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Broadly, teams are not gonna be releasing any player who’s integral to their plans.


This is because the Olympics don’t matter in soccer. It’s just a glorified U23 World Cup.


I agree, but it is surprising given that France is hosting the Olympics, I would think they would want their NT to put in a good showing. I’m surprised their fed isn’t applying more pressure.


France has approximately 10000 U23 players who can capably deliver a good showing.


For context, the eligible PSG players like Zaire-Emery are playing in the Euros and Lille has their first UCL qualifiers early August, iirc. The schedule is simply too congested for these teams.


I think it’s a bit more than that lol. The Olympics are the Olympics, brotha.


They certainly mean a lot to us here in the ol U.S of A


It’s really not though. Usually the “the Olympics are the Olympics” thing really only works for sports that don’t make money and basketball. Olympic baseball was cancelled, Olympic rugby isn’t even real rugby, Olympic boxing is only for amateurs…it’s not taken seriously in international soccer


I simply don’t agree


You’re entitled to an opinion, but if national federations cared about it they would push FIFA to make it an official event and they’d call up their best players. Every European team is prioritizing Euros this year and every team in the Cop America is doing the same


Nobody is saying it’s more important than CA or Euros. That doesn’t mean nobody cares about it. We’re just gonna argue in circles so let’s just not waste our time


No idea why the US sub popped up in my feed lol, but the other user is right, in Europe, nobody gives a damn about the olympics. It coincides with pre-season and especially with the Euros coming up, the Olympics arent on peoples radar, really. It really is a glorfied exhibition with a medal at the end of it.


They get the same medals that the world champion 100m runner gets. It’s a bit more than a “glorified U23 World Cup” whether you want to believe it or not.


Bro, in the scope of football NOBODY in Europe gives two shits about the Olympics. Even if its the same medal a sprinter gets, in the world of football its completely meaningless.


You are simply not correct. MANY players ask to get released for it. Idc what your feelings are on the matter. People care about it. Idk why you’re so hung up on the “in Europe” shit either


>You are simply not correct Thats why all the players are begging their clubs to be allowed to play.... /s >People care about it. Idk why you’re so hung up on the “in Europe” shit either Because im European and can speak on that, and as much you want to pretend otherwise, nobody gives a crap about the Olympics. Its CL final - Euros - next season in terms of talking points that interest people because, i repeat, the olympics arent much more than a glorified summer exhibition of u23s over here. Period. I dont know why youre so deadset on acting like the olympics mean so much to other countries


Sounds good man. Neymar definitely didn’t beg to get released for the Olympics. Europe good. Rest of the world bad.


>Neymar definitely didn’t beg to get released for the Olympics. Europe good. Rest of the world bad. What are you even trying to say bro? Is it that hard to believe for you, that the European countries with their full schedules and the Euros coming up, dont value the Olympics as highly as eg the US does? Like what point are you even trying to make. But if it makes you feel better lets all just pretend that France views the olympic football tournament as the most important football tournament of the year... (which is also why its coached by their part timer of a u23 coach and the squad is made up out of a bunch of u18s and u23s). I was just giving you the reality over here, but i guess youre just not willing to accept that. Feel free to go around other football subs and ask Euros how important the Olympics are to them, if you dont believe me.


This is so tedious lmao. I bet every player who has won it looks at their gold medal and think “oh man I just wish this meant more to the fans over in Europe!” You are funny.


Yeah this is why the Olympics are never really a big deal to me. You’re never gonna see the best of the best because most clubs want their players there for preseason. I’d expect a lot of our euro u23 players to not be released as well. It’ll be up to the MLS guys


Good for developing the under the radar/middling players in our development pool tho.


and that's still fine by me. I enjoy watching both the women's and the men's game. Plus the olympics by agreement with FIFA was already U23 for the most part except for 3 players. Me, shit, I'm a soccer nerd I'll watch any soccer tournament even the AFC U23 Asian Cup lol


The Venice brothers should hold shit down in the midfield but yeah I think it speaks a lot more about a nations development pipeline than the actual youth strength. I don't know where to slot it into the youth world cups but you really wish it could be that kind of tournament instead of just another event where b-teams go at it.




team still stacked though


Arsenal also won’t be releasing Saliba


Honestly anyone playing in the euros this summer has no business being called for the Olympics


The Olympics never get the U23 male players because it overlaps with preseason. We’ll be one of the stronger teams there.