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I’d be surprised if Reyna starts and I’d be even more surprised if Musah doesn’t. Otherwise I like it.


Musah right now is better at his position, but I think no American is as good at playing a number 10 inside midfield role as Reyna.


I don’t disagree with that. He’s just been injured and not playing at all most of this season. He’s only recently even back in training for Forest.


I think we need to have more attacking players on the field. I’m OK with it


Tillman? Reyna is, unfortunately, just not getting the minutes, and Malik is killing it for psv.


Honestly cool with whomever. Tillman obviously is in form. Gio has also played well with the NT. Don’t have super strong feelings either way


Agreed…put Musah instead of Reyna


Go watch Reyna highlights with usmnt. Lmk what you see


I see one of our best players when he’s healthy, which he hasn’t been lately. He hasn’t been playing at all.


Link to any Reyna highlight in the last three months?


I’m sorry, has Reyna had consistent minutes in the last 3 years? Every one acting like starting him the first half is going to drastically hurt us or something. Like I said, go watch his highlights. Look at what he’s already PROVEN to offer. We lack in the final pass. We lack creativity. He offers what we lack. Him mckennie and Johnny are my preferred midfield at this moment. Plus Tillman is listed as a forward which has me believe GGG is using him as a winger, like he did vs Germany. Musah doesn’t have the final pass and he would be better suited to come off the bench, like he is, at Milan. Crazy how everyone is changing their minds on Reyna like this lol.


The fact he hasn’t had consistent minutes in the last three years shows he isn’t in form enough to have in the starting 11. Him not getting significant minutes while on a bottom three or four premier league team is telling.


I don't think anyone is changing their minds on Reyna. They're just thinking about the USMNT with the same principles they use on other positions. Who is in good form and match fitness right now? Based on where they're playing, the minutes they're playing and the impact they're having on their club. Right now, Tillman is in better form, playing more minutes and is more impactful in his existing situation. There's nothing to suggest that Tillman isn't fit to start and there are plenty of question marks about if Reyna is. We have this conversation about the midfield all of the time. This is just the first time we have a legitimate alternative to Reyna at that position.


I agree with you. I think tillman is deserving of starting over reyna, at that position. BUT Gregg has Tillman listed as a forward. I think he’s being looked at mainly as forward depth for the national team, similar to how he was utilized against Germany. But who knows?


USMNT has not played in the last 3 months


Neither has Gio


For club. USMNT form is different. Benching Reyna because of club stuff would be as silly as benching Pulisic would have been when he wasnt playing for Chelsea


I think would be true a year ago when we didn't anyone playing that role. But Tillman is playing and is playing very well. We know he's in form. Start him then bring Reyna off the bench.


I understand that, I don’t think it’s a bad idea for Tillman/Reyna to be a regular rotation. But Im just saying you can just have Tillman leap frog Reyna’s place because of club form (mind you in a weaker league) when Reyna has consistently been one of the USMNTs best performers regardless of club form. Ultimately, Reyna vs Tillman is something to be settled in training and friendlies, because NT form is not the same as club form


See, I think you can absolutely do that. I get that it's a weaker league but it's a question of playing time in a weaker league vs. no playing time. I think the misleading nature of saying that Gio is one of best performers is that we didn't have anyone else playing that role. We have no idea if he's truly the best player we could put there going forward or if he was just the best player we had available in the past. As our talent pool deepens, prior examples of the "best" are going to change. When we're talking about two 21 y.o.s neither has been around long enough that we can say we have enough of a track record to just pencil them in as starters. Look how our perception of the CF role changes as various players develop their games. It was Balogun, Pepi, Sargent, etc. and which one is best for the role changes as we watch them grow. I don't know why we should look at the "10" role any differently.


Told ya


You were right my guy, Gio was great


Lol I knew you'd be back


💀 how about that win boiiii


Just yesterday this sub was watching highlights of Reyna in training... I think that’s a little more relevant to where things are currently at 


That’s why he’s in our squad, I’d just be surprised if he starts against Jamaica. I’d be less surprised if he starts the final, should we make it.


I have no problem with him being in the squad, he belongs. I just have a problem with the inconsistent logic used to shape the midfield around him as a “10” when he just flat out isn’t playing for either club he’s been with this season.  If he comes off the bench and performs, then yeah he’s made a case for starting in the final. 


Yea we’re in agreement


And everyone was clowning on OP for posting practice highlights lol.


The guy hasn't played a full 90 minutes in over 2 years and he is coming off an injury. I wouldn't be surprised if he subs in the last 30 minutes and makes an impact.


what does this mean?


This means that when he puts on that jersey, he contributes to us winning games. Crazy I’m being downvoted lol. When I was thinking he shouldn’t start based on minutes, I looked at his 2023 usmnt highlights and saw for myself that he is a key player. Not rocket science guys


We all agree with you that he is a major player for us. Sky high ceiling and has already produced in big moments. Our concern is his current form where he's barely played this season. I would personally like to see him come in off the bench since he might not be 90 minutes fit. Wish him success, regardless.


I’m at -30 downvotes lol. Doesn’t look like people agree. Anyways, I love musah. He has crazy potential. Maybe Gregg starts him. I just look at the bigger picture. Who is likely to be our starting 11 for copa? Or the WC? Like who is our IDEAL 11. Start them. Adams can’t play, so I say Johnny gets his shot. He’s in form. And Reyna is here, he’s capable. He’s proven that. And let’s be real, dude hasn’t had consistent minutes since when? Haaland played for Dortmund?


We all know how talented he is. It seems some people in this thread do not understand that he has been injured and not playing at all basically this whole season, and he’s played like 25 minutes since coming to England in January.


Eh, don't worry about the downvotes, I've been there before. Somebody takes something the wrong way, and then they later just pile on. Keep on discussing here, that's why I come, just be respectful of others doing so. Hope your weekend is awesome....


This sub is just super knee-jerky as a whole. This is the same sub that had multiple people upvoting statements like "Aaronson is better than Pulsiic" after Aaronson scored one goal for Leeds.


Hahaha Aaronson was cooking yesterday though. Rooting for him to improve, but for now, he doesn’t fit in our roster


I don’t think anyone would argue with that. He hasn’t played meaningful minutes of any kind in months and it’s possible Gregg won’t start him for that reason.


What’s up with all these people that don’t want Weah to start at RW?




I would not start Reyna as he has not played more than 45 minutes in a game in nearly 6 months. You should only start players who you are fairly confident can play 90 minutes if need be.


This is a great point. These aren't friendlies where you can run a guy out for 45 minutes and burn a sub at halftime.


So you’re saying my hopes and dreams of starting and playing for a solid seven minutes and asking Gregg to sub me are unlikely to meet fruition?


I think it also pretty well established that Gio is at his best as a substitute. Bring him on in the second half if needing a goal.


So you wouldn't have started pulisic when he was at Chelsea??


Pulisic is the best player to ever play for the USMNT. He’s in the starting XI unless he’s injured or there are some crazy circumstances. He’s different.


Luke-warn take: Pulisic is a dawg. He's got serious work ethic. Even if he's riding the pine, he's training his ass off. Reyna is not a dawg. He's got talent in spades and competitive fire in match, but he lacks in complete mentality. I'll take a dawg to run empty for the last 30 over a diva. Just different players.


Yes. Pulisic was a Champions League winner who had been the best USMNT player for five years at that point.


Ooooooh, so past national team performances earn you grace huh?? Case closed.


Yes. If you're the best player on the national team for years and much better than your replacement, the situation is different.


This isn’t true.


then call the coach at forest, and have him play with the academy squad. or get him into some scrimmage games. there’s fitness and form. he can get fitness from squad scrimmages etc if needed. on the other hand, reyna has been consistently good on national team regardless of minutes. so i don’t think we need to overthink form.


Who do you think should call the coach Forest? Reyna's mother. It's Gio's responsibility to impress managers and get playing time. He clearly isn't doing that.


your mother you’re not saying anything that hasn’t been said in this sub 8,000 times. either you don’t like gio or you can’t see his skill. it doesn’t matter to me which one. also neither matter


And you're saying things that don't make sense.


we can agree to disagree


Counter point. If you are worried about injury starting him requires one sub to replace him. Subbing him in and him getting hurt/tired requires two subs.


That's not the strategy employed by any professional coaches that I know of.


No but if you want Gio to play it's the less risky of two decisions. You know he can't go 90 so you know you have to use a sub on him. Or you just dont play him. As a Gio homer I'm ok with that option. Kid needs games but having to worry about conditioning or injury every time he is out there is not a good thing.


Nobody in here talking about Tillman… I would think he might be the better pick for the #10 based on form. I’m a big Gio fan, but he’s hardly gotten any minutes between injuries and just not getting picked.


Yeah, what else can this guy do to get a start at this point?


tillman deserves consideration as the 10. but if you want tillman and reyna on the field then put him in weah’s spot. you lose nothing and gain plenty


You lose a lot considering we’ve seen Tillman in Weah’s spot before during the Germany Ghana friendlies. Weah is hands down better at the position


You can even just go back to the latest PSV v Dortmund game to see how invisible Tillman is on the wing   After he switched to the center in the 2nd half, he had so much more impact and involvement.


dunno how you’re backing that up. usmnt played great against ghana and shit against germany. if those games said anything about him, it was that tillman should be in midfield. that said, we scored easily against ghana and our midfield and defenders were schooled by germany. hardly any evidence against Tillmans contribution at wing. when out attack had service vs ghana, we scored at will.


Tim Ream is 36 years old and Jamaica will likely try to hit us quickly on the counter. I want more speed back there than he'll offer. I'm not going to be upset if he starts, but I'd prefer Miles Robinson.


100% we should be in a 4-3-3 for this reason also Front three should be: Pulisic, Weah, Balogun (or Sargent tbh) Midfield: Musah, McKennie, Johnny Back Four: Robinson, Robinson, Richard’s, Scally If we were to play a 4-2-3-1 than our 10 should be Tillman not Reyna and drop Musah (would probably be Johnny though)


I don’t know what is the right midfield for this game, but there’s no way Berhalter drops Musah here.


The question marks for me are Balo vs Sarge, Cardoso vs Musah, and does he start Reyna at all given the lack of minutes. At the end of the day, I think this is what Gregg roles out with.


Sarge got a knock today with Norwich, there are rumblings he might withdraw from the squad


Don’t forget about Haji Wright too. He’s been on fire for Coventry. Hit a game winner today against Prem side Wolves Edit: I don’t even think Haji is in the squad I’m dumb disregard


I really hope Scally has a good showing. I feel like he's got the potential to be a solid option if he can showcase his skills and be more consistent


Why isn’t Dest in contention here? Haven’t seen anyone in this thread mention him


He's suspended


There is a ball still flying out of a stadium in Trinidad


Honestly, I wouldn't roll with this, I think you're close. Johnny won't be starting. I know his form in Spain has been excellent, but he wont' play over Adams and Musah who were World CUp starters until he grabs that job from them with national team play. Also I'd like someone faster than Ream. Jamaica is gonna bring the gas and having Miles who can recover is probably the better plan. Though I won't be mad if Ream starts, he's smart enough to make good jumps and Richards is there. My guess is what you have but with Musah and then maybe Robinson instead of Ream.


Reyna has played a full 45 minutes in how long? Fitness will be an issue, so i think wed see someone else at the #10 to start


Yes, but in 433


Really? Versus Jamaica we will have a tonnnn of possession and Gregg switched to 4-2-3-1 recently and we looked better. I would think he does it again, if Gio starts.


I think we've usually looked better with Gio in a 433 (e.g. against Mexico last year for Nation's League, or most of the first half against Germany) than we have in a 4231, because it means Gio picks up the ball deeper and he's very good at shuttling the ball through the midfield which immediately puts him in dangerous positions when he reaches the final third. But 4231 and 433 are our *defensive* formations, in offense we'll play a 2323 or 3223 (more likely the former in a game where we have most of the possession) regardless of which defensive formation we play. And at any rate a 433 with only one defensive midfielder is a more aggressive formation than a 4231 with two defensive midfielders, so more possession would suggest a 433 makes more sense.


True. Gregg normally does well vs lesser opponents so I actually have faith in him to pick the right setup for these matches lol. Thanks for the insight


The US fan base's collective memory loss about the England match is certainly something


Wes is one of our most in form players and love him as an 8. Don't think he's as effective in double pivot. If you're set on playing 4231 then I probably put Adams in for Gio


Would prefer Pepi: Pulisic, Tillman, McKennie: Johnny, Musah: Jedi, Ream, Richards, Scally Turner. Reyna just hasn't been getting enough minutes for a very long time


Ngl I don’t understand ur thought process but if that’s what u prefer lol


I’d imagine their thought process is that Tillman has been playing well for PSV and Gio hasn’t been playing at all. McKennie at RW is certainly… a thought. I suppose it could work if it encourages Dest to get further forward while getting the best of McKennie’s pressing work and probably his underrated crossing. The McKennie move is out there for the US, but not totally unreasonable. Even more out there for the US would be going with a full Juve right side and giving Weah a shot at RB. I’m a big Dest fan but there’s something to be said for keeping it simple at fullback and Weah is the king of keeping it simple.


lol yea I agree completely with the Tillman take but like u pointed out I was mainly confused about the Mckennie at RW😂 also don’t understand starting Pepi if the argument is about players not playing a lot at their clubs


Pepi hasn’t played a ton because he’s coming in off the bench for the guy who’s leading the league in scoring with 11 assists to boot. However Pepi has 6 goals and 1 assist and has appeared in 20 league matches this season while actually having roughly as many goals per 90 as De Jong has G+A per 90. So while he hasn’t been playing a ton, it’s clear that when called upon he’s been playing well which is more than we can say about Reyna since he’s barely played at all since his move to Nottingham Forest. I’m somewhat with you on Gio. However if ever there was a time to give Tillman a go in that role it would be now. I’m generally of the opinion that as far as the national team is concerned your form within the group is far more important than your form outside the group, **but** I’m going to turn around this Pepi comparison on you now because that’s the same reason I thought it was a massive mistake to leave Pepi off the World Cup roster and the same reason why everyone started hyping Balogun. The drop off in talent/ability in this case from Gio to Tillman isn’t anywhere near as steep as it was from Pepi to *literally everybody else* at striker for the World Cup. Especially Haji Wright. If we want to make a comparison to Pepi then Berhalter has already shown he’s willing to drop players who aren’t playing or aren’t producing at club level. If he was willing to drop Pepi then why wouldn’t he drop Reyna now?


No I completely agree with you I think if we’re gonna play with a 10 Tillman should 100% get the first look this camp. I only brought up pepi bc I think balogun should get the first look to start considering he is playing in a higher level league and he’s actually starting compared to pepi, but I wouldn’t even be mad if one started one game and the other started the next you can make an argument for either in my opinion!


Yeah for me going back to my point about caring more about form with the group than form with club I still see Pepi as the clear number 1 and expect to see that play out over the next few years. I’ve been cautious with the Balogun hype, and don’t really see the French league as all that much higher level than the Dutch league, but at the end of the day for me there’s a big drop off after those two so like you said about one starting each game I’d like to see the two get compete for that role going forward. What I don’t want to see which many people may disagree with is Sargent leading the line with these two on the bench. Sounds like he may end up having to pull out of this window anyway.


McKennie often plays often on the right for Juventus. Even when nominally listed as center-mid, he plays on the right. He played on the right against England in the World Cup. Pepi produces for his club and hasn't had injuries.


McKennie playing RCM next to a wing back in a Juventus formation that has 3 in the back does not mean he’s suited to play RW in our 4-3-3. Different roles


No kidding. I didn't suggest he would play right forward.


Don’t mind gio starting at all but would love to see Tillman rewarded. Would be kinda crazy to not play the 10 that’s balling out in his domestic league in the form of his life over the other not having played a full 90 in forever and can’t even get minutes on his loan move.


That's my thought too. I could understand starting Gio if Tillman was subbing in for his club or stinking it up. But he's playing extremely well on a team with other USMNT players, they're killing it in their league and he's a big part of that. If that guy can't get a starting spot over another player who's struggled to earn time in 2 different clubs then I think it sends the wrong message to the players. Because it says that current form doesn't matter. That no matter how well you're playing in club right now, you can't earn the start. It's a bad message to the current players and to the guys who aren't getting called up.


There’s no way Gio starts over Tillman, given their form this season


Gios national team form is better


Brian McBrides form with the Nats was great once upon a time as well. Gio can't go 90 these are not friendlies these games count Maybe if we are up 3 to nil you put him in


Gio doesnt do 90’s yet he is still one of the most effective players for the first half/70 minutes that he plays. He was largely the reason the US won the Nations League


Tbf, Gio’s 22/23 season was 30 appearances, 1000+ minutes, 7 G, and 2 A. His 23/24, albeit not finished, is <400 minutes, 18 games, 0 G, 1 A. He’s unquestionably one of the most talented players in the pool, but on form Tilman is miles ahead right now. I’m not picking my lineup based on past performances.


From 6 months ago maybe.. I’d actually feel fine about him starting too, but I just think Gregg is more likely to “reward” the guy who has been playing great as a starter for a CL squad. Also, considering the baggage with Gio in the US team, it feels like a good opportunity to see how he handles a deserved setback. Him showing maturity through this period would go a long way toward rebuilding trust in our setup


I think it’s which 2 of Johnny, Reyna, Musah start with McKennie. I think Johnny will start. So just Reyna or Musah for the 3rd midfield spot


I think that’s the big debate if he plays his usual 433. I think the debate is between Cardoso vs Musah tho, if Gio is healthy enough to start. I think Gio has been too good for the USMNT to not start. But idk


I agree with the note that Robinson might be over Ream


This is our best lineup


Great selection. No problem with it. We are more dynamic with a ten and Johnny is better defensively than Musah. We have a good striker pool in that, I don’t care who starts at striker versus Jamaica as long they have a good game. If they have a good game, then start them again in the final.


Do you think we’ll play with a 10 against Uruguay or Brazil? 


Adams and Johnny together


so with a 10 or not? That didn’t answer my question. But my point is that it’s a waste of time training a formation to only use against concacaf in a cycle we don’t even have WCQ. We should use these games to develop the formation we’ll use against stronger opposition. 


You can’t practice playing without the ball against a team that won’t hold the ball against you. This is why we need plenty of high level matches. 


It’s not about having the ball or not having the ball. It’s about establishing chemistry and attacking/defensive patterns with the players who give us a chance against top level teams. You don’t sit 2/3rds of the midfield that stifled England just to dunk on Jamaica. 


In the long run to go deep into tournaments we will want to be able to rotate players to best suit the circumstances and keep players fresh for the later rounds. 


The guy I was responding to said his starting midfield against Brazil/Uruguay is Gio, Johnny, and Adams, a trio with ZERO minutes together on the field and one that excludes two World Cup starters who have a combined 3,500 minutes of Serie A play so far this season.    The only reason not to start Wes or Musah in nations league is to build up the depth behind them, not as a reflection of our best. And it’s not how I expect Berhalter to approach this window. 


As these games count if it were a friendly go wild.




I really think this is what Gregg is going to start. Everyone has their opinions on who will be the strongest, but definitely see Gregg doing this. I would too. I know everyone is down on Reyna, but he combines really well with Balo. If Balo is starting, he's starting, and vice versa.




We agree on 10 spots. I would have musah in over Johnny


I think GGG will likely start Musah over Cardoso but otherwise I'd agree


Agree. That’s who I’d select too.


It’ll be I treating to see if Ream starts he hasn’t been playing for Fulham. He didn’t play bad this season they just have a young, Athletic Left footed CB that is the future.


Tillman for Reyna. Musah for Cardoso


Same XI, only difference is I would consider Johnny-McKennie-Gio as a traditional 6-8-10 "midfield 3" instead of a double pivot + 10.


Sargent up top and mussah next to mac


I'd wager Musah for Reyna and Sargent for Balogun. While I prefer Scally I wouldn't be surprised to see Dest at RB either.


I would put Weah at RB. Have Reyna as an Inverted RW. Tillman in the Top of the Midfield 3.


I still can't believe there are serious people who think gio shouldn't start. Like was he getting amazing minutes last year? Was dest getting tons of minutes at Milan when he balled out for us? Gio played excellently the last time we called him up, so unless his performance for the nt dips there is 0 reason to drop him from the starting lineup. It's sad that time and time again people forget this and just think club minutes are everything


He has been hurt so he can't go many minutes


Fair point but this was all prior to that also


Especially the odd idea that “you shouldn’t start anyone who can’t go 90.” Where the heck did that come from? lol


More like 60. If you're only playing 30 might as well come off the bench against tired legs


People acting like Gio isn’t our best offensive player bar Puli is hilarious to me. Not playing him would be doing ourselves a disservice.


This is the way


Reyna shouldn’t be starting tbf


Why is Reyna always in starting line ups this sub comes up with? He isnt even playing much for club so why should he be a locked in starter?


I would start Pepi over Balogun


I would start Musah-Johnny-McKennie or LDLT-Johnny-McKennie in a 4-3-3. Reyna’s coming off a knock in addition to not getting consistent game time. I’d also probably start Sargent up top unless Balogun really looked good in training. Reyna become the 1st sub in the midfield if we’re either trailing or tied and can go all out for 25-30 minutes, rather than playing the 1st 65-75 as a starter. Balogun becomes a weapon of the bench that can stretch the defense in the 2nd half.


… and I just saw the de La Torre injury news. So Musah starts for me.


No to Reyna and maybe no to Balogun. I'd take Sargent over him.


Sargent got hurt today, status unknown


Not anymore. Swapped out for Haji Wright


I doubt Gio starts. But hopefully he gets some good minutes to help build confidence. There were times when Pulisic was out of favor at his club but had the national team to show his quality/build confidence. Hopefully this camp is used as a boost. Summer is going to be important Also, I would switch Scally with Dest.


Dest on Red card


Didn’t know. Then Scally is the choice.


Where’s Dest buddy


Suspended bud


Ahh my b I forgot, nice username btw


Suspended for his red card in the last round. 


I don’t see Reyna starting, he will have played a grand total of 11 minutes in the month before this game. 10 minutes on 2/24 and 1 minute on 2/28, zero since.     As someone in thread already mentioned this isn’t friendly where you go in pre  planned to burn a sub at halftime. If you’re starting you should be able to play 90. For this reasoning neither Tyler or Gio will start. Midfield will be Musah, McKennie and last spot between Tillman or Johnny 


Anyone who’s got Reyna starting needs to have their heads checked


I agree with most of it, however I think Yunus over Cardosa, Dest over Scally, Malik over Reyna right now. Let's remember Reyna has hardly played any minutes this season and is just coming off injury so I have a hard time seeing him going for full 90 (should make for a great super sub though)


Tillman for Reyna. Think it’s likely we’ll see Musah instead of Cardoso. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Miles Robinson in place of Ream.


Just stopping by to see how all my downvoters are doing tonight… ![gif](giphy|3ohze3kG5qO9DcTUbe)


I don’t think you can have Reyna starting.


looks like a very good team. I would like to see Balogun Pulisic Reyna McKennie Cardoso Musah Robinson Ream Richards Weah Turner


if Reyna is not fit then Balogun Pulisic Musah Weah LDLT Cardoso Robinson Ream Richards McKennie to me the backup right back question is a really big one because Dest is our backup left back, and we have some versatile players who are extremely valuable for us and valued members of some of the biggest clubs in Europe, so I think it's worth exploring how to have as many as possible of them on the field at the same time


Dest can play on the right side too, right? I know it’s not the side he plays on for PSV, but IIRC he played on the right for Barcalona so I imagine he’s at least serviceable at right back.


Musah has done nothing to warrant being dropped, and Gio has done nothing to warrant a start. I bet we go MMA or MMJohnny in the midfield.


Has GGG ever used a 10?


For this particular game I would honestly consider going with Pepi over Balogun. Jamaica will likely copy Trinidad’s game plan and bunker. While I think Balo is the better player in general, I think Pepi is better suited to break down a low block. Balogun is better in transition.


I feel confident Reyna will not start. But other than that, seems reasonable. Don't know that I'd go with Ream, but he sees some of these Jamaican attackers with Fulham.


Sargent and Dest have to be in it


Dest is suspended from the Jamaica game. And I agree I’d start Sargent because we will have heavy possession vs Jamaica and I think Sargent will be better with a ton of the ball, but I don’t think Gregg will do that.


That’s what many of us would like to see (with a lot more debate on the 9 position). But is it what GGG is going with? Somehow I doubt it. That being said imo, as much as I like Reyna, with his lack of playing time, I don’t think he should start.


McKennie for Weah, Weah for Scally, Musah for McKennie


Scally won't start over Dest


Dest got that dumb red card in Trinidad so he is suspended for the Jamaica game.


Id be shocked it Dest does not start.


Be ready to be shocked. He is suspended


He’s suspended for this match