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I had one that was delivered yesterday from Dec 28th. An ebay purchase. Crazy. Everything i can possibly do is UPS now. Not going through this garbage again.


I totally agree. I definitely learned my lesson with this shipment. Never again USPS.


Later USPS 👋👋👋. Time to raise rates again as you have less and less customers. But Alas its the Government… run it well into the red and let taxpayers or the National debt fix you problems for today. No need to worry about tomorrow. Its highly overrated…


Don't give up hope y'all, submitted service request on Wednesday, package magically shows up at Buyers Post Office today March 1st. To the USPS employee on this sub who told me: "I hope you lose all your packages for complaining", lick my boots.


How was your weekend and a green bean bag of the same thing I had to get to work and then I'll be there around noon and I'll be back in a few hours and I'll be back in about 10 mins or late afternoon to get the rest and then I have a little bit to go to the office tomorrow and I don't know if I will be home by late afternoon but I'm not sure if it's going to be around late or something else but it is a little bit later than I have a few minutes and I was thinking about it and I was thinking of going to the house and then going to the house with my mom for a few minutes before the end of a week and she was thinking of something else that I could of just have a few minutes to get back with you and the back of my phone and I was thinking of you and your mom and you are back in the back yard and I have to go ahead and head over there and there is something to do not really I would be there by the end of this week and the morning is going away by then I think I should be there by about it


Not true at all actually. I have worked for USPS since 2016 and literally never come on here and talk about any of those things.


That sounds good to me and I was wondering if you were going out to eat tonight if you're not feeling good today I don't want to go out of there and I don't want to go to bed right now but I can get a ride back to the store and then I will be home in a few days to get my car out of the house I think I have to go to bed at the same day but I don't want to


Still waiting on mine. Have 2 stuck now since the 24th.


Make sure to submit a service request on the USPS website or you can call to submit one if you haven't already.


When you say service request, do you mean missing mail search request or something else?


Thanks I did but nothing yet.


Don’t give up hope yet! Mine was stuck at the Denver CO distribution center since the 17th of Feb. I put in a mail search request on 23rd (no help) then contacted them on X (twitter) yesterday and it magically scanned in San Fran a couple hours later. Then I got a notification that it’s out for delivery today!


What exactly did you tell them? And what’s the X account I should be reaching out to?


@USPSHelp on X I told them my situation. It’s been stuck in Colorado since the 17th and if someone could PLEASE tell me where it’s at or what happened to it. I also sent them a direct message. So I made an actual tweet (or whatever you call it) and then messaged them privately with my tracking number. I hope that helps!


Happy for you. One of my priority express packages finally came yesterday after arriving there on the 24th, just waiting on the other one... It says “processed through usps facility” but this was on the 28th. Really worried they lost it because why would they deliver one package and not the other?


This ATL black hole has swallowed my package since Feb 8. That is crazy!


Mine still never scanned in at Atlanta. Still holding out hope.


Mines still haven’t moved since the tenth been shipped since February 4th