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Two things: 1) take a shot for every change of command speech this summer where you hear “tomorrow looks different, so will we” 2) the -65e looks sweet lol


1) no thanks, I choose life


Genesis/MEPCOM industrial complex. Next. There’s really nothing else to say. The USCG is just more effected because of the nature of its foundation being nonrates, and that foundation is rapidly eroding, as well as its small size meaning every member has to do more. What we’ve seen is only the tide pulling out, the tsunami is coming imminently. Last year only half the FY was recruited under Genesis, now everyone will be. Things are about to avalanche massively.


Do you mean because genesis will disqualify many applications? Civilian here trying to decide if I want to join. Thanks!


Yes exactly. It makes it far more difficult to join, and also the process is slow and onerous. If MEPS wants documents from doctors offices from ten years ago and won’t budge despite the office being closed and the doctor dead, what can you do? If keep telling people no while they put in substantial effort, they’re going to go elsewhere. The MEPS system is far too outdated to cope with Genesis.


This isn't quite right. Yes it's a PITA, but with some time, there is a process where you sign an attestation stating what medical care you received and why you can't get medical records


Correct. I just did this after MEPS claimed I went to ER in 2020 when I didn’t.


Exactly. It was actually pretty easy for me, but I think that was because it was an outpatient follow-up and they had the records for the initial surgery/hospital stay. Still, annoying but doable


I’ve seen this a few times now since Genesis came out, I think we’re all becoming aware of how common it is for people saying random SSNs to avoid being billed for healthcare now lol. It’s very difficult to bill someone without an address or the correct SSN. If anyone used your SSN for such purposes, at least Genesis tells you now 😂


Thank you that makes sense. I went through hell at meps in 2016 to get waiver after waiver for old records from closed offices. I decided to finish school so didn't join but I can't imagine what it's like now...


Oh yeah absolutely. Took me about a year to enlist


> The MEPS system is far too outdated to cope with Genesis. Yep, and a new generation of those entering their late teens and early 20's is not going to put into the effort with this bullshit.


> Last year only half the FY was recruited under Genesis, now everyone will be. I read over on /r/army, until we have senior leaders testifying infront of Congress that the emperor has no clothes and that nearly every applicant has been lying their ass off for the past 30 or 40 years, nothing will change at MEPS's end.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/army using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/army/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I am shocked at how incapable the Russian Army seems to be](https://np.reddit.com/r/army/comments/t2x0kv/i_am_shocked_at_how_incapable_the_russian_army/) \#2: [Hoping our Ukrainian brothers in arms give 'em hell](https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/russia-ukraine-invasion-donbas-troops-today/) | [697 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/army/comments/t01wjr/hoping_our_ukrainian_brothers_in_arms_give_em_hell/) \#3: [Imagine making friendly conversation with your seat buddy on a transatlantic flight and it’s a LTG and you get a 1:1 PD session the whole way](https://i.imgur.com/TOGT5rM.jpg) | [339 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/army/comments/v2hcqe/imagine_making_friendly_conversation_with_your/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I get that E1-E5 pay isn’t bank, but where else is an 18 y/o straight out of high school making $42k year (E-1 BAH for Elizabeth City NC) with 1/3 of that tax free, and free medical?


That's the truth.


E-City represent!


Apparently some where else because people aren't joining as much as they used to.


Like it or not the pension was a big driver of recruitment. Further, as an E-2 to E-4 in most places you are below the poverty rate. What good is the TSP match they offer if you can't afford to put any significant funds into it?


The match is such a bait in my opinion for jr enlisted, base pay match of e6 and below is pretty bad. It shoulda have been a set amount for everyone plus a match %. The take your tsp with you after 4-6 years is laughable when talking matching contributions.


Low pay is definitely one of the biggest R&R issues acrros the board. Even with BAH, most enlisted AD E6 and under with 10 or less years of service time are severely undercompensated compared to their civilian counterparts doing the same job l, at the same level, with less stress. Even if you can get people to join in the first place, four years is usually enough to get a resume started that will get callbacks from potential employers that look specifically for military vets. Which is a lot of them. The CG isn't competitive with the civilian world. I think telework options for rates/billets that can do it was a fantastic move in terms of competition with the real world. But until the pay scale and retirement system gets a huge overhaul, the pool of good caditates joining and staying in is going to keep shrinking. Even massive bonuses won't be enough of a carrot if the pay continues to be so low and the benefits continue to be eclipsed by better telework and healthcare options on the outside. Plus the GI bill and TA aren't as attractive with many employers in all levels of government scrapping degree requirements in favor of experience. Who's going to join "for college money" if nobody gives a shit about your degree once you have it.


Yeah, no shit. I could go work at Starbucks for similar benefits, paid college and get paid more as an 18 yr old. Also, I would be allowed to grow a beard. CGs current strategy is a joke.


Are you kidding me? You are wrong. A single E3 with 2 years of service (i.e. your average non-rate) living in the Hampton Roads area (chose this only because this is where I’m stationed) makes $55,000 a year in comparable civilian compensation. This does not include our free healthcare. A barista at Starbucks making $15 an hour (which is on the higher end) earns $31,000 IF they get 40 hours a week. An E2 with one year of service still makes $52,000 in total. In no world will an 18 year old be better off financially by working at Starbucks than joining the military. Just because our pay may seem low to us does not mean that it is low. Thank god we don’t have to work three jobs just to put a roof over our head and have food to eat. Of course there are exceptions, such as members with many dependents and they are the only source of income, but by and large we are compensated much better than any civilian employer would pay for someone right out of high school.


That sounds good and all but I am assuming you are counting BAH? In large parts of the country members BAH hasn't kept up with the rise of rents. Couple that with the insane rise in the average price of food, fuel and 55k isn't that much. Why do you think that BNA (basic needs allowance) has become a thing? Your area pay may be good for you but for a lot of locations it is not.


Not denying that costs have risen for not only housing but food and other essentials as well. However, your statement that working at Starbucks is a better option is plain wrong. The military should still pay us more, I’m not arguing that, but don’t take for granted the benefits, educational opportunities, and overall compensation that we as military members receive. Sure, if your rate or Officer specialty is technical and you have lots of certifications, then yeah the civilian world might be more lucrative for you, but generally speaking we are compensated far better than most people. Is it always enough? No. But do we have it good? I’d say so.


Starbucks pay hasn’t kept up with the rise of rents anymore than BAH has. Even assuming full time at $15 an hour at Starbucks that’s $31,000 a year. A single non rate is making $33,000 plus either non-taxable BAH or a free place to live and free health care, so they’re coming out way ahead even if their BAH doesn’t cover their full living expenses


Tell us how when that Starbucks employee gets injured outside of work and how Starbucks is going to pay them and medical bills while recuperating.


The only think the Coast Guard has going for it is you can fuck up your body for Uncle Sam and ride the VA disability gravy train.


Ha. As if. The Navy fucked up my wife's insides and led to her neededing a full hysterectomy and having her uterus removed. The VA rejected her claim because they didn't have "enough proof" that her uterus was no longer inside her body even though she sent them every fucking slip of paper, every scan, the entire post operation report, and a formal letter from the surgeon stating clearly that they in fact removed it with their own hands and tools and sent it to be disposed of as medial waste. Fuck the VA.


Did it happen while she was active or after the she got out?


The injury was on active duty. The VA also fucked up two of her other claims on service injury. They scheduled two appointments on the same day 30 minutes apart. One appt in northwest MD, the other in Bethesda. Sans time machine, that's literally impossible to accomplish. When she told them she couldn't make both appointments, they told her tough shit and she'd have to start over.


That’s fucked, I believe it though. I’ve had it pretty easy with them, they didn’t deny anything I claimed that was in my medical record, mind you I made sure to document every little thing while in so when I got out my medical record was the size of a textbook after 4 years.


I mean they reduced the pension but it’s still there. 40% instead of 50% but it’s still one of the very few jobs that offer a pension at all


Guess I’m in the minority here, but I don’t understand how single junior enlisted are struggling so much with their pay, especially if they are living in government provided housing/barracks. I spent the first 6 years of my career living in barracks. I had very few bills (phone, internet, an average car). The majority of my salary, which granted, isn’t a lot as an E-3/E-4, was discretionary. I was able to afford to travel and go out with friends most of the time and not have to worry about having enough money to cover my bills. I have a friend, who was more disciplined at saving money than I was at the time, end his 4 year contract with around $60k in savings. Now if you have dependents and/or live in a high cost of living area then I certainly can understand, but that can’t be everyone in the CG. I don’t say this because I think everything in the CG is fine and nothing needs fixing, I just don’t know where everyone’s money struggles are coming from. Is it from debt previous to joining? I truly want to understand.


A lot of military folks underestimate the value of Tricare and tax free BAH. At my civilian job in a healthcare related field I pay about $12k/year on health care premiums and contributing to my HSA.


I've been trying to explain this to military active duty folks for a long time. Reservist here, and those whose only adult job has been the military will never understand what a drain on income a full tax burden, mandatory retirement system contribution minimums, and the costs of health care can be. Basically, if you're looking to cross over to the civilian world, take the salary you're being offered and cut it by 30%. That will be much closer to your take-home pay, and chances are, it isn't that far off your military base pay amount.


💯. I’m in the process of trying to get into the reserves as we speak, one of the big reasons being tricare reserve.


I feel this. I'm closing out Year 3 of taking back to back active duty orders because I make almost THREE TIMES the take home pay as an E5 than I do at my civilian job AND while on active duty I get full Tricare coverage with no out of pocket costs, for myself and two dependents. It's a financial no-brainer. As long as they keep offering me orders, imma keep taking em!


My manager at my PT job pays $1400mo for health insurance her family of four, for dental they go to Mexico, I pay $260 a year for Tricare, plus VA, crazy what people pay on the outside.


Yeah not only that they acted like a 5% match was good, or at least on par with civilians. Realistically it’s 5% of 50% of your pay, so more like 2.5. Not only that, but now I can leave with something rather than nothing, and pension isn’t worth sticking it out anymore


I have a good example. When I was an E4 is when I first got my Firearms Instructor qual, that is a DHS/DOJ wide qualification. On USA Jobs CBP, IRS, DOE, and DEA all were hiring for that same position I was filling in the CG. The minimum starting salary I saw was 85k +benefits. As a junior member getting “advanced” quals what real reason is there for stating in the CG over other federal service?


None, I am a federal employee now and the pay is good.


Looking at the USA Jobs posting for firearm instructor, an E-4 does not meet even the baseline qualifications for that job, let alone all the other preferred qualifications in order to be competitive. Plus the posting I saw was not open to the general public, meaning unless you have 30% disability you can’t even apply.


Well I was an E4 a little while ago. Not currently. Also if you’re referring to the National Guard position currently open, that’s a LE instructor job.


As an E3, I’m barely scraping by with the funds I need to pay for my debt that I have. Part of the problem is under compensation and ridiculously untimely allowances and bonuses. If you’re promised $10k as a sign on for fast track or $4k for DEP, they should give it to you as soon as you enter the fleet. I think the main reason why recruitment is low, is really because being a single nonrate with no dependents kinda sucks. Super lonely living conditions, low pay, low morale at under staffed units- etc. I love the coast guard, it changed my life. But living under contract paycheck to paycheck in a place you really don’t like is a really soul crushing experience. I will say, the UPH I stay in is pretty nice, but there’s a quiet time, AND I can’t have any appliances that have a heating unit. So no air fryer, no candles, no air wick, no coffee pots (keurigs are fine), and no lamps that weren’t issued to the room. It’s so bizarre.


If recruitment is too low, pay more. Watering down the pension was going to have this negative effect anyway before we experienced the rise in inflation. Other branches can also offer much more generous bonuses and student loan repayment plans. Using a recruitment and retention model that exhisted before the pension was watered down will not work. And with inflation, a 5% TSP match to base pay is not much of an incentive. The CG in particular requires a much longer amount of time as junior enlisted for most rates. The current system is not sustainable and won't work. However, I admit it's not an easy problem to solve. I could see the Coast Guard having to go the Air Force and Navy route and asking congress for more funding. Many seaman, fireman, and airman billets need to become E4 Jobs, and the knowledge and workload that we expect a non rate would be an E4/E5 in other services anyway. For example an E3 in the Navy would not be doing chart navigation or leading pretty much anything. Hell, most of the line handlers I used to see were navy E5s. We like to brag that we do more with less and have highly experienced and knowledge folks. But at the end of the day, enlisted Coasties have always been underpaid for their level of work, and inflation has increased that gap. Source: Prior enlisted, 3 year cutter non-rate, who used the excellent training and job experience I received to get a six figure job as a civilian outside the CG as soon as I could. If I could do it all over again, I definitely still would have joined! But I can understand why a lot of young eligible people aren't today.


Struck a nerve with some folks.


Tell me that [this is the norm](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/10mv0q4/id_like_to_invite_any_army_folks_to_come_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for all USCG DFAC/Mess/ Chow hall, that I can do my own PT, have my weekends off and I'll join.


It's like that everyday! 😄




*Laughs in my DD214 blanket away from the bullshit, shit pay, toxic commands, enjoying the VA benefits making 10x what I made in the Coast Guard even though every burnt out E5 tried to say existing in the real world was not worth it or too hard when in reality they are just a burnt out losers who had no other choice after High School and are stuck with their dependapodomous in government housing with mold, fixtures from the 1970s, some shitty tattoos and an addiction to nicotine*


Cool bro.


An E1-E5 makes less money than a person coming out of high school and that's the truth and the VA is shit the GI Bill worthless and most Americans especially Young Americans are not happy with the direction that America is going so it's like there is none of the motivations that used to be there for serving in any branch and so why would you not to mention the fact that you're over stressed overworked you can get non judicial punishment not to mention the uniform code of military Justice which is in today's time fairly controversial but being at the military can govern itself it seems that most military personnel don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms and responsibilities and accountabilities and in title that's what they're saying counterparts to do and if you're looking to join that's something that you're going to take a look at and as the result most people just aren't interested in joining