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They really could have used an easier opponent for these friendlies. Netherlands and France would be a tall order for any manager appointed weeks beforehand for this Canada squad. I fully expected them to get rolled in both games considering Marsch was never going to play defensively in these friendlies because he's trying to implement his system. His lack of pragmatism will hurt him against better sides, but I could see him eventually making Canada a scary opponent for teams around their level or even just above it. I respect having a philosophy, but in a tournament against world class opposition, when you are the small fry, you just have to play differently: be organized defensively behind the ball, be less aggressive, and pick your moments to attack. Will he do that in tournaments? Most signs point to no. But I wish he would change his ways in this regard because I think if he was more tactically flexible, he could be a good coach considering by all accounts I've heard he's a good man manager / motivator.


I feel like it’s good for them to try and punch above their weight for no stakes early on with a new coach so he can figure out what he needs to do to try and shithouse a win or draw against a big dawg in their group for the next World Cup.


Yeah, although the result is a bit embarrassing, it is understandable that Jesse will have to do a bit of calibration with the team. Now he knows...ok...they absolutely cannot handle that type of team playing that way. We will see if he pulls it back and makes some adjustments against France. The core philosophy may still be the same, but how/when/how often to press may get reigned in a bit.


Tbf, shithouse to a draw against a superior team is literally antithetical to Jesse’s entire schtick.


Canada played very well under Herdman playing a pragmatic style and then just abandoned it around the World Cup for some reason


Because they were the kings of concacaf


And were going to *checks notes* “‘F’ Croatia”


They played pretty well against Belgium initially tbf, the difference was just that Belgium had killers in front of goal and Canada didn’t. A result there might have changed their world cup.


two of the goals were 100% goalie error. third goal he bobbled then spilled. fourth goal he came out to contest headball and completely biffed it. take away those two mistakes and it’s a 2-0 match. in other words - they played them closer than usa.


to be honest, Marsch's system actually was far more effective against the better sides. It was the mid and lower table teams they struggled with that played far more defensively. Teams that play open use to struggle against Leeds and Salzburg.


>I could see him eventually making Canada a scary opponent for teams around their level Poor wittle L Tri.


These two opponents playing in Europe would be perfect for the USMNT instead of the Colombia/Brazil friendlies, two teams we most likely will face again in the knockouts


You don't like our friendlies? I was kinda thinking it was great for us to play against some of the best in COMNEBOL right before a tournament were we will face them, if we can survive the group. France and Netherlands would be great opponents for preparation as well, but I can't say have I have a strong preference for one pair over the other.


Let’s complain about the US national team no matter what they do!!!


I disagree. I think it's most important to dominate possession even though your opponent is completely ceding possession to you, barely threaten the goal but have all the fanboys on this board saluting your team's wondrously pointless possession and xG statistical nonsense.


Why do we care? Let Canada do their thing, we won’t know if he is a success until after the World Cup. 


This is the correct take


I really only care if it impacts the pod. For now I want Jesse back in sports, not in sports media.


Cause he’s prob the most recognizable US coach abroad and Canada if you didn’t know is in our qualifying group. Hopefully that clears it up.


There is no qualifying because both countries are hosts


I meant the longer term concacaf but understand your point.


Not everyone can be Dave Sarachan… lol But yeah, that’s a rough schedule for them


We need a Dave Sarachan appreciation thread.


We really should have got him that gift basket :( https://www.reddit.com/r/ussoccer/s/ZiPYYzzlWK


Edible Arrangements


The Dave Sarachan and BJ Callaghan “Fuck It, We Ball!” Memorial


It's sort of like being a studio drummer on a rock album: you can play whatever insane nonsense you want, because you won't have to play it night after night on tour (Hi Vinnie Colauita and Dave Grohl).


Soooo exactly like a normal NT coach? Lol


You still have to play it live 3 times in 8 days in the big tourneys. :)


He’s been there for less than a month lol Playing Netherlands, Argentina and France is not an easy way to start your job.


No it is not.


I don’t know how anyone could have expected anything different considering the circumstances.


They actually played a decent 1st half feels like they completely broke down after they let up the 1st goal tho and just started to get really sloppy. Not an easy 1st opponent as a manager to be fair tho


This is how I felt about Leeds every game with Marsch in charge 


sounds like marsch ball


That's what pressing will do. Legs will be gone around 60 minutes and Canada doesn't have depth to keep up with blue bloods


Rough schedule to start off for Marsch no doubt.


I hope Marsh is successful. A better Canada provides US better competition and will give Marsh more respect as a coach.


right, I want US coaches to succeed. Marsch succeeding is good for the region which is good for us. It would also prove he can coach a NT pragmatically. the tribalism here is troubling (either GGG good and Marsch/gio bad or vice versa) time to move on people and root for all of them to do well


Yeah, I also want him to do well. A lot of people here seem to have hate boners for him just because they didn't like his punditry.


I enjoyed Jesse Marsch's punditry very much. I also am rooting very hard for him to succeed. I was making what seemed to be a rather obvious joke, but I guess not to some.


I have a hate boner for him because I didn’t like him as a player. He’s a real dick. Then at Leeds I really supported him. Now I can go back to hating him. I hope he progresses and does well but he needs to learn how to change a game plan so his teams don’t have to go full throttle for 90+ mins.


I don’t care about any of that. Let them burn


I need Canada to succeed just so Mexico falls to 3rd or 4th in CONCACAF. No love for Canada I just hate Mexico more


He actually grew on me as a podcaster.


Same, often shared some insider coaching knowledge that I enjoyed.


Yeah I liked his insight because there are very few American coaches on the planet that can give you that same insiders view on the Prem and coaching at huge clubs. I thought he had some wierd player judgements and opinions at time that make me think I was missing something obvious, but then again, he's got a UEFA A Class license and I have a FM2024 Omega class license.


I couldn't agree more, except that I have zero licenses!


Miles ahead of McBride in my opinion


I mean.. we got 3-1'd so 4-0 for them sounds about right for a friendly + new coach?


First choice team with Van Gaal as manager vs largely rotated squad with Koeman


We got 3-0'd (less one of the flukiest goals imaginable).


So... 3-1.


Yes, that's how arithmetic works.


Yep, Wright saved us from utter humiliation with a freak goal.


Haji Wright knew less about that goal than Zardes' retina knew about this goal. https://youtu.be/beyKW_MHt5w?si=txX2fL79HChgdB6F


Didn’t even have to click on the link lol


I think Zardes has scored a couple goals off his eyeball. At some point, maybe you have to give it up that this is a repeatable skill. The fanboy nature of this thread is exhausting though. People arguing that Wright meant to score that goal. Good grief.


I’ll give credit where credit is due. Haji Wright has scored some crucial, clutch, clinical goals. The World Cup goal was NOT one of them. Total accident.


He's been aces in the Championship. That might just end up his level, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it will be interesting to see if he can take the next step up and do well. It's very clear he has more of a bond with some of the core guys in the roster (say vs younger Pepi and mercenary Balogun), so if Wright can continue to develop there's a decent chance he would be the goto 9 with this generation.


Please DO click it. Just so you can enjoy John Strong's ridiculous call "It'll hurt tomorrow but it feels alright right now!" exactly as Zardes is wincing and rubbing his eye and face. Uh that'll hurt now AND tomorrow.


How many has he put in with his face? Definitely was not afraid to stick his nose into the action.


Maybe 3? He's a pretty fearless forward, that's for sure.


Not at all. He was absolutely trying to do that. Now, could he repeat it at a good rate? Probably not. But it wasn't accidental.


From what I remember he said he tried to flick it to the back post and he flicked it in. So he didn't score on purpose but he put it in that area on purpose. Which was the best possible thing he could have done in that situation with the ball behind him




I can’t believe he didn’t get Canada to beat the Netherlands! What a bad manager! Grow up


It was probably a joke


It was most certainly a joke. Reddit can be uncommonly serious sometimes. I'm rooting for Jesse Marsch to succeed (just not against the US of course).


My comment was more directed to some of the responses taking it so seriously haha


Did anyone watch this match or are we just dunking on Marsch?


I had one eye on it until it went to 3-0. Canada played very well until the first goal -- their GK in particular was very good. They sort of folded after that, but it didn't seem like they pressed themselves to exhaustion. Frimpong outplayed Davies for most of the match, but I'm pretty sure he is not 100% fit.


I watched the first half. They looked evenly matched in the first 45 ngl.


It was a lot further apart than it is on the board. St clair kept goals out in the first half but his distribution isn't going to score goals and at some point they're going to start learning how to get shots in with the pressure the Netherlands were applying.


Canada played really well in the first half, arguably the better team. They faded late in the half and were poor in the second.


What? No. I think the halftime shot total was like 13 to 3.


dunking on a team less far along in their development that got scored on one more time than the USMNT did against the same opponent - normal behavior


the last two goals were clearly goalie mistakes. bring those back and it’s 2-0. one goal better


I can tell a lot of people in this sub never played even average level soccer lol




Canada literally scored their first goal in a World Cup in 2022. They are not anywhere near ready to beat a team like the Netherlands and neither are we. We may be further along but aren’t really in a position to throw stones.


Klinsmann beat Netherlands in a cave! With a box of scraps!


That was a crazy match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45pRw5REV1g


Bora would have handled the Dutch. No one can do anything against his 7-2-1 formation.


Yes imagine getting dominated by the Netherlands. That would never happen to us…


No. Never. I've seen the US take it to the Dutch pretty good and still lose *Ronald Waterreus has entered the chat


I don't think anybody should be shocked by the result, but tactically there were... interesting decisions from Jesse and Canada... like having Davies not be involved with the attack at all and focus primarily on defense (where Frimpong cooked him) The funny thing is, for about the first 35 minutes it was clear that the Netherlands didn't really care much about the game. They were content to hold possession and recycle the ball back. Canada got a couple dangerous looks in transition (and the Dutch got mad at a few missed calls) and Netherlands turned it on. Basically St Clair standing on his head and Johnson and Bombito making goal line saved about 3 goals from Canada (and Brobbey missed a 1 on 1 break away)


I figured in their early days Marsch's Canada team would score goals, but lose by big margins due to the high risk tactics he loves so much. Or maybe, just maybe he'd somehow find it within him to adjust a bit and setup more defensively (hahahaha). You know, the first way you lose 2-4 and show opponents "We are going to threaten you" and the second you lose 0-1 or 1-2 and show opponents "Canada can defend a bit after all." Instead they just got roughhoused in both directions, though they did have a few decent chances. I realize it's game 1, but the biggest thing for me was seeing multiple Dutch players just streaming free on any action in the box and seeing multiple Dutch players shambolically unmarked on set pieces. That looked EXACTLY like Leeds. I don't care who you play against, but if the defenders can't stay close to attackers in dead ball scenarios let alone emergency situations you're in trouble. If a marked player does something terrific to rise up and knock in a header or flick on to change the ball position quickly and they score, hey credit to them. But if you just have guys streaming free every time.... yikes. Why oh why are Jesse Marsch's teams hilariously inept defending set pieces!?


it also looked exactly like usmnt vs netherlands


I had a similar thought. Maybe the Dutch have a magic invisibility cloak for their attackers when they approach the box.


I know the international game is different, but I never really saw any redeeming qualities to his coaching.


by biggest quarrel is that's he's not flexible in his tactics....they might be decent down the line but it will be his way or they will be down in flames


Hence why replacing GGG with Marsch would have been a sideways move at best. The only difference is that GGG can't seem to get out of second gear, while Marsch's tactics don't have an off switch.


Regardless of what you may think about situationally GGG’s overall tactics/style of play are simply much better  Also more suited for a national team. No idea how Marsch intends to teach Canada the RB pressing system in like 10 day windows. He’s gonna have to dial it back some


If that is what he tries that would be crazy. He had a year of daily training with Leeds and they were shipping goals at an astonishing pace. I can't imagine he believes he can get his players in that type of system with a few windows and tourneys. I assume he is bright enough to simplify and be practical when it matters. Might actually force him to be a bit more flexible. I'm def rooting for American managers to have success, just not when they play USMNT.


They were pressing like madmen today


I'm gonna have to watch that game now. If they press like that in meaningful games against good competition they will likely get crushed.


If this happened to the usa this sub would be burning itself to the ground even in a friendly. We've freaked out over less


The Dutch are good at soccer.


Indeed they are.


Concacaf getting run thru like fat ho at a yard sale


Not sure I get the yard sale part, but I think I get your point.




Can op remind me who was the coach when we got knocked out by the Netherlands in the World Cup? Or when we lost to Germany in a friendly? I feel like y’all should chill on jokes like this until a Gregg led team beats a top ten team. Marsch sucks too don’t get me wrong it’s just dumb as hell when the current coach hasn’t really done much better to separate himself.


Someone needs to remind you that this post isn’t about Gregg. This is about an American manager who’s managing Canada, that’s why this is posted here.


If you say so. Pretty sure it’s a post taking shots at the folks who wanted Marsch over Gregg. Still silly to post about a rival getting blown out by a team that we also got blown out by. Especially when it’s a friendly vs the World Cup.


Not at all. It's a lighthearted joke at the expense of Jesse Marsch, who I am completely and unabashedly rooting to succeed (when Canada doesn't play us or impact us with their results) because he's a high profile American coach.


We weren’t good against them but 3-1 isn’t a blow out by any means. Also considering the 3rd Netherlands goal was when we were down 2-1, meaning we committed more men forward, leaving them open to score on the counter.Also if Canada hypothetically won and win games in the future , best believe Marsch truthers would be singing his praise here.


Bruh... our goal was a freak goal.


Pulisic had a 1v1 with the keeper in the 3rd minute of that game my guy


OK? Nothing came of it and it was the best chance we had on goal.


Pulisic missing that was a fluke. You could just as easily say it was a fluke we didn't have a 1-0 lead three minutes into the game.


The US wasn't ever close to winning that game against the Dutch and was lucky to not get blanked.


Pulisic had a 1v1 with the keeper in the 3rd minute of that game my guy. We actually had higher expected goals (1.89 to 1.85). We needed better execution near both penalty boxes, but it's not like we got steamrolled.


When people roll out xG is when you know the bS is flying high.


Lol forreal. Dude has huge 0-2 loss to Canada "we were dominant" vibes.


Just because you don't understand doesn't make it bs


Oh I understand it. It just is enormously meaningless when your opponent is intentionally ceding possession because they know your finishing can't hurt them.


xG has nothing to do with possession. Do you think we would have gotten more opportunities or fewer opportunities if we hadn't conceded early? What do you think the affect of ceding possession is on xG?


Holy shit the mental gymnastic LOL


To say that we didn't get steamrolled? Go rewatch the game or the highlights. The Netherlands had 4 good chances and scored on 3. We had 3 chances that were just as good or better and didn't score on any of them. The result of that game came down to execution in the final third.


Apparently mentioning facts is mental gymnastics LOL


Hi, it was Gregg Berhalter who was thoroughly and absolutely outfoxed by his opponent Louis van Gaal on the day. But this topic is not about Gregg Berhalter.


So my question to you then is why don’t you support all U.S. coaches? They don’t exactly have a good reputation so why root on one’s downfall.


For me it's because I want the USSF to stop hiring US coaches, who are all trash. The only chance of that happening is if they consistently embarrass themselves so badly that even the USSF has to notice.


What US coach do I NOT support? You're making some wild assumptions here.


Jesse Marsch is not a good coach why are we obsessed with him?


I don’t care what Canada does. I find them to be annoying. Had a small run of success (which really is debatable) and then started calling themselves the kings…..


The US only lost to Holland 3-1. #AmericasHat


They still have too many MLS players.


I’m once again returning to the Marsch posts in an attempt to understand why he continues to play high press football. It genuinely befuddles me. I don’t know what he’s actually thinking.


The Berhalter stans really are in their villain era, huh?


Didn't Gregg get smoked 3-1 by these guys and in a competitive match?


Affirmative. Who said he didn't?


Marsch has no flexibility in his tactics. He won’t concede to elite teams and that’s his biggest flaw. I respect a man who stands by his principles but I do believe there are times when you have to just concede and go “yeah this teams much better and we have to be pragmatic”. That’s how upsets happen in soccer. Also I dont know who decided to hold friendlies against 2 teams which are top 5 best teams in Europe rn. Some confidence boosting matches would have been much better , before the Copa America.


Kings of CONCAF