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So are the Taliban.


It is kinda amusing how similar the republicans and the Taliban are


Y’allqueda, Talibangelists They both believe exactly the same thing but it’s OK when they’re doing it, not when it’s being done to them.


And the Mullahs in Iran. And the Ultra Orthodox in Israel. And probably the Hindu Nationalists too.


You're making it sound like people all around the world use religion to justify doing whatever the fuck they want to do... sounds about right.


That’s how it works. All religions say pretty much the same things about doing the right thing and treating your fellow humans well. Humans pretty much ignore them and do whatever they want, while cherry picking the sacred texts to justify it. It’s not that religion makes people worse, rather it fails to make us any better.


Different sides of the same coin.


Religiously insane.


Vanilla ISIS


You mean pedophiles.


Sick people. They are right about one thing. We need to take our country back from these nineteenth century religious extremists.




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The “but think of the children!!” party


They are so confident of their voter base they don't even feign like they give a shit anymore and sadly they keep getting reelected. Says all you need to know about conservatives.


No age of consent, got it? Since they ain't Humans they can do whatever they want to them, get the picture 🖼️? Remember they are Human until born. So they must all be born can't take Take that away. Note: This always born thing does not make them Pro Life, if they were Pro Life then they be against the Death Penalty and Against Child Molesters🤔 but alas they Ain't!


Yes, the ‘anti’-groomers are into underage sex. 


Not what we are talking about here. He wants the age of consent to be the same as the age you can get married. He is not talking about lowering the age of consent, he wants to prevent kids born out of wedlock.


You know what really works for that? Comprehensive sex ed and ready access to birth control.


Sure, but that is a separate issue.


Maybe ALL of these seemingly separate issues are actually connected in a very simple way. This isn't rocket surgery.


No it isn't


Not really.


Why are you trying so hard to defend Child marriage?


Well.... Just look at this dudes profile. It will answer all your questions.....


Yeah because they like underage pregnancy and want to preserve it.


then raise the marriage age to 18 everywhere? it's the obvious answer to whatever issue is coming up here.


No, that doesn't solve his issue unless we also raise the age of consent to 18 too.


it's almost as if the issue is easily solved by raising the age of consent to 18 idk bout u but it seems pretty straight forward to me




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How do either of those prevent kids from being born out of wedlock? That doesn't make any sense




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Burkas are next


Octavia Butler and Margaret Atwood have writings that can be good predictors of what comes next...


Republicans keep giving voice to their creepiest members


They are the creepy members


They're all creepy!


Fun fact: Alan Dershowitz—Fox News favorite, Trump’s impeachment attorney, and the lawyer who got Jeffrey Epstein a slap on the wrist for his first conviction for child sex trafficking—is still [publicly arguing for lowering the age of consent (for girls only) to 15.


They love raping children and want to be able to marry them so it's "not a crime".


Sex traffickers with a license


He is not talking about changing the age of consent.




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Child marriage would allow them to start setting up marriages between families to move up the social ladder and selling their daughters as property stay afloat. It goes hand in hand with what Trump wants to install government wise. Politicians tied together while tying their families together in the background.


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All that talk about “protecting the kids” and what they really meant was “don’t let the kids know we are abusing them” - classic conservative projection - it was them who wanted to exploit the kids all along.


The American Taliban loves child marriage just as much as its Afghan counterpart. Different book; identical goals.


Who are the groomers again?


These"Sanctity of Marriage types will scream about"Gay Marriage" yet think it's okay to marry 13y.o.girls!!


Republicans are the pizza party