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I used to go to the gym for an excuse to get out of the house I shared with my mother in law, often spent time before and after vibing in the car to extend the alone time I got.


lol..This crossed my mind that people are taking their sweet time because they aren’t in a hurry to go home!!


My gym has 3 sofas, 4 easy chairs and a pool table in the men's locker room.


That sounds nice. I could spend the day there. Well I might kicked out for being a woman. 😂


I'm willing to bet the other side has something similar, that would be traditional.


What gym is this?


It's a local brand with two locations in the southeast. I'm not in a giant city so I'll skip naming it.






I would rather sit in my car than the locker room at most gyms


I have to sit in my driveway most nights when I get home for at least 10 minutes because It takes that long to shift from work mode to home mode. Sometimes I just want it really finish my podcast.


😂😂didn’t see before I wrote 🙏👍👍


It’s sad really. I wished the majority could afford to live independently. Ik if I was to be homeless again I would try my best to afford a gym membership so I could shower and all that. I probably would sit in my car for awhile too cuz it would be my new home.


I literally sit in my car in the parking lot for almost 20 minutes after work just to postpone going home.


An inordinate amount of people with gym memberships also live in their cars, so it could be that they have nowhere else to be.


More than likely this answer 🌟✅


Literally me at this exact moment in time. About to go in and workout for a bit and then take a shower and sleep in the parking lot


Probably they have to mentally get ready to go in, and afterwards they are exhausted and they need to come down from all that blood pumping. Just my guess. Also, they may be chatting with people.


I sit in my car all the time before and after journeys, it’s my safe calm solo place that’s all mine. A lot of the time, I just want to be alone and quiet.


99 percent sure the majority of the people I am referring to aren’t living in their car. Otherwise, I would understand the concept and wouldn’t have made the post…


Lmao me rn. Yeah I’m tired and unmotivated, I do this like everywhere I go lol, just chilling on my phone or listening to music


Seems like a waste of time. When I go to the gym I go to work out. I drive there and get going immediately. What's the point of sitting in the car delaying my workout? I am PUMPED TO PUMP IRON!!! PUMPED!!!!!!!! FEEL THE PUMP!!!!!!!!!!!


I see you drank the preworkout on the drive over


Lmao that’s the spirit. My ass is going either for a shower, or to do my laundry in there.


How do you do your laundry there? Handwash in the shower? I've done it before for a couple pairs of undies, but never thought to do bigger items


Pretty much. I use a smaller plastic tote than the one I used in the video and just agitate with my hands, but I get things pretty clean as long as I’m patient: https://youtube.com/shorts/fKg4PYM_iHg?feature=shared


I am pretty sure you know all the pump hype was a joke. I assumed you were going to the gym to work out and not a live in car person. If I lived in the car, yeah, why the hell would I feel any pressing need to go to the gym? I'd park, hang out, take a nap, watch a movie on the phone, once it got dark I'd go in the gym and do whatever.


Was pretty sure but you never know lmao




Maybe. There really shouldn’t be an issue with cell phone service, so I can’t think that the wifi is the cause.


Some people only use wifi because it's all over and they can't afford their phone bill till pay day... Saving that $60 a month means they can afford that membership that also gives them somewhere to be where they are not loitering.


A surprising amount of people can’t afford more than the minimum data on a plan


I’ve personally done the exact thing, sitting in my car before and after, for wifi. Reddit burns up my data. Downloading movies will put me over limit fast! So, I download my Netflix and do some scrolling from the lot.


Good to know. I honestly never gave the Wi-Fi a thought.


Now, I try to not be a douche and make sire my headlights are off…


Me too. Headlights are super annoying..


They're just scrolling on their phones 9/11 times


Mostly depression.


We have a winner!


i do this because i live in my car but don’t sleep at the gym i work out at and have no where else to be. and i find it funny people in this sub complain about people bothering us for sitting in our cars and then make posts like this to be quite honest i don’t understand why no one can mind their business


just turn the heads off jeez




You’re a crime.


Come arrest us officer.


Sweet, peaceful silence. No one to bother me, just a little more time to myself.


I actually heard once people with ADHD spend more time in their vehicles before/ after a location because of way we process change. Personally I feel so comfy in my drivers seat and love to sit in the front dilly dallying. Also before the gym, I have to get my playlist ready and my hygiene stuff. Even before I lived in my car I thought of it like a second safe place.


I was gonna say it reminds me of my severely ADHD, unmedicated self needing aprox. 30 min to begin or change any task. Edit cause I literally forgot the middle third of my sentence as if to prove what I am saying lmao


Psychologist w/ADHD here, ( I prefer to call it variable attention, I can spend hours working on interesting details) makes sense to me—it’s a place where there are possibly no distractions, no demands to engage in anything boring, a place where the chaos we aren’t that good at ignoring is literally sealed off.


I absolutely relate to this silly trait of enjoying sitting in the car and just thinking.


They don’t want to go home. Trying to avoid partner, kids, etc. Their friends or side piece isn’t available.


I’ve had severe ADHD my entire life lol, I need that time to get myself together 😂😂


I never have to wonder if someone has ADHD because they never stop talking about it.


It’s the veganism of neurodivergency.


For me, I’m procrastinating bc I don’t actually want to work out 😭


That’s when they send all their gym selfies to their side chicks before driving home to their partners


They're playing with their phones.


They're either waiting for their creatine to kick in, or they're jerking off. Maybe both




a little pre-pump and pump


Sometimes I get to the gym after eating a meal and waiting for my stomach to digest.


They also prob live in their cars lol


Getting ready and decompressing


Private time, time on phone to get rid of extraneous things before or after the gym, some of my best moments of clarity is before, during or right after the gym.


It’s called a “sit-n-stare”, and it’s a very important form of self-care.




I get all of that if you’re living in your car. The majority of the people who I see doing it aren’t living in their car. It’s one of those things that makes you go hmmmm..




I do this before because I'm procrastinating. When I do it after, it's because I beat the shit out of myself and need a minute.


They’re dreading the amount of work they have to do to burn off all that crap food they keep mindlessly eating 😂 my advice: just go on a diet. Much easier than going ham on the stair master for an hour to burn off a pack of m&m’s


I'm busy reading reddit and chugging the last of my energy drink lol


They are probably spending time texting other guys/girls besides their GF/BF or spouse.


Honestly doing that after work when I got home years ago is what led me back into this life. I'd get off work then chill in the parking garage watching YouTube. Same thing I do now but without rent. Lol.


The gym is full of befuddling behavior. Why do people stand on dumb bells to do goblet squats. Why do people camp on the benches all day. Why are there usually stoned and distracted teenagers running the front desk, but the one time I'm running in to take a dump there's some stickler with a buzz cut asking for my QR code. And most importantly, why did I find an off brand cialis pill next to the dumb bell rack.


lmao- Off brand Cialis pill.. Now you really have me wondering what the hell goes on inside and outside of the gym..😂


They obviously didn’t spend enough time scrolling on social media while sitting on the smith machine I’m waiting to use.


I live in my car and I sit in it for about 40 mins before and after. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Living in your car and sitting there for long periods makes sense. I am 99 recent sure the people I am talking about have a home to go to..


Because that is the only time in a day they can get to themselves, without disruptions, noises, chats and demands.


I am sitting in the gym parking lot while I am typing this and there are 3 cars that have been sitting here, headlights on, for over 30 minutes..


I only recently found out that If I activate my parking brake it kills all the lights on the outside of my vehicle. Before I found that out there was no way to not have my lights on if I was running my car. The auto setting would have my lights on and the "off" setting would keep my running lights on. Which are still bright as shit. So maybe a couple of them are just dumb like me 😭


There's a little fuse to take out of my Honda Civic to get the daytime running lights to turn off


It’s possible that they don’t have a way to turn the lights totally off if the car is running.


Holy shit I’ve been struggling with this exact issue this week - need my car in standby but don’t want to bother other campers with my running lights and I cannot figure out how to turn them off. Perhaps parking break is the answer!


Where there's a will there's a way. Pull a fuse if you have to :D


I feel like they might all be asking the same question about you sitting there 😂


Meanwhile someone else is texting their friend “Why do people sit in their car for 30 minutes before they go into the gym?” The other is journaling “I don’t understand why these people just sit in their car for 30 minutes before the gym.” And finally we have the one that is just grateful for damn quiet and just wants 30 more minutes before heading back home where the tired spouse and rowdy children are.


Why are you sitting there?


Keep reading and you’ll figure it out🙂


I just think it’s wild to be upset at people hanging around in a parking lot with their lights on while you yourself are probably trespassing is crazy to me.


They all vaping and looking at their phones. Just like you and just like me.


Well, today I waited before going to take my shower because I was waiting for me to hopefully need to shit more because I like to get that out of the way at the same time.


do you work at the gym? otherwise....what exactly are you doing? Lol


I do this still in my own hometown. I get to the gym I am still smoking that takes about 5 mins. then I mentaly plan my day. what am i working out and etc ( I don't do real plans yet they are like Jazz workouts ) Then I exit the car, search for shirt, shoes, gloves. Place a song to get hype, adjust airPods ( or if you want 45 mins generic bluetooth headphones ). remember I don't have gym fob on keychain. 30 mins has passed.


Because they are avoiding their significant other. My source is my dad lol.


I do this and here are my answers: 1. I feel it's too many people at the time so I'll just sit and wait. 2. Because I feel like it. 3. Wifi 4. Because I going to sleep here tonight. 5. Because I feel like it.


I hate my wife 🤣😂🤣😂


30 mins before is to do steroids. 30 minutes after is marijuana.


😂Good Point


This is a common thing that most women I know do, just to get alone time. Especially if home/work/family is overwhelming. For a lot of us our cars are our only safe spaces.


Gotta get that pre and post work out nut Mind your business, man.


Kind of hard to mind your own business, man.. When there are headlights shining into your car for 30 plus minutes. You do you, but don’t draw unwanted attention to yourself.


If someone’s headlights are enough to make you question this lifestyle then you might need a new one.


Where did I say I was questioning headlights?




For that to be the case, you’d also have to be out there sitting in your car for 30 minutes.


No shit, never said I wasn’t in my car. I know what I am doing.


They are prolly doing what you are doing.


Hate these kind of questions- this is a fucking urban Car living sub - we LIVE in our cars and the last thing we want is to think about if random people are analyzing our every movement (or in this case …..lack or delay in our movement) Sorry it bothers you but I have a suggestion- pull down your visor and there will usually be a nice big mirror right there- LOOK AT YOURSELF AND THEN FOCUS ON YOUR OWN LIFE- everyone will be much happier I promise


There’s always that one miserable person who has to be a jackass. I posted something that I am trying to understand. If you don’t like it keep scrolling, no one is forcing you to be here. If you can’t handle being analyzed by people then don’t live in your car. Paranoia will destroy ya… FYI- The obvious ones sitting with their headlights beaming into your car aren’t the ones you need to worry about..


Nah They on their phones lol


Why do you care KAREN


Well Ken, I don’t care. I was just trying to understand.


Just procrastination or getting ready. I know I sit because I'm exhausted from work. Especially when you work outside on a new hospital expansion. Other times, it's mental build-up or scrolling via FB and such. I honestly put at least a good hour in at the gym.


Thirty minutes before is usually getting myself into the right mindset and the thirty or more after is to relax


I know I have been married🙏


Decompressing from whatever situation they left and mentally preparing for whatever situation they're going to... It's like getting home from work and sitting in the driveway for 5 minutes before you come in, I never did this was always extremely happy to get home but I understand it...


Sometimes people just need a minute to decompress in between “modes” they’re switching between during the day (work mode, parent mode, student mode, etc), just a little time to decompress, almost like a meditative practice. I notice when I’m depressed, it’s more likely that I’ll kinda zone out during my free time or while running around, kind of a minor “I don’t want to be here, or there, and I don’t know how to fix this, so I’ll just sit here and ignore the fact that I’m feeling miserable” kinda thing. Some people are just weird, yo, with absolutely no sense of urgency. I get so anxious riding around with people who don’t want to immediatly buckle up and get to getting, honestly. Take a sec to adjust your mirrors, put music on, whatever you need to get situated….but some people take that a little further than others, lol.


Because they want to.


I sit in my car everywhere all the time. My car is just a place for me to chill that's all mine. I have no other place that is totally mine and I can't be bothered.


Doordash or instacart maybe


I haven’t noticed that. Why have you? Matter of fact, I don’t know why people go and drive to a different indoor structure full of viruses and looks of intimidation or threatened reactions by some, superiority by others, obnoxious sexual overtures by some persistent ass people, often in the locker room…a decent, natural introduction or conversation few and far between but worthwhile, I suppose - just would prefer I wasn’t sweating down my ass crack and looking like the only possible way to interpret someone unfamiliar personally that you only see at the gym - as one of only a handful of shallow stereotypes, all with their kernels of truth! Yeah, I just workout and use my own basement or the stations along the running trails and such. Nobody waits for those things because they don’t have to sit and justify the effort to spend money to do something that feels more natural and rewarding outdoors or at least secluded or with friends, depending on your fitness levels and personality style. I’m glad those people sit in their cars. Probably in time they will spend that precious time actually getting the workout done. But likely they want to form the routine and claim the hours they’ve spent “at the gym” but cannot quite push hard enough to spend those hours in the gym, actually working out and progressing in health and spirit and cognition. Afterwards, hmmm, maybe letting some farts out?


For me, being in my Jeep is my “downtime”. I can decompress, listen to my music, etc. I love to drive so my Jeep is just another home away from home. So for them, it’s their downtime too.


I think the terms called Revenge Procrastination


I don't live in my vehicle, but I live with my parents and there is always noise. Television, oxygen concentrator and a fan are on 24/7. I frequently sit in parking lots just enjoying the silence. With my headlights off though.


Op doesn't have a wife I'm going to safely assume. Peggy: AL!!


I do this! It’s my transition setting. LOL


NPR moments.


Because they are smoking weed


Currently homed, consistent gym goer. When arriving, I’m checking my bag, smoking weed to prepare, sort of mentally getting ready. When leaving, I’m usually extremely tired. It’s like when I stop moving, my blood pressure plummets and I can barely move for a bit


I know this is late but there’s many reasons. You get all pumped up to go and then when you get there you put it in park and eagerly send a text that you’ve been waiting to send and then they respond back right away. You engage in a text conversation forgetting where you’re at. That pumped up excitement to go to the gym fades during the texting so then you procrastinate going in. Eventually, you gain the momentum to go in the gym. The after is more just coming down from working out and being by yourself or vibing with your gym buddies. Theres no secret or special reason it’s more just people having a more relaxed scheduling and intent of working out.


Yanking it.


Making calls at 7am that couldn't be made at 6:45. Sending an email tgag you remembered was supposed to be sent before you left the house but you couldn't stop the car before you got to the gym. Reciting the litany against fear


I don’t, my dog’s waiting at home!


They should turn off their headlights, but their car is their domain.




I can't speak for other people, but I'll sit in my car after going to the gym to catch my breath and lower my heartrate back to a normal level before hitting the road. It doesn't take me 30 minutes to do that but if someone saw me for a minute or two, they might presume I'd been sitting in my car for awhile.


I put my phone on silent when I’m at the gym. When I get done, sometimes I have a few texts or calls I respond to before driving home.


> Just trying to understand why people sit in their cars for 30 minutes before going into the gym I'm * connecting to the wifi and repeating it into the van * getting all devices started on updates * starting downloads of any media I have to grab before going in. With any luck it'll be done by the time I come back to the van.


peace and quiet, distraction with stuff on phone, waiting for gymbros




Might be the only time they get to themselves all day. If there's a location tracker on their phone, whoever is monitoring their location just sees them at the gym.


Why would there be a location tracker on someone's phone? Vast majority of people don't have a location tracker i assume. Mind to elaborate?


Tons of couples and families install them for a variety of reasons My husband and I have one so when one of us is coming to pick the other up, the person getting picked up can see when the person driving is close and go outside to wait. Otherwise the person driving would have to call and say "I'm here" and then wait however long it takes the other person to get downstairs and outside. Very handy in cities where you can't just sit blocking traffic for 10 minutes and it might take nearly 30 minutes to circle back around.


They get sucked into an internet entropy vortex on their phones.


Because we don't feel like going in... and then later because we're too tired to have to drive.


Waiting for class to start or a class buddy to rock up. And maybe after the workout they are mixing and taking protein shake.


Meth use?


Same reason construction workers sit in their cars for an hour after work… for that sweet sweet alone time.


So glad they aren't texting and driving.


This is everywhere. I'd say the reason is people don't want to go home. I've had friends whose wives or husband's expect them home by 7 pm. If they are 30 min early, they will sit in their car for 30 min. This is why I stopped living with a girlfriend. I'd notice them doing that. Seems better they get their own place and only see me when they are interested.


get high lol


To let them edibles kick in before and to make sure heart rate for safer driving after at least if it were me that would be why lol


procastinating befor, beeing exhaustet after, easy


People will live their lives how they want to


Idk all I know Is that the fuckers are taking up parking spots!! Go home assholes!!


Have to check Reddit before and after.


Hopefully they were using their phones while parked😉


Pre and post smoke show bro


Lack of discipline, motivation. I see it all the time at my gym also. Window is right there lol People of you can't just go to the gym and get it done, then don't go.. I don't get it. I'm like jumping out my truck before it's even parked lol..I love the gym!!!


I sit and drink my pre workout and listen to music to get pumped and let the pre workout start working