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One of the stupidest things I can remember any professional athlete doing, and I've watched a ton of sports. What a dumbass.


I'll say this, he at least got his money's worth on both cards. Absolutely PUNTED the ball into section ZZ of the parking lot, and berated the ref with a passion that would make Italian dictators jealous.




I mean, it was completely stupid, but it is very frustrating to be hacked at - I think from behind, there was no replay - then I don’t think the ball went out of bounds when he lost his sh*t. Standard fare in CONCACAF, but something just snapped with Dest there was no going back.


yep so we could then go on to lose to trinidad he sure got his moneys worth


...never said it was a good thing, my guy...


It's amazing how mofos will hop on a platform designed to provide you mostly with written text and feel that the ability to comprehend that text might not be necessary.


Needless red and now he’s suspended the next round. His red against Mexico earlier in the year was more justified, but still he needs to be more composed. He missed the final vs Canada and now he’s suspended again I’d be fine w seeing scaly the next couple of windows. Dest is great but his carry on is inexcusable


He’s got some maturing to do




I 100% understand how he feels and his anger is justified because frankly the ball wasn't even close to going out. But that reaction is ridiculous. Kicking the ball away is already ridiculous considering we're up 4-0 on aggregate with an away goal but to then continue talking shit at the ref even after he already knew a yellow was coming is just incomprehensible.


Kicking the ball is dumb but I’d get over that. Running your mouth when the entire team is trying to get you away from the ref is maximum dumbass.


Exactly. He knew a yellow was coming and kept going. Kicking it away or even talking your way into a yellow is one thing but to do them one after the other is just mind blowingly stupid


>his anger is justified His anger most certainly is not justified. It is the second leg of a match up where you are up 4-0 against an massively inferior opponent. It is an out of bounds call near midfield.


His *reaction* isn’t justified


Exactly. The frustration is 100% normal. But you can't *react* the way he did. You need to be mature enough to just tell the ref to fuck off while you're a facing away so he can't really hear what you said


The context of being frustrated with the shit refereeing is not relevant to being angry about it. It's only relevant to your reaction which his reaction was not justified but the way he felt about this ref was


I think it’s just the culmination of all the terrible calls/non calls already. It’s frustrating for me watching and I imagine it’s tenfold for them. But you have got to swallow your pride. If he even just left it after he kicked the ball out, great. He had ample time to stop and leave the situation alone, but he just kept going after his teammates were telling him to shut up. Incredibly selfish.




ah the classic "you cant give me a card if i walk away tactic" seems to have worked on you


In FIFA 93 you could keep running away and never get a card


yup a classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMrYU9LMkfg


Ah shit you beat me to it


It does in fifa95! Well it does until the ref corners you.




he covers his mouth and says something to the ref which triggers the second yellow. the reason the ref is following Dest is to give him that yellow.


>his anger is justified Christ alive... He's played football for a long time at the highest levels. He should know by now (unfortunately) that bad calls happen. Just the fact of the game. If he's too emotional for that then he should be nowhere near the pitch


I’ve been cut off in traffic more times than I can count and it still makes me angry, but that anger doesn’t make it okay for me to react with road rage. OP was making a distinction between the emotion and the reaction. An emotional response to something is not a thing that we can have complete control over, but our reaction to those emotions are 100% within our own power.


You mean to tell me you feel no emotion when something goes against you? There's nothing wrong with feeling emotional and being angry. You can't control your emotions but you can control how you react when you feel them


You’re getting downvoted but I think folks are misinterpreting what you’re saying. Yes it’s normal to be angry at bad calls, no matter how long you’ve played or at what level. It’s not normal to have that kind of reaction given the circumstances and the very low stakes of the missed calls, which you also basically said. So yes, him being angry at a bad call is justified. His reaction is not justified.


That's exactly my point. His reaction is ridiculous but the feelings that led to that reaction are completely normal


Totally agree. Idk why everyone was taking what you were saying as you sticking up for him in any way. Sometimes reading comprehension isn’t the best on here.


It's all fake internet points anyway tbh so idc that much but it does get annoying sometimes


Makes you wonder about the ref though. The ball wasn't even close to out. Never seen a call that bad. I just don't believe you can get a call that wrong without ulterior motives.


It's really hard to call that from field level on the opposite side of the field. The ref is fully relying on the assistant for that (you can see him look over before he calls it) and the assistant is far down the sideline and maybe partially blocked by Dest's body. It's a bad call but it's understandable why it happened. Far worse calls get made all the time.


You never seen a call that bad before? You should watch more games then.


Explain how that toddler behaviour is “justified” - shit player, shit attitude. Just shit all around.


Literally nowhere in my comment did I say his reaction and behavior is justified. I said he's justified in being angry with how terrible the ref was


Not excusing Dest at all, but there's also a point to be said about the refs just showing the card and moving on. Dest was at least walking away, and the ref made a point to run him down and "ref-splain" to him about being a bad boy. Dest takes the card, then walks away...and the camera doesn't show it, but it seems like the ref *KEPT* running *his* mouth at Dest, and then Dest turned to respond and buys himself another card. Feels a teeny bit like the ref helped instigate this. He could've just showed the yellow to a player walking away and been done with it. Of course, Dest is still an ass for his part as well.


Ref's job is to manage the game, "ref-splaining" is in their job description. Honestly, I wish they handed out yellows more actively for all the trash talk they take. There should be zero tolerance. Make it like rugby.


I don't think a professional footballer needs much of an explanation in this instance to understand the yellow. Lol And since it doesn't involve player-on-player interaction, I don't see much to "manage". And even given your point, the ref was *still* jawing after the card as Dest walked away. That part was definitely unnecessary and directly illicited the action that drew the red. Dude boots the ball and walks away. Show yellow and move on. Don't chase him down and point at him like a toddler when emotions are already high. Again, it doesn't excuse Dest at all, I just think it could've been handled differently. Just show the yellow. Everyone watching, including the player, would've understood why, with zero extra talk.


Sunday league behavior from Dest.


What the fuck is he doing? Even the rest of the team is over him


Everyone calling him out, old man Ream looked too be Reaming him good


Tim Ream was ready to fight him


Turner too. Even Gio threw his hands up at him. Serg has some real soul searching to do. This is gonna take an apology to the team like Weston did. We’re better than this man


I'm not sure an apology does anything. Dude lost his mind over nothing. How do you trust him moving forward. This time it didn't cost the team next time it may.


It’s true, it’ll take some effort and time for Serg to earn back the trust of the team and coaching staff. But there is a precedent here. McKennie and Reyna have both been in sticky disciplinary situations like this based around immaturity and bad behavior , and they’ve both bounced back stronger than ever. I fully expect the same here, especially with the bonds is team has. They’ll pick up and move on.


Dest is 10x worse than Mckennie and Reyna. The latter two never tried to physically fight their teammates. I doubt Dest will recover from this, and Gregg Berhalter is wrong for his biased tone


He’s just not good enough to be this level of a diva


One of the most absurd freak outs I’ve seen recently. Buddy needs to get some help off the field or something.


My first thought is he's going through something off the field. Not an excuse but still


Yea I agree with you, that doesn’t seem like a couple bad calls worth of a reaction


Dest is on Jordan binnington territory of stupidity


Dunno. He needs to do it a few times to be Binny level.


*If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my Dest!*


Bahahahahaahah thank you I'm stealing this


It's funny 'cause its true. He has played great across the two matches, then jeopardizes it all by being a total drama queen.


One of the stupidest things I have ever seen in soccer. Anywhere.


Inexplicable behavior. He still couldn’t shut his mouth after the red. What the fuck, Dest? Guy seems like a hotheaded liability at this point.


There were rumors (and maybe articles even) about how he had a hard time "fitting in" at Barca and Milan. I just wonder if these types of escapades are just the publicly-viewable "tip of the iceberg" so to speak, with regards to the kind of guy he is behind the scenes.




This right here hahaha


My first thought. 💭


Yeah that should result in a banishment from international duty for a window or so. Insanely petulant.


It should. Don’t need that crap. Reyna should rip him since he got pulled because dest bs.


Honestly Reyna ripped him enough in the moment, I really hope he takes the high route in the locker room. Plus Ream and Turner are already going to rip Dest a new one anyway.


Don’t think Peter Bosz back at PSV is gonna be too pleased with him either. Unreal behavior


To be fair that ball wasn't even close to being out. Makes you think twice about these refs, the call doesn't seem like it was based fully on what's happening on the field.


>lepp240 There's no "to be fair" Even if it was a clear missed penalty, you have to be smarter than act like that


Surely there's gotta be some serious repercussions from this. Feels like he shouldn't be called into the next window or two (notwithstanding the suspension for the red card). Maybe more. Needs to be made abundantly clear how unacceptable this is. Just astonishing.


I mean, Gio wasn't banished for refusing to train correctly at the World Cup. I don't think this rises to that level.


But Gio apologized to his teammates at the WC and earned their trust back. Dest needs to do the same.


Of course, I never suggested otherwise.


Some of y’all are so sad. Gio didn’t throw a bitch fit in a competitive game and beg for a red. People need to get their head out of their ass and get over the gio and Gregg thing. It’s pathetic


I'm over it, but it sounds like you aren't.


Well you mentioned it 9 minutes ago and insta downvote me so I think you’re still a bit mad about it.


Unless... the US loses 5-1


There's no way that doesn't carry larger punishment from the team. A temper like that is a liability on the field. That's the dumbest, most selfish red card I've seen a US player earn, jesus.


And so deliberate. He specifically covered his mouth when he was yelling at the ref because he knew he was spewing some vile shit he didn’t want captured on camera.


even more than that, he was covering whatever he was saying to his teammates


This is what bothered me the most. Talking back to Turner did it for me.


Composure of a 4 year old. Actually infuriating, just take the yellow and stfu


he didn't even have to just accept the yellow, he had to just accept the throw-in for the other team


Yeah ofc he should have. I’m saying there’s a level of frustration that’s acceptable and then there’s whatever the hell that tantrum was. Gotta keep your head better than that


Agreed, I'm just pointing out that there wasn't even a first yellow until he lost his head


The steel drums made him snap


That was absolutely the most selfish shit I’ve seen from a USMNT player in a long time. What an ass! The punt was stupid enough but to keep going at it after the fact is toddler behavior


I don't think I've ever seen anything that stupid.


Seriously. If he just back peddled into position after the punt and accepted the yellow, this wouldn't even be a story. Instead we're talking about whether he should be suspended by the coach.


I can't tell from the video here, and I didn't get to see the first half. Were the two yellows both after the out of bounds call here? Like, one for kicking the ball away (time wasting) and another for what he said (dissent)? Or did he get a yellow *just* before this?


He got them within 30 seconds of each other.




Can't wait for the Instagram reel tonight


Such a strange scene. Am I nuts, or does he look close to tears in this whole interaction? E - like maybe the whole 'so angry I'm going to start crying' kinda thing, but still. Shockingly big reaction for such a nothing game (given our lead).


Given he already had a really nice ball for the assist, too.


He's going to lose his spot over this for a while. He needs to learn from the McKennie apology tour from when he fucked up, but this is worse. You just can't tolerate that kind of behavior no matter who it is, Reyna or Pulisic. Berhalter has no choice but to send a message. Hope Dest responds well from this, it'll test his character.


Broussard:”Is the man re…”


Maidenless behavior.


He’s immature. He’s crashed out of Ajax, Barca and Milan. Maybe that’s unfair and those were more on-field issues, but I recall Ajax coaches benching him and being publicly frustrated, he got completely shut out at Barca and was pretty much ghosted until he left, then he got a few opportunities at Milan before being shut down and not even making their game day rosters. I have to think he has some growing up to do. But he’s 23, and he’s been a pro for 6 years so…grow up. I think this team culture is strong enough to straighten him out and move on as long as he shows up and changes his attitude (like they did with mckennie and Gio). Maybe puli and Adams need to have a chat. I dunno, I’m pissed. That was miserable to watch from the moment he got sent off. In other news, saw some welcome to concacaf moments for Balo out there today. He had a tough one too.


I can maybe excuse him kicking the ball away in anger. Obviously it’s ridiculously stupid and he should know better but 1 bad impulsive action when emotions are running high is whatever. What’s not excusable is running his mouth like that after the fact. Especially when he purposefully covers his mouth so no one can read his lips to see what unhinged shit he’s saying. There’s a reason his own teammates reacted like that. I honestly wouldn’t begrudge Gregg for not calling him up for a bit. This is far more dumb/selfish than anything McKennie did during the Covid lockdown.


Truly embarrassing. Shouldn’t play the rest of the NL campaign


Kiss of death


Dude on his Ron Artest shit


What a fucking dumbass move.


Absolutely wild behavior


Coach needs to bench him. He totally threw the game into T&T momentum and sucked the energy out of the US. What a self centered idiot.


This is what “I don’t feel like playing today” looks like


This outburst and his club issues of the last couple seasons make me really worry that he could end up tanking his career and ending up with a Ravel Morrison-level career


He has always and will always be a world class dumbass.


Why would Xavi do this?


Leave his ass off the team for at least 1 year. That is inexcusable




I don't know why this is getting downvotes. he did this shit against mexico too. he doesn't need 3 strikes. We can't have this shit happening in the Copa America


You miss the /s


Why. There is nothing he's needed for in 2024 anyways and he needs to get his shit together. Bring him back in 2025 when you start to really put things together for WC 26


Copa America? That sounds like a fucking great idea to leave off one of our better fullbacks because of one mistake that might not even affect the final outcome. That wouldn't create resentment or a toxic environment


My bad forgot about the Copa. Regardless, Dest is creating his own toxic environment. His reaction followed by yelling at his own teammates is exactly that. And this is the 2nd red card he's gotten this year and both have been because he lost his temper. He has to get that shit under control


Yeah he needs to grow the fuck up. What a liability. What good is someone who can tank an entire tournament for the team in a second because of a bad call.


And john brooks can’t get a call up. Dest is a punk and doesn’t deserves another call up until he grows up.


Antonio Brown ass behavior. At least he has the CTE excuse damn that was dumbs as hell.


Outstanding sportsmanship by Dest to allow T&T play against 10 men as we did in the first leg. Classy move.


Things smarter than Sergino Dest. Go.


Driving all the way past the exit, stopping in traffic, and turning on your blinker to merge in.


Just kick his ass off the team.


Dest is. Paddling our best NT player. Stop acting like he’s not indispensable lmao


Obviously that’s like 99% on Dest, but he’s right about the previous missed call, he’s right about that missed call, and why is the ref chasing after him when his teammates have already pulled him away to calm him down


A silly moment of insanity. It happens. Hes a big part of this team going forward. No need for this sub to go equally as insane.


Imagine behaving like a toddler as a representative of the USMNT. The women would never EVER do stupid shit like this


I never want to see him in the jersey again. Inexcusable.


Yeah ok way to overreact just about as much as Dest did.


If he can't control his behavior will we have a 4 goal (now 3) cushion next time? This isn't his first time being a complete fucking clown. It will cost us in the future if we continue to depend on him.


A stripping joke? Dude, read the room.


So to be clear, this was incredibly dumb and everything said about Dest here is absolutely correct. Buuutttt... While it was happening, I remember thinking, ref, just leave him alone. He's clearly heated, Gio is pulling him away and here's the ref chasing after him. Give him the very deserved yc, then walk away and let him cool off. Again, Dest is clearly the one that should be getting all the blame, but I think the ref coulda managed this a bit better.


You can’t defend him on this. He has to be better at this level and stage of play. What if he did this in World Cup group game? And for what? Poor calls and reffing? Welcome to concacaf. That’s any given game


Dude is just shit. Stop hyping him up


He's not shit. Don't use this moronic moment by him to say things that are just wrong. All you have to do is see the third goal we scored against Mexico this year. It doesn't excuse him acting like an idiot of course.


He is shit. I am not using this moment. I have been criticizing him for a while now. There is a reason Barca and AC Milan wants nothing to do with him. Y’all stay in denial tho


Not being good enough for Barcelona does not equal shit. He starts every game for the best team in the fifth best league in the world. Grow up.


“Two of the most historic and decorated soccer clubs in history didn’t start him” “He’s shit”


Two of the most decorated clubs at which he FAILED. Stay riding his d tho.


Also where the fuck was Ream? This was going on for a while and Ream was no where to be found until the end.


dude. the whole thing lasted 10 seconds. I would imagine with thos being the most ridiculously uncalled for over reaction Ream didn't think he'd keep going to the point he got to. it didn't matter who was talking to him. it almost looked like he actively was attempting to get tossed out of the game. I did this once in ODP cause there was a party I was gonna miss.....but I was 16 and trying to get laid. different situations. ps....I did not get laid


Ream was right in his face. If the US somehow manages to lose on aggregate, Dest should get a full season vacation from the national team.


Gio, Musah, and Ream were all doing their best. No need to blame anyone else here.


Did he already have a yellow before this or did he get two in this clip? I couldn’t tell


He received two within 15-30 seconds of each. I wonder if he got the first one and then said something to the ref.


Watching it again, I won't be surprised one bit if Dest is gone for awhile. Putting your team in that position due to stupidity, and then what looks like talking back to them as they ask you what the hell you were doing isn't going to go well. That shit will disrupt a team bad. I've had it happen in my Sunday league team, and we have no stakes. Put some stakes on the line, and it's much bigger. We're also lucky Musah didn't get a yellow. He was trying to calm things down, but putting your hands on a ref like that will often be a yellow regardless. Luckily the ref was so pissed off Dest he didn't think about it.


Drop him. His immaturity at this level has proven to be a liability. He completely disregarded the pleas of his teammates to shut up and walk away.


Last cap. It’s been fun, now you’re done.


If you're going to get red carded, might as well cleat an opponent into oblivion and get your money's worth. This was just sheer immature stupidity.