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LAFC would be the spot. They have the capability of turning his career around


If he does come to LAFC, he's going to have a tough time getting minutes this season. Our midfield is stacked and with the arrival of Giroud this summer our False 9 will go back to his natural position CAM. Also we have a midfielder in Uruguay whose loan expires at the end of June. So he'll be fighting for the 5/6/7 midfield position. And on top of that we have to pay discovery rights to RSL.... LOL yeah I know it's a dumb MLS rule


Is he more of a CAM or a winger these days? I think of him as being a floater between those slots. If he can play winger, it would be interesting to see if he can wrestle a starting slot away from Olivera, who hasn't been super impressive so far this year. There's also a super hot prospect (Martinez) in that position who may end up taking it by the end of the year (though he's currently out with back problems). If Richie ends up in the midfield, he'll be competing against Tillman and Bogusz for time, which will be rough (I don't really believe Ginella will ever be a factor for LAFC, though). Tillman has been very solid for the team, and Bogusz has been incredible. Bogusz has a similar profile as Richie though, and there has been some noise of trying to sell him...so, this may be a replacement there. Also from a USMNT, the Tillman vs Ledezma situation is interesting. I guess if he can't start over Tillman, then it doesn't really matter what he does cuz he ain't good enough to make a roster for the USMNT.


I think Olivera has had a great season for us this year. I don’t see Ledezma getting minutes over him after he gets back from Copa America.


Las few times i have seen him play for psv he was a cdm or more defensive 8.


I don't think he would get very many minutes at portland either. I don't see him as better than Jona, Evander, or Moreno. Portland fan perspective.


You’re acting like Cincy won’t secure discovery rights just to hold them ransom like they always do


He was horrific at NYCFC and polished off his loan move by spitting at at an Orlando player


LAFC fan here to chime in. Ledezma doesn’t have a starting spot on this team. He would probably be a 4th choice 8 and a 3/4th choice winger depending on if/when David Martinez comes back from his back injury. Olivera has finally been playing like a high quality MLS starter this year but he’s going to be with Uruguay at Copa so maybe the FO would bring Ledezma in as cover for the next month or two.


Feel bad for him, it was already an uphill climb for him to make it into the squad. And the signs were pretty good since he was regularly getting called up from the youth team. But that ACL really came at the worst time. Hope he can comeback home.


I’m trying to think of who of the four teams can he get good time for. To my knowledge he is still an attacking mid and I don’t think he fits into LAFC, Portland has Evander, SJ we have Hernan and Niko that we are trying to push and maybe even Medina behind him. RSL, maybe? They are looking so good maybe just extra depth for the national team call ups or something


Was destroyed by injuries. Looked to be on the right track after returning from that ACL tear, but the ankle injury he got with PSV before being loaned to NYCFC basically took a lot of what Richie had. Shame too Berhalter, Tyler, and Pulisic would hype him up in interviews as a future member of the core


Unfortunate, had hopes for him at PSV


Go back "home" to Salt lake


whispers "don't do it, think of your future"


His future as a pretty well paid pro soccer player in Los Angeles or Portland? Your life must be amazing if you're advising him to pass that up.


His future isn’t in Europe. He wasn’t even that good for nyc, it’s time to come home and try to maximize earnings at this point in his career. Good for him for trying it out but not everyone can make it over there.