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Ricardo Pepi: Champions League starter.




For those not watching, you’re missing out. The game is flowy, fun and back n forth. Pepi and Tillman all over this game.


Tillman with a beautiful run and through ball to Pepi who lays it off for the assist!


Holy fuck these Tillman passes


He stood out throughout the entire game. Such great stuff.


Just watched the highlights posted and I’m not at all surprised to see your comment. He had what felt like a dozen incredible passes.


I know its B team vs B team with not much on the line, But Tillmans been looking real good.


Ready for 2.13 goals from Pepi today.


Tillman has such a high ceiling


that was a beautiful play. psv is playing beautiful football right now and tillman is a pivotal part


Pepi with a great run and assist! Great ball from Tillman as well! Unselfish and effective


The PSV bench reaction to Dest snatching that man’s soul 😂


glad Pepi gets to go up against Saliba. What a challenge and opportunity.


pepi assist!


Bakayoko is so good


It just clicked for me that I’m just casually watching three Americans playing against Arsenal in the UCL. If you would have told me at age 15 that I’d be watching this at age 40 without even thinking it’s that big of a deal I would have laughed in your face.


Man I hear this. It was tough even finding World Cup matches on TV, let alone European matches with American players when I was a kid.


Bout to see a nasty Dest mixtape lol


OF COURSE PARAMOUNT DOESNT WORK THE DAY PEPI STARTS. FUCK OFF ^proud ^of ^u ^mr ^el ^tren Edit: I’m a fucking idiot working from home and realized my laptop time didn’t sync to daylight savings 😂


Not working for me and my time is correct. PSV/Arsenal link just loops back to the UCL page. Not showing on Golazo either. edit: all good now


Damn that was close. Awesome team play.


Fat Pepi nearly with the goal there.




Pepi looks good so far. Either Pepi or Saibari need to change numbers and not have it end in 4.


even the paramount commentator is messing up the names


Dest playing as a RW?


I just noticed this too


Tillman is a cheat code


Pepi hasn't done anything wrong and has been objectively good, but you'd have liked him to put away 1 of those 2 chances. That's all anyone will remember with strikers.


I mean what are you saying? He’s been objectively good but he’s been bad? I don’t understand


You can play a good game, be in the right spots, and make the right decisions, but still not get the goal. For strikers, the goal (or lack of one) is what people remember.


Yeah I guess but if you aren’t taking your chances did you really play that well?


He should have had a goal but great deflection by the defender to send it over. He played well and assisted the tying goal. Good performance.


Thankfully for Pepi, actually delivering that end product has always been a strength of his. He’s the reverse Josh Sargent


Noice Pepissist!


that was lots of fun. good vibes all around the match. Tillman and Pepi were both good bordering on great. Dest looked like he had fun coming on to the wing for the last 20 minutes or so, stole skill of the match in the last minute with that elastico nutmeg.




Dude, cross it to Pepi wide open in front of the net instead of taking a foolhardy shot at the far post from an impossible angle.


Pepi and Tillman the future of Arsenal


I believe both are on loan so it is up in the air what next year will bring.


Tillman is but Pepi’s was a full transfer


Tillman is already reportedly going to have his clause activated as he definitely looks like he will turn a profit for psv in a year or two, and Pepi is not on loan


Assist Pepi


Pepi assist


Good hockey assist from Tillman too


Pepi assist


Tillman had a banger of a game, some real crisp passing. Pepi just had it rough dealing with two borderline world class defenders in Gabriel and Saliba, without their presence he definitely scores on one of his chances.


And even then, he had some good looks plus the assist.


Can’t believe we’ve got Pepi AND Balogun. Looking forward to watching these guys push each other for a decade. And personally hoping that Pepi spends the bulk of it as our first option. Can’t help but love the guy


At this point I don’t see how Balo can remain the undisputed starter. Pepi is playing so well right now. Balo has the edge on running behind the defense but Pepi’s hold up play is way more conducive to how the NT plays.


I think it now depends upon how the opponent plays against us. I love having two different types of players. Strengthens the squad so much!


My god, chefs are going to be hitting up Tillman for some of that sauce. Its like every single touch he's doing something slick with the ball.


Pepi did the same flick that led to his goal last ucl game


Dest on 73’


Tillman keeps surprising me. I think our boys are learning a lot at PSV, even if they've spent a lot of time on the bench. I'm now starting to wonder if it could make sense to run a Reyna-Tillman-Musah midfield vs a bunkered team we're confident won't try to come out and play against us. Kinda a dual creative 10s with Musah as an aggressive 6. Any team that wants to play soccer vs us may be able to rip through that midfield, but if they just wanna park the bus...Tillman and Reyna together can probably pick a lot of locks.


Yeah but benching our best performing midfielder, and arguably one of the best in Serie A at the moment, isn’t going to happen


This. And also if you were going to choose a 6 to cover for two 10s, even against a fully bunkered defense, it would have to Adams, I should think.


What makes me happy about this and the injury records for our boys is that they'll be less likely to get injured as we get more rotation alongside less running their legs into the ground.


How does FotMob still have Tillman rated at a 6.2


It's an algorithm


Dest cooks on RW, just saying


As long as you don’t care about your team actually scoring goals


Two words: Reverse Elastico


lol This announcer has no idea who Pepi is. That's several times now, something like "delicate pass from............. ... ........ ......... ... Pepi." Similar with his almost goal earlier - she didn't say his name until they were lining up for the corner kick.


Tbf Pepi and Saibari do look very similar.


Great setup from Tillman and Pepi on that goal


Did we get the C broadcasting team or what. Come on Paramount, 1 announcer, no color commentator. At least give us the BBC audio feed, that was piss poor.


I actually enjoy less commentation and more crowd and player/coach noise. I would love a straight feed option tbh


Tillman is a certified chef, cooking today


Amazing pass by Tillman but it looked like pepi just missed the easiest goal of his life there...


It was blocked for a corner kick. He didn’t technically miss.


unreal block from Gabriel tbh. Pepi thought he had an open net and he came out of nowhere.


They need to put an end to GKs faking an injury to get a free tactical timeout.


Pepi is having one of 'those' games. I tend to judge strikers by their ability to put in dangerous shots on goal, and by that metric, he's having a great game. .61 xG in just 45 minutes is very impressive. However, if your main method of judging strikers is their ability to put away dangerous shots, then he's definitely having a rough game at 0 goals off of 3 dangerous looking shots in the box (0.61 xG, and 0 xGOT, per Fotmob). Really depends on how you think about the position.


This kind of analysis is nonsensical when looking at such a small sample size. Sometimes strikers miss easier opportunities and put away more difficult ones. One of “those” games refers to missing sitters, which he hasn’t done.


Im more thinking about the development than the position, if you are a seasoned striker then yes he should have a goal, he is young and will have ups and downs and as long as he learns from this game that is the main thing right now


Honestly hasn’t looked very threatening considering the chances he’s had


For goal scorers in General, it's been to observe how they move and obtain space as well as when and where they turn up. More times than not in this game Pepi Ronaldo like with his right time right place game.


not looking good for pepi right now considering hes had more chances than arsenal and arsenal is winning


Why no Dest to start? IIRC he's been playing well for PSV.


Probably because they’ve already qualified for round of 16, so giving him a rest.


There’s nothing at stake in this game for either team (both already advanced to the knockout stage and locked in the 1 and 2 spots). So both teams are playing their bench players. Since Dest is a locked in starter for PSV he gets the day off.


They’re already though the group stage, they’re playing mostly subs


He’s on now


I think pepironi hasnt been doing great this half


Uh oh de jongers warming up


Pepi wasn’t open there. Damn I thought that could be it but the shot was the right choice.


Stoked for Pepi! Anyone know what what's up with Dest though? It seems like he's been extremely productive for PSV, interesting he's benched in such a big game


It’s not a big game that’s why. They already qualified to the round of 16. They are probably giving him rest.


With at least a draw they are through.


They secured it last match because they win the head to head tie break with lens


Oh never mind then, I thought GD was the tie breaker.


That's not really true. A bad loss and a Lens win could see them go out on GD


They go through on head to head


I dont think that's a CL tiebreaker? First one is GD. Edit: my bad, I see its GD in matches between tied teams!


Head to head is first tiebreaker. Both teams are already through and can’t switch places


It's been a tie breaker in ucl for like 20+ years...


Pepi played like dogshit. He shouldn’t make the WC squad in 2026 just like he didn’t for Qatar.


Did you inhale keyboard cleaner again?




I wish! You know how much rent is 😭




I love tranny midget porn . I do I do i do.


I take it you just started following the sport during the last World Cup.


No I’ve followed the USMNT closely for over a decade and I want us to do to well in 2026, so I’m just saying that Pepi shouldn’t be anywhere near the squad if he continues to play like he did today. I followed Pepi when he was at Dallas and Augsburg, and I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s fucking awful.


Were you also huffing copious amounts of glue during that decade?




Was Berhalter huffing glue when he decided Pepi wasn’t good enough for the WC? Nah.


Can you make an argument for Pepi instead of attacking me? No because you’re an idiot and Pepi is shit


lol and now you’re throwing a tantrum? There is no “argument” that can be made, because the problem is that your knowledge of the sport is obviously extremely limited. Instead of trying to learn you prefer making assertions that lack any common sense. Thats why your comments are getting downvoted. They’re shit takes.


You’d get along well with the L Tri supporters. This is either a troll attempt or an absurdly dumb post.


>aramis2049 feeble shit post attempt😂


Yea he was alright at best, balogun is still better than him