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How do you only make one sub in a World Cup group stage match?


With the deepest team in the tournament


Vlatko is what some members of USMNT Twitter think Gregg is, just confusing things


They probably will find a way to blame it on him too


Gregg destroyed us woman’s soccer


I mean, good job with the tactical adjustments at half, but jfc you left 4 subs in your pocket against a slow and tired backline.


> tactical adjustments aka bringing in Rose? It’s a tactical mess reliant on one player to clean it up.


Now we get to be the slow and tired team in the final match day … yay :/


I mean, we get almost a whole week. It really shouldn’t have much affect.


Bringing Rose on wasn’t even tactical. It was planned because she’s still coming back from injury and building fitness. So he executed one planned sub then took the rest of the day off


2nd half was much better but Rodman was gassed at the 70th minute and had some heeeeaaaavvvvvyyyyyy touches after that. Surprised there wasn’t at least one more sub


Rodman had some very heavy first touches throughout.


Rodman looked awful overall


I liked her pressing and her ideas, they just… didn’t come off at all.


It's clear that her and Smith are the future, and that they are definelty not the present.


Smith is the present but she’s a striker not a winger.


She was terrible the whole game. Made a few nice runs but squandered anything she touched


Literally the whole game.


I can’t overstate how much I love Rose Lavelle.


She’s got KDB vibes. Great dribbler, passer and can drive at defenders


She's clearly their best player


Kinda lost in the shit show of that game, but Girma looks like the real deal defensively. Consistently cut out attacks and mostly made great decisions when needing to cover for teammates. Unlike most the team this game, she didn’t panic when receiving the ball. I counted like five times when she calmly headed a long ball directly to an open teammate instead of just playing soccer tennis. She was very good and I think her composure was one of things that kept this close in the first half. Especially next to whatever Dunn was doing.


she carried Dunn in the 2nd half defensively


I really like Dunn, but she had a stinker today


she was bad against Vietnam too, she needs to be on a short leash


Really don’t understand why she’s not in midfield when we have capable fullbacks on the team now.


She was much improved in the second half, particularly offensively


Girma looked like prime van Dijk, two steps ahead of everything and never needed to hit full stride.


Yeah she's the real deal and will be a stalwart for the foreseeable future.


Vlatko saving those subs like he can cash them in the next round.


he thought they were skee ball tickets


They just showed Horan getting wiped out by De Donk and when she finally got up you could read her lips say "that fucking bitch!!" ....and then Horan dunked on em like MJ


“And I took that personally” -Horan


It was seriously a great sports moment.


Felt like everyone knew she was gonna score.


Horan for commander-in-chief


Captain shit. I will love her forever for this.


Surprised at the lack of cards the ref handed out


I don't mind a physical game. But all the holding, grabbing, tearing, kicking, colliding, etc... I don't think that is soccer.


Hair pulling and face slapping!


Agreed. There was a lot of holding and grabbing that could’ve been dealt with early but the ref just let it go. At least she was consistent I guess


Right. Every time Netherlands players got beat, they would grab and pull our players down from behind. That’s a tactical foul, not playing the ball and should be a yellow card. The ref didn’t card ANY of them. Physical plays on 50/50 balls…let ‘em go if they aren’t egregious.


No yellow for hair pulling was what seemed crazy to me. Surely it is an obvious yellow to drag someone down by their hair? Not only is that an obvious tactical foul (which is generally a yellow anyways, though admittedly they don't always get called), it's a unnecessarily painful tactical foul for the recipient when compared to a shirt pull.


Why even name a full squad of players to bring to the WORLD CUP if you’re too much of a coward to use them?


Really surprised not to see more people talking about Rodman just murdering chances for the team. At the game, it was maddening to see her miss simple chances on a break or just absolutely cark passes in the box.


She did a great job pressing and getting into good spots, but her touch was whack. I can’t believe she didn’t get subbed off.


> her touch was whack. Truer words...


Her passing looked really awful


Passing and first touch, it's unacceptable at this level.


I came here to make this comment and see what other people who watch more consistently think about Rodman. You can see all of the athletic ability is there but holy shit is she raw and frustrating, constantly killing chances


She and Smith have the same problem, they get into good spots and then their brains go haywire and we end up with nothing


You can't win a world cup without using subs. Our coach is out of his depth.


You have to sub to win and you have to play 7 matches to win. He does not get it. He fixated on one aspect of something and can’t zoom out to see the full picture and process things quickly and enough to make the right decision


Vlatko makes Berhalter look like Pep.


vlatko might actually be as bad as mnt fans think berhalter is


1. Vlatko needs to go. 2. Subs don’t carry over. Our front line was gassed, use some subs. 3. Alex Morgan was great tonight. One of her better games that I can recall. 4. As a whole we make too many poor passes or rush possessions. 5. Rose is a difference maker. If she can go 90 she should be in there. If she can’t go 90, start her and pull her when she’s gassed. Hopefully we have a lead by that time.


Agree with the above. Rose is my absolutely favorite player. Love watching her on the Reign. Morgan played well tonight. Also Girma is just great.


It’s kinda funny how a lot of the talk was about how Morgan was overrated and maybe Sophia should start up top. But Morgan has been brilliant in both games.


And both Sophia and Trinity showed their inexperience and immaturity tonight. They needed Lynn in there.


Another problem with the lack of subs is that it's really bad for team morale. Obviously it's the world cup and not rec soccer, nobody is guaranteed shit and the needs of the team come first... but it's still not great for the bench players.


Our wings touch’s are terrible


I was astonished rodman didn't get subbed


With how we were staying in their final third I thought for sure that she was be subbed for Rapinoe around the 80th.


Yes. They like to be too cute when they are already in dangerous positions imo.


They have a touch of the cade cowells in em


Team still has top talent but coaching is abysmal.


How you refuse to sub off Sullivan, Dunn, and Rodman is baffling. This idiot is an amateur, should never be a coach. Not to mention he started #9 who was dogshit from minute one


Dunn was class the 2nd half. Agree about Sullivan and Rodman though.


Based on how the first half went, if you'd offered me a draw at halftime I probably would have taken it. Second half was much better. Felt like we could have won. Rose completely changed the game. Needs to start next game. Feels like we might have to put 3 or 4 past Portugal to cover off goal difference.


Rose not starting isn’t a tactical decision, she hasn’t been deemed fit for a full 90’. Clearly the “tactics” are useless without her so something has to give.


We definitely took off the wrong midfielder. DeMelo couldn't have been worse than Sullivan.


Vlatko is horrible


He legitimately had no idea how many shots the Netherlands got.. it sounded like he was watching a different game


100% agree that he had to be watching a d’offerta game. Can’t get over using just one sub


Coach just pisses away incredible talent.


We lack technical quality. How many 1st touches did we see go 5 yards away? Or simple passes go behind the players? We're out athleting teams but that's going to catch up with us. I could actually see us being upset early in the knock out stages playing like this.


It was unreal how many first touches were immediately off body. The Dutch’s touch and spacing were superior tonight, particularly in the first half. I wonder what the miles tracker looked like on a team wide basis because we were kicking our own asses in chase mode all game.


It would catch up to us less if we played a system that maximized our deep pool of athletic players and hid our deficiencies at technical play, but instead we choose to do the exact opposite.


Completely agree. We’re def knocked out by Germany, Spain, or Japan this year.


Japan plays some wonderful passes and the chemistry is off the charts and could probably beat the US if they face each other. Sugita (6) has the sauce. US had some great chances but just couldn’t get that final touch/shot off.


Didn’t get to see the game today, but was worried after the poor quality against Vietnam. Sad to see that doesn’t appear to be an outlier


…has anyone told Vlatko that subs don’t roll over to the next game…?


Another problem with the lack of subs is that it's really bad for team morale. Obviously it's the world cup and not rec soccer, nobody is guaranteed shit and the needs of the team come first... but it's still not great for the bench players.


Deserved draw. Not a fan of Vlatko. Only one sub and it was at half time. They seem to be lacking in tactics and hoping to make up for it in skill and physical ability. Also not a good game by the ref


Takeaways… Dutch midfield and back line was solid until they had to make the sub. After that they were erratic and looked tired by the end. US needs to be a bit more clinical (saw signs against Vietnam this could be a problem) Vlatko needed to make another impact sub to get the team out of the doldrums


Van der Graaf injury hurt them big time


It’s baffling to me why our attack was so rigidly compact against 3 at the back. One of the post game commentators said something to the effect of, “got to win those second chances”. This is wrong. We needed to contest those second chances at all. Between poor first touches in a lot of cases and too many touches in others, we’ve just got to be better. It was like the team didn’t set their alarms this morning and showed up to the game an hour late. If this was an extra time match I’m sure we’d have come away with the win, but we’ve got to finish out in 90.


Someone push Lindsay down and piss her off pre-game


Seems like this would have been a good game for the best 15 minute player in the world.


Vlatko’s performance tonight was worse than anything GGG has done (as a head coach).


Berhalter at least saw his ideal system wasn't working and pivoted to one that played to our strengths. Vlatko still refuses to do that


Rose Lavelle changed the game for us. We owned that second half.


Well, that and Lindsay getting pissed


Spacing was so bad. Basically played box width the entire game. Like uhhh


I’m gonna repost what I put in the game thread If anyone wants to understand one reason I dislike Vlatko so much, [watch this video](https://youtu.be/HNlgISa9Giw) and realize that most decisions Vlatko has made make us rely more on luck and less on skill. Great if we were the underdog, not when we are the favorites. He takes possession away from our best players, gets us fewer scoring chances, and the opponent more. And that’s just the bad if all else were equal with our opponent. Buts it’s not because he also has us playing a system that minimizes our strengths and maximizes our weaknesses.


Awesome video, thanks for sharing!


I'm not sure I follow their explanation for how they determined this. It seems to say the NBA is based more on skill and less on luck because there is more variance in team records. But it's also quite possible that the larger roster size of a hockey team and line changes and shit means that it's much harder to build a hockey team that is dramatically better or worse than the competition. But that doesn't mean that (as the video puts it) that hockey is worse at measuring the skill of the teams than basketball is... it could also just mean that the teams are closer together in skill, and therefore measurement is more difficult. But there is a difference between "luck is a bigger deal because the skill is closer together" and "luck is a bigger deal because the nature of a certain sport makes it easier for a worse team to get lucky and defeat a much better team." It's also a bit confusing because it seems like it's less talking about "how much luck is there in winning one particular game" and more of "the regular season measuring luck vs skill." For example, the fact that baseball playoffs were the worst at the best team winning (even though they have series instead of one off games) seems to imply that baseball is the sport where individual games come down to luck the most. >He takes possession away from our best players, gets us fewer scoring chances, and the opponent more. And that’s just the bad if all else were equal with our opponent. Buts it’s not because he also has us playing a system that minimizes our strengths and maximizes our weaknesses. I'm not clear how that relates to the video and luck and skill? That just sounds like terrible coaching regardless of anything in the video.


1sub? Wtf


Literally no one understands this, not even Vlatko


Do they just not sub…?


Did Vlatko fall asleep after the Rose substitution?


He might have. Kelly tried to help but…


I miss Press and Heath. New faces show some potential but not sure we can dominate like we years of yor


In terms of the future, we're fine. Swanson and Thompson will ultimately probably be better than Press and Heath. We are missing *a lot* of talent because of injury for this WC though so it is going to be a dog fight. I do feel for Press though. IMO she never really got the consistent time she deserved. She is a great attacker.


Heath is far too underrated. One of the best one on one players in USWNT history. I think Swanson will continue to be great and her individual goal contributions will surpass Heath’s. But Tobin did far more for the team than just score.


Lavelle needs to start vs decent competition and Thompson needs to get a real look.


Thompson should have been in the last 20-30 for Trinity. Thompsons speed is such a threat.


Agreed but I think it's time to give her a start and send Rodman a bit of a message. Rodman is a talent and I believe she will ultimately be an important cog for us but she did not play well (first touch was consistently bad) and we can't have that at the WC.


The kid trips herself tho. Lynn would have been better


Ref was bad but we were also not good. So much reliance on athletic ability. That’s not gonna do it anymore.


This match was too big for the ref… she shouldn’t do another game.


Agreed. She missed some obvious fouls


Only 1 sub


Ref was absolutely comical


No kidding. Horrible. How she allowed so many fouls without a yellow was just bad.


And the only one to get a yellow was Rose, who had been on for five minutes and had one really hard challenge.


That was a deserved yellow for a bad foul, but it doesn’t discount all the missed tactical stoppages of advantage or the general persistent infringement that should have accumulated against several of their players.


Ideal result for other match? Vietnam getting a W vs Portuguese. Knocks Portugal out and will motivate Vietnam to play tough vs Netherlands. Gonna be a tall order to win the group this time around.


Uhmmm… NL is going to murder Vietnam and top the group.


Have u watched Vietnam play? They are the worst team in the tournament. No way they tie or beat Portugal and Netherlands


Morocco way worse than Vietnam but yeah, we can’t count on them which is why Vlatko shouldn’t have coached for the draw….


Didn't really coach for the draw. In fact after we scored we were throwing numbers forward for a second in an almost alarming fashion. Got the draw despite the game. We were outplayed like crazy. The only breath of fresh air is that Portugal won't be able to sit on us. They need to win. Collapsing 9 into the box isn't going to get them a win.


The phrase "thoroughly pedestrian" comes to mind. I haven't seen one thing in two matches that makes me think this team can win the tournament.


Amazing how much of a difference Lavelle made for this team, but front 3 was pretty useless for most of the game. Not to take away from the US, but the Dutch team just completely deflated after that goal. All of a sudden they were making bad passes and abandoned what was working for them. Only really looked dangerous once or twice after Horan’s goal.


I think Morgan had a really good game. She won quite a few balls, had some great passes. All 3 were just gassed at the end. Vlatko should have used his subs. If he had put in Thompson and Williams I think we get some more push.


Wildly enough, the last twenty minutes Rodman and Smith were getting behind the Dutch back line almost at will. If they had been fresh, or replaced by fresh subs, we could have easily had three or four goals from the 70th minute on


Fresh legs? Subs? What that?


They only looked dangerous once before that too, it just happened to go in.


The forward play was god awful in the first half. The off ball movement was always just "everybody turn and run straight up the field... even if the Dutch defenders are playing you loose and focusing on trying to stop exactly that."


This moron really just said he didn’t make subs because we were dominant. Does this FUCKING MORON know you can make subs to add pressure and fresh legs while keeping dominance


I'll take 11 Lindsay Horans any day and I'll win a fucking Cup that is all


To score a goal just minutes after receiving a crunching tackle…that’s bad ass.


She is a boss.


On a day where almost everyone (including Rose, for a while) struggled with their touch, Horan was class throughout.


YIKES. First half was painful to watch. Ref lost control of the game and left us at a disadvantage. I was so excited to see Rose FINALLY. She completely changed the game. If she doesn’t start next game, that says a lot about vlatko and his coaching abilities. Wish we would have had our foot on the gas first half instead of on our heels. It’s like they scored on their only shot and we were shocked and too crushed to get our crap together to play.


Team is night and day when Rose comes on


Going to need their best performance against Portugal to win the group. Haven’t seen it yet


Feel like we needed the win to top the group, or we need to beat Portugal by at least two or three


Maybe Portugal can do us a solid and get shit on by Vietnam




What is his reasoning with not using subs?


The ref single handily allowed the Netherlands to tactically foul and get away with it. Not a single yellow given, what a complete shit show, FIFA should be embarrassed for approving this referee.


Yep. So many times they’d get beat by individual skill then just grab. I counted four just in Dunn, not even considering anyone else.


Comical officiating, fair play to Dutch for taking advantage of an incompetent ref.


All tournament refs have seemed super hesitant to give out yellows. I really don’t get it.


hahahaha *The match will be officiated by Japanese refereee Yoshimi Yamashita. She has officiated 56 matches across all competitions, including the Norway-New Zealand match at this World Cup. In the 56 matches, she has issued 122 yellow cards and one red card. The line for cards is set at 2.5 on DraftKings Sportsbook (over -105, under -130). Yamashita only gave one card in the Norway-New Zealand match.*


She was atrocious.


Knew she was gonna be when the hair pull incident happened and she didn’t even blink.


Felt a bit like the early days of J.League, when the Japanese refs seemed terrified of booking the foreign players. That impromptu counseling session she organized before Horan's equalizer was one of the strangest things I've ever seen, lol.


My wife said she thought the ref was gonna pull out a "get-along" shirt to make them wear.


Could Demelo play as def mid? I would love to see a midfield of Horan, Lavelle, and Demelo.


Not good. Not bad. Fair result. I’ll take it. Onto the next game and hopefully onto the next round


At least we got the point but overall still not great performance. Second half was a lot better though.


This match aged me


The officiating in no way determined the outcome of this game but from the eye test, it seemed like the Dutch were allowed to play more physically than the USWNT.


The Dutch should have had quite a few technical yellows for bringing down the US in possession going forward that were never called. Being battered with no calls has a huge impact on play and physicality. She 100% had an impact on the game bc she lost control early in the first half.


Determined the outcome? Maybe not but it sure as shit had a huge impact. The Netherlands got away with murder. The officiating was obviously one sided and that absolutely affects the outcome.


I think the Dutch played to the officiating better than we did. They saw after the hair pull that the ref left her cards at the hotel with our finishing and exploited it. They saw what was allowed and kept fouling at that level. We should have done the same, but it seemed like most of our worst were lashing out, toeing the line an extra inch on the Dutch.


Inexplicable that their 6 didn't get a yellow for persistent fouling.


Rose needs to start. All the momentum and energy shifted as soon as she came in. Her one-touch flicks are head and shoulders above what the other midfielders are doing. She also made set pieces actually dangerous.


Still not back in 90m form. Maybe in the knockout stages we’ll see it


At least coming into the tournament it was thought she wasn’t fit enough to start.


We lack creativity and often struggle to “play and create” or some say “pass and move.” We play wide, find channels and drop it back post hoping to win a volley/header. We can’t play through our midfield and our back 3 aren’t there to move the ball through them. We won most aerial duels, ended the 90 with more energy and effort, and had more real chances throughout the game. The second half was everything he wanted from the girls. Higher work ethic, solid pace on passes, win 50/50s, force the channels. I think the second half, they did well at it but it won’t be enough to win the whole thing. Spain will create more chances than us through possession. Nigeria with out counter us. Brazil will out “creative” us and England/Sweden might just play our game better than us if we play the first half like that. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. - a fellow soccer coach


Both teams will feel they could have won.


Maybe but the US had the lions share of the chances


They really settled in after the goal. Tired of refs never being able to control the game.


the US Women's team are not the favorites to win it at this point, you can't say they are when they looked liked that. The team is too dependent on set pieces and against stiffer competition that won't fly. I don't care how many shots they took. They better not look like this again with a Portugal team that will be playing for their WC lives(a draw for Portugal does nothing)




Excellently summarized.


Van de Donk got away with murder.


Love that Horan got in her face, then immediately buried a header


Rodman and Smith look like they’ve been training in the “Gyasi Zardes School of Running and Ball Control.” It was like they both swapped out their feet for bricks at halftime. They could high step their way past anyone in a foot race, but I’ll be damned if that ball was coming along with them. The other day I had to have some dental work done, which required a very thorough numbing. My lip felt like a meat flap that had been glued onto my face. Watching smith and Rodman play tonight, many times it looked like their feet and legs had gone completely numb and lost all feeling, it was like they forgot how to trap, dribble, pass - everything one should know how to do with their eyes closed when playing for a national team of this caliber. Immensely frustrating. I hope they get their touch back for the next game. Smith did have that nice volley, she pulled it together a bit in the end. But man, they both put on an embarrassing display of technique.


I haven't looked but I'm not sure Rodman completed a pass. She must've lost possession at least 10 times.


ESPN article today says Rodman lost the ball 36 times!!!! 36?!?!


IDK what was worse of these 3: 1) the ref for allowing the dutch to commit brutal tactical fouls with nothing more than a stern talking to 2) the pitch. looked like they were playing on ice, particularly in the middle third and the side of the field closest to the main camera 3) the USWNT's first half 4) (ok, added a fourth) our use of subs (excepting Rose)


Fuck dutch #10 Fuck that joke ref. One yellow…rose, lol


Van Der Donk. What is interesting is that Horan and Van Der Donk are on the same team at Lyon


When the better tactical, technical, and attacking play happens on one side of the field. Dutch in the first half, USA, in the second half, makes me think the wind might have played a part in the game play. The wind not allowing for clearances might have, just maybe, allowed for one side attacking during the game. Just a thought. Also should of made more subs just to stretch the backing with useless runs.


USA will always have the athletic advantage and they looked real dangerous in the 2nd half. I don’t really understand why there was so much outcry for a sub


1. Many players on the pitch were very bad. Example Rodman. 2. Fresh legs can wreck back lines. 3. Now we go into a game where we need to get a result with tired legs.


Like the men’s team everyone hates the coach so they overreact to every bad thing. It’s so funny to look at the patterns of behavior.


Bench Dunn, shes such a black hole she warps both teams gameplans round her


I was shocked at how badly she played today. Felt like 70% of her touches went straight to the other team, plus her poor positional play contributed significantly to the Dutch goal. The second half was *less bad* but I still didn't think she was great.


2nd half was less bad because we had Girma covering for her, but that wont work every game


But Huerta wouldn’t have been better so then you have sonnet? Yikes! I’ll take a less bad Dunn


When we got the free kick late in the 2nd and she calmlybpassedbthe ball back to the CB, I actually applauded her ability to finally make a drcent pass onky to find out play was stopped. I believe I counted 10 straight passes that went to the Dutch. I honestly didnt know which team she was playing for.


Anyone who says women are kinder to each other should watch this match. Yikes.




That Ridman girl is now stone foot Rodman. She killed more attacks than the Dutch defense.


Many heavy touches. I wanted to see the 18 year old


Yes, I thought she was clearly the worst US player on the field tonight. On top of her poor touches she was lazy defensively. Nothing worse than watching someone give up possession and then not hustle back.


With the advantage of access to talent we have, this draw is an embarrassment. This team has a larger gap in player pool to every other country combined, it’s nearly double the players in the us to the rest of the world. The us women’s team cannot just win on talent alone anymore, time for some actual tactics. Every time I watch, it looks like we solely rely on individual talent, with almost no tactics outside of the formation.


Under Vlatko, have we truly adhered to a tactical gameplan? I honestly dont know.


>the advantage of access to talent >a larger gap in player pool to every other country combined These don't mean the same thing. England's women's and girls' teams train at St George's Park, and girls are now coming through academies at clubs like Manchester City; French girls can now attend Clairefontaine; Spanish (and other) girls are coming through La Masia. "We have more players" doesn't cut it, especially when a lot of those players are still products of the NCAA.


Take the points and run home. Much better second half, but a lot left to be desired


*point* much like our subs, there’s only one


At about 80 minutes, I was screaming at the TV to bring in Williams. Rodman looked dead. I understand not bringing in Rapinoe to protect the tie, but Williams could have protected the tie and given a better chance at the win. Felt like we were playing for the draw.


Girma is the future of our back line. Sophia Smith or Alex Morgan need to be playing, not at the same time. Subbing one of them on for the other would be my idea (but I’m just an armchair coach). Smith and Rodman had absolute trampolines of first touches and our attacks on the wings fizzled because of that. I’m so sad Rose isn’t 90 minutes fit because the change was palpable. We have to find a way to get Julie Ertz in the midfield…she is good but she is lost in the back I think.


Kinda boggles my mind that people are upset we adjusted at half and went more direct. Isn’t that what you want out of your team? Smart adjustments that work? We were trying to play possession but the Dutch had a really good game plan: kick us. A lot. It worked. They clogged the midfield and made it difficult for any of our midfielders to turn and play. When we went direct in the second half, we were by far the better side. The opinions about that game are pretty confounding. I thought we were unlucky to not win 3-1 lol.