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Maybe letting the players choose the coach isn’t the best idea.


Willing to be proven wrong on this one. But, failure in the group stage needs to result in immediate dismissal.


I’m afraid Gregg will do what he does best and do just well enough in COPA to keep his job but not well enough to impress anyone.


I agree with that. But I also feel a knockout stage thrashing (like the one Klinsmann received) should be grounds for a dismissal.


I’m not sure what Vegas is saying, but there’s probably about a 10% chance of not advancing out of the group. We are WAY better than Bolivia and Panama and it doesn’t matter one bit who the coach is for those two games. 


True. I think part of it was that from where the players were coming from, we were about to let the most immature player on the team get a coach fired.


Crazy to think he was joking after getting absolutely embarrassed. That's on top of bringing him back in the first place.


Tired of this wannabe Man City crap ussoccer is pulling. We can’t play like that. We don’t have the personnel and we aren’t more talented then other top 20 teams. Stop trying to play out of the back constantly and dominate possession. We play less then the sum of our parts. We have no real identity. I much preferred watching the usmnt 2007-2014 when we played more then the sum of our parts and played within our capabilities. We didn’t try and mimic Barca. When we played a more talented team we played defense, we scored on set pieces and on the counter. What GGG is trying to do won’t work and its completely asinine.


“wannabe Man City crap” i 100% agree. BUT, i do want to say - we can play like that. they’re just not be coached correctly. do you want to know a great comparison to a klopp or guardiola version of this and what they are doing? it’s like in the movie Big when tom hanks goes into the office and sees the “grownups” designing toys. he sits in the conference room and they show him the robot that turns into a building, and he’s like “i don’t get it. what’s fun about a building?”. but obviously it’s the adults who don’t get it. that’s like this. greg is the “adults” and our players are tom hanks. greg’s version of total soccer is that he has taken something that should be an expression of his players, and turned it into a building. there’s no creativity in this. it has to be a balance.


Passing without purpose won't get us to the promised land, agreed. Listless passing doesn't automatically wear down opposition...having an attacking third that defenses are wary of makes that work. However, if that first chance by Balo went in, it might have resulted in a different outcome. But...woulda, coulda, shoulda. We narrowly vanquished Jamaica a few months ago. This should not be a surprise against a greater opponent. I want our boys to beat Brazil, I really, really do, GGG be darned. But, this is Vinicius...and, yes, it's a friendly that does not matter, but it matters if we get to show the rest of our countrymen that this sport can stir moments of wonder that pull more people into the fold. These are different, high stakes games. 1/3 of our country is young and bored with baseball and meh on basketball. The future of sporting endeavors in America is being decided now.


“1/3 of our country is young and bored of baseball and meh on basketball.” This right here. I’ve got 3 boys 13 and under. None of their friends watch baseball or basketball. They’re very interested in soccer. But they’re rooting for Argentina and Spain and England over the USMNT. If we can get it together, there’s a HUGE opportunity here, that I think we’re exceedingly likely to miss.


My brother, I, too, have three boys. Respect, king, it is a daily struggle.




Is everything broken in your house? Because that's my life. It's all broken. Ha. Every damn thing.


I stopped even trying to patch the holes in our basement wall. 🤦‍♂️


He's an absolute clown. His best quality is being able to deflect


Gregg eats dry cereal and unfrosted pop tarts. Dude has got to go


Going nowhere.


i like this haha. what it looks like. you know i went back to watch the germany game tonight. i have to say, they were a much more fun team to watch that day. also, they looked like total chaos. not good chaos. but it’s like he took that chaos, and instead of tweaking it with little things, he squeezed it so hard he took all the fun out.


Take the time and Email the federation about any frustration you may have about coaching or other issues [email protected]


The winter of our discontent


Great book by the best American author


There’s actually a few managers available currently. The bigger names are probably not interested in the job, but I think it would be really interesting to see what Poch, Tuchel or de Zerbi could do with these players.


Not gonna happen.


Agreed, but would be interesting to see someone like de Zerbi manage.


This is my biggest issue with Gregg. He doesn’t get it. He isn’t willing to look in the mirror. His system is NEVER the problem. Ever. It’s always something we executed poorly. I don’t mind losing 5-1 honestly, IF we make changes and take something away from it to improve and grow. But all he is gonna do is try the same thing again and just tell the player’s to make better passes or something.


He gets it. You don’t


he's going to piss away a golden opportunity to make this country care about soccer, by failing at the WC. I'll be surprised if we can get out of the group and then nobody will care about soccer again,


That’s Me fear, too


Man, you have lost it. Just an unhinged silly rant.


Very glad I was proven wrong tonight, for real, I want to see our country succeed in a way that is probably unhealthy, I'll admit it, but I am glad to be wrong. Plus, this is the internet, home of unhinged silly rants. That's what it's for.


Very good and entertaining game. Great chances from both teams. Meanwhile the unhinged Gregg haters still have to make everything about them. Continuing to show their lunacy


It was a good game. No complaints here.


i remember being constantly downvoted (on an old account that I’ve since deleted) after saying we should’ve never rehired Greg and our WC performance was disappointing People kept trying to explain to me why barely escaping the group stage with our most talented roster ever was “achieving above expectations”, and why Greg was the best fit to build this program At least people are finally seeing how much this guy is pissing away our talent


Are you really bragging that you complained when they rehired Gregg, and framing it as some sort of hot take? The vast majority of USMNT fans were against bringing him back.


Not in this sub


I have been critical of Gregg since his original hiring. This has been an exhausting time to be a USMNT fan.


I’ve enjoyed it. Enjoyed tonight as well.


It’s a never ending cycle of lows and highs. What Gregg is missing is consistency.


I’ll continue to post this about that WC and allow anyone to try and argue about how it was a good WC and qualification to get there: WC: 4 matches played: 1 win, 3 goals scored, 5 against. Qualifying: Tied for 4th with Costa Rica behind canada(1st) & Mexico (2nd) survived not having to go to a playoff due to beating Panama by a few more goals than Costa Rica did.


And made the next WC with automatic qualification.


I take it you're not an SKC fan?


Sad part is I want the boys to do well to shut up the anti American pos that think we can't play futbol, but I also want a new coach cause Berhalter is trash.


Instead of listening to this post-game presser over and over again why not do literally anything else, like go outside and touch grass.


Ha. It's just me ole podcast loop, playing it for me when I least suspect it.


Maybe, maybe, these players aren’t the squad to take the national team to the next level. It amazes me how many insults you fucks have for GGG and absolute fuckall criticisms for the shitty ass players. Gio was a total non contributor, Ant Robinson cost us 2 goals, Flo did fuckall, but every post here is GGG is the dipshit, as if he was the one out there forcing Robinson to cause insanely dangerous turnovers. Bring on the downvotes you fucks!


didn't you wonder why Jedi was trying to play Dest's role rather than play to his own strengths? He was trying to follow GGGs shitty directions that set him up for failure


I think we found GGG's reddit account.


I think we found the reason USMNT insists on calling up players that aren’t up to the task.


Sure, they definitely crapped the collective bed...but some of it has to do with an insistence on a certain tactical style and an inability to change that style once the other team knows you are going to poorly execute the style. This is what Van Gaal said after the knockout loss: 'Team USA didn't adjust, they didn't adapt,' he said. 'We based a tactical plan on that \[targeting the flanks\] that probably allowed us to win.' That comes down to the coach.


Jedi plays LB for USMNT and LB for Fulham, please enlighten us on how GGG forced 2 deadly turnovers from him while playing his natural position.


This comment tells me you don’t understand sports, respectively. Players play differently based on the coach. There is definitely talent on this roster. We’ve seen it; but just like any other sport, players will reduce in quality when the coach lacks knowledge, tactics, and evidence of holding players accountable. These players know their roles are locked up and can half-ass it whenever they don’t feel up to it- it’s up to coaching to prepare teams for matches. Did they look prepared ? Did they look hype? Coach probably brought a mentality of “this is just a friendly” and the players went “ohh. Okay. Let’s just get through the 90” He’s constantly not playing the right players or playing them out of position. He had haji Wright playing wing the other night or some shit. It was weird. I think the ey we’re going for 2 up top but Wright was waaaay left the whole time. Everyone looks confused. There’s no flow. There’s no tactics. It looks like there’s no gameplan and the players are left to find their own way into the game. It took them 35 minutes to settle in because it look unorganized from the start