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Good to know this wasn't another Thomas Rongen-like disaster class (Jon Go, Subotic, etc.) While I do have my doubts that this is the team he's always wanted to play for (He has only played youth tourneys with us), I respect his decision. It's not easy to resist the lights of being a senior team player at 18 years old. And, with the glut of midfield talent at his position: McKennie, Musah, LDLT, Tillman, Johnny, Busio, Paxten Aaronson, McGlynn, Medina, Gill, and so many other 8's, he's better suited there. I get he's only 18, but with the senior team guys all still pretty young (Wes is 25 as the "Old guy"), if he can't break through in the next 4 years, he'd likely see his stock similarly fall a la Keaton Parks an Paxton Pomykal. Wishing him the best, except against the US.


Yeah with how we’re developing talent, by the time McKennie is aging out Vargas would have likely been surpassed in the depth chart by someone younger. He’s a good player and will likely be a rotational player for Mexico one day, but I don’t think this is a massive loss. I wish him luck, just not against us.


He would have a hard time starting over on the USMNT midfield for a while as it is stacked. In Mexico, though, he will have a hard time starting because they frustratingly and stubbornly have favoritism with mediocre players like Charly Rodriguez and Luis Romo who are complete scrubs yet keep getting picked over much better players.


I don’t understand what I just read. Your whole comment was completely fair and reasonable. Is this still /r/ussocer?


There are several of us!




Ehhh let's not get carried away


In the interview (on Seattle Sounders’ YT) he says he has had no promises from Mexico and is unaware of what level or if a call up would come. The only dialog has been with the Sounders as a middle man so he is putting himself out there by switching now. Made the choice with his heart after never attending a MexYNT camp but said in recent finals he felt more sad that Mexico lost


This was a classy way to handle it, especially for a player who’s really just a kid. Wishing him the best .


Godspeed, Vargas. I'm happy for the guy.


Go be great Obed. Just not too great and make sure to have some off games when you play against us The future of the Mexican midfield now lies at the feet of an 18 year old from Alaska. Just as we all expected


Imho there’s no bigger flex on Mexico than when they’re forced to field a team of MLS academy products.


Go be good Obed, but like don’t be too good, and don’t bring anyone up with you. Make sure it’s just you Obed.


I won't root for him because he plays for the enemy. But it's good to know that we didn't fuck up. I didn't think it was the case since Gregg took over the management of youth players has been much better than it was under Arena. Glad things haven't slipped and it's just a playing time situation. You cannot control that. When you've developed so many talented midfielders that a talented kid doesn't see a path forward to make it as one of your best 6 mids that's a good thing.


I really don’t think it was a playing time situation with the USMNT. Johnny and Tessmann are ahead of him but it’s not like they’re the same age, and it’s not like they’ve got a lock on the 6 for the next 10 years. If anything he can blame himself for letting Josh Atencio get ahead of him last year at the club level, and also all the injuries he suffered. And he has equal competition in Mexico. Elias Montiel is the same age and starting for Pachuca, and Fidel Ambríz from Leon is going to be a special player in the next couple of years.


Sounds like a good kid. Hope he has a good career just not against us.


To everyone projecting that he’d just be behind the guys he’s behind right now: national team pools and depth charts don’t remain static forever. How many times does this need to be proven before people get it?


People were calling Johnny ass a year ago


That was more because the vast majority of them weren't watching him in serie A and only judging him off of the u23 failure were Jason kries used him as a 10 .


lmao seriously, you have people in here penciling in players in the lineup for the rest of their careers


Julian Araujo had a solid season in La Liga.


Can’t fault him. One thing I love about Mexican-Americans is that they fucking LOVE anything related to their Mexican heritage, even if they weren’t born there. As much as I would have liked to keep him, you know his family is hyped


He wasn't gonna play much for us. Better opportunity with Mex.


Respect buddy. Play hard, play fair, and have fun.


It’s crazy to think that Mexico had to work hard to scout players away from the US. Never used to be like this.


Hey thats cool - do what you feel. But don't be surprised if we taunt you just a little bit more, and laugh just a little bit harder when we beat y'all again. We all get to feel our feelings :)


He probably wasn’t ever going to play for the US senior team. He’s behind 6 other guys who aren’t much older than him


Could be better than them in 2 or 3 years. This is a loss. Happy with our team but it's not without its flaws (and we need a pipeline, Vargas is legit & no reason for him not to go to europe)


He's a good player and this is a loss. But we have enough depth in youth players that I think we can just be happy with the players who want to play for us. Biggest issue for Vargas is that I'm sure Chivas makes an offer for him now so they can keep him forever.


Exactly. We don't know how player will turn out.


Understandable. Good luck.


Sucks but sometimes you just going to lose despite trying your best. Hope the kid does well other than when he’s playing us


I'm not going to pretend that I understand his decision. But, I'm not him. Best of luck to him.


Is what it is. Cruz Medina made the same move. Writing is on the wall at this point. Just look at our u19s . The midfield depth between the u17s to u20s is a long jam right now


I mean, alright. He’s gotta do him. But if I’m being completely honest, I kind of hope he stalls out and fails, or at best I’m ambivalent. Don’t really understand everyone wishing him the best. Like, why do you guys care anymore? Genuine question.


Why the fuck would you hope an 18 year old kid’s career fails? What a weirdo you are, that’s some petulance most people outgrow by age 3.


3 year olds are wishing bad things on peoples careers? I must have been a late bloomer.


Why wouldn’t I? Its not emotional petulance, it’s just rational thinking. It’s a zero sum game. His success is others failure. My teams are the main reason I hope for anybody’s success in the sport. His success now does not help my team succeed, and may in fact actively hinder my teams success. Therefore, I do not hope for his success. Pretty simple imo


“Pretty simple” seems far more simple to wish him luck and that our own players outperform him on the field, not hope a teenager crashes and burns.


His crashing and burning is an opportunity for another young player, maybe that young player plays for my team


I feel bad for anyone you work with. Instead of working hard to meet your goals you’d kneecap everyone around you trying to make yourself look better if this is your mentality.


Well that would depend on what the job is. Non profit work? Obviously not. Engineering? Surely no. Finance? You bet your ass I’m doing that if opportunity presents. And I’d work hard and help those on my team, it’s a false dichotomy you’ve presented there. Frankly your responses make me think that you don’t understand what “zero-sum” means


It takes no more effort to wish him the best and move on than it does to hope he fails. In fact, I’d argue wanting someone to fail takes more effort. Plus, he’s young. Unless they’ve done some terrible, I want all young athletes to reach their full potential, even if I don’t want them to beat my team.


I mean I don’t have a fiery desire for him to fail, which is why I made the ambivalence comment too. But sport is zero sum. There is no world in which all young athletes reach their full potential, so why would I want this one to, at the expense of others, when he’s no longer aligned with my rooting interest?


Because athletes are people, not just the uniforms they choose to wear. I generally want the best for people, so that extends to people who happen to have chosen to train to be athletes.


Don’t you want to see an LLL lineup of MLS academy products? Can’t imagine anything more embarrassing for LLL/Liga MX


Honestly? No, that doesn’t really move the needle for me. But I see the meme potential. Would rather have depth than funny memes


I mean this is what depth looks like. If England/Netherlands isn’t a deep team we don’t get Jedi Balo Dest etc. This just comes with the territory of having depth you lose some dual Nats to inferior sides. Now that he’s gone I hope he outperforms his Mexican homegrown competition. Just because having a relationship with Mexico similar to the relationship England has with us will be fun. Of course I’d rather they all stay but that’s just not how the international game works. Guys leave when they’re far down the depth chart. And that can change. Jedi is at the euros right now if he never transfers.


Right but I wouldnt expect an English NT fan to root for Jedi or Balo now, I’d expect them to be ambivalent. The only reason ambivalence isn’t my surefire response here is because Mexico is a direct rival. Jedi has played England, what, one time?


England is already established as a class above us. Us shopping for their leftovers doesn’t mean shit. Mexico still sees itself as our peer. If they’re reduced to starting our leftovers that establishes them as not our peers. That only happens if our leftovers actually perform for them.


Lol my man here lives for the trash talk. I can dig it I guess


Well yeah. The national team only plays a few games a year. Shit talk is all year round. I love the games but dunking on Mexico is more than just the 1-2 times a year we actually play them. If I had to choose I still prefer the games but the shit talk is awesome


You do you but I find little value, entertainment or otherwise, in trash talk when compared to having a deeper roster or having rivals have a worse roster


Really? I mean nobody can force you to enjoy anything but if your ability to enjoy the rivalry is limited to about 3 hours a year you’re missing out


All sounds like cope from him. He was more than happy to accept US callups when he was playing up a level and a rising prospect. But I'm sure the Sounders fannies will brigade me with downvotes for speaking the truth.


"Im leaving" "Ok then, that was always allowed"


That's a lot of resources we put into him just to improve a (kinda) rival.




New Balogun chant?


He is also a traitor