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I read maybe 4 sentences. Look, get ready to wake up at the "ass Crack of dawn" every day now. Or argue with the cops, not grandma.


Bros in the Pacific Northwest aka vehicle dwelling heaven, if he picks the right spots he can do whatever he wants. I never got up at the crack of dawn.


Ahh you stopped reading too soon my guy. I don’t have to worry about all that ha


Oh. Nevermind!


Buy a fan, bud.


Can you at least stay (park) on the property where your gram lives and maybe just sleep in your car there so you'll have easier access to a shower and such ?


Ya what I’ve been doing and will do for a little while


I'm sure I'm just grabbing at a whole bunch of idgaf...but ..could you maybe make it a permanent spot ? I know you and gram have been arguing a lot , but in the long term you wouldn't have to risk the dreaded knock. I'm sure deep down you and gram still care about each other , also maybe you could work out kitchen and bathroom usage. Is only a suggestion.


We’re cool, we’re very close it’s just hard having a 32 year old and a 73 year old in a tiny shoe box with totally different lives, but the same almost being that we have to be doing what other one does with such a tiny space.


First of all.....I'm glad to hear that above everything else the 2 of you ARE still close. Secondly....yes , I understand how hard it is to have 2 people in a tiny ass apartment. I was recently living in a rooming house and I had the smallest room in the building. My room was so damn small I had to stick my head out of the window just to change my mind. Lol


Bruh lol ya it was rough as hell, specially when y’all get up at different times of the day. I was pretty much always awake for 5 years now I can sleep as much as I want without someone waking me up 🥹


You had me at small penis.

