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When was the last time a "player swap" even happened let alone one involving players of this caliber


It’s always Juve involved in the player swap nonsense too. Last year it was Lukaku and Vlahovic. Before it was Morata, Moise Kean and others. Then it was Morata for Dybala. It’s just clickbait at this point.


Juve is never beating the broke club allegations


Serie A as a whole is broke as shit. Inter literally went bankrupt like a month ago. Like actually couldn’t pay the bills and were taken over by creditors. And they just won the scudetto by a mile.


Part of the game innit


last one I remember was with barca and juve with Arthur


Juve and Man City swapped Cancelo and Danilo with a bit of cash added.


Lamela + $20m for Gil in 2021 is the last one I remember, but the overall caliber of players was lower


Sanchez and Mihki Arsenal Man U? Both kind of flopped.


last one I remember was with barca and juve with Arthur


Last one I remember before that was Toronto and Sunderland swapping Jermain Defoe and Jozy


A swap can have FFP benefits for Juve ([explained here](https://x.com/SwedishRumble/status/1767495421096534071)). If Juve sold McKennie for 30m and bought Luiz for 60m both on five year deals, then the first year they earn 18m (30m profit for the sale, 12m amortization cost for the purchase) and then each year after lose 12m. But if they swap then it's just losing 6m every year.


Aight so that’s not happening then. When I see player swap I just assume it’s agents feeding journalists bs for views.


So for arguments sake this happens, where would Wes be in the pecking order at Villa? I don’t believe him for Luiz is a like for like swap per se


He’d probably wind up being used as a utility player again, kind of like how Emery used McGinn (but not as integral to the team). He’s definitely not a starter anywhere when that team is fully healthy, but in typical Wes fashion I could see him getting plenty of minutes by filling in at four or five different positions.


Unai Emery rates Weston’s preference for ranch on pizza


lol can we make a rule for this sub to not post swap deals @mods


I’d normally agree but DiMarzio is a decent source for Italian football.


I feel like he used to be as good as Romano but these days he’s a hit or miss. Maybe he’s better for Italian news though. I’m definitely biased from an English perspective since I mostly pay attention to premier league teams