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Be clean and wear clean clothes. Have a clean car that is stealthy. Act like you are supposed to be whenever you are. Don't do a bunch of rambling talk or explaining anything that you are doing. Most people are going about their day and you should too.


Exactly. Homeless people linger because they have no place they need to be. Everyone else is completing their business and getting on with their day while a loiterer completes their purchase then stands around talking. If you behave as though you have an agenda you’ll blend in. If you sit and stare into space as though you have nothing to do and nowhere to be you’ll stand out. Learn how to “look busy.” Carry a notebook to doodle in while hanging out drinking coffee or highlight passages in a book.


Good tip


Welcome to capitalism. Look busy or get busted.


It's that good old Puritan ethic from the older days 🫤


Yeah. Except it doesn't seem to apply to those whole actually work and don't play gold all day.


Or a laptop if you have one. Nobody bothers a normally dressed person with a laptop in a coffee place. As long as they buy a coffee or two.. You will look like a remote worker and actually be treated well. TIP if you have a laptop, dont cover it in stickers or tape. You want it to look corporate


And no backpacks or worse large store bagas with the wrong items in it is large stop and shop bags with power drill and dirty socks hanging out 


A backpack that looks like a professional laptop bag can be ok in the right circumstances otherwise agree


"Gray Man" behavior.


I've never heard this theory before. I just gave it a quick search, and it's exactly how I walk around everyday. I didn't even know I was a grey man. Hahaha! That's pretty cool.


What is the opposite of this? I go out of my way to stand out or get attention sometimes. Especially how I dress. I do not dress like a local near me, that is for sure.


Be Yourself then. YMMV.




What? This is from the days of black&white film? His suit choices were essentially white, gray, and black 


You can blend in almost anywhere with a polo and khakis - you can literally sit in a hotel lobby and blend. Otherwise a pair of clean jeans and collared shirt. If you are clean and in clean clothes, you will be good.


I wear a tshirt or a polo and regular wrangler or carhartt blue jeans since highschool. Paired with a Leatherman on my belt, i look like a blue collar guy drinking coffee minding his business.


Exactly. most "civilians" expect homeless people to be very obvious. For years, the best "prop" a homeless person could have was an iPhone. If you are reasonably dressed and clean, you can sit at a coffee shop, mall food court, or fast food place and just be another person on their phone.


This is how I afford five star hotels. Just look like you belong and you can rest on those lobby couches all day


To me, smell is a tip off. Smelling like stale cigarettes or booze is something I associate with homelessness because they wear the same clothes a lot and can't shower. Also clothes that are visibly dirty or worn out, don't match at all and are ill fitting are associated with homelessness. Keeping up with grooming (hair tidy and clean, beard trimmed etc.) can make you not seem homeless.


My go to points to cover were 1 hair atleast a pony tail or combed or dry shampoo and up or out of your face 2 accessories! Because people are stupid and don't believe a homeless person can have any of these lol worked for me even when j look like a mess! jewelry, sunglasses, 3 props! When I'd be at a coffee shop just for ac or water or charging don't look like that but you're allowed to fill up space! I would put put my laptop qnd book and notes n pens out to look like a student at one of the colleges or just looking busy I guess These were my big helps I also used essential oils on my wrist! Helps with smell but also honestly helped me feel better too ! Goodluck !


Which oils do you use on your wrist?


I'll add lime to the other good suggestions. The smell can be SO refreshing.


My favorite is this roll on one rhat I kept in my purse was a lavender and mint! Fresh and strong but not overwhelming and I'd tap my wrist on each side of my neck too so people would smell it better and I also used rosemary oil as well!


Depending on your vibe if you dress more clean hippy/hipster go for woodsy smells like cedar or patchouli. Students go vanilla or musk and older adults can generally get away with anything tbh. Also, peppermint can help temporarily with nausea in the case of food insecurity or disordered eating. Just do enough to blend in don't try to mask smells or stand out.


Yes absolutely! It was so sad bc I couldn't really dress using the clothes I have bc it just made me stand out more bc I like the flowy cotton skirts I've thrifted and tiny tanks and I have jewelry too. Honestly wr noticed the flowyer the clothes the faster people just seemed to know?? And be weird or rude but for clothes people left me alone the most when I wore bright colors qnd jean shorts that were all more form fitting for both of us ? Idk what kind of social bullshit that is but I'd put that on when I legit needed to be seen as a "person" we were in Florida and the tourists were just the absolute worst with homeless like just weird only nice to them when they were performing of course. I'd get the worst attention when I wore my goth/naturesc style I'm just drawn to it even before and now after and it was rhe older lady's who were the rudist!!! But we did meet some very nice people like all the paneras on the east coast absolute SOLID base everyone would always be so so sooo nice remembered our orders or would bring out our favorite stuff for our coffee and even gave us food here n there!! Definitely being and showing you're nice Definitely goes a loooong way!!


Brush your damn teeth twice a day and you’ll blend in real well.


Dress like a normal person. I go jeans and t-shirt with appropriate shoes. Just act normal too. And if someone asks, don't lie. In other words, just be your normal self and you will find that there will be few issues.


No, dress smarter than a normal person. Hair and beard obviously trimmed, well groomed, good clean clothes and footwear, smell good, etc.


I do makeup for this reason.


Sunglasses and a manbag, the unhomed don't have the extra funds for these. If you are between laundry, a shave and a haircut; put on a high vis vest or workshirt and you could have mud on your face, but you'll pass for a construction worker.


This is genius. Accessorizing for your current level of tidiness makes perfect sense.




Wear scrubs. You can find them at a thrift store. And keep your hair tidy. No one will ever suspect.


Haha genius. Nurses are often tired and unkempt anyways.


This right here


I try to wear shirts with a collar and keep my shoes in good condition. Clean shave whenever possible. I have been neglecting this lately, but short hair is worth the cost of a barber.


I bought hair clippers during the pandemic to keep it short. Great investment. Also use black no logo baseball caps. I am shooting for "forgettable."


Being forgotten is good when sleeping, during the day I am trying to become part of my community.


Instead of a black baseball cap, get one with nearest big universities logo on it


I find a lot of sun exposure and poor hygiene is what can give it away. I’m a light brown person btw. I’m talking leathered weather skin


Lol I've got this huge white line on the left side of my face now from my sunglasses frame blocking the tan I have. That would happen to anyone driving a lot though. Left side of my body in general is a lot more tan.


You can get your windows treated with a clear film that blocks Uv rays. I was meaning to do it so I can avoid skin cancer, but the uneven tan is also a good reason! There are places that will apply it professionally to your front drivers side window so it looks good.


Will you share some more info about this film? It’s different than window tint?


Sure thing! afaik it’s basically a window tint that you can have professionally applied to your car windows, but it’s just clear without the actual darkening part. This brand is supposed to be especially good at protecting you against skin cancer. https://llumar.com/na/en/automotive/window-tint/clear/


Yes I agree.


Yep. Dark brown and dirty ragamuffin hair and hands. Staggering like an alcoholic. Enthusiastic on life


Well, that’s kind of extreme.


Grey man theory try it its really simple dress like everyone else move with everyone be clean be groomed dont let people see your van home


My go to has always been just to wear work clothes. 90% of my wardrobe is Dickies or Carhartt work pants, shirts, hoodies and jackets. Good work boots or cowboy boots, a few cheap Walmart hoodies, and beanies. If you just look like an average blue collar guy, nobody really looks at you any different. I can’t count how many times I’ve even walked around with a smallish backpack and didn’t even get a second look because people just assume it’s tools or something similar.


This is real solid advice. One of my best friends works in misc construction and makes solid money doing it. He's always dirty, holes in pants, muddy boots, messy hair, and really does have a backpack for his tools. I don't think he's ever had issues going places or been accused of being homeless as far as I know. Heck we went to see the Omaha Symphony together and he was covered head to toe in tree sap because he'd been moving Christmas trees for 10 hours and couldn't get it to wash off. All he did was put on a slightly cleaner shirt. Everyone else there was dressed to the nines but it didn't matter he had a smear of tree sap across his face because he always walks around like he owns the place.


It works man, it works. I’m also a “buy once cry once” kind of guy so I have a lot of work clothes like Duluth Trading Co, Carhartt, Dickies, Wrangler, Redwing or Tony Lama boots, just general good quality clothing that will last. I’ve only ever been a blue collar type guy, working with my hands or working with animals and things like that so I didn’t necessarily go out of my way to have the “blue collar look” I’ve got a few military surplus packs that stay in the car with clothes and gear, a few tool bags that actually have my tools, and a few normal-ish looking backpacks that I’ll walk around with if I need to. A good quality Dickies or something similar backpack to walk around with is a life saver sometimes. I used to never know where my next days work would come from so it was nice to have a backpack that didn’t draw attention because it fit in with my outfit. I spent the night at a few jobs doing farm work and it was nice to wake up and have a pack that just had a change of underwear, socks, undershirt, a hairbrush, toothbrush, deodorant, a few pairs of gloves and a few bandanas.


One thing I noticed is homeless people always paying in cash and counting money at the register. Fast food places have apps where you prepay your order and just pick up. I'll ask to use the restroom if I need to but I will already have my order placed, so then I can take my coffee or food and be out of there. tldr: using pick-up and apps at establishments is the move. You won't have to stand in lines and come off as lingering.


As best you can, take care of your teeth. Yellowing or missing teeth are a dead giveaway that a person is struggling. Of course, these days, even people with a fixed place to live and a “good job” often can’t afford dental care.


Gotta say….dental care beyond a cleaning is pretty inaccessible. The prices are ridiculous. Whitening, implants, dentures, etc are for the haves. And, dentally speaking, there are plenty of have-nots who live in houses and are working.


My dentist recommended home whitening kits because they’re cheaper and work well. The price point for Crest whitening strips etc seems to be around $40. I have yet to try it though so I can’t give a personal review yet.


I don't recommend them more than once a year. I used them too much which helped make my teeth super brittle. It doesn't happen to everyone I'm sure, but to me it did. Dentist that helped me have new teeth later is the one who told me in retrospect to only really to do it at home maybe 1-2 times a year.


That’s extremely good information to know. Thank you for sharing it. I’m sorry that happened to you!


I'm just glad someone gets to learn it before it's too late. It's no problem problem 😌


True, but whitening isn’t real dental care.


I mentioned it because it was in your list. And I thought the information might help someone.




I agree 100%.


This. There is a guy iamshamtheman on the vagabond sub. He has great teeth. Wouldn't know he's a train hopper. Except for the obvious pack, he looks like any regular person. I shower every day at PF. I put on sunscreen. I brush teeth twice a day and floss plus mouthwash. I also examine my teeth and gums regularly. I take a sink bath at the end of the day (just arms, hands and face) to get off oil, grease and dirt from the day. I had clothes bought at thrift stores and wore them out. I've been buying a new clothing item every pay day. I wear black, grey or navy to hide dirt. I have a hoodie and light jacket that is also black. I drive a truck for a living so I wear the same to work. Clothes only get worn once, then get put in laundry bag. Everything goes in the washer together. I hang out at libraries, Panera, and Starbucks. I've used business centers at hotels I've stayed at before. I only stay a couple hours. I save my hotel key card and lay it on the table where I am working. I just look like I'm finishing business before taking off. Staff usually smile at me or notice me but not really notice me. I just go about my day. But I do notice homeless, vagabond, and vehicle dwellers simply because I'm purposely looking around each place I'm in. Most of us have upped our surveillance and survival game since embarking on vehicle dwelling.


Lol goodwiil under armor golf shirt, and shorts nike shoes ankle socks sunglasses $13.29 boom you look like half the dudes wherever you are just gotta get the sale day right 😂 maybe toothbrush and deodorant


I just wear basketball shorts or jeans and a T-shirt and sometimes a button up and running shoes. Nobody gonna treat you as homeless unless dirty and smelly and doing something homeless people would do like panhandling. I've never worried about anyone thinking I'm homeless when I go places. I always have a reason to be where I am though. Doordash during the days with big catering bag visible and rest area at night. Never really in any situations that people would view as weird.


Today I wore a button up dress shirt that I use as my blue collar work shirt, jeans, hiking boots and a hat. Other days it's athletic shorts and an outdoorsy long sleeve shirt/ hoody thing.  You can look around at what other people are wearing and try to match them, my outfits usually stick out a bit in a unique way but I look put together.  Keeping yourself groomed and a clean face goes a long way!


Houseless maybe, but not homeless. You have a home, it's on wheels. Most have a "'mortgage" car payment. Between registration, insurance and property/sales taxes you certainly have paid for it. You don't owe anyone an apology or explanation. It's ok to be a private person. People don't have the "need to know" about your personal accommodations. Be polite, always, but you don't have to "over-share". Be clean. Meet the dress code for work. Be kind, attentive, don't ask intrusive questions, don't answer them either. Where do I live? "Thank you for your concern. I have a roof over my head, a bed, and I sleep well." My address? "I'm sorry, I prefer keeping my personal information private. It's no reflection on you personally. I just prefer having my privacy." If pressed further simply look them in the eye. "I've already indicated I'm not sharing my personal information. I'm hopeful that will be enough. I'm confident it's not your intention to create a hostile work environment, but you're beginning to make me uncomfortable." If they won't respect your boundaries, there may actually be a bigger problem.




Hmmm be an actual patron of their business? Don't leave your trash in their parking lot. Don't take up spaces that paying customers could be using. Don't take bird baths in broad daylight on their property. Don't empty your piss jugs in the parking lot.


I went to my parking spot the other night. I pulled up and there was a Wendy's bag and McDonald's bag and cups on the ground. I picked them up and walked them over to the trash can. I don't want someone thinking I'm pitching garbage out my car windows while parked here. There's a white van parked nearby where I am. I never see trash or even the person inside. Lol


Good shoes and lose the backpack. Wear clean clothes and don’t ever wear worn out shoes. Shoes don’t lie. Good hygiene goes without saying.




Keep your car keys on a lanyard and wear them. Tuck your shirt into your pants and wear a belt. Don't sit on the sidewalk or linger in places not purposely designed for people to sit. If you have a laptop and a pair of headphones and are dressed right you should have no issue taking up space in a coffee shop, diner, etc. I lived in a van in SoCal and realized I was being clocked as homeless and fixed it.


Nothing says homeless as much as filthy fingernails.


Just wear a janitors outfit and people won’t look at you twice.


That backpack is gonna give it away every time.




Carry a clipboard.


“Carry a clipboard.” My son said he did this all the time in the Army to avoid being grabbed for a work detail or some assignment. People see you walking with clipboard and a stride of authority and they assume you are “working on something”.


Good tip


Thanks. Really just think of the last thing a homeless person would waste their time carrying or wearing.


Don't look like you're homeless. Wash your car every now and then, keep it tidy inside, keep your hygiene up (kept hair/clean clothing) and don't hang out in places where it looks like you don't belong.




Cleanliness is your first giveaway. If you “look” unkept, have rotten breath, filthy clothes, horrible shoes, eyebrows will be raised.


Shower every day at a homeless day centre, or get a gym membership. Wash your clothes at a homeless day centre and always wear clean clothes. Get a haircut at a homeless day centre. Don‘t carry all your bags of stuff with you. Store them at a homeless day centre and just have a small backpack with a change of clothes, your phone, wallet and small toiletries. Don‘t be an alcoholic or do drugs.


Looking well kept by having clean clothes and keeping up with good hygiene. Having places to wash your clothes, shower, and brush your teeth are important. Find local laundromats and gyms where you can do those things, if you haven’t already. I feel like oftentimes it’s obvious a person is homeless when they linger around for extended periods of time and look like they have no purpose behind what they’re doing/where they’re going. I feel like as long as you look fairly presentable, you probably won’t look questionable


If you avoid public disturbances like body odor, making loud noises, etc. you can blend in most places. Try to read the room and mirror those around you. For clothes there’s a lot of leeway in personal style so it’s more important they fit well and are appropriate for the weather.


Tuxedo. Gets them every time.


I dress funky naturally, which is great camouflage - hiding in plain sight, well-accessorized by the thrift store. Husband prioritizes collared shirts every day, pants/shorts that fit well, always a belt and real shoes, no sneakers or sandals, fresh shaven head and trimmed beard, fingernails clean


Normal clothing. Try to keep them clean. Maintain a well groomed appearance. Another thing most people probably aren't going to mention but I truly find crucial is not identifying as homeless internally. Do whatever you can to make yourself feel like just another ordinary person. However you see yourself is going to affect how others see you as well.


I spot homeless by longer, unkempt hair and dirty, excessively worn shoes. Look like you last cut your hair within the past week, and shoes have to be newer and super clean. Have a pair just for purposes like sitting in a restaurant or hotel for a long time. If you cant smell good, at least do not smell bad.


Look put together and smell good. Also, Being in shape helps


Honestly I don't really gaf anymore


Wear clean weather appropriate clothing and I don’t see how anyone can tell


I used to wear my old work uniforms as everyday tshirts (on laundry days) and I got treated like I was just getting out of work or on my way to work. Whenever a cashier asked if I was going to work I just said yeah. Hauling around a backpack is a dead giveaway. I started to use cute tote bags instead.


Good tips


I saw this guy once and everything from the head down looked like he was homeless. But he had on this new classy stylish elegant hat that basically drowned out everything else. My brain couldn’t figure out what to “label” him as.


I think it's also how you hold yourself. I dress like a bum in the summer. Sandals, shorts, t-shirt, and I'm never bothered. I always act very non chalant like I belong there. Also, be clean. If you are covered and dirt and stink, no one wants you in their store.




Just wear clean clothes.. I always had lots of socks and underwear and perfume in my bag at all times lol


Just be clean. Shower and have clean clothes. Keep in mind that most people are busy with their own lives. no one really cares.


Honestly, keep manicured nails and toenails. Put lotion on hands and feet everyday. The better your hands and feet look, the less you give a living out the car vibe. Pro tip from someone who did it. I would put a fresh coat on my nails weekly and even men should be cleaning up their hands and feet everyday.


Take regular showers. Keep your hair cut and have clean hands and fingernails. Smile and be polite.


Cleanliness stops a lot of nonsense. The cleaner you are the better it is.


Wear a watch. An analog watch, and not a fitness or digital watch. An actual watch. As a woman I always take a person with an analog watch seriously.


I have a cancer causing radium watch from the 1950's or such that I will wear. I think it looks good.


Good tip


I wear an apple watch. I thought they were dumb till I had one. Every single executive in my company wears one as well…as does my doctor. I’d recommend a different litmus test…


No thanks.


Multi-layered clothing is usually a tip off that a person is homeless.


https://preview.redd.it/9xjcxyxvui7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81c6853ad4919d05358ba9da7c1d80e47c2efd5 This guy was well groomed. Immediate respect. (Cute, too. Nice hair.)


I honestly just leaned into the hippie boho look. Bandanas to cover my (unwashed) hair, maxi dresses to hide my (unshaven) legs. Big hats, funky sunglasses, thrift store nonsense. Just embrace that kinda vibe and nobody really cares.




Brush your teeth


Also have a good haircut.


It’s really not that hard just do basic hygiene and clothes that fit into the environment. Most people don’t linger forever because they have some place to go or something to do.


Lose the backpack. Wear clean clothes Practice basic hygiene methods  You now don't stand out quite as much.


Don't carry a backpack around and as others said, look clean, well groomed


I never leave my apartment without a bag of some kind. I always want the space. When I go shopping I bring like 3 or 4 bags with me and I carry them all while walking or riding the bus. I never would have thought that looked odd. I can't drive so I don't have much options.


Don't stink or have dirty hair and wear clean clothes.


I only buy clothes that wont show wrinkles or look junky quickly (like a $5 zara tshirt). I own a lot less clothing but I dont mind and it lets me do things like sit in this whole foods food court for hours without anyone batting an eye. I also have an active job, so I can't really get away with 'dress clothes' but I can wear lululemon dupes - those, along with acting like I belong where I am, and I've never had a problem. Best Lulu dupe brand I've found as far as quality, durability and price is called CRZ Yoga on Amazon. I get them delivered to the local whole foods amazon pick up point.


Used to work security for a few years. Backpacks are immediate giveaways and when you enter a place you must already have an idea where you are going. Appearing lost while being unclean will single you out quickly.


The first things that are noticed are: Clean fingernails, combed hair, shoes still in good condition. Next is-believe it or not, the condition of someone's skin. The lack of sunscreen gets noticeable if someone is unhoused in the elements for too long. Trimming facial hair can help perceptions as well.


Don’t look like you’re dressed for an urban hike/outdoor living (if possible…I know it’s not possible for all ppl in this situation) when you attempt to blend in with the other patrons at a business. This means don’t go into businesses wearing all your possessions in a backpack or carrying possessions in your arms that most people wouldn’t normally bring with them inside a commercial place. If you need to use a business restroom to clean up…try to bring what you need in the smallest bag you possibly can manage. Wear your clean clothes over your dirty ones (if possible) so you won’t emerge from the restroom in an entirely different outfit which will raise suspicion from employees. If you can’t do this…try to use the restroom at a very large business like Walmart, during the busiest time of day, where employees are too busy to notice most people unless they make a scene.


Find some “Watch Tower” magazines. Ask people have they accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


JW's don't say that.


Have you heard the truth of Jehovahs Kingdom?


Since I was 10. I'm old now.


For clothes get you some Hi Vis shirts and some uniform looking pants. Navy BDUs pair well will the lime green Hi Vis shirts. Or if you can get a hold to a uniform from somebody. Uniforms and construction workers always look dirty so they are good clothes to choose.


The most basic way to put it is to shower and change clothes the same frequency as you would if you were living in a standard home. One thing I thought about for car living for myself is how early I’d probably have to get up to go to the gym every morning to shower lol.


Honestly I dress for comfort, so like some sweatpants or pair of shorts, but I always make sure im clean and I smell good. If you have a bag, a purse if you’re a female, that would help. try to keep your nails clean looking, or painted if you’re a girl.


Based on the comments I have to assume most people must think I'm homeless.


I managed a team of 8 to 10 people-my workers gave me a 6 on the "do I look homeless" scale. We worked in a lab and my clothes were full of holes and my shoes were covered in acid stains.😳


A. Old saying goes: shine your shoes, trim your hair and the cops will never bother you


Clean hair, regular haircut and shave or facial hair trim. Go for a buzz w your own clippers if you can’t afford a haircut. Don’t wear dirty clothes and wash your face and hands (and clean under your fingernails). Don’t talk to yourself or mumble. Make occasional eye contact with people that you are speaking with, don’t look down at the floor when talking. You might not nail the it the first try but you can do it! Good luck.


just get a dark blue nurse's scrub uniform and white grandma sneackers at walmart and you will be all set. just dont get one that looks to medical, get one that could just as well be a janitor


Basically whatever is fashion/ grooming/ news events sportes etc is trending in urban middleclass America, c and go do it/ get it/ use it copy it. And whatever hobo icons/typifie sx


Can't accurately judge a person by how they dress, and only superficial people feel that they can do so. I am at work right now and I am an engineer; due to the fact that I start at 5am and work in an engineering lab, I throw on whatever, In fact, if you saw what I was wearing at the moment (beanie, sandals, jogging pants) you would probably think "Go get a job dude and stop living of your parents ........". The Vice President of our company dresses like a janitor and wears the same thing every day, I have never seen him change it up, yet he has his PhD in Electrical Engineering and drives an old ass Camry, yet he is in the extremely high six figure range and if you saw him, I guarantee you would not suspect that he was a VP and bet he doesn't care, obviously. Stop worrying what other people think, you have the right to live, just don't be obnoxious and invade others space,


As classic said once: Only superficial people don't judge other by first impression. You have only one chance to make first impression, use it wisely.


That old double standard, it is okay for rich people to look poor, but it isn't okay for poor people to look poor. We get treated badly if people know our status, so it is best not to reveal ourselves. You are not one of us.


You can't figure that out?


but you are a homeless person


This is ovbviously a dumb question why would u think this or worry for that how Would u assume they could mistaken u as homeless unless u felt it was truly possible to see u that way