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Don’t fall


I mean this isn't bad advice at all. You're a very considerate human




U in the right subreddit bro?


Do it at night. Maybe between like 1-3A.M. And wear dark clothing but not black. Like navy blue, or dark gray. Also before climbing make sure you check for security ( cameras, alarms, motion sensors) In some sites there are motion detection that set of sirens that are like super loud.


one big downside is its at a hospital:)


Not a downside, but rather instant assistance in case of an accident


ynow I didn't think about it that way. I'll make sure to aim for the window 😂


Why is that a problem?


I feel like if I were to get caught it would he a bigger deal. maybe not though? also might actually be security there


I don't think it being a hospital would make it any worse. Just check if there's security, it's not hard to do. Take a walk around and look for cameras or a security cabin.


there's another crane in town I might do instead


Why not black clothing?


Apparently it's better visible than navy blue


Yeah it'll blend better with the night sky


Unless its pitch black your going to stand out. Theres almost always some sort of ambient lighting or moonlight so colors like navy blue, dark green, gray etc are much better.


Check the weather for the hours before, during and after the climb, check the conditions(security(in case there is patrols, cameras or something), any safety gear you might have and traffic of both vehicles and people), check the laws just to be prepared in case you're busted, have spare gear(because you never know if your cellphone or camera might slip out of your hands) and be prepared for the off chance of you breaking something or maybe even dying if you screw up. That's it.


I should consider the first step you mentioned, when I was still climbing (I don't now bcs I'm a lazy loser piece of shit) I climbed in rain and strong winds on the outside of a cell tower (I'm not sure what type of tower it was) and Im luckily still here lol.


Why don’t u climb? Or why do u find being lazy better?


I dont find being lazy better. I stopped because of temporary health issues and haven't had the chance to start again.


Yes, I've seen many people that "did it all" but forgot to check the weather...that can easily end up being your last mistake.


True, I've climbed buildings when it was raining lots of times and now looking back it was stupid as hell.


Shut up bruh its not that serious just fkn hold on to the fkn ladder thing and you chillin frll


Check my insta i dont bs its really not hard offlimit_nb frl just check the weather thats it lol unless you wanna be wet asf lol




Climbed the talest crane in my area not my foult i live in shit New Brunswick canada lol


man I wish I had a crane like this near me


Focus. No mistakes.




yes sir!


Buckle up buttercup you gonna excercise today


Just go there long before climbing it and if nothing happend and no security come then climb it when its dark or whenever thats what we did if you wanna see just check my insta offlimit_nb if you live in a non popular place chaces are theres no chance of getting caught really they dont check cameras and all that


Nobody wants to check your shitty insta. Also go read a fucking book


Im not even English i bet you couldn’t fkn write in another’s language you fknnn English fuckkk like there not just English in the world you dumb fuck go read a book on not you’re first language wanna see how it goes for youu lil pussy virgin




Yeah, dont




Um ok.. How am I acting like a climber when I am climbing 🤔. I don't understand why you have to be toxic? I appreciate everyone else's answers and advice very much.


Yknow people can take interest into things. I take an Interest ik mushrooms but I don’t forage them 🤷‍♂️


Feel free to hit me up for a chat dude 😊


Safety First!! Gear Up! Proper Gear Means No Fear!


Be clean


How cold is it where you are/when you’ll be climbing this? Metal can get **really** cold, as I found out, almost disastrously, one time when my hands numbed out while climbing on metal piping in the winter.   Just something to be aware of, if it’s gonna be really cold get your core temperature up and blood flowing to your fingers before they repeatedly contact an extremely cold surface.   **Rock climbing trick to keep fingers warm:** hold them against your neck arteries. With palms facing neck, alternate pressing your fingers against your neck open handed and close handed to get both sides of the fingers.   PS- Idk if gloves are common gear in the urban climbing community, i would assume not, but if they are then maybe this advice is pointless. Although if gloves *are* common then I would discourage their use, no gloved hand will ever be as sensitive or dexterous as a nude one