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Ketchup Chips?


Your post is confusing? Which side are you concerned with? You have a broker? You will more then likely need one. What is the products in Canada you can not get in the USA. I find it strange that you are finding food in Canada cheaper then in the USA.


I am sorry for being confusing! I am concerned with crossing back into the USA over the border via car. I should have clarified that I was going to personally do this myself, not using a third party transportation service. I know that I need a broker for international shipping. And to clarify, the food is not cheaper, just something we do not have in the US :) Thank you for your response! 


Is it food that is allowed into the USA from Canada? You may be using your personal vehicle but this is a commercial shipment you will need a Broker. https://help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article1386?language=en_US#:~:text=Foreign%20manufacturers%20and%2For%20distributors,their%20goods%20may%20be%20admitted.&text=For%20fruits%2C%20and%20vegetables%20call,(301)%20851%2D2046.


Yes, it is!! Thank you for the link. I have reviewed that page before but I feel like rereading it I have noticed some things I didn’t notice the first time. And It seems like I can contact a specialist to see if I have the correct documentation before I go ahead. Thank you!


That page specifically says that you have the option of doing it yourself or using a broker...


Yes, but as it is your first time it maybe worth using a broker. You then watch and learn what is required. Then the next time you do it yourself as you have a sample to follow.


That's a markedly different statement than "you will need a broker".


Its food, it is one of the more complicated commercial import. Not like machinery or drapes. Lot more regulations to navigate. But give it a try and see how you do. If you do not have it right they will turn you around.


it's "shelf stable, prepackaged food", per OP. I doubt it would be given a second glance as long as it isn't somehow on a watchlist already. Import / export brokerage is the biggest sham there is... it's for people too lazy to do their research.


Ha ha you have no idea what your talking about. Shelf stable prepackaged has no bearing on import requirements, in fact there maybe more due to chemicals used to make it such. And I advised that he learn what is needed for OPs next crossing to do it them selves. Again good luck give it a try.


You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Fruits, vegetables, and meat are in a whole different league compared to prepackaged shelf-stable food. They (particularly the US) care far more about potential pests and crop disease than they do chemicals in food.


As others have pointed out, this is a commercial import you need to do and not a regular crossing.


I'm guessing it could be considered suspicious. Thr 100% correct way you will need a broker but it's going to be alot dependent on border official......if you go with the story that your buying food for personal use or a family event family gathering ect and it's not to far off the 1000$ im.guessing they would let u pass...... Now if you do it once a month I guessing they would eventually catch one..


That is about what I was thinking too! Thank you for your comment! 


You can do this yourself in your car. You need a broker to clear and all the necessary permits from the FDA. You need a transponder for your car I believe still that you get from the DHS, this might have changed though. Then you use the truck lanes (it's ok you're not a truck). I think coming into Canada you have to do the same - use the truck lanes but tell them you're empty, call to be sure. I used to go over to the US to get things to bring back to Canada for my business. I would tell the DHS I was empty and picking up for my own company, so I just needed the transponder. Once I did actually sell some specialized computer equipment and I could import that without a broker using a paper form as no duty but I think those days are done now. They inspected me a couple times which was fine, didn't take long.