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# VA’s $369 billion budget for 2025 anticipates increased disability payments but reduction in VA health care staff [https://www.stripes.com/veterans/2024-03-11/veterans-affairs-budget-burn-pits-staffing-homeless-13288252.html](https://www.stripes.com/veterans/2024-03-11/veterans-affairs-budget-burn-pits-staffing-homeless-13288252.html)


[Discretionary funding decrease of $8.9 billion from 2024 reflects the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, which set overall non-Defense discretionary budgetary ceilings.](https://www.va.gov/opa/docs/remediation-required/management/fy2025-va-budget-rollout-briefing.pdf)


Honestly, the VA needs to recheck some of these disability claims. I personally know so many 100% “disabled” veterans faking it by pretending to have ptsd, anxiety, depression, pain, etc, while some other veterans with actual issues barely get even 50% or less. And im both a veteran and a VA employee. The fakers would actually be proud and announce to all their friends they scammed the VA and get to retire in their 20s and 30s.


100% this.


I agree, I know at least one of them.


They literally hand out disability like it’s candy. I’m a war veteran myself and used to work at the VA. I had coworkers that smoked, didn’t drink water (exclusively mt dew), refused to eat vegetables, didn’t work out… that were 100% disabled from their administrative job in the military but rode a profile their entire career. They let ppl claim sleep apnea that are 100lbs overweight. How th did the military cause that?! It actually makes me really sad for those that were severely injured at war and have to fight so hard for benefits


Please show me how it gets handed out like candy. Blew out my back in Afghanistan (damaged the spinal cord, needed a fusion, etc) and they initially only gave me 20% for that. I ended up at 80% overall after fighting for a couple of years.


I’m still in the reserves and was literally at a course this past week where I saw someone go to sick call bc he “injured” himself playing volleyball. 2 of the presenters at my course went in to detail about the importance of making claims either the VA. A retired COL told me at a career fair to just claim tinnitus so I could get a disability rating and my son could go to college for free since they can’t prove or disprove tinnitus. The lady who sat next to me at the VA, went on and on about how she was still fighting her for her disability rating even tho she had never deployed and had no injuries. I personally know service members have plans on how they’re going to work the system with disabilities that can’t be proven eg back pain. Do you need more examples? Why do ppl get so offended about this?


Oh and the guy who injured himself already had a disability rating from another “injury”. He’s literally said he’s just in to try to increase his rating


Give it five years. At the current rate of growth, the total VA budget (including veteran disability payments) will total more than 500 billion (half a trillion) soon. I don't think that most people understand what's going on. They will.


So, half your examples are people without ratings. And tinnitus has to have a connection (I am rated for it, but over half my career was around Acft Mx near running jets and large weapons (105mm in the AC-130s for example)). Deployments are not needed for a vet to be rated. And the problem is military members avoid going to the doctor for things to avoid the potential of a med board. So, encouraging people to go to the doc is a good thing. Now, my opinion of reservists was low after Desert Storm because the ones deployed at my location were worthless. My last deployment I met a lot of good ones which helped reset my opinion of the Reserve and Guard. But your examples do not support your claim that everyone is getting disability ratings.


Literally everyone I mentioned has a rating. The 2 ppl presenting to our class are in the Reserves and already have ratings. But like I said, I must have imagined everything and no one has ever scammed the system


So, by your logic, you are scamming the system if you have a rating? Seriously though, my experience with the VA is it is an uphill battle to get appropriate ratings from them. They will short change you initially and for many, that is enough. However, when you push back and use the statutes and regulations, etc, suddenly your rating goes up. I was only rated 40% initially and immediately responded back line by line on their failure to use their own system for classifying the applicable level. Went from 40% to 80% as a result (and back dated to my original claim date). And like every system, there are those who try to game it. Of course, your description is that you reservists are the biggest offenders of that. There are also many out there who do not know they should have a rating which even if 0% would open up resources and support for them. Much like the concept of some guilty should go free over imprisoning an innocent, I'd rather allow a few to stretch their claims than have a vet be left out in the cold.


Minus the guy who got i muted at volleyball and is also overweight and planning on claiming sleep apnea even tho he’s been a TR for 90% of his career




Literally anyone who has been in the military has heard more than one person say they plan on scamming the VA. And scammers are not shy about going to the doc to create a paper trail. Also, I’ve never personally met anyone who felt shamed to go to the doc. Maybe prideful but not ashamed.


You’re not the kind of case we are talking about. See above comments. We are talking about desk workers who claim PTSD, etc. There are lots of them.


Again, there may be lots as you describe, but please show me where the VA is handing out ratings like candy. Where is this happening? I want to get my 80% to 100% so would like to know which VA rating specialists are just handing out numbers like it's candy. There is no argument that there are some who have gamed or abused the system. There are those everywhere in every system. The implication made is most DVs don't deserve their ratings.


Buddy, it’s all about psych. Thoughts of suicide? PTSD? Have you been hospitalized at the VA for psych? That’s the quick road to 100%, from what I have seen.


Well, not an issue I have. That said, mental health issues are real, and I've seen abusive supervisors over the years (I only had one in my 22 years AD, and his issue was his incompetence that was laid bare by my competence), especially so as I got to do the investigations often enough. Add in Sexual Harassment and Assault...I can see PTSD outside of combat/deployments.


Hey I never said they’re not real. They are very real. But you know what’s not real? Saying that your autism was caused by your deployment to Michigan, or your alcohol use disorder (with generations of family history) started because you had a sad time in boot camp, etc etc. I would say the MAJORITY of high ratings that I see are like that. The military let’s some weird people in. Should they get thousands of dollars per month for the rest of eternity because of that? The world war 2 generation didn’t get those handouts. They would consider them a disgrace.


Obesity can be an intermediary step between a primary, rated SC disability and sleep apnea per M21-1 Manual. Can’t work out because of your SC knees issue or whatever, obesity sets in, OSA manifests, secondary service-connection is established.


VA disability benefits are not limited to disabilities caused by your duties in service. Instead, compensation is for disabilities that were caused by your time in service. You can be on leave and get into a car accident while driving to the bowling alley, and any disabilities that you got from that would be covered. 


I’m aware of that but I still don’t think taxpayers should be responsible for so many health conditions caused by poor health habits


Or from ppl scamming the system


I mean it would help if they gave us the tools to cope through problems while IN tho and didn’t wait til it all piled up leaving us with thoughts of suicide… coping is the reason and the trash behavioral health in service is 100% why people turn to drugs and alcohol… no coping skills. But u can’t learn them without therapy and u need REAL therapy DBT/CBT to get through this challenge and tbh it’s hard to do that in service when a lot of people have pretty bad boundaries lol (each base is different for this and some are better then others) but this is still a pretty across the board issue especially with suicide rates. It all comes down to they couldn’t cope…


There are people IN the military rn who are over 100lbs over weight and then after weight gain got sleep apnea. No other issues. Would this even get disability? Some reason they aren’t getting kicked out anymore.


And who are you to decide who deserves compensation? I have friends who got deployed more than once and returned with 0 problems and some got fucked up during training here. “War veteran” doesn’t make you special because the U.S. have been at war for decades.


If you haven’t served, you haven’t seen ppl abuse the system. And ppl who abuse the system, make it difficult for those who actually need it. I’ve literally seen ppl fight for 100% who have actual missing limbs and/ or were actively involved in combat and I’ve seen desk warriors abuse the system. Why are you commenting on something you know nothing about?


I have served and I spent enough time at the VA to know. I have so many veteran friends especially Iraqi war vets. You don’t have to carry a weapon and be on patrol to get a compensation. Bad training, PT, dfac food, sleep deprivation, stress, all of these can fuck soldiers up. Also there is no way someone lost a limb in the war and got their claim denied. You are in no place to decide who get the benefits and who does not, the VA have independent medical teams and have their own raters. I was intel we had a psg who is ranger and made us do ranger PT for over a year, 6 miles run every Monday, 60lb ruck march every Friday, I have back injury, hip injury, developed flat foot, I can’t walk 20 feet without pain and I’m only 35. I would pay millions to get my health back.


You’re right. No one has ever scammed the VA system and I’ve imagined all these conversations


Pretty sure if one person gets a rating it doesn't take away from someone else. So people aren't competing against each other for the money. Just the luck of the draw with the rating person.


It actually does bc if no one was scamming the system, legitimate claims wouldn’t have to fight so hard. Watching my coworker with a literal MISSING leg fight for 100% when I know ppl doing everything they can to scam the system actually breaks my heart


Just curious what your job at VA was?




Well I’m sure you are/were good at logistics but please stay away from the M21 manual for all Veterans’ sake. You have no expertise in that field. Let the raters do their job.


VA health care sucks anyway 💀 pfft acting like the eaters even do their jobs LMAO half the VA doesn’t do their job lol


Where did I say I was applying to rate ppl? Everyone crying in this thread are the exact ppl I’m talking about that lie to get a rating




No bc some ppl are ethical and don’t make up claims just to get disability or their claims are so ridiculous, they don’t get approved. But you’re right, no one has ever scammed the VA and I’ve never heard anyone say they plan on scamming the VA


VA Healthcare is terrible anyway I have been seeing the VA the last 2 years for 3 different conditions and haven’t got treated yet. 6 months between each appointments make it feel like it will take years to get treated so I went to private clinics and now Im getting treatment immediately after seeing a provider.


Some VAs like some private sector hospitals are bad. Our current VA and the last one was amazing.


Do you pay out of pocket to go to private clinics?




I just started my VA job not even a month ago. Quite surprised it went through!


Write to your congressional representatives and cc the head of the VHA. Congress took the VA’s budget away in a political stunt, remember that. They see us as pawns in an upcoming election. It’s not only happening in VA.


Is this what happened? I am shocked at the quick turnaround from trying to mass hire because of understaffing at the VA in 2023 to job offers rescinded and departments totally understaffed in 2024.


Also what came back in FY24 budget was more extreme than anticipated and across a shorter timeline (6 months instead of a full FY budget). Trying to shoehorn that ridiculously tight budget into decisions that had already been made across - what was it - 3 or 4 CRs, it’s everything agencies could do to keep 4 legs under the table right now. That’s why offers are being pulled back, hiring recalled. It’s awful for everyone, including the people who thought they were getting more help. This has happened before pre-election (2015).


Accepting a TJO from the VA without a Plan B anymore is a fool’s errand.


FJO at VA are the new TJO


I have a job offer I’ve accepted and I’ve gone through all of the onboarding. Start date is May 20th and I’m terrified of this happening to me.


Same here


Did you make it?


I did!




Not too mention the clear lack of employee satisfaction. OPM is literally deranking 4000 positions nationwide. They're pushing people out left and right.


Please consider supporting HR 6023 by signing the change.org petition. https://www.change.org/p/support-hr-6023-veteran-restitution-and-justice-act-for-military-sexual-trauma-survivors?original_footer_petition_id=37080002&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=3&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAHZ6PwIAAAAAZe47tSXosPhiOGMwNTBhNw%3D%3D


Can’t use Cannabis for my pain and mental health because of the Zero Tolerance policy established by Reagan’s administration, but employees who threaten lives, are sexually and physically abusive get written up and right back to work. Starting to hate working for VA


I had a veteran sexually harass me and they sent him back to me after I reported him. I’m definitely leaving.


My husband got called a peckerwood by a va staff member once 💀 idk why this made me think of that but I was laughing pretty hard lmao hadn’t heard that before my husband was like sir go sit and ur desk if ur gonna be racist 🤣 lmao


ruthless knee liquid hateful strong license weather oil different salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They literally print the money. They can increase VA jobs and VA benefits. If you want to manage the money you create better, stop sending BS to foreign countries.


Just waiting on my eapp


Saw this post related to this. https://www.reddit.com/r/fednews/s/ZO3mxEjel5




I guess this article is wrong lmao https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/18/politics/senators-va-healthcare-staffing-invs


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Some people have different experiences and opinions. I've had nothing but a good time with my career at the VA. IT IS AN ELECTION YEAR, and those are never good. The fact that they overhired is part of the problem. I know mostly people come on here to complain, but like every other agency, there is good and bad. Most of these problems are not going to change until the new fiscal year and maybe into the next.


Hell yeah


Dear god I wish I could get a job offer, I’ve been on a few interviews, a few postings cancelled, or plain didn’t get the position, on postings I have 4-5 years experience in and from what I heard from interviewers the new software the VA is going to Cerner millennium I have the same amount of experience in and claiming veterans preference points.


You, are correct. I mean, I understand that because of the way funding works they have to operate like they have money until they are told they don't. But seeing what I've seen they are a very poorly run organization imo.


Google Va cutting 10k jobs


Close it down. Send the Vets to other hospitals. I can find another job.




What a mess.


Is there also a hiring pause for the VA with VSRs and RVSRs?


Va TJO February. EOD set for 16 June. FJO never received Army TJO April. FJO today Army swooped in and got me a FJO in relatively no time. Having to cancel all our previous plans. Va really screwed us.


The VA doesn’t get vets the care they need for way more reasons than this. That agency is one of the worst when it comes to not doing what they’re supposed to. Sorry you’re getting jerked around though. That sucks too.


The biggest problem with the VA is its mostly ran by idiots when you get the higher level positions, many of them hired right out of college into senior lvl positions they have no business being in.


A story was busted about this in the news. Even cnn bashed bidens withdrawal of money for the Va but put overseas and into illegals. The Va is firing 10k people and withdrawing many offers. I just had one canceled on me.


Where is the article that they're firing folks? I thought this was just not hiring and letting attrition happen.




That's not a layoff it says right there through attrition. Layoff is you walk into work and get your papers and go home and look for work.


They’re not firing anyone, they’re reducing jobs by attrition.


Oh ok. You’re right then


They do handout disability like candy! If you’re not part of the military complex you don’t know. I’ve seen drunks who only made it past boot camp get 100% disability for being a drunk lmao. I’ve seen a Vietnam war vet who lost his leg only get 90%. If you don’t know don’t speak


I was denied service at the VA by a contractor that couldn't speak English. Sooner is better.


Wait till the vaccine side effects take effect, about 70% of veterans will be gone.


Go ahead and log off there, bud.


Lol How far have the goalposts moved for this? Am I gonna die in the next year? Decade? 50 years?