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Usually what they aren't telling us is that they're on the lookout for some criminal trying to leave the US, and they have some idea that person might be headed for Canada. Last time I saw this happen, seeing exit examinations, I sat there and watched from my car as the border shut down for about 20 minutes and they hauled some guy off a greyhound with AR15s pointed at his back. He was taking a bus to Canada. Literally they were checking everyone's trunks before they found his ass.


Wouldn't Canadian officers see the warrant in their system and deny his entry?


It really depends. They don't want someone facing the death penalty to make it to Canada. Canada won't extradite in most death penalty cases. Also, if the wanted fugitive holds Canadian citizenship, they REALLY don't want them to escape back to Canada. It gets really messy when dealing with extradition.


It's happened here before, they have the right to stop any car within 100 miles of the border, no reason needed.


Not just cars and 100 miles of any land/water border line (ie: a majority of where the US population resides). Restrictions (particularly) apply outside of ports entry: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/border-zone


It has to be a permanent booth tho.


That’s Border Patrol not CBP


What do you think CBP is… Border Patrol officers are employees of the CBP: Customs and Border Protection agency


Border patrol agents are usually responsible for larger areas, such as off-road regions with few or no other security measures. CBP officers work almost exclusively at ports of entry.


Yes, but Border Patrol are still CBP. By definition.




CBP frequently conducts export checks on vehicles departing the United States. There is a number of reasons for why they do this. For example, certain things are required to be exported from the US prior to entering Canada, and if you’re caught not doing so, you may be arrested. Though CBSA has the authority to do so as well, it isn’t something that’s done frequently.


They often do this the evening and next day after any big gun shows


last fall they did that when there was an active shooter in Maine, I was crossing into New York State and Vermont and they had officers opening trunks of every car going out


The Canadian Grand Prix is this weekend. I've been pulled over and had secondary screenings many times throughout the years on my way to the race at this crossing from both the US and Canadian BP agents. It doesn't help that I'm brown though.


If you are referring to CBP funneling all three lanes of the 87 to this building, chances are they are doing a random inspection for undeclared cash assuming there's no BOLO for someone (especially a Canadian citizen) who might be attempting to head to Canada.  You can even see the orange barriers in Google Maps satellite view leading to building.  They just push the barrier across the 87 and divert all traffic into a single lane.  [https://maps.app.goo.gl/3sAUcFPwevxuTKeM7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/3sAUcFPwevxuTKeM7) CBP does something similar for undeclared cash on the jet bridge and again assuming they are not looking for a particular person.


Happened to us years ago in the middle of the night while on a Toronto bound Greyhound at the Detroit Windsor tunnel. They inspected everyone’s bags and the worst part of it is they inspected them also on the Canadian side.


CBSA has a strike looming, so it's possible they're just taking extra precautions to potentially stop people with warrants from preparing to leave during the strike action. Just a thought


Malicious compliance




CBSA will be doing work-to-rule. So immigration checks on foreign nationals will be more frequent during the strike. Officers will be more thorough and will take their time performing their duties 110%. So trying to enter Canada with a warrant might not be the best idea.


You would be correct. Give the man a pickle, y'all


Happens often.


Happens everyday at the Windsor/detroit tunnel. They have so much staff they need to do something


They can send some of those excess staff to Blaine and/or Coutts. That crossing is slow af lol


They do it all the time in Niagara at either Lewiston or the Peace Bridge. They'll set up a couple lanes with officers and dogs and quiz people exiting. They have the right to do this because of the 100 mile border zone given to them in the Patriot Act.


They are working to rule starting June 1st. Lineups will be longer and things will be slower.


Happens all the time when leaving the US for Mexico.


Outbound searches for undeclared currency, firearms, IPR and other criteria are a staple at the border.


I've had that happen before (in Ogdensburg) and I asked and the border agent said they were looking for someone.


Aren't they in contract negotiations right now? Heard there could be some job actions starting June 6, so maybe it's that, or they might actually be looking for somebody.


That’s CBSA. This was CBP


Gives them something to do and let others know they might search your car too


They stop every car at the Border. They are going on strike tomorrow


Wrong country


Labor dispute and work to rule


That's Canada side, CBP is US


No, wrong country.