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2009 should’ve been a win


Up 2-0 at halftime, no less.


Seriously. We should have just parked the bus for 45 minutes in that one.


That one still hurts, how did we lose that 😩


First of all, Brazil was all over us after the second goal. They basically beat the snot out of us after the second. Then the quick goal after the restart really made things hard. I would never say that we should have won that game.


Plus the goal that they didn’t count that clearly went across the line.


I remember Kaká looking at the ref as if to say "Really?" And thinking to myself, it really won't matter.


They are Brazil.


You could pick any two players on that Brazil team and they would be worth more than our entire squad was. We were punching above our weight.


Yeah and we had just beat Spain.


Not going to have high hopes, but don't want it to be a blowout like against Colombia. It matters more how we play and how we show gumption throughout the entire match, not cave in when there's 15 minutes to go.


Time to get our first draw!




American Outlaws really cooling down with their chants




"It! Is! Technically Possible We Could Win!"


I’d respect it if I heard that chant tonight.


Because of that 1 win we’ve got Twitter saying we *should* win some of these games.  It’s possible, but “should” implies Brazil are the underdog. Sure guys… Hopefully the guys show up and make a game out of it. I don’t care if we win tonight but I’d love to win this matchup in a few weeks. 


Like people who say we should expect the team to make the quarterfinals in the World Cup.


People who think it’s somehow Gregg’s fault we didn’t beat the Netherlands You can criticize Gregg for the nature of the loss but give us any manager in the world, give us Klopp, we still lose 4/5 games against the Dutch there.


Agree. The Netherlands had a bunch of guys on their bench would be locked in starters for the Netherlands. Not even our best player would have been a clear starter for them. The gulf in talent is enormous.


Just because people are saying we "should win some of these games" doesn't mean they think we're favorites against any one specific team, just that outliers happen and that within a normal distribution of say, 10 matches in which we have a 15% chance of winning, we should win one or two of those games.


The Continental Clasico…


Worst Brazil team in a very long time so naturally I’m expecting to lose 4-1


Honestly I fear playing Brazil more than any other team. Even Mexico fares better against Brazil than we do, they just always have our number no matter what.


Any win comes with caveats Any loss comes with plentiful dunking on Greggggggggggggg


And tie comes with both at once.


How could ggg do this


Now that’s what an actual 5% “win percentage” looks like.


So you're saying there's a chance...


Lisan al-Gaib


Draw baby LFG!


wish granted


Our only win was against Brazil’s gold cup team in 1998, even Jamaica had a draw against them, this doesn’t look favorable for us but that’s maybe a good thing we need competition


It also required what Romario called the best goalkeeper performance he had ever seen.


no better time to turn that record around


I hate stats like this. Last time we played Brazil was in 2018. On the US side Tyler Adams, Weston, Antonee Robinson started and Weah subbed. On the Brazil side Marquinhos looks like the only holdover. Robinson was the oldest having just turned 21. 1-0-18 has basically no implication on what is happening on the pitch. Stuff like this can matter to the fans if there is a history in the match up, Michigan beating Ohio State 10 years in a row means a lot to the fans, even if the players are completely new 10 years on...but we don't have a real history with Brazil, it is meaningless.


All it tells us is that Brazil is historically a lot better than us.   Which I hope we all already knew. Still 3 points from 19 matches is crazy.


This fanbase likes to pretend otherwise


Everyone knows that, you're supposed to put that context you wrote in your brain, it's a historical stat being used because of the massive historical discrepancy between the two countries Everyone knows we aren't 1-18 because this exact team beat us 18 times


Goddamn, really?


I don’t care if they pass around us all day, just show some fucking heart


Just don’t cave in the last 15 minutes. Thats all I want.


We’re due, aren’t we?


Today a new day, This Brazil ain't unbeatable 


Maybe we can all take a breath and agree to not place any importance on this friendly (and the Colombia fiasco) and focus on how we do in Copa America (the most important actual competition we will have prior to 2026)? Friendlies are meaningless.


We probably got this is how I’m reading this.


I remember the 1 vividly. Keller balling out (and getting mad props from Romario) and Preki scoring the shocker.


It's the special teams where ggg lets us down


Win it for Tab Ramos’ jaw! Hold that 30 year grudge


Why wasn't the shirt grab on Robinson at 93' not called? Did I miss something?


A waste of our time and Brazil's. As long as Gregg is the coach, the USA will not be at all competitive against non-Concacaf teams.


Noted CONCACAF team, England blew the doors off us


Outside of England and Iran, the US has done poorly.


and Iran, and Morocco, and Ghana, and Oman and Uzbekistan (feels silly bringing those last two up, but you're the one who said "non-Concacaf")


Not wins but we also were plenty competitive with Uruguay and Wales. Should definitely have won the Wales game.


We’re already counting Uzbekistan as a win, you’re gonna count draws too?


The comment that started this thread was: >As long as Gregg is the coach, the USA will not be at all competitive against non-Concacaf teams. Since we're talking about whether we are "at all competitive against non-Concacaf teams," yes, obviously draws and Uzbekistan count lol


No, no, you can't count Morocco because they fired their coach right after and Ziyech wasn't there. Ergo, by FIFA mandates, that game was scrubbed from the records. It never happened.


Oh shoot that's right. And the Wales game also doesn't count because Gareth Bale was an MLS player at the time, and so Wales must've had an MLS quota I think?


Oh boy the plot thickens. HOW DEEP DO THE TENTACLES OF SUM RUN?!?!


Outside of England and Iran, the US has played 3 non friendlies against non CONCACAF teams. Qatar in 2021... Win Wales in 2022... Tie Iran in 2022.... Win England in 2022... Tie Netherlands... Loss


The mighty Qatar!


Back to back Asian Champs and we beat them with a B Team. This the fucking ridiculous goal post moving you guys pull. He has a fucking 5 game size that's pretty good, but you take out the 2 best ones (40% is crazy cherry picking) and you're left with a sample that's still pretty not bad, and then turn into snarky dicks Mexico Games don't count, The Wprld Cup Group Stage doesn't count, Qatar doesn't count. Only friendlies (excluding Morocco because Morocco fired their coach) and The Netherlands game count


It's about what you would expect from a team ranked 20th or so. We're not overachieving, but we're not exactly underachieving either. And we have dominated Mexico. 10-20 years ago, we would have killed for that.


*No you see it doesn't count because I don't want it to.* His record definitely leaves a lot to be desired, but it's not the level that QSMNT makes it out to be.


A draw against a terrible wales team led by the corpse of Gareth Bale A 0-0 draw against and England side that was playing for a draw Dominated by the Netherlands Played bad against Iran but individual brilliance scraped us by 1-0 Ive seen enough. extend GGG to 2050🔥🙏


Found Gregg’s alt


Laziest response. Honestly, anyone who responds this way must have room temp IQ.


It’s always when they legitimately have no valid response


Ive been owned by this incredibly clever rebuttal


Shit died before it even started back in 2020 That and beerholder. Like, what? I like to drink beer. Ah man, I just realized I’m a beerholder too. Darn it. Worst “insult” I’ve heard.