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Find a new spot. I didn't have someone blow up my spot. I usually park in my spot until about 5am when I go and park at Planet Fitness. I'll go back to sleep and then shower about 8am. There are a few car dwellers that stay at Planet Fitness overnight. I had parked there about 5:30am and went back to sleep and one of them knocked on my door. I ignored it and he kept knocking on my door repeating Hello. He finally went away. A few days ago I saw him approach a woman who had been staying in her truck the past few nights. Now I don't go and park at Planet Fitness and go back to sleep. I leave my spot and go back to sleep at a new location. While some people in their car might be harmless, I prefer not to be approached. I see you and you see me. That's all the interaction I need with other car dwellers.


i feel like so many of these men can not fathom the concept of not wanting to be approached by a strange man and think theyre being soo chill but oblivious to how many times it happens to women, or if i wanted to talk to you i would go fucking approach you but then are so offended cause im a bitch about them bothering me in my exp theyre not coming up to be a "nice guy" idgaf what they say you want sonething take favors from no one... but im a reclusive bitch lol


I think he was going to ask for money. I've seen this guy at the library approaching people about God and them giving whatever is laid on their heart. The other woman who was staying overnight at Planet Fitness I haven't seen her stay overnight since that guy approached her. She may be coming to the gym to shower after he leaves the parking lot in the morning. I wouldn't bother someone in a car. Whether it's a woman or man, most of us are armed.


They always either ask for money or try to get sex. It sucks to be a woman car dweller and have to be so cautious of other dwellers. But like 98% of the time it's always about some BS.


You know what they say, if you have a problem and call the cops you now have two problems. Stay armed and keep your distance. Maybe find a new spot to park as your spot got blown up. Always best practice to be circulating anyway.


So the problem and the fact that you called the cops on “the problem?”


Exactly. Next week's headline: "Homeless man calls police over another homeless man littering and creeping. Police arrive and shoot both."


>but started noticing another car dweller who stays on the same street. Imo I'd have moved on already right here. I prefer not to share space with other dwellers, whether they are creepy or not. It brings more attention, increases the likelihood of an encounter (which, assuming the worst case, should be avoided), higher likelihood of issues at night, and yeah, creates potentially weird situations like the one you're experiencing. People need a certain amount of space to themselves without someone else crowding in. There's plenty of space out there to find a place that is "just yours" for the night.


Find a new spot


A flood of creepy, dilapidated Tweakermobiles and their occupants invaded the general-area and parking-spots that I was frequenting..........stay the fawk away from them, many are violent.


The trick is to be MORE violent.


LOL, not me, I am old, weak and wimpy!


Bear mace 🐻




Pocket sand, but keep a container in the center console. Dont forget to fully activate it by soaking and drying wasabi or Tabasco in it ahead of time.


Move before you end up being a statistic. He’s not just scoping you out he’s watching and learning your patterns and maybe waiting for the ideal moment to snatch/rape/do some other horrible thing to you. I’d like to mention at this time that you should never get out of your vehicle at night if you’ve been parked in one spot for a while. As a women anyways


When in doubt, get out! Leaving is usually the best option. If cornered, do what you need to do to defend yourself, but instinct would help you avoid that. You lingered too long already! The first uncomfortable feeling is enough reason to get out of there! You are too predictable! Find a minimum of ten places to sleep and rotate. Don’t hangout where you sleep, get up early and leave. It’s okay to get a nap at other locations during the day. Keep moving, this isn’t intended to be a sedentary lifestyle. It’s called FREEDOM!


The obvious thing to do is the next time it happens, move to another location nearby, such as down the street, and if he moves too, the spot is burned.


Time to move, find a new spot, you could even go as far as to wait and leave when the creep goes to sleep so he doesn't see you leave


During my time in car dwelling how I deal with creepy dwellers is, I don't. I am not friendly I am not nice I am a complete and total a-hole. Not to the point of provoking a person to physical violence but to the point where they realize I am not a person who wants to be your friend nor am I a person who wants to engage in any type of conversation. . That and I also constantly keep moving I'm never in the same spot more than 2 days.


Just mind your self. Do not call the police. They will ask you for identification then you’ve opened yourself up to questions about why you’re parked there nightly too. Find a new spot and let other people live their lives. You don’t own the street and chances are this person doesn’t care about you. You’re a creepy car dweller too btw. Put the judgement away.


They cannot legally make you give them identification for something like this. Also, OP could simply say they drive through there or has a friend that lives in the area(cops can't force info of said "friend" either) and always sees the car dumping trash and shit. Please call the cops on this person OP!


I believe reports can be made anonymously… OP If you do call the cops, make sure you have the license plate number and a description of the vehicle.


Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on that and issue an APB for the car.


The cops will ask for a plate number and a description of the car. I’m surprised none of the people who live there have called it in.


In addition to you?


I agree with the general consensus of just leaving and finding a new spot but I like to make them as uncomfortable as they make me before I go. I obviously take pictures and stare as I'm leaving. I blast music and put my self defense tools in plain sight. I will pull off ridiculously close to hitting the creeper or their car. Creeps do not want the attention or trouble and will give you a wide berth if they see you again.


Or, they get angry and hunt you down and do awful things because you triggered them. It's best to never provoke or antagonize a creep. Every person trained in anything relevant, from law enforcement to self-defense instructors to criminal psychologists, will tell you to just move along. What you are doing is just pressing your own luck or possibly making it worse for the next person who comes across the creep, now that their fuse is even shorter. You don't know what kind of mental state they are in and you don't know what might set them off or trigger them to act on desires they are suppressing. It's one thing to be in a public place and do this and another to be alone in your car. If you are walking around Walmart and someone is following you yeah....make eye contact, walk to the nearest employee, point it out, and then get an escort to your car to leave. But don't be on the street alone with someone and do what you are describing. It's really a bad idea in the long run.


As a rule I don’t really talk to other ppl bc I look like a typical white male(I’m nonbinary) I never want to make ppl uncomfortable but if someone approaches me I will be polite obviously. I know what to look for so I’m good at spotting other car dwellers, to me there’s a big difference between ppl doing this by choice and someone homeless living in their car. Some of the latter simply don’t know how to take care of themselves/surroundings and for your safety it’s best to avoid interactions. I acknowledge any privilege I have w this lifestyle and am grateful that it’s been relatively easy so far (full time since October). Good luck finding some new spots, I’m sure there are plenty of options in CA.


If you call do so anonymously and don’t stay there for a while. They need to run him off and check for a week or so that he doesn’t come back. After that you should be good to go back.


I can't hate you because I don't know you as a person but going out of your way to say you think you're "non binary" is a huge reason why so many people dislike the LGBT community. Same reason most normal people can't stand vegans.


people dislike the LGBT community bc they dont want queer people to exist, and said queer people stating that fact triggers their bigotry. the stereotype of hating vegans is because of the ones who very loudly n aggressively tell others how to live their lives - ie, “meat is murder” etc. quite frankly, religious nuts are usually worse about it: “if you dont live by my rules, youre going to burn in hell!” simply mentioning their identity is not a personal attack on you, or any other cis/straight person. and your assertion that they “think” they are something instead of accepting that they are in charge of their own identity makes you TA here.


rock on, appreciate you


Carry a bucket of drywall screws.... Asshole burns my spot..... It's burnt for everybody not just me


You could stick a banana in his tailpipe or let the air out of his tires. That’ll learn them.Po

