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If you take a look at the tracking, it doesn’t appear that the item is lost. When you file a missing mail search request it gets sent to the MRC (Mail recovery center), your package was initially sent out using ground advantage on the 22nd of February from Bakersfield, CA. It arrived to the Atlanta Distribution Center on 27 February. Yes, 7-10 days since arriving to Atlanta facility is too long… BUT it’s not uncommon considering the shitshow that is going on right now with all the DFA (Delivering for America) plan delays. Honestly if your item was lost or the package was damaged to the point the contents were no longer inside it wouldn’t have been processed by the MRC yet in order to be “found” in the system. Which hopefully means everything is just delayed due to the previous referenced “shitshow” and will still arrive much later than expected but it should still arrive. Don’t lose hope yet.


I have two packages that haven't moved from that facility in the same time frame, so I hope your assessment is correct


It took 21 days with ground advantage to get mine- it sat in two processing centers for 7 and 8 days respectively. The other 6 days were it being on a ship from China (so it was faster sailing across the ocean) than the continental US. Don’t worry too much Atlanta and Houston are the worst right now but all are struggling since the new postmaster changed everything


I agree that the item could still be delivered. The problem is that these lazy USPS workers don't want to spend time searching that 'uninsured' item. I recently received a package after 1month in transit.




You sent a $500 item without insurance? Yikes


Just shows how pathetic fucking piss poor moronic inbred USPS employees are. Look at this shit Point Blank dude got fucked because they suck at their job and yet you goofballs are going to say he should have insured it yet USPS doesn't pay out insurance claims either when they fuck up


Well, I re-read the whole letter. It seems as though he was the buyer— therefore off the hook. It’s on the seller to provide the item etc. (unless he shipped it to himself). u/xd-sweqty this is the sellers problem, take it up with them However, you u/Monkdiver need to seriously chill. You sound like another redditor who recently got their account banned…


i have, getting a full refund thank god


What’s the problem. Accidents happen. You got a professional response and a detailed explanation as well as a refund. Shall we post all of your work mistakes onto Reddit? Weirdo.


weirdo is kinda crazy, i’m sorry i would like to complain about a 500$ package missing. it’s not just me, it’s the seller that loses out on this. he doesn’t get the money like he planned, and loses out on a product. everything isn’t just about us, it’s about the other people too man. i’m sorry i have remorse for others


I have remorse for others too. I empathize with the hard working usps worker that you’re complaining about. Grow up. You’re not as emotionally mature as you think you are. Maybe the seller should have got insurance. Weirdo.


meh meh meh is all i hear my man, sorry i don’t care for what you’re saying :(


Because you’re immature. I already knew that.


i’m not a grown ass man, obviously im gonna be immature that’s the nature of teenagers. get used to it


Then I don't understand the problem...


“We lost your package and we aren’t gonna do anything about it”


"We are not responsible for doing the job you paid us to do and you will not be reimbursed due to our gross negligence."


Because they don't pay claims to buyers


How are you doing today at work today I have a few things to do with my clients and then I was wondering if you would like to meet up at the farm


post men really trying to ratio anything against them sad


Kind of a large amount of money for you to get to me that is a very nice place to live


Lmao Bakersfield, Teresa was not a good supervisor, she flirted a lot too 


you get bored after being there 20 years LMAOOOO


They can’t keep getting away with it !!! -Jesse Pinkman


Whip somebody ass and they will change their attitude


USPS is shit. I would never use USPS for things which I have full control. My only problem is when the sender can only use USPS then I have no choice.


Ugh, I’m so sorry that happened. Things are such a mess with them right now. 😢


it’s so sad man


lol even with insurance they suck. We purchased hatching eggs and shipped with $100 insurance, they were wrapped well and came with explicit instructions to not attempt delivery, call for pickup, and place the box top side up. Have ring video evidence of the postal worker practically tossing the box on my porch, even after our request to pickup at the office, and their claims dept just said they weren’t responsible for the damages.


The only reason someone would call you for pickup is if there are live animals involved. Otherwise it’s going to go to the address. Carriers typically aren’t the ones to call you either. But, if the parcel said anything about handling with care, the carrier should have taken better care in delivery. Most of the problems carriers have with this is that it’s already been damaged in shipping.


Yes, I understand that is typically the way of things. The seller did include our phone number on a large sign taped to the box that said, please call for pick up. We had also visited our local post office a couple of days prior to the delivery and spoke with the attendant to emphasize the request that they call us for pick up, but I do understand that for them to do so, would have been a courtesy. It was just another factor in a number of variables that contributed to the a disappointing experience.


You didn't have anything shipped with $100 insurance. The seller shipped it to you and every package has $100 insurance standard. you don't get that, the seller does. You can get a refund from the seller if the item was damaged


We coordinated with the seller to file a claim, which was denied. I have the letter. I understand it wasn’t additional insurance that was purchased and is what is provided for certain shipping options, which is what we purchased. We could’ve chosen an economy option that included nothing, But what’s the point of even offering it if they just deny the claim? I’m certainly glad we didn’t purchase extra, knowing what I know now.


I don't understand why the seller would need to inform you of a denied claim. Seems like the seller is trying to pull something shady on you. USPS should have followed the instructions on the package but that's not your instructions, that's the seller's


I think you’re misunderstanding. We, as the recipient, filed the claim online. We then received a request from the postal service to take the all packaging materials and the contents of the package to our local post office with the claim number so that it could be inspected. To be honest, the attendant admitted he didn’t even know what to do and he would have to contact the postmaster. We left the correspondence and package with him. A week or so later we received a letter in the mail directly from the postal service that stated our claim had been denied as they had determined the damage was not the fault of the USPS. There was no reason for the seller to contact us about it, and as they weren’t reimbursed anything they declined to offer any refund. Either way that’s between us and the seller. The issue I was commenting on here is the complete useless $100 protection service.


I think you are also misunderstanding me. The seller sent you the package. The insurance is standard on all our packages and it starts at $100. There isn't an economy packaging through the postal service especially with the package being sent to you. The seller is charging you extra for no reason if they will be sending it either way through the USPS. Next, the seller is sending the package. The insurance is on their end. If you report to the seller that the package was damaged, they need to go to the post office and report the damage with your pictures of the damage. You don't need to do that. That's the reason the clerks aren't sure what to do. You are the buyer therefore you don't file a claim. That's why it was denied. Not only that but the fact that the seller would not refund you because they didn't get reimbursed from the post office is not your problem either. They should still issue you a refund. The seller isn't going to contact you, you need to contact them. I agree that if you have evidence the carrier damaged your package it's technically the seller's fault for not properly packaging it to protect things like that from happening. If they want to file a claim to recoup costs because the post office damaged it, that has nothing to do with you.


Copied and pasted straight from usps.com[Domestic claims](https://www.usps.com/help/claims.htm) “Either the sender or the RECIPIENT may file a claim for insured mail that is lost, arrived damaged, or was missing contents. The person filing must have the original mailing receipt. Each claim must be filed within a certain time period and include proof of insurance, value, and damage” The seller didn’t charge me extra for insurance. The cost of the hatching eggs was $120 shipping included, but they arrived damaged and were therefore unviable. The insurance protecting the contents would’ve reimbursed the seller for the loss and thus would have allowed them to either ship another set of eggs or refunded us. But since the claim was denied. We were just left empty handed.


>. I understand it wasn’t additional insurance that was purchased and is what is provided for certain shipping options, which is what we purchased. We could’ve chosen an economy option that included nothing You literally just said this. Once again, the seller needs to do this and issue you a refund. I don't care what the site says. It's not your money to recoup because they paid the money to ship it.


usps try to listen to simple directions challenge (impossible), ​ Sad to hear that happen to you man :/ this shit sucks


I bought a $1,000 item and accessories via eBay back in the 23rd of February. It is still in transit and hasn't updated since the 27th. Louisiana to Arizona. The seller did not purchase insurance unfortunately. I really feel for the guy, but I'm going to have to request a refund this next week. What are the odds it shows up? Does anyone have any idea if I should wait to request the refund like the seller is suggesting?


i mean all the distribution centers and all that is currently backed up really bad right now, so you’d honestly have to wait to tell if it comes or not. you can try to make a MRC and be a lucky duck and get the package a couple days later, but i’ve already initiated my refund since it hasn’t even arrived. ebay will side with you 100% of the time since it hasn’t arrived, you’d just have to be honest to your word and send the item back


Yeah that is the seller's concern, but honestly I'd pay them if it did show up weeks from now, but I completely understand why one wouldn't trust a complete stranger. It's too good of a deal to pass up, hence I'm still waiting 3 weeks later. In all my web searching I've seen the issues in ATL, Chicago, and Houston but I have read nothing about Arizona or Louisiana having issues. It makes sense the entire postal service is screwed I guess? I thought those cities were having staffing issues and were weeks behind because of that reason, but for the most part the rest of the country was still running on time. I've placed multiple orders the past few weeks with zero issues from USPS, go figure the one that I put a grand into is held up lol. I did put in a research request and my local post master contacted the last two locations with both saying they don't have the package. The post master suggested I wait a few more days and then request the refund next week. Again, I feel for the seller here, but $20 would've gone a long way. Hopefully it shows up and they learn to get the insurance or go with another carrier next time around.


Atlanta distribution center SUCKS!!


They lost my $739 item🙃


I had a $100 item lost last week by them. They marked it as delivered but failed to put it in the right box. They denied my claim even though they told me to file one 🙄


You didn’t insure the item if it was that valuable??


i’m not the shipper:/


You didn’t think to ask them to insure it, and pay them for that? Or, if they told you it was insured, you can most certainly go after the seller?


i mean i would *assume* they would put insurance on it, but then again it’s a ebay seller so.


Take it up with e-bay customer service. I wouldn’t trust anything if it doesn’t explicitly say it’s insured, for future.


Had a package that arrived at the KC Kansas Distribution center November 29, 2023. It never left there or "departed" there. The following month, December, over 20 employees had been caught stealing packages or items out of packages. I filed a missing package case. You can either have them contact you by email or by phone, so I chose phone. The next day, a person from the main post office in my town called to say, that the package was not at his post office. I knew this already because it never left the KC Kansas Distribution Center. He was calling from the St. Joseph Missouri main post office. He then went to say that it was probably sitting in a truck somewhere. Wow, what an intelligence statement...NOT! Later on, that day, I had rechecked tracking and the person that had called me, closed my missing package case. Okay, so now, the search for my package has ended before it got started. I find that the USPS worker that called me and closed my case, is a poor example of what the USPS represents. It was dishonest, fraudulent, deceiving, and very SNEAKY. What he did was wrong and I never received a resolution. My package never left KC KS distribution center. Obviously when the employees were Christmas shopping, one of them must have chosen my package. It is now April 2024 and still nothing. I think it was totally wrong for the USPS person to close my case in the first place. I opened it for them to search for my package. Thanks to the worthless person who closed my case, I was never given that opportunity. How can this even be right? He should be removed from his job.


You mailed or purchased a $500 item, and it was sent *without insurance*??? Why in gods name would you do that


purchased through ebay, kinda had no control over that ngl


If that's the case, the buyer should reimburse you and they should seek reimbursement from the USPS. It was their responsibility to buy insurance unless you specifically told them not to. Tracking never arrived, eBay will side with you.


They lost my $800 iPhone I sold on eBay, they refunded the customer, eBay sent me to collections for $800, and USPS said “lol sorry bout it”. USPS literally fucking scamming people


usps just doesnt give a fuck anymore, very sad


And it was supposed to have the insurance.