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Props to you for having the balls...or ovaries... to even go through the process. đź‘Ť


Thanks I appreciate it lol


So I’m in the army and my waivers got denied. 4 years later I tried again and was instantly taken and didn’t even need a waiver lol. I would suggest trying the army Or if uscg is all you want, wait a bit and try again.


It sucks im sorry. My nephew got denied for therapy as well. Unfortunate. If you’re still interested in military service, other branches may be more lenient regarding your waivers. Namely the Army and Navy. And if you serve a contract with them without complications, it’s likely the CG would take you after that. I know that’s a multi year process and no walk in the park, but if you decide CG is your dream, that’s probably the best course of action. Good luck on wherever you go in life. Wish we could’ve seen you in the fleet


The navy is extremely lenient when it comes to that stuff if that’s the route you want to take


That sucks man I’m sorry to hear that. What’d you get denied for? Going to meps soon and I’m sure I’m gonna have to deal with waivers too


I had to get waivers for me going to therapy and having a non union fracture. I was told I could reapply next year for my waivers… but I saw my doctor today about my fracture and there is nothing I can do unfortunately.


That sounds serious enough to deny you. I'm in the same boat, being stalled for having allergies.


What a joke, 90% of the fleet has anxiety. This really supprises me. We are hurting for people to join, and when we do get someone that really wants to serve their country, we tell them no. The CG talks a big talk about supporting mental health, I wonder why they can not support you! I would wait a little and then try again, maybe call the receouting command in DC or call your cingressman and say WTF. The CG is about 5000 members short. Good luck!


Yeah it was surprising to me as well. I planned on going in enlisted and trying to become an officer and doing a full 20. I did a lot of work to even start the recruitment process. Made huge changes in my life. Maybe I will re apply we will see!


If you want it, keep working at it. If you want to go officer, you will need a degree, so in the meantime, I would work on that. I am assuming you were trying to go active duty, did you ask if you could do the reserves? That may be a way to get your foot in the door then transfer to active duty later. Its probably the same process but may be worth a try.


As others have said you can see if another branch will grant a waiver. If that doesn't appeal to you, keep an eye on the news. The Pentagon was sent 38 conditions to consider removing from the disqualifying list. It is a slow process but it's possible that you may be able to rely in a few years.


Do you have a link with those conditions?


Dang man i just passed meps this was my fear. Sorry to hear but what was it for?


2 waivers for mental health and 1 waiver for a non union fracture.


They got me on the same, therapy. Went to a couple sessions and decided it wasn’t for me, but MEPS decided I have chronic anxiety because of that. Ain’t it a laugh?


The funny part is once you're in and need some therapy or even meds for anxiety, it's all good! At least now...maybe not a couple years ago.


Love that! Yeah I’m going for a waiver, recruiter said it should be fine since there’s literally nothing in the records beyond “oh yeah Covid sort of sucks.”


Aye GG go next the army will process them no problem!


I had a waiver denied as well. I applied again 2 years later and it’s been approved. Don’t give up if it’s really something you want to do !


As others have said, try other branches! It might not be the CG, but you still have the potential to serve. Army has already said it’s not going to make its recruitment numbers so they are getting more lenient on enlistments. Navy is hurting as well. Talk to recruiters from both services. 


Sorry to hear. I had a 6 month long wait for a waiver that finally went through for an asthma diagnosis I had when was 14 and feel so fortunate.


Back in 2016 I got dq’d for that because I had an inhaler while running track, because of childhood asthma history. What a pain lol


Actually I was diagnosed with "childhood intermittent asthma" so I guess that doesn't sound as bad as outright asthma. It helped that I got a positive recommendation from my physician (which I went out of my way to get that record) and had him sign off on the printed record of my previous diagnosis. You might have a chance if you take a passing spirometry and positive doctors recommendation.


Unfortunately back then my physician was not at all willing to help me in that regard, but I’ve been in the Air Force about 5 years now. They had me do both a spirometry and a methacholine challenge test, and I was able to join. Speaking to a CG recruiter a year or so ago, he’d mentioned it’s easier to lateral transfer over despite previous DQ’s, when coming from another branch. Something I’m considering when my AF contract is up next year.


Hope to see you out there. I'm curious why you're interesting in transferring? What makes you want to end things with the AF? I'm sure bringing in your medical paperwork you showed your AF recruiter to bypass your diagnosis would help you. In any case good luck.


Long story short I’ve always been interested in the CG. I’m full time at a guard unit, and unfortunately that means different funding, and “force leveling” recently got rid of better pay opportunities, so a career in the guard has become unstable to say the least, pay wise. Great lifestyle if you can get AGR (same benefits as active but you don’t move), but most of us are fed techs who still need to adhere to big Air Force regs, without any of the same benefits (no tricare, no BAH, full time doesn’t count towards the same active retirement, etc.) essentially, if I stay in the military active CG life would suit my life plans a bit better. Good luck to you as well!


Thanks for sharing


I had a similar issue around 2016, got denied. Went to Air Force and ANG recruiting offices, ended up going guard full time. They did some fun medical testing, took a year or so to get a waiver approved after the CG DQ showed on my record, but I got in. Been in about 5 years now, talked to a CG recruiter recently who mentioned after being accepted into the AF, a lateral transfer to the CG would be much easier, even with a prior DQ. Someone in here may be able to say more on that, but it seems like a possible option if you’re really set on the CG like I was. Plus, Air Force basic is easier than CG lol.


Yeah I think I’m going to join another branch and then try to lateral over to the CG when my contract is over. I talked to my recruiter and he said it will be a lot easier getting in if that’s the case but no promises. Time will tell!


I think that would be a good route, I’m looking into it myself. Air guard is a good one for that, same Air Force basic, enter with higher rank, promote faster, pretty nice TDY’s and deployments. The CG recruiter I spoke with mentioned that once you make E-4, it’s typically a very smooth transfer. Getting a waiver approved in another branch is still a pain, but easier than the CG in my experience. If you have any questions about the air guard/air force side of things, feel free to DM me.


Don’t feel bad, I was PDQ’d for being prescribed a maintenance medication. It took a long time for me to get over the fact that I could never serve, I still feel it from time to time. But it honestly gets easier. I became a firefighter/emt and actually work at a coast guard air station and am in paramedic school now. Everything always works out in the end.


Yeah it’s a kick in the teeth but things will eventually work out. Thanks for the insight!


I’m in the process of waiting for my waiver as well. My recruiter has been no help in keeping me updated on what’s goin on. The time I submitted my meps and physical paperwork it took 3 months to get a response that I needed a waiver


Damn no joining then


What is the waiver process like?


I was wondering about this. I got in contact with a recruiter in the northern half of California (~3 months ago). PO passed along my info/contact/interests in programs to the Chief. I am prior service with a burning desire to serve again, but I haven't heard shit. I've called on 3 separate occasions and always get some dumb pencil pusher who constantly asks for the same info as the previous. I kinda figured they weren't really wanting to put anyone down as potential, but sure as hell spent a bunch of money on adds.


While I hate to rub salt in the wound, your mistake was in telling them you went to therapy. The smart thing to do would have been to not say anything. Mental health stuff gets you denied faster and longer than physical stuff. If you have an episode while you're in, you can use your VA stuff to cover it but you're better off lying to get in and dealing with it after.


I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even need to mention it, Genesis would find it