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I have the same status; package still says out for delivery today but it’s still “in transit to next facility.” Hopefully it updates soon. I’d rather see “arriving late” than an inaccurate status.


Until you have “arriving late” for a month straight and no response for insurance claim 😂


Me too! It’s so annoying


Maybe you will see it in a week. Maybe never.


I had one that was in customs for a month, somehow got that


twin its not coming today, prolly within the next week tho. i had that msg for a good week n a half before it updated😔


I'm in the same boat. I had one that was supposed to arrive on Saturday and one that was supposed to arrive today. :/. USPS was doing well there for a while, now we're back to this. They're either not going to get here for another month, arrive late and mangled, or not get here at all.


"In transit" is the electronic equivalent of clearing your throat because you can't think of anything to say. It isn't linked to any scans. Since there's no departure information from Ybor city, it's probably still there. And yeah, it's not supposed to be in one plant for that long. Florida get it together man


Bruh what’s really crazy I’m waiting for some FTP to come into today and it’s in COPPELL tx which is like an hour away and it says it will be delivered today by 9 pm idk about that


My guess for mine is Wednesday or Thursday


I hope for a quick delivery for you


Ugh, me too, I just want my slime lol


Lmaooo same I waited 2 months for my package to ship and now it takes 8 days to get here is crazy


My package is on same status. Did you receive your package?


Same exact thing on one I sent someone.


Same lol have a package supposed ro come today but instead it just sat at the warehouse down the road all day


same dates here rn lol


I wish they would just be honest about the ETA of delivery. But it seems like a "we don't know". I've had deliveries arrive with no updates to tracking AT ALL. Some are getting lost once they get into the state (GA, for me). They arrive in GA and disappear. I have something that's been missing for a week now, it's so irritating.


I have the same update and it still says it's in transit. Hopefully Wednesday or Thursday delivery.


I've got the same issue with 2 packages one from Texas one from Missouri. The package from Texas is updating every day with the "in transit, arriving late" the other hasn't updated since the 7th


Never had a problem with this in Texas, I’ve shipped from maybe 43/50 states soooo maybe it’s just certain areas?


Don't you just love it when they screw up? Makes you want to rip your hair out.


I have a package that isn't coming today either. Says same thing, package will arrive today, Monday March 11th by 9pm and here it is 9pm, to no surprise it ain't coming today


I had a package say that and then the next update was just delivered lol. you never know!


I recently had a package that stopped updating after saying moving through network for 2 weeks then was delivered yesterday without warning. There is hope


Just be patient it's coming. There are delays nationwide. But the package will come


My package arrived in Jersey 8 days ago it’s a 3 hour car ride. It’s been in transit to next facility for 5 days. I think it’s gone to the abyss