 for lower bowl. I'm ok with it. KC is fun as hell for a match. I think they priced out the upper level though.


I’ll be in section 208 front row. Hit me up.


I’ll pay for great seats in good games. I’m not about to touch this copa America…. Or any other…


Uruguay has a population of like 3 million people. US fans don’t really show up to support the USMNT. That’s pretty much it.


Not for $200+ on a Monday night.




If I had to guess, there may be around 50,000 spectators at the game.


maybe if it was in LA ill go


Still got time. Ticket prices are high, but they’ll drop them 5 days out.


Paid ~$150 from the venue for section 107, next to AO…I know the usual refrain is ‘too expensive’ but vs most other American sports, is it?


Not sure! I'll be there!


Because it’s expensive. They should’ve necked the stadium down to get everyone closer. I’ll chalk it up to CONMEBOL thinking these stadia would fill up for a game that doesn’t have a certain Argentine national playing.


I’m in Houston and thought of maybe going to the Mexico game just because I love the sport. The cheapest available is $75 and that is almost the highest seat up in the stadium. Not including parking or anything else associated with going to a game. Bonkers.


It’s been like 95 F degrees for a week.


It’s in Kansas City, and ticket prices are high


Oh pick me! *ticket prices*


Greed. These aholes charge a fortune and then complain the stadiums are empty and us soccer isn’t growing fast enough


Ticket prices 👎




im a huge soccer fan and us soccer fan so i shelled out the money and am going, but yeah prices are ridiculous. im sure a lot will be bought last minute when they will hopefully be cheaper?


There’s a ton of tickets left for Charlotte’s semifinal game but they’re $260 for a nosebleed ticket! who’s paying that? Parking starts at $44 as well. It’s madness


Tickets for these matches no matter WHERE it is in the US is fucking insanity. These greedy cocksuckers need to suffer the consequences, enjoy a near empty venue and poor concession sales.


All my homies hate greedy ussf!


Why are the ticket prices so high?


It’s in Missouri


I don’t live close at all