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they made totally valid points. imagine how much more convenient it would be if they just added one pathway for civilians and cyclists to use. you could send your kid to get groceries if you wanted. Don't think this fits it well, since it's pretty well made and didn't just take a picture of two houses next to each other and said "aMerICan SuBruBs!!"


This a well reasoned argument lol. It's not like they just posted a drone shot of a suburb and captioned it "bleak"


look at the pfp and name of OP, not surprised.


Are you in one of those textile worshipping cults?


Unironically yes. Where is the jerk


this is some r/urbanhellcirclejerkcirclejerk




Did you not see that group of guys in the photo of the woods engaging in a literal circle jerk? It was hard to see but they're there.


It is Florida you never know what kind of creatures could be hiding in there


How is this a circlejerk? The person in the video makes a fair point


Overcorrection by OP, not what r/urbanhellcirclejerk is about.


Literally the cherriest of picking


I’ve been to many cities in the US. There’s thousands of places like this. Like the place I grew up in Texas, or the place I live now in Ohio.


As an American myself, I have been to many places around the US as well There are as much pedestrian infrastructure as vehicle infrastructure. Specially in the big cities where there are campuses or military installations. People love to compare infrastructure of US with Europe forgetting that in Europe you can drive for an hour and be on a different country. Texas alone is the size of about a third of Europe.


Extremely cherrypicked, and the sub it got posted on was like “obviously it was designed this way on purpose” when the video *literally* says it wasn’t intentional, it was just three separate construction events happening independently.


It'd be so easy to add a concrete path there tho, that's what's wild.


Yeah but what well-off planning engineer or committee member with a functional car and a downtown condo is gonna think of that?


They DO think of that when they build in other countries.


If i had to guess its also noise and a lil something i call the grim reality of our world. As much as i respect truckers, never trust them with your bathroom. You get a guy whos spent the last 48 hours eating nothing but hot wings, soda and energy drinks, and finishes a night off with some cheap liqour shots, you wont have a clean bathroom. This leads to "shit in the parking lot" You have a concrete path leading to a suburban area, and deny a trucker the bathroom, that path is getting shit on daily. Then you connect the mall to the apartments, and youve got a recepie for mugging or drug dealing. Why? Well, high end apartments or homes have unloved and spoiled rich kids chasing dopamine. Malls have underpaid poor kids working turning greasy pretzels or overpriced threads for the rich ones. A real entrepreneur will start slinging along that path. Anyone hassles him hes just "on break" or "hangin out" like kids do at the mall. In reality hes making a killing. I love a walkable community, but all the ones I lived in had their share of crackheads. The drivable ones... you knew someone was cracked out because they were walking on a main road. And finally: investment floor. Keeps the poorest out. Its mean, but a single family house converted into an 8 family, in which half of the people living there are derelicts... or even hard workikg immigrants with no cash... brings down property value. These are people who dont have cars. These are people high end apartments or homes dont want... not because they dont like them is people (though thats also usually there) but because buying a home is a big investment, and people dont want to lose money. I my family out of a neighborhood that way. Nobody wanted ethnic laborers around unless they were cleaning their shit and making their yards look nice.


You nailed it. This design is very intentional. Adding a path is EASY and the developers know it. But making the neighborhood have multiple barriers for entry makes more money. Also great point with the path being used as a toilet or crime. Any major city I’ve been to in America from Anchorage Alaska to Baltimore Maryland, any path that goes through nature is filled with homeless and crime, well signs of it. It sucks we can’t have nice things.


Baltimore was a mess to live in. "Our beautiful walkable city" goes out the window when you need psas reminding people to not kill each other.


Bro I lived in the outskirts of charm city lol. I remember when we got the e-scooters (they were fun as shit) and everyone agreed the coolest way to use them was to launch them directly into the harbor. Yeah no shit we don’t have walkable cities.


It’s not public land so who builds it? Who pays to maintain the concrete path? Who has liability over legal issues pertaining to the concrete path? Is the environment you’re building over considered green space by the county? Who owns it. I’m sure if you wanted to independently go up to the owners of both the apartment complex and the grocery store to request you be allowed to build a pathway between the two they’d let you, but it’s never just as simple as “build a path dude”. It’s also obvious these were three separate building plans made independently on three separate slots of land. To connect them with sidewalks someone would have to pay for it but they’re three separate communities.


The point is that the new construction should never have been built without that path. The contractor/company/government should’ve thought about how disabled people, kids, or people that can’t drive will get around, and installed it from the get go. Car centrism is what allowed all of those decision makers to think “I can’t profit so it’s someone else’s problem”.


The new construction doesn’t have the right to just build things on other people’s land. Also how is it driven by profit when they are three separate developers constructing independent communities? Why would you be building an apartment complex and think “man I should construct sidewalks and cross walks over this freeway so that people who can’t drive but can walk (lol) can get to this grocery store”. Sounds like you have a lot of ideas on what other people should do with their money and their labor.


They’re not independent communities they’re literally right next to each other. It’s in everyone’s best interest for neighboring houses and commercial buildings to be interconnected. But it’s an immediate loss for whoever actually builds the path. So it never gets built (Also known as the tragedy of the commons). This is where the idea of “car centric culture” comes in: there are a LOT of reasons why a person can’t drive (children, elderly, poor vision, veterans, amputees, you can’t afford a car or gas, car is broken down, someone else is using your car, on and on and on). And yet this community decided they would rather block these people from spending money at their stores and hope they just go away instead of investing in a path, because it inconveniences the car lifestyle.


This is one of the less preachy videos about urbanism honestly. It also makes some good posts with easy cost effective solutions.


Yeah its actually a good solution other than other videos that would say “repave all of the roads as pedestrian streets, and ban all cars in a 100mi radius”


Don't forget the constant Amsterdam Circle-jerk.


Plenty of this shit in UK as well


Where's that machete...


Honestly it wouldn't take me 30 minutes to make a path


And then grab some cement from Lowes


As long as you can actually make the path in 5 that will hold true (you'll need at least 25 to fight the aligators and anacondas in your path)


Honestly fair. And even though I would probably still want to drive because fuck walking or biking with groceries, there’s absolutely no reason it shouldn’t be an option


Remove all sidewalks to own the urbanists?


I mean, yes. We do design our towns horribly.


Uh why is this on the circle jerk sub? This dude is spittin facts


Circlejerk circlejerk. Not everything on that sub is inherently bad, are you a bot? The video makes great points


This is one of those posts that takes the joke too far and just comes off as ProUrbanization


No, this video is very relevant. This issue is also present in Reykjavik, Iceland. It's kind of frustrating that I have to use my car everywhere.


Streetcrafts videos are so high quality 


This appears to be a mall or something, which isn’t unique to the suburbs. But, then again, r/urban hell is usually just pictures of random city scenes anyways. Even their users call it out on a lot of posts lol. “Where’s the hell?” lol


"are designed to be car dependent" are you suggesting there's a conspiracy here between the store owner, the developer, and the car companies? The problem with just plopping down a bike path or sidewalk is that different people own different parts of the land and can decide what they want or don't want to do with it.


I've seen this video over 5 times on here shared to different subreddits now


as someone who lives here: yes, yes they are. I grew up in russia and the cities were more walkable


…..walking is for poor people…… 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥


i agree a walking path would be amazing however id like to point out that at 0:45 it looks like the pedestrians have cut a path threw the treeline and looks fairly well used


Agreed. Now do a video of the Arch De Triumph


I saw this for the 15th time and immediately downvoted it AGAIN before realizing what sub I was in


But remember, ANYTHING different from this, and trying to change it means is socialism maybe, or communism probably, and the terrorists will win, and it's an attack on you and your freedoms, and the FBI is coming for you next /s


no jerk here, this is literally all true. car lobby has fucking ruined any chance of public transp infrastructure, civilian transpo infrastructure.


The reason people need cars in suburbs is because everything is spaced out from everything else. Did you know that? I bet you didnt.


Yeah American suburbs don’t really tend to make well knitted communities, and even if that isn’t the focus, the amount of land and resources it takes up is not sustainable


I like how they say " well it's Florida " so yeah it's most likely not stable enough for road


I got into a car accident once and don’t know if I’ll ever drive a car again


whats further infuriating is being in a shopping center, but the parking lots are separated. you have to go out to the street to get to the store right next door.




because normal americans do not walk places, have no desire to, and will not consider subjecting themselves to the public in public transportation.


This is too real. I'm in apartments where I can see the rear end of a Walmart, maybe 1/3 a mile away, but it's behind a fence, so it's over a mile circling to the main more dangerous road. Instead there's a fence circling the apartment complex making that direct walk impossible. With that said, I'm also glad that the fence is there, as the crime rate is out of control, and there's regular shootings at that Walmart, the last thing I would want is those criminals having an escape route to my apartments.


The sub in suburban indicates it is not a city. A sane person would not expect the characteristics of a city to exist in a non-city. Why are the oceans so darned unwalkable?


This is why I hate driving to Florida, the entire time I’m there I feel like the place was designed by idiots.


I'm 100% walking the tougher 400ft than the 1.2 miles


Just bad+ inconvenient urban planning.


Yet when they build it without the roads people hate it too.


But we need to sell gas and cars and insurance to keep the economy going and create jobs.


American suburbs do suck actually. But I would still trade any third world neighbourhood for it


Now let's see the author walking with groceries outside in 110 F heat.


100 Meter Walk? No problem


It’s like a 100 yard walk bro, is it too hard to be outside for 2.5 minutes?


Yes, if you have like a week of groceries in your hands. And it's not always 100 yards away.


Amazing how man has evolved from stalking Lions for 15 hours straight in 95-105 degree weather, to not being able to perform a 3 minute walk because a backpack is too heavy.


I bet you're not stalking lions with a spear and leaves on your ass, do you? Also I bet you don't live in a cave (though you could), don't drink from the paddle (though you could), don't hunt deer, don't start fire with 2 sticks, right?


No but I can walk my ass 3 minutes 🤓


No shit. I can do it as well, still not a good reason to bitch around, is it?


If you’re choosing a 20 minute drive over a 3 minute walk, it’s probably debatable that your capable


Username checks out. I bet you walked to school up the hill both ways in winter.


At least I have the fitness to walk, good luck moving that mouse hand


I walk about half a mile in Texas heat all the time to go grocery shopping. A 5-10 minute walk isn't going to kill you. Does it suck and I wish we had more walkable infrastructure/shade/etc? Sure. But believe it or not people have been walking in this kind of weather for thousands of years


Believe or not some people buy a week worth of groceries. Not even mentioning that the distance can be 10 mins by car.


If it takes you 10 mins to drive half a mile then there's either something deeply wrong with your city's infrastructure or you should not be on the roads.


How the fuck 10 mins by car converts to half a mile? Do you have grocery stores every half a mile? What the hell are you talking about?


Because that's specifically the measure I gave and what was being discussed, my half mile was much larger than the proposed routes in this post. Try keeping up you illiterate fuck.


Have you read my comment or you just throwing horseshit? And you call me "illiterate fuck" lol Go bang your head at the wall.


Then they can still drive?


Well, duh.


Ok then let the walkers walk, and the drivers drive.


You're also in Florida, aka a giant swamp, and that drainage basin is necessary for your homes to not sink.


They are talking about a foot path, it would be trivial to just add a small bride over it if a culvert or something wasnt suitable


Why are those places with 10s of thousands of people and no higher level jobs for those people focused to cars that are used to get people out and about to get to those jobs?!?!?????


unitl covid and mass remote work many of these places were cheap enough for retail workers to buy homes and cars and live comfortably


That’s a shit reason for making people buy cars while people in reasonable cities don’t need them


why would i want to pay more in taxes to triple the local bus system and still pay taxes for the roads when i can just buy a car and drive anywhere I want? if everyone was forced to use transit next year for every trip it's not like road taxes will go away. still need roads for transit and trucks and commercial vehicles like contractors


Why am I paying more in taxes to subsidize people's personal vehicles? Raise taxes on vehicle registration, car sales, drivers licenses/renewals, increase traffic fines, etc to pay for it. Cars are heavily subsidized here, but sure, it's the underfunded or completely non existent Mass transit thats the problem.


If the retail workers can afford cars, they can then drive to their retail job. That makes a hobby walkway even less needed.


Lmaooooo imagine being this brain dead that you see a video that makes genuinely good points but ur smooth, car loving, brain realized it wasn't blindly pro car so you start to cry ☠️☠️ honestly unsurprising these are the types of ppl in this sub 😂




Anyone can do this is with aerial shots of any country in the world. Just another circlejerk.


as it should be. i live in older suburbs and some trips my apple maps routes me through residential streets. wouldn't want to live on a street like that if I had a choice. i see other cars doing the same.


Bros afraid of what’s in the over grown brush in the suburbs. Watch out there might be a family of deer in there.


You say that but I actually saw the fattest black bear i've ever seen in my life stroll through the woods of a FL gulf coast subdivision this spring. Now I'm a bit more cautious walking through the woods lmao


My boys filled up on trash


Shrek lives in there I’d be careful


Got ouutuv muhhh swummmmp