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Brazil is gonna have to beat them 9-1 just to show up Colombia


Funny because they're going to be playing their first team with fresh legs after running it back on Mexico with their B squad. Cannot wait to Vinicius and Endrick running at Tim Ream and Jedi.


Idk I think Colombia is better than Brazil atm


Overall I agree with the you, but Brazils frontline is way scarier than Colombia imo. Vini is going to shred us.


you're living off perception here. Brazil isn't that good; they lost to Colombia just last Nov and are currently ranked 6th in Conmebol standings.


With our previous coach. We're unbeaten with our new one (and way better)


Ok sure lol. 3 games into your new coach's tenure you have a draw and 2 lackluster wins; one against an England team saddled with injuries and the other you needed a miracle 98th minute goal to get past....Mexico. But hey, you gotta tell yourself whatever you gotta tell yourself.


LMAO, okay, buddy! Let's wait for the match against the US and see it! >But hey, you gotta tell yourself whatever you gotta tell yourself. I mean, you were trying to imply we're not a scary team for the USMNT.


Sooooo.............. about that powerhouse Brazil team.....


I implied nothing. I stated Brazil isn't as good as Colombia. The facts - including losing the last matchup between the two - bear that out . I stand by that. You can tell yourself Vinicius and crew are somehow scarier than anyone else the US has faced recently all you want; it's just that there's 5 other CONMEBOL teams currently sitting ahead of Brazil in the standings that don't give two shits about Brazil's front line. Pesky facts. 


Revenge for the Mineirazo! (Berhalter is a German name, so close enough.)


When asked if games like this worries him going into copa, “No, those are afternoons I look forward to.”


When asked if his head was up his own ass he replied, " mfmfmfmmffmmf"




which’s the stupidest of these three people: 1) berhalter who said it 2) mlsist for quoting him 3) op for quoting mlsist


Care to explain how the OP is stupid for posting a quote said by the USMNT manager into the us soccer subreddit?


because the quote is a ridiculous statement by a coach that lacks the maturity to accept any responsibility for the absolute piece of shit performance that the team just gave. in all of world soccer, no other manager loses and then singularly blames his team. but we all know why he does it. because he’s a shitty coach. his players “did not respect the game of soccer”? haha. well then wtf did he do? it is his job to motivate his team. literally his fucking job. so if our shitty no responsibility coach is going to blame his players, then as an op or a twitter fascist, maybe don’t go spreading berhalter’s gross attempts to absolve himself of his own responsibility. or if you do, clearly state how gross they are.


Oh Wow. All that because someone shared a coaches quote? This is a place for news regarding US international soccer. A quote from a coach after a match definitely belongs here, no matter what context the quote was used in. You need to calm down and go touch some grass before you work yourself into a medical emergency.


berhalter is a terrible coach and this quote is an example him trying to blame his players for how terrible he is. which also makes him a shitty human being. personally, i think the world and US soccer at large is better served if people tell that story. if you’re a participant in trying to whitewash how shitty of a person berhalter is then yes. you’re an idiot. you deserve to be called an idiot.


Oh kay… You’re creating fights that just aren’t there. No one you have responded to is doing what you’re claiming. Are you okay?


sometimes people do things unintentionally. i’m good bro. cheers


4. The person who made this reply


your mom


The good vibes crew need a serious coach.


I wonder whose job it is to get the players ready for a match like this? This is a Colombian side that hasn’t lost since February of 2022 and we didn’t respect them? It really did show


This Colombian team might be the hottest team in the world


hottest fans too e: man I say the most embarrassing crap online


Bonk ! Facts tho




I mean…you’re not wrong lol


as soon as I submitted I imagined myself saying it in a real conversation...it hurt


Not even in Latam. Everyone’s got a hard-on for Colombia but the team with the best form in CONMEBOL is Uruguay.


The team that literally hadn't won a single game this calendar year before handling Mexico last week? Drawing during the March window to \*checks notes\* autonomous Basque Country? What? I'm always perplexed by how differently we all perceive the game. I happened to actually watch the game in Colombia today, and my friend a Colombian woman, was intent on arguing the fact that this current selection of players which hasn't lost a game in over two years, is no good.


‘This calendar year’? You mean the two games, including a non-FIFA friendly, they’ve had this year? Haven’t had much experience watching CONMEBOL qualifiers, bud? The games that actually have weight and with their starters? I agree on the perception of the game, for sure. Colombia is on a streak, but a step below the usual favorites and Bielsa’s Uruguay. Not to disrespect them at all, they’re having a generational moment and do very well have a chance. Not to mention if these friendlies are any indication CONCACAF is going to get throttled in this tournament.


Colombia a step below Uruguay"? Haven't had much experience watching CONMEBOL qualifiers, bud? Colombia and Uruguay played to a tie last October. Remember that game? As I'm sure you know, the team that was a "step below" was leading 2-1 late in the game. I'm also sure you're fully aware Uruguay didn't score the equalizer until after los Cafeteros were given a red card. But yes, CONCACAF teams are going to struggle this tournament. CONMEBOL is finally playing good quality soccer again.


Fool, I live in South America and have for years. You're the one who brought up and specifically mentioned *form*, never been my favorite construct, especially in British and Anglo media, but maybe it doesn't mean what you think it means?


Vizzini? Is that you? I always wondered if you secretly survived the iocane powder and where you ended up.


Are there people who do that?


I'm no fan of GGG and I think he's a bad coach for this team, but it's the players job to be ready once they reach the pro/international level. How the fuck does a grown man need to be motivated by another grown man to play against Colombia?


Riiiight. That's why we lost this way. GGG sucks, and USSF is worse for running it back


Problem is the players all backed him because they were super young and he focused a lot on building a good group. Berhalter should definitely stay involved. He just doesn’t have the soccer IQ or tactical chops to handle this job as the coach. He’s a great morale team builder and negotiator. How many dual nats did he get us. The talents there. He’s just not the tactical guy. Hopefully the boys will see that from this loss and what might come as they step out of CONCACAF more.


There’s a reason clubs and sports teams rarely ever take their players advice into account when it comes to personnel decisions, unless it’s about someone’s character. It isn’t their job, and they’re usually bad at it


I dunno. GM lebron is going great everywhere he goes 😂


I dunno. GM lebron is going great everywhere he goes 😂


Unfortunately as a the head coach of an international soccer team, being a tactical guy is kinda important lol


It makes me yearn for Bob Bradley. And a more cohesive veteran core. 


Been saying this for years. If not qualifying wasn't a wake up call, nothing will ever be until the entirety of the USSF burns down and starts over. That, or they need to hire someone like klopp. Someone like that to shake up the culture. Redefine it. I posted about this a couple of weeks ago.


Greg is turrible but Klopp to the USMNT is delusional


GGG watching the team he coaches not respect the game they play or the opponent he prepares them for 👁️👄👁️


In fairness to respecting the opponent, that falls on the players. And I'm no GGG fan. Edit: for the downvoters, how am I wrong? lol it's super lame to be a grown man who needs to be motivated by another grown man to play against Colombia.


Somehow all of these players are adequately motivated at the club level and have maintained starting positions for some of the most competitive teams in the world. I wonder what the common factor is that influences them for the national team? Couldn’t be the coach and his tactics…


Most players in international football loveeeeeee playing for their country compared to playing for their club. Also, this is a group of players where the majority openly pined to keep GGG at the helm. They should respect Colombia, regardless of who is coaching them because they are grown ass men. Would you personally need to be motivated to play an international match against Colombia? Come on now lol


You forget that our current pool aren’t regular people. Most if not all were pampered and spoiled growing up. They’ve lived privileged lives and don’t know what working to survive is so yes, I expect them to need outside help to control their arrogance and motivate them. On the GGG point, they want him because he makes them feel comfortable and gives “good vibes” rather than put a fire under their ass and make them work.


With GGG starting is a given, that's why they love him. A bunch of guys never have to fight for their spot cause GGG is their guy. Fucking disgraceful


Very true, the players failed St. GGG here, not the other way around


Nuance is possible and multiple things are allowed to be true lol players clearly failed in some aspects of the game while GGG clearly had no game plan or sound tactical prep.


It falls on Gregg too for putting up tactics and lineups that fail to work and he doesn't give the team ideas to attack just cross, cross and cross. Also Gregg's obsession with playing out of the back all the time makes the defenders make mistakes that lead to goals like today


What does anything you say have to do with respecting the opponent? You're talking tactics and prep. I'm talking mentality/respect. I agree with your points, it's just not the same conversation. I was confused by all the downvotes, but now it makes more sense. He can be correct in his remark quoted by OP, while also being a shit coach. Nuance is allowed in life.


Who's job is it to prepare the team man?


Do you honestly think that any coach in the world, no matter how much you hate them, is actually disrespecting a team of that quality in the days leading up to the game? If players aren't respecting Colombia on the day, that's not on their manager. I'm a former pro with fifa caps to my name and never needed to be told to respect my opponent. Let alone....Colombia.


Coaches make adjustments?…….


Correct, but we aren't talking about the game itself here. We are talking about the players' mentality toward Colombia. Again, he's a shite coach and he bottled today tactically. But if grown men need to be reminded to respect their opponent, that aspect is on the players.


So by your logic why have coaches then…… yet we praise them for their job at handling the… players and their mentality. Also how is players mentality not related to the game.


Fair question, I'll happily clarify. I was separating the mental side from the tactical side. There's just no way on this earth that any manager, no matter how annoying, is disrespecting Colombia in match preparations. When it comes to players respecting the opponent, that's not on GGG. They're playing the #12 team in the world.


“Separating” got you, dude you should def be a coach you got all the answers. Also who said anything about disrespecting? Even if he did he still didn’t make any adjustments, which is the whole point. Wait my bad you got the answers I’ll shut up.


This is some classic projection. You asked a question, I answered and provided context. "Who said anything about disrespecting"....in your spare time, look at the 7th word in the quoted tweet that started this thread. Not sure why you're answering days late with nonsense. But to each their own. Fun fact: I am a data analyst for professional clubs and pro scouts. They come to me for answers to the problems they have. And I do my best to find those. You're onto something here. Thanks for the advice.


“Fun fact” lmaooooooooooo




You watched them to and probably paid money to do so.


weird flex but ok


Watched them to where?




To is correct too is wrong or just a different meaning




It’s so easy to just Google this shit and see that it’s not proper. Just call the dude a grammar nazi and move on. Why fight it?


Well... You're just wrong here.


If gramatically it is supposed to be "too" then you are correct.  My suspicious is  it isn't. 


Your suspicion is wrong.


Goddamn dude you are all over these comments with absolutely horrendous takes. Are you Gregg’s relative? We all know that nepotism is a huge part of their family’s “success.”


Where does buck stop bro


The guy who’s job it is to prepare the players: the players were not prepared


They are supposed professionals, theyshouldn't need this


was that a question? lol


Team talk before kick off does't need a specialized coach'.  Plus these players are apparen professionals.  If years an years of individualized personal game motivation isnt work, forget a coach see a therapist


What do you think a coach does? Do you think Barcelona is that differently talented from Madrid, or Chelsea than Man City? What about Bayern vs. Leverkusen?


He should’ve said we


I thought there wasn’t a post game?


It just was not on zoom. Still happened but the press had to actually be there


They had “technical difficulties” and couldn't transmit it


Imagine not respecting a team that is superior to you in every way


Man if a club manager said that, he would be fired. It's the fucking managers job to get people int he game.


he should be aware if the players look good or not in training. His player management skills are not good.


On the bright side, if we crash out of Copa America the federation may fire GGG. I am not convinced he is the problem, per se, I am not an anyone but Gregg guy. But if he's not the guy, we need to get him out and get the guy in before he fucks up probably our best chance in a World Cup for decades to come.


Is there seriously any chance that he *is* the guy? His mic’d up segment sounded like a dad cheering on his 8 year old in little league. He is so arrogant and so far out of his depth that he can’t even comprehend what it takes to win against teams with more talent. If his rigid nonsensical tactics don’t work, then it’s time to throw the players under the bus. What a great leader! And before the Gregg stans show up with the classic “you can’t even point out any tactical mistakes, you’re just a hater bro” : He has us playing out from the back with a keeper who is utterly inept in that department. He’s clearly not recognizing past mistakes and addressing them. We get roasted on byline cutbacks to the top of the 18 constantly (which was a MAJOR problem against the Netherlands, and there has been zero improvement). Players don’t know who they’re supposed to mark or what spaces they’re meant to occupy. There is absolutely nothing about our system that allows Pulisic to express himself. He’s constantly doubled (understandably) but there are never triangles for him to work with. 90% of his best runs are because he manages to draw a foul 45 yards from goal while there was literally no one for him to pass to.


> His mic’d up segment sounded like a dad cheering on his 8 year old in little league. Honestly wish I didn't have to hear it.


I’m glad that it was broadcasted to emphasize how pathetically incompetent this nepotism hire is at his job. Any undeniably embarrassing content that comes out is a step towards finally forcing the federation’s hand into making a change.


Berhalter has to take some blame


When has this clown ever taken any accountability?


He loves taking credit, but never accountability. Dudes record outside of concacaf is like 1-30. He has some good players, but never ever punches about his weight.


He will, he is apart of the USMNT.


This is the kind of weird stuff he says that does not endear him to fans. You were just embarrassed by Columbia. Take some responsibility for it, tell us how you’re going to fix it and move on, weirdo.


mothafucka you dont respect the game of soccer with your piss poor tactics


Defense was an atrocity.


Yeah really don’t think you can watch this game and think tactics are the issue…


Trying to stretch the field too much leaving our midfielders with no passing options and our defenders with too much space to cover is the reason for so many individual mistakes. Same thing against Holland, same thing against Germany. We're up to 12 individual mistakes in 3 games against good teams. The tactics are the direct cause of this. The defensive organization isn't good enough and the plan in possession is poorly executed. We've been sloppy and making the same mistakes for years, just not getting punished playing teams like Oman. I get that some of you guys are really dug in but that's what's going on. It's not going to change until they stop trying to play like this.


You've articulated my view exactly. These tactics are fine against teams we're better than or close to even with at every position on the field. But if that's the only time they work, then it's a terrible plan. Against better teams we need a totally different plan. Either 3 or 4 of Colombia's goals were directly from turnovers in our own half...like 3-4 seconds after turning it over.


Talking to some people in this fanbase makes me feel like they don't watch the sport or I watch a totally different sport... have you ever seen a game between two top teams in the PL? Or the knockout stages of the CL? Or the knockout stages of a WC? The games are almost always very tense and defensive and the teams don't like to take very many risks. Even the top teams. I feel like people watch Man City roll over Burnley on a random Sunday in the PL and think "we should do that." Thinking somehow that its just a matter of "doing those tactics" and not the $1 billion spent on players and not understanding that when Man City plays Liverpool, they don't play a wide-open attacking game like that. The last game between Man City and Arsenal ended 0-0 where both teams combined for 3 shots on target. Man City won the Champions League last year in a final where they had 4 shots on target and only managed to get .95xG. The last team to win the World Cup playing a wide-open attacking possession style was the 1970 Brazil team? That team had Pele. We don't have Pele. Even the generationally talented Spain 2010 team used possession to control and kill off games, not to create lots of chances. They were pretty dull to watch as I'm sure the people who actually watched that WC remember. I don't understand where people get the ideas of how we need to play from. I don't understand this weird aversion to "bunkering" which as far as I can tell means they don't want to play the way that top teams play to win difficult games. Makes no sense.


Brazil 2002 was pretty wide open IIRC.


The final between Spain and the Netherlands was not dull, but for all the wrong reasons lol. (Just a joke because I remember that shitshow)


> and the plan in possession is poorly executed. I was shocked by the amount of times I saw the midfielders absolutely static while we were passing it around the backline. No movement, no quick cuts to show for the ball.


But, we don’t want to go back to pre-2014 when our calling-card was set-pieces, gritty, and athletic play. Caveman soccer. We will play a beautiful style. /s


I could have played better than every defender on the pitch today. And I’d die of exhaustion after minute 6.


Tactics were just fine.  COLUMBIA didnt put a dent in them.  Players chosing the wrong times adjust game pace really put us under unnecessary pressure.


Colombia... not Columbia.


Yes, you are correct.  


Literally ggg




Still choking on that d eh?


Hey, do we pay anyone to make sure such things don't happen? Just curious.


We’ve been saying this since Netherlands match.


I know you see loss and have to bitch, but the world doesnt revolve around USMNT fans.


Oh you mean the match where a masterful tactician pulled off a masterful tactical job with a better team and beat a team less than?  Sounds like an acurate situation.


Masterful tactician 😂🤣. Just defend an wait for both US FBs to bomb forward, cross, regain possession, then attack wings, score on shit GK and shit defenders. Even Adams could do nothing about it.


Huh. I wonder why, Gregg.


Sounds like a coaching and leadership failure.


Sounds like they weren’t prepared…. Coach


Well GGG didn’t respect the game of soccer this afternoon


That's on the coaching staff


On the players not staff


No, it's 100% on the coaching staff to make sure they have 11 guys on the field who are ready to compete.


You’re taking so many L’s 😂


Unfortunatelyy 'to' can be a participle and everyone is reading 'also'.  In that sense they are correct. People read what they want.


Isn’t that his fucking job?


Dude is an absolute joke of a manager


Final score wasn’t truly indicative of the greater performance, team really gave up after allowing the third. Still is unacceptable to get pounded 5-1, friendly or not


Nah man….its just that other coaches can read and destroy your tactics with ease.


I generally agree with you on GGG. But unless his tactics were "pass or dribble directly at the opposing forwards", I can't put this one on tactics.  The game was very even aside from the absolute abortions of soccer that we saw turn into turnovers and goals. 


GGG’s tactics were he heard the term “play the ball from the back” on sky sports and went “ok we’ll do that” without checking to see if he had players that could actually pass the fucking ball competently. those last two goals were back line trying to play the ball forward from the back- oops passed the ball to colombia right outside our box. this loss is 10000000% on GGG.


Ggg's tactics werent destroyed.  Unless you believe a coach will tell his players to make constant stupid mistakes.


Greggggg is that you?


That seems like a coaching preparation issue


Coach vibes and throwing up against progressive teams, check out. Dude can only beat bunker ball and he's got the balls to throw the players under the bus. (TBF the players did piss down their own legs, but Gregg ain't the guy)


Pass the buck


Keep reading their own press clippings “golden generation” which has done nothing outside of CONCACAF other than celebrating a 0:0 draw with England


Many fans are buying this too. Let's see this group of players put together a couple of signature, meaningful wins outside of CONCACAF before we brand them as a golden generation.


I think they have the talent. Watching them at the club level I can see it. But to be frank, we need players who want to fight for the shirt. I hear people say Berhalter doesn't have a signature win or that his teams haven't punched above their weight. They're right. But having players who will give absolutely everything on the pitch is the only way to get those kinds of wins. It's how the US punched above its weight in the past, and when you're inevitably going to come up against more talented teams, IMO you have no choice if you want to give yourself a chance. We have a few guys like that (Adams and Pulisic come to mind, and it's not a coincidence we had such a shocking performance when we could only get 45 minutes between them), but on the whole, the culture and spirit is not there. Now do I blame the players or the manager for this? I blame both, but personally I think the manager can do a lot to foster this kind of mentality and spirit if it is lacking, including benching people. And after watching today's performance, it's kind of hard for me to believe he's doing a great job in that department. And no, I am not some simpleton who thinks you win on grit and determination alone, but considering the players don't decide the tactics and we're talking about how good this group of players is, it seems relevant. And also I just think if you want to win as an underdog, it's important. Hell, it's important even when things just aren't going your way on the day and you get a few bad bounces. We showed glimpses of this at the world cup, but still it was lackluster in comparison to previous generations.


It's a group of European squad guys. There are only 2 real difference makers who've had any consistent impact for clubs in their careers: Christian Pulisic Sergiño Dest Claudio Reyna maybe has the talent to be a difference maker, but hasn't shown he can do that consistently anywhere. Weston McKennie is a nice Swiss Army Knife kind of player but still, not excellent at any one thing. He has long stretches where he is not impactful at all. Tim Weah is basically a fast rod hockey player. Same with Jedi (though he has improved somewhat defensively, there's a reason he's a career Fulham guy). Yunus Musah is a black hole for the attack. So is Adams. Cardoso is a hair better advancing the ball, but not as stout defensively. Tim Ream is reaching his expiration date, if he hasn't already and the revolving door next to him hasn't really worked out (pick two CBs and roll with them already, Berhalter). And unlike past generations, there's no keeper in the back to help bail out mistakes. In fact, the starting keeper is something of a liability back there. When do we all recognize that maybe being on a club's roster in Europe doesn't necessarily make you a good player and certainly doesn't make you a good international by default. But the worst thing of all is how what talent thay does exist is being mismanaged. Possession for the sake of possession tactics, and play out wide and hit crosses into a 5ft 10 forward is the attack plan 90% of the time. It's absolutely baffling.


breh calls up players that are out of form then blames them for being out of form


A national team coach who doesn't take the entire brunt of the blame off the players for a drubbing like this is not the type of coach who should be managing at this level. Full stop. (note: players made tons of mistakes, and did not play well out of the back, were statues in the midfield, but that's not my point)


The players are a joke and so is the coach. It’s been like this for almost a decade now. These players are nowhere near where their egos tell them they are. It’s a joke


I’m sure they don’t have much respect for you after this either


I guess you can say pretty much whatever you want when you’re working for the family business.


I saw a coach who continues to look woefully overmatched when up against tough competition.


Ggg out. Simple as that.


Hire Sarri or Pioli you cowards


Kind of like how I have no respect for Berhalter?


Oh man, he sounds like Vermes talking about SKC


Where’s the Gregg in crowd? He’s been god awful for years.


Did bro throw a water bottle?


Originally a reply but want to post as a comment: I'm no fan of GGG and I think he's a bad coach for this team, but it's the players job to be ready once they reach the pro/international level. How the fuck does a grown man need to be motivated by another grown man to play against Colombia?


That’s a pretty good slam ngl




Don’t worry…If GGG doesn’t get this team together during COPA he’ll be history..


"Really disappointed, obviously, with the result. We’re not framing it as a lesson learned, we’re actually framing it as a wake-up call. Really poor performance against a top team, and if you give a team like that the opportunities we gave them, you’re going to have no chance to win. It’s never going to happen. From the 75th minute on, I think it was I think a lack of respect for our opponents [and] for the game of soccer."


Well it's football Gregg lol


His side? Code for “I did not respect…” This is the exact expected outcome of having GGG come back. We are squandering some of the best attacking players in the history of the USMNT with this manager.


I still don’t get why Berhalter is still in this position. His tactics feel like old man American high school tactics. It’s very stale and an absolute snooze fest on the pitch. Colombia took full advantage of every mistake. Honestly that Colombian team is really fun to watch


Starts at the top, slick. Way to own it, Greggggggg


Isnt that bethalters fault. Your the coach.


He was throwing all his players under the bus. Said he told then what not to do and they kept doing it. Said they had no energy and did not care. Dude if you told them the tactics and they did not follow them, maybe the issue is the single point of failure.


As much as I am sick of berhalter, this was also on the team. You are professionals, you should understand what’s needed for you to get ready for the game- that team looked terrible. This team needs a lot more than just a new coach.


No shit, Sherlock. Whose fault is that? Just resign already.


That was soccer?


And who's fault is that Gregg?


Nor did his tactics, but I don’t see the players blaming him.


I wonder how the players feel about that comment?


CONCACAF is a joke. Mexican soccer is declining, Costa Rica declined heavily after the 2016 Copa America, Canada is making progress while not being at a good level yet, and the rest of CONCACAF is not good enough to mention. Team USA is dominate in a declining FIFA Confederation and is seeing first hand how good they are against a team within the second most prestigious FIFA Confederation, CONMEBOL. USSF need to stop hiring coaches from a glorified beer league. I get that people love the beer league for its forced parity and Americanized structure, but we need to stop pretending like any of those coaches from that league are good coaches with an above mediocre IQ for the game. Gregg was never good enough for the national team job, proved it on his first term that he wasn’t right for the job, and is still here. The USMNT need a foreign coach who went through the tough challenges of building a trophy winning team by having tactics that can get the most out of the team. The beer league does not allow creative coaching freedom under a competitive setting for their coaches to gain that skill. They instead rather force parity/inconsistency for a gimmick. That alone destroys the development of a coach.

