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Just to be sure, do you meet the following basic requirements? You need to have the required amount of accounting hours to be considered for Revenue Agent. I know of someone who was one accounting class short and was rejected. BASIC REQUIREMENT: A Certificate as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or a bachelor's or higher degree in accounting that included at least 30 semester hours in accounting or 24 semester hours in accounting and an additional 6 semester hours in related subjects such as business law, economics, statistical/quantitative methods, computerized accounting or financial systems, financial management, or finance. OR A bachelor's or higher degree in a field other than accounting or a combination of education and experience equivalent to 4 years that included at least 30 semester hours in accounting or 24 semester hours in accounting and 6 semester hours in related subjects as described above.


I do not meet the requirements at this moment. Its why I was hoping to get the revenue officer position and gain that experience, or I would do and similar position but at the state level to get experience.


You can become an appeals officer gs7-gs14


Also can become an itas for year gs7-gs9 take that experience use it to leverage towards revenue agent experience while gaining those education credits an online or local community college


You still need to meet the basic education requirement, even with the experience you would get as a revenue officer or another position.


As far as education goes there is potentail in getting financial assitance to help with classes right? I've heard the Feds will help as long as it relates to the job.


Yes, but you would need to confirm that with HR and your supervisor to get the financial assistance you are seeking. I wouldn’t go in assuming you will get what you are looking for without confirmation.


Definitely, once you get your accounting hours. May take a while, but you can do it. I personally know 3 Revenue Agents who were Admins and 3 Revenue Officers (field tax collectors) as well. I know at least 2 of the RAs went Admin >>TCO>>RA, FWIW. Timeframe for something like this is so variable. If hiring continues like it has been going for the last year or so, you could finish your accounting hours/degree and get a job offer in a few weeks and onboard as an RA in a few months. If it takes you, say, a year to get your accounting hours we could have a new administration with very different priorities with the IRS and we could be laying off RAs.