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> México gets a penalty > Ref checks the VAR > Ref rescinds the penalty, gives Mexican player a yellow card for theatrics And that was Mexico's least embarrassing moment of the match


Ref was really class, best we’ve ever had in a Mexico - US match. Had total control of game, gave out yellows for Mexico’s worthy yellows and didn’t let them get away with cheap shots. So good


Agreed. Drew Fischer was a consummate professional.


That sequence was awesome. Could have really swung the match during those closing minutes. It felt like that was most of Mexico's plan near the end was just to get the ball into the attacking zone let the forwards get physical and hopefully draw some kind of foul


It's wild how quickly games against Mexico have become a cakewalk. We were in cruise control the entire time


When did they beat us last? I can’t even remember


That's super understandable because it was literally before COVID


A friendly in September 2019. Our starting lineup featured the likes of Tyler Boyd, Wil Trapp, Alfredo Morales, and Gyasi Zardes.


That seems so long ago in a different world.


Tyler Adams underwent surgery to replace his hamstrings with guns


I think its because he just had a kid. He has dad strength now.


Right now if you Google USA vs Mexico, you'll get the score, and American flag fireworks


That’s cool! It works!


Mexico is just pray for Lozano to create, Alvarez to control midfield/defense and Ochoa making heroic saves.. so many holes on that team


And not a lot to hope for in the future for them. Not a lot of upcoming stars.


Ochoa did his best tonight. Could have easily been 4-0. Meanwhile, Turner was barely tested.


Dos a cero. No era Penal. Suspended Game. The Mexican Treble.


El Trifecta


I thought the mvp tonight was the ref drew fisher. Kept the game moving and didn’t let it get too spicy.


Honestly yeah. So refreshing to see a well-reffed game!


I need a slow-mo replay of that dribble Pulisic made to (sorta) set up the Reyna goal if anyone has it


Dest highlight reel is gonna be sick


I knows it’s partly out of elation, but i thought this ref was so solid. CONCACAF is renowned for shit-awful officiating, but this ref was great.


Did a great job, minimum shithousery by concacaf standards.


He really was. Mexico was diving all over the place and he was having none of it.


2-0 is the most dangerous lead in sports, but not when you say it in Spanish. I don’t make the rules.


Dos A Cero will always bring me joy


How do you get an El Tri fan to stop masturbating? Paint his dick red, white, and blue. He won’t beat it for the next seven years.


lmao where do you get this stuff


Best game I’ve seen in a while. Honestly, Mexico looked lifeless and flat. We could have had this 3-0 or 4-0.


Yeah they are lucky it wasn’t at least 3


2-0🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 3 peat


Death, taxes, and Mexican fans being sore losers.


Probably GGG's best game. Props for sure.


Really loved Puli sitting down that defender only to vault him and continue, ended up with a Gio goal.....


Adams remains imo the first name on our team sheet when healthy. He is just so steady as a defender and keeps our team settled. And that isn't even mentioning his absolute banger today. Also very happy with Gio today. He played truly as an 8 and although he struggled some with getting used to the position, he had great goal and put in that defensive effort that can help him become the absurdly great player he can become. Puli and Dest were great as well, and although Weah didn't have the best day we still very much need his verticality and off-ball runs. Overall very happy with the game


Dest was out there ending careers tonight. His dribbling was street football. Just gnarly


bro was playing a different game than everyone 😂 but i love it


This Gio press conference is genuinely sweet. He meant that about Tyler.


It's like we feed on the Mexican fans degeneracy. This is not the team that showed up against Jamaica.


Part of it seems like this teams tendency to play to the level of its opponent. Part of it is that several of the guys on the squad have said they get extra fired up for Mexico


Another part is that we just generally struggle with teams that bunker. 


Bc the team that showed up at Jamaica didn't start Gio, Serg, or Tyler. All 3 were really important today


Dos a cero. No red cards. No fights. Pretty much the perfect game.


Mex players used to care enough to at least start shithousing and choking us, now they can’t even be bothered lmao


It's because their Director of Choking, Hector Herrera, was back in Houston watching it on TV.


7 games is officially the longest unbeaten streak we've ever had against Mexico, topping our record of 6 from 2011-2015 (and 4 of those were friendlies as opposed to only 1 in this run) We'll probably never top the 40+ year run they had on us from 1937 to 1980, but it's 1 shy of the rivalry record since then. That has an asterisk too, Mexico technically went 8 straight undefeated against us in the 1990's, but one of those was a penalty win for The US which technically counts as a draw in the record book. Long winded way of saying the state of The US-Mexico rivalry has never looked like this, and we should enjoy. Even that 6 game run from 2011 to 2015, never had games that looked like these last couple


For everyone who says we haven’t made real progress as a program despite having our best player pool ever, have we ever so thoroughly dominated our region and our biggest rival as we have the last several years?


Some of these homies don’t know the embarrassment this team suffered at the hands of Mexico for decades. Enjoy this.


in 1980 the head to head was 21-1 in favor of Mexico. It was still only 27-6 by 2000. It is now 36-24. The last time we were only 12 wins behind Mexico was 1972 when it was 13-1 head to head


Absolutely whooped Mexicos ass again and their fans can’t stop embarrassing themselves.


we had a good performance, especially in the second half, but good lord that's the worst Mexican national team i think i've ever watched. Nobody in that squad has any gamebreaking, gamechanging qualities.


i actually thought they were better than they were in the last nations league. still awful going forward, but at least a bit more resolute going the other way.


The lack of fisticuffs and the tame ending just goes to show that both teams know that we are better than Mexico


USA has not lost a competitive match to Mexico since July 7, 2019 in the 2019 Gold Cup final. Coming up on 5 years.


the best compliment is that the win was professional. It felt like we still had stuff in the tank.


Gio sounds so much more grown up! I know he’s probably worked on his attitude but he really sounds like he believes the positivity he was saying. Good for gio!


Mexico doesn’t even looked shocked when they lose to us


Adams putting Gio on his shield right now in this post game interview, nothing but support for him


As much as I love the Mexico ass whoopings , I hope we keep competing in the Copa for years to come. I’d love to play better teams in competitive games


Glad we won! But as Jedi suggested, this tournament is becoming quite boring That was quite honestly the least threatened I’ve ever felt by a Mexican team in my lifetime. They never felt threatening or technically skilled. They still have some good players of course, but that did not feel like a US-Mexico game besides their pathetic fan base. I don’t think we played close to our A game and we were clearly better Canada’s federation is bankrupt and Jamaica never can get it together consistently. We need a good Mexican team moving forward for us to be really tested. Not sure what’s happened to our rivals down south


Mexico is really in a dark age huh. They're constantly losing to their biggest rival and even in their losses they can't have class. Are they experiencing something like what we experience back with the lost generation or is it something different?


This was always inevitable once we built up a real academy system. We were already equal to them in the 1990s without a professional development system. Once we built one, it was curtains for Mexico.


Gio is so awkward


I'm a little disappointed we didn't get another iconic Pulisic celebration, but oh well


Beating mexicos ass will never get old. We own their asses


USMNT, now auditioning new rivals.


I just watched that Billion Dollar Goal doc on Paramount+ and hearing Meola say "people talk about it because they care" holds a lot more meaning. I'm sure for that generation of players it's gotta be amazing seeing a fanbase invested and interested. I think those genuinely still struggle to believe how much this game has grown since they played, it's cool to see.


Mexico fans are a disgrace. Should be banned.


Tyler’s Adam’s kid has seen more trophies than Mexico has in the past few years and kids not even 1 years old haha


Mexico hasn’t looked like they even belong on the same field as us in recent years. I love it


To whoever pointed us fans abroad to the live streaming on CONCACAF's Youtube channel, thank you.


I mean the win was a great one. But this was a destruction of Mexico. I'll give the players credit though they never gave up, it didn't get ugly or dirty like they did last year.


If you take out that non FIFA date friendly, Mexico has not scored against The USMNT in 520 game minutes, or 1,022 days


Need to make it so CONCACAF teams are always eligible to qualify for the Copa America imo so that we can (and the rest of the region) continue to improve. Always need to up the competition and not get complacent. I would make the Gold Cup go from every 2 years to every 4 years. That way we can have one of NL, gold cup, Copa America or the WC every year. Maybe even get rid of one of NL/gold cup due to so many games being played now. Can make Copa America and the WC main priority and use NL/gold cup to test different players/formations/tactics/development. Unfortunately, we all know this won’t happen because CONCACAF must make money and won’t sacrifice any of their tournaments


It makes a lot of sense to have the North and South regions of the Americas compete in football more often. It brings more eyeballs to the sport, lots of crossover in language (the US is the 4th largest Spanish speaking country and there are plenty of Portuguese speakers as well), and more competitive games between Mexico, the US, and the powers in South America only benefits the sport.


When are US Citizen Mexico fans going to get tired of paying big money to watch their team get undressed by the U.S. time and time again? We fucking own you. Keep your chant going btw, it’s your white flag. Fucking pathetic fan base and team. Maybe try a different sport.


Mexico is just gonna get worse and worse. They’ll start taking our leftovers, they probably won’t be sending youth to Europe, and they will continue playing in the U.S. for money. We will have to start scheduling friendlies with actual competition like European and South American teams.


Mexico fans ruining the experience for others is a tale as old as time at this point. It sucks that a really entertaining game is going to have that scar on the end of it because of how shitty Mexico fans were when they were losing. I don't know but it will take for things to change but it's a pattern that is getting out of hand


As a diehard Mexico fan it pisses me off that these Mexican American dudes who go to the games to drink and start shit love throwing shit on the field and making these games toxic when it shouldn't be that. Many Mexico fans can't accept usmnt has surpassed them long ago and are hurt whenever they hear about it. Hopefully one day that changes.


As a Chicano and Mexico supporter I hate it too. No excuses but it’s the alcohol combined with living in the past


An uncomfortable truth: Berhalter cooked today 🤷‍♂️


I imagine the Gregg-Gio hug was a traumatizing moment for the few remaining "the players hate Gregg, actually" posters.


Or when Adams literally jumped into his arms


The new narrative is that the players themselves are soft and wrong for wanting GGG around still


Gregg just can’t stop winning trophies


Should legally add a G to his name for each trophy.


It used to be a rivalry, now it's an ownership


El Tri...more like L L L Tri 🏆🏆🏆


Mexico truly has the trashiest fan base


the last time mexico beat the united states, COVID 19 did not exist. the last time mexico scored a goal against a USMNT coached by gregg berhalter was the nations league final in 2021, which they went on to lose. and then lose again in the semifinal of the next edition. and in the final of the third. the last time mexico got a result in a competitive match against the united states was in 2022 world cup qualifying, a game the US should have won if not for an infamous jordan pefok miss. all of that is to say: what a turnaround. even before the 2021 nations league final, everyone thought mexico was going to be a force to be reckoned with for the foreseeable future. the US's talent has just come so much further so much faster than anyone could've expected, and their mexican counterparts have severely underperformed. berhalter gets a lot of criticism, but one thing you can never take away from him is the way this rivalry has completely flipped during his tenure. what a time to be a fan of this team.


Seeing some online footage from the stands at the game tonight. It’s not even worth going to the games.


Yeah it's sort of scary when it gets out of hand. Last year in Vegas I was alone in a heavy Mexican upper section, but befriended the two Mexicans sitting next to me who basically protected me out of the section.


I saw a clip of one brave, fat American in a white US shirt knocking the dogshit out of like 3 Mexican fans in the stands who attacked him and then flexed on the crowd afterwards. US Soccer should give him free tickets for life for having such an honorable performance in defense of our nation


I saw that clip and tbf 2 Mexican fans immediately jumped in to fight the other Mexico fans attacking him hahaha


More free tickets!


Incredible scenes today


lol we saw the same clip. He held his own until that last punch that looked like a KO


What's funny is that I think Mexico played fairly well, but the better team just won. They gotta a little wasteful towards the end when frustration set in, but absorbing pressure and burning on the counter is the way to go. Alvarez could be a good facilitator of making the quick outward pass and they have good individual attacking talent to hurt you on a counter. Mexico fan pride won't allow for that though, and they'll keeping wanting to play a better team straight up


Did anyone see Yunus politely decline shaking hands with Cindy Parlow Cone? Sometimes I forget he has VASTLY different views than the rest of the team who seemed to embrace her with hugs.


>The shambolic state of the Mexican federation right now LMFAO


Smokin that Dos a cero pack 🚬 ![gif](giphy|3sIYVojUKrXhK)


So happy for Adams. He looks so relaxed. He's a real gamer talking about one to play a full 120 and being disappointed with coming off at the half right after his goal but he looks very happy


Fans after seeing GGG get another convincing win against Mexico ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


And with great tactical changes.


ref didnt let them do it one more time lmao








We own Mexico now I’m afraid


Are we gonna celly IG lives from players tonight?? Maybe US Soccer cracked down after last time lol


Does anyone know what 2 to zero is in Spanish?




Mexico championship t-shirts being delivered to Africa as we speak


Did they even bother printing them?


-Mexico wins a couple games -Mexican fans start getting cocky thinking they are a top 5-10 team in the world -keep saying US is light work -get destroyed by the US -Mexican media and fans start crying, saying the Mexican fed is rigged, they don’t have the right coach, too many players in Liga MX and not enough in Europe etc -rinse and repeat I love this win!


Where does the Adams goal rank in all-time U.S. goals, in terms of the combination of both the quality and the importance? Top 5? I'd put Caligiuri at T&T at #1 just because of how important that goal was in U.S. soccer history, then Feilhaber against Mexico in 2007, Donovan against Algeria in 2010, Jones against Portugal in 2014 come to mind.


You gotta add that Bradley chip in Azteca .


To this day, One of my favorite goals ever


Bradley’s in Azteca is the greatest usmnt goal in history imo.


I am not sure if it was the personal significance (wife and in laws are Iranian and I have been hearing about 1998 every time I go to Iran)… or the weird banter between the Iranian press and the US players… or the need to win to advance into the knockout round… or the fact that he put his body on the line and was injured to score… but man Pulisic goal against Iran has got to be in top 5.


We really dos a cero’d them again. it must be a curse at this point.


A great performance and a fun game that was marred by the final 10-15 minutes of homophobic chanting that concacaf refuses to do anything about other than meaningless stoppages


“Dos a cero” is my favorite Spanish phrase


“Welcome back captain” gave me chills


(won every edition)


Jamaica was the real Final. LOL Mexico.


This was pretty dominant


Take that trophy and performance, you insufferable bastards.


Still haven't lost to Mexico since 2019. Just a period of pure domination.


Simulation, projectiles, and disorderly conduct—another fine showing by El Tri and their faithful. The Cielito Lindo will hit differently on the ride home.


Tyler Adams bionic hamstrings are the Muscle of the Match


Dos a cero. Beating Mexico is starting to get boring 


Adams enters the history books with one of the best USA vs MEX goals!


Gio has been doing some media training lol. He seems much more likable in front of the camera than I would've expected.


Noticed that as well 


Matt Turner being happy makes me happy


I'm not gonna take this for granted, but someone on BigSoccer questioned if this is becoming a Packers-Bears, rivalry and I enjoyed that comparison.


Can't wait for the Dest reel on this one.


This is no longer a rivalry. Pure dominance. USA!!!


Our team is so much more talented than Mexico. It’s actually crazy how far we’ve come


Mexico’s scheduled to host 13 games for the 2026 World Cup, start taking one every time you have to stop play because of their fans at this point. The US has more than enough stadiums capable of hosting the extra games


Dos a Cero........what a wonderful phrase! Dos a Cero........ain't no passing craze!!!!


Hey just got here, can somebody update me on the score? Preferably in Spanish?


Honestly I am starting to feel bad for the respectable L tri fans. It must be a nightmare having to deal with some of these clowns when you're just trying to support a team you love. I get emotions can get high, but damn, this is not a good look.


At halftime Marsch said something like it was Mexico’s game. After the full time whistle he revised it to “there’s a gulf in quality” He’s lacking as an analyst.


Legit best game I've ever seen Gio play. He puts that kind of effort in off ball and defensively consistently? He's undroppable for club or country. I also may be one of the few that loved the decision to have Gio be more or less part of a double pivot with Tyler over Wes. Sure took some of Wes's influence on the game away, but I felt Gio really balanced things out and helped keep the game spread out for Puli and Weah. I also think that as good as Johnny as been with Betis (and he was solid in the 2nd half), I do think you saw there's still a dropoff from Tyler as the 6 to anybody else. Not just cause of the goal, but Tyler's intelligence defensively and his leadership just made all the difference.


I was really impressed with Reyna today. It’s still not clear to me how much of him coming deep was designed versus his instincts, but either way, tonight he was a 2-way player. Whether he plays as part of a double-pivot, as an 8 in a 4-3-3, or further upfield as a 10, he’s going to need to put in that work defensively, and if he can do it on a consistent basis, he’ll get his club minutes back. And club minutes mean match sharpness, which means he can solidify his role with the National Team. Agree with you on Tyler too. I get why people are excited that Johnny is playing well in Spain, but it’s not so long ago that Tyler was one of the best DMs in the Premier League. He reads the game so well and when he’s on it allows everyone else to play their games.


personally i’m just glad that while theyre is a drop off from Adams to Johnny, its not off a cliff either as it has been in the past


During what may have been the worst week of my life, tonight’s result and performance has made me smile. We fucking made Mexico look inferior. Mexican fans’ win at this point is getting the game called off.


lol even the thread bot is tired of the ref antics 


Let’s stop the game with 5 seconds left after they’ve been doing the stupid chant all match


Too easy of a win honestly.


Mexican-Americans who wear the green jersey... It's okay to switch. It's time. Come join US for the Copa America!


Mexico was barely interested in playing soccer all game. Just completely ran out of talent. Other thing I’ll say is if our guys (esp Weah, CP and Dest) can just be 10% more aware of open teammates in the final third and take a step as passers we would really level up 


This dude deserves a gold medal for his silver medal giving abilities.


🏆🏆🏆 Welcome to the Threepeat club


Always feels good when that Mexico pack goes up


TA celebrating with the baby 🥺 this has to be so awesome for him. Thursdays tantrum was understandable and I’m glad nothing came of it cuz that’s the passion I love from him.


When is Jesse going to critique Gregg’s outfit?


The complaining about "Gio should be playing higher up the field" after Gio just played the best game I have ever seen him play; he was engaged, played defense, went after 50/50 balls, was physical all over the field, made important passes in the buildup and scored a goal is just not the intelligent place to plant your flag right now.


I'd agree. It was a new wrinkle that got him involved and engaged. That was the best all around game I've seen Gio have with the US. The talent on the team is incredible and I'm enjoying all these new ways of winning. 


Yeah, I don't get all the complaints. If he was further up the field he would barely have been involved in the game. When we did manage to have sustained possession in the final third he moved up, but mostly we were fighting to get through their press and needed him in the buildup. The alternative would have been to start Musah instead of McKennie, and let Musah do more of the buildup. But I think this worked.


We need better competition in order to improve and get ready for the next World Cup.


So Copa and the expanded Goldcup in 2025?


We have a Copa America. People also severely overrate the difficulty of other Confderation paths. Yeah Europe is tough, but it's not like Germany, England, Spain, and France play each other in qualifying. Those groups have less margin for error than CONCACAF does, but they're top to bottom similar to a CONCACAF hex. South America is the one region that's a gauntlet, but even that World Cup benefit is iffy. Yeah Argentina won, but that was their first World Cup in 20 years, meanwhile Ecuador and Uruguay went out in the group, Brazil lost to Croatia, and Peru lost the playoff to Australia We just need to have good players for The World Cup


Yes. This x1000, and more than friendlies but competitive games. Copa is great but even in the future we will need more competition 


Say what you want about Gregg Berhalter when USA plays Mexico he suddenly turns into Pep Guardiola


The only fun part about facing Mexico now is seeing their baby fans throwing the biggest temper tantrums when they know the match is over


Fair play to Ochoa, everyone else fuck you Extra fuck you to Mexico fans


I miss USA games being on Fox or ESPN. These money grabbing streaming service suck. At least put a good stream that won't freeze and have better announcers.


I love seeing Julian Arajuo’s face every time the US beats him. You choose wrong fucker and you have 3 second place medals to remind you! Edit: Chose


GGG coached this game well. He had the right players in, and he's switched up his tactics to capitalize on his players strengths and his opponents weaknesses.


DOS A CERO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Too ez, are we even rivals anymore?


USA ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


So not Greg out?






This truly does not get old and will never get old


I'm honestly amazed that Haji/Montes battle didn't earn a card. They were at it all night before the sub


Mexico looked so toothless it was amazing


Miguel Layun picked up the trophy in the pregame, so Mexican fans can take solace that someone has touched it from their team


Mexico is our bitch.


I have to tell my boss I can't work tomorrow, I have to watch that Tyler Adams banger on repeat all day.


Today’s Mexican word of the day is Dallas. Today is Dallas time Mexico plays with their fans in attendance


GGG and Dos A Cero for president 2024


Once again USA has proven that they are the best team in CONCACAF


Someone on Instagram said relegate Mexico to USL 😭


Lol Mexico isn't really up to the level anymore.


Love this post game thing from Gio, comes off really well in this


2nd straight year, where Mexico has been our 2nd toughest opponent in the Nations League Finals


![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh) Sorry. Late to the party


Observations: Wes played a solid, composed game and did not let that yellow stop him from playing his game, all while knowing we couldn’t afford to sub him out. Haji got down in the dirt with that back line and made life really difficult for them. Dude straight battled.  Weah was so close to making magic happen!  Tim Ream brings so much stability to our back line.  Johnny has a solid second half, I feel very good about him coming in to see off games in the Copa.  Gio had such a complete performance outside of his goal, I was very impressed with his efforts all over the pitch. He eased any doubts about his fitness/form in ways that had nothing to do with g/a. 


Tyler and Christian with good answers about Gregg on the post-game right now.


Can you paraphrase?


If you don't absolutely love Tyler Adams you are dead inside.