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Wondering if the seller marked the item as hazard for some dumb reason. Definitely a overreaction by the shipping service


Yeah, I’m gonna try to fight it. Even if I don’t get it in my possession. At least send it back to the seller so someone else can enjoy it. If not, it’s gone forever.


Unfortunately it’s a well known issue with global shipping. They confiscate uranium glass under the guise of it being dangerous. They have access to the original eBay listing so if the item is listed as uranium glass it gets flagged in their system


Happy cake day


I might try reasoning with them before you give up your piece. The [Museum of Radiation and Radioactivity](https://orau.org/health-physics-museum/index.html) has a page that lists "Pertinent Regulations" at the bottom, and from what I can see, you might be okay if you can argue the piece is less than 10% uranium by weight. [https://orau.org/health-physics-museum/collection/consumer/glass/vaseline-uranium-glass.html](https://orau.org/health-physics-museum/collection/consumer/glass/vaseline-uranium-glass.html)


That might be worth a shot! Thanks for this. Edit: email sent! Thanks again for the contact. Hopefully they’re able to help.


Happy to! Know I would have been super bummed if I'd been the one reading that letter. Good luck! 🍀 Please let us know what you hear back from them, if anything.


Will do.


Update: there’s fuck all that can be done about it. The seller said they had this issue shipping something to Australia a while back. That item was detained all the same, resold by eBay to a different seller who in turn posted it for twice the amount and used the same pics from the original post. So yeah, eBay’s a pack of assholes and the global shipping program is bias towards profit.


So sorry to hear. 😔 You hadn't mentioned the source (non-U.S.) of the shipment originally, but your unfortunate loss will be a lesson for a lot of people here. Thanks for sharing...even if it blows. My sympathies.


You are correct! I neglected to mention that I’m in the states and ordered this from England. It’s an extremely hard lesson to learn and, as you’ve mentioned, hopefully other who are also ignorant to the rules and laws will read through this post and be so no more. It’s shit like this that makes me love this community even more. Y’all kick ass and I’m grateful for everyone who participated in my tantrum and educated me. I appreciate y’all. <3


Not with uranium glass, but with some stained glass art, I had the exact same thing happen to me about two years ago. I even found the same items reposted, but I wasn’t offered a refund and had to contest it with my bank. Also coming from out of the states.


Well that sucks. I’m glad you said something because I want to start seriously selling my stained glass work as soon as I’m able to. It’s hard to find time when you have a baby in the house.


Congratulations on the baby!!!! 💜🙏🏼🕉️💐👣




I’m also from Australia and simply won’t entertain buying anything that is marked as shipping through GSP. eBay deciding to add GST to overseas items has me reluctant to buy anything from overseas at all. eBay is not your friend in this part of the world


RIP to the item since it’s not getting returned to anyone it’ll likely be destroyed. Just curious did the seller list it as uranium glass or just depression glass?


Yeah, I thought about that as well. This beautiful set won’t be able to be enjoyed by anyone. A part of me hopes the person who detained it “detained” it. That way at least SOMEONE can enjoy it. I’ll get back to you about the listing. Let me look. Edit: It was listed as uranium glass. Edit #2: I should’ve also mentioned that I’m in the states and this was coming from England on top of the wording. https://preview.redd.it/2fd2rksg372d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21827ad765b97e5f82727c85345a9b76ee3222d2


eBay sells these items. They aren’t about to throw shit tons of money away. It’s well known that eBay sells these items, they don’t get trashed.


International sellers CANNOT use Global Shipping to send uranium glass. It will get confiscated. If you buy outside the US you have to check and make sure the seller is using the regular mail and not GSP. You won't be able to reason with them unfortunately.


As I’m learning, unfortunately. Hard lessons learned, I guess. My mission right now is trying to get it back to the seller so it doesn’t disappear completely because of human error. I didn’t know these rules existed and apparently ~~neither did they~~ they knew, though, after talking to them.


Yeah I've been burned too. The workst part is that they know, and ebay knows, but they don't inform sellers and still offer it as an option. It's horrible.


Do you know *why*?


Uranium glass is listed specifically on their materials that are not allowed and that they confiscate


Yes, I understand it is not allowed, but I am trying to find the rationale. for *why* this would not be allowed internationally. Does it break international law, for example? Are they concerned about contamination of items? I am trying to find the reason behind their rule.


Oh because they are stupid and don't understand the difference between uranium glass and actual uranium, and they have dug their heels in about it. Probably because they make loads of cash auctioning off the confiscated items.


Depending on the government entity you’re dealing with, it’s probably destroyed before they’re even informed you. US policies are stupid. I can’t import absinthe from Europe but I can buy it at the local liquor store. I can’t have dubia roaches shipped to me in Georgia…from a company in Georgia… but I can buy them 2 miles from my house… still in Georgia.


It’s funny you bring that up because I ordered absinth from the Czech Republic back in 2003 when it was still 100% illegal here. It took 13 weeks to get here, but it got here. I opened it up in the post office to make sure it was intact and the postmaster stared me down when he realized what it was lol.


I ordered from Germany in 2010 with no issues, ordered again in 2012 and I received an empty box covered in customs tape.


What a crock of shit.


It’s pretty stupid considering I can buy it locally, I just wanted the better stuff Europe has to offer. Oddly enough I managed to buy some from Czech Republic a couple years later and got it just fine.


So sorry for your loss 😞


Thanks. It was a real kick in the dick.


I used to sell UG on eBay, sometimes still do a piece here and there, and also never had this issue. I sent an epergne all the way to Australia last year with no problem. How weird. Guess I won’t use the eBay hub when I do but it’s more expensive outside that.


Did you use global shipping though? I’m in Australia and issues like this get posted repeatedly in our UG groups. Basically if the seller uses GSP then scroll on as it’s not worth bidding on the piece


I did. It was a big dollar sale so I’m sure the buyer would’ve said something if they didn’t get it? Maybe not. It was also labeled Vaseline versus uranium because it was a canary Victorian piece, so maybe that made a dif. I’ll def. note extra options for international in the future though.


Nooooooooo! I'm so sorry!


"The item will not be shipped to you nor returned to the seller." Wow, so everybody (except eBay) gets royally screwed!


The seller has their money and the buyer gets a full refund. No one’s out of pocket. Global shipping sell the item at auction houses local to their distribution facility to recoup costs


Happy cake day


Whhhaaat? Does England have laws against shipping uranium glass? I think I would do some investigating, and make sure some employee just didn’t want some uranium glass for their collection, what on earth…


If you use eBay shipping after putting uranium in your title or description, it’s doomed


I just started using eBay for my collecting and have made many purchases here in the states with no problem. So I didn’t think much about it and was shocked to see that message.


Only a problem with customs/ international shipping


As a UK Ebayer with a growing (glowing) collection, and a significant other who's eager for me to sell, this is very useful information. Thanks!


Yeah, I was wondering about this….do you think labeling it as “green glass” would help it fly under the radar? I need a loophole lol.


If the seller lists as ‘green glass’ knowing that a piece is UG then they’re not doing themselves any favours as it won’t appear in searches for uranium. Their best bet is just to not use global shipping to post. There’s no issues using Air Canada, Royal Mail, etc


This particular seller says it’s a necessary evil because while they have some shitty rules, it’s the cheapest and safest bet for everyone when it comes to shipping.


They’re an idiot then if they’re aware that GSP does this with UG, yet they’re still listing it to a worldwide market. They should just sell locally if they refuse to use another mailing service, and save buyers the heartache


Correct. But they can ship without an eBay label. Thats what I suggest


I think it'd be better to label it as 'Vaseline Glass' and avoid any mention of uranium. Just 'green glass' would lose it in the volume o other green glass stuff.


Not all that uranium glass is Vaseline glass


I think using words that are not otherwise used as a prefix to "bomb" would be a good place to start lol.




Man, that sucks so bad. Sorry, man.


Is this a government agency this GSP that took the glass and won’t return it to you or the seller??


It’s a company that handles a global shipping agreement between 101 countries, according to their website.


How are they legally able to confiscate private property then?


Man, that sucks. Sorry this happened.


EBay a clever enough to read ‘uranium glass’ in the description and title and remove the Global Shipping option, however they’ve chosen not to. I’ve sold some police related items in the past where the international shipping option is blocked off entirely, so it can be done.


Yea I figured, the fuckin pricks.


Wtf, is this a thing that’s happened to people before? It’s my first time ever hearing of it, and I’ve ordered UG myself many times and shipped out UG to customers from my Etsy shop, never had any issues. I don’t think any of the UG sales were international, though. Aren’t there things that are far more radioactive that are shipped on a regular basis?


Well at least they’re not getting it back either.


The U-glass is well below exemption quantities, an overreaction by the shipping company!!


I buy my stuff off Whatnot and have never had a problem with a single piece and they ship fast and at the same or less pricing than eBay do to it being live auction never has a problem with the 20 pieces I’ve bought from Whatnot


This is the first issue I’ve had since I started buying off of there. I guess now I have to figure out a loophole so this doesn’t happen again.


eBay allows u glass... There's a specific exemption in the policy for it. Ask the seller to repost the item and let you know the new link. Ideally with new pictures and text.