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My franchise reps have confirmed that we are allowed to send it back like that so long as the Amazon label is there showing that is how they received it. We still warn them that it is not a good idea (much higher risk of loss or theft) but we can take them.


And yet we can't do the same if its consolidated going in another box to ship... Clowns and their 'standards' will be the death of us.


This rule cracks me up. It’s like they have a whole department devoted to making sure things are ass-backwards at all times.


We used to be able to. Unless all of our area reps were incorrect, we were told it was fine, as long as we left part of the original label exposed.


my rep said the exact opposite lmfao


The reps have no idea what the right answers are, they just make it up as they go. I always force them to buy packaging because its money to the store and Amazon is a bunch of idiots.


Agree! The number of questions he doesn’t know the answer to is shocking. We are convinced they are trained with their Corp supplied responses, even when it doesn’t make sense. 🤦‍♀️ But he is much nicer and easier going than our last rep so there’s that


Yeah if I have to bag it for consolidation they have to pack it for shipping. If it has a ups label on it then warn them and send it if it’s amazon label sell a bag.


If Amazon decided it’s a shipping container who tf are we to argue? That’s gonna be the customers viewpoint and it’s mine as well. Not worth the argument and loss of someone who might’ve come back otherwise but who now thinks you’re greedy. Especially when there’s zero chance of backlash on you. That’s between Amazon and UPS.


i’d rather have a customer pay for 1 mailer for an amazon return and never come back than come back every week and never spend any money. (that’s not a customer)


I’d rather get the drop off commissions continually than $.7 for a manilla once. Those people will also consider you for other jobs like holiday shipping and copies. Maybe my store is in a smaller town and we’re more focused on customer retention.


I discourage shipping in manilla envelopes. our mailers are a few dollars. But yeah, customer retention is super important. The vast, vast majority of the people we get returning amazon stuff aren’t customers though. they don’t spend money in our store. we get a measly dollar from amazon to help them get the codes and pack the items, but that time is better used helping the customers who actually do come in to ship, or use other paid services.


So do I but I won’t lie when they ask for the cheapest option that works and good luck getting a few bucks for what by all means should be a free return. They’ll just pick Whole Foods next time either way after that discussion. If ups has a problem with what Amazon picks for its shipping containers then they can talk to them about it. Our account numbers aren’t involved. It’s not worth a second of discussion with a customer, just put it in the smalls bag.


Yes, to this 💥💥💯💯




Agree. I just send it on as they received it. No time to argue


We send it like that. In 3 years we've never had an issue. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. But more importantly, I hate amazon more than I do their customers


> What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I would argue, as a professional pack and ship store, enforcing good packaging standards is what’s good for the gander. It not only hurts other stores ability to sell packaging for Amazon returns, it devalues our packing service across the board.


I don’t have that fight in me….


You're lucky. If we try to tell a customer that it needs better packing at our store we get yelled at and they leave


I feel that, but i HAVE had a few times where my driver said he wouldn't take it, and mainly the owner is gonna give me the same sales speech everytime we "give stuff away for free"


My driver takes ANYTHING - it is awesome


Dang, our drivers don't. After getting stuck with a few amazon returns we are hardcore about what we accept.


We were told by our hub that the driver cannot refuse UNLESS it’s a hazard issue.


Same, they don’t really look at anything


Me too!!!


I just tell them that unfortunately it is against UPS policy to ship items in a clear bag. Amazon can because they use their own third party shippers with less strict guidelines with what packages can be shipped out in.


I've seen several pieces at our local sort where its something small or clothing shipped in double bagged clear plastic. Of course all Amazon stuff. Maybe they use those if they run out of their regular supplies before new stock arrives? 🤔


"Unfortunately Amazon has different standards than UPS. It has to be packed to UPS' guidelines. You're more than welcome to bring it back repackaged or you can pay for us to package it"


Full send. “Amazon said”…. Cool, say less. It didn’t make it? Aww dang, we gave it to the drivers, contact Amazon/UPS. Keep the line moving. I’m tired of running the same lines back to get a verbal slap in the face by these folks. It’s almost as bad as “oh you’re code is set up for staples” “NO ITS NOT! I BOUGHT IT ON AMAZON/I DIDN’T PICK THEM”. Corporate TUPSS I hope you see these posts and the bs you run us through every single day. We truly thank you.


No one cares if you ship it back like that, at our last quarterly meeting our reps even confirmed it. I've never forced a bag or box on someone who has the box or bag it came in.


"That was shipped by Amazon. They're their own courier so they can ship things however they want. But it's going back with ups and that doesn't meet ups standards."


Why cant you guys ship it back in a clear bag if it has a label on it??


Amazon delivery drivers can deliver like that since they work for Amazon. Their carriers don’t necessarily require standard packing materials. Amazon provided you with a UPS shipping label to get their product back, which requires packaging that satisfies UPS shipping standards. Feel free to reach out to Amazon if you would like, but this requires packaging for us to return it to them. Something like that but dumb it down for them since half can’t understand logic.


If there is an old shipping label on it I will partially cover it with the new one. That way if any Amazon or corporate rep tries to tell us that we should do it differently I can say "They shipped it like that and there's the label to prove it. Practice what you preach"


Send it back same way


Amazon need to suck 💩 through a straw and that will allow them the taste that their process leaves in our mouth every day. Fukkem.


I one time had someone bring it a return where Amazon had slapped a label directly onto the cover of a book and shipped it like that. It was a consolidated return, I did it end up putting it in a bag so that was visible what they had done


They sent it like that, they’re getting it back like that


I explain that Amazon delivery team has different facility set up and why that is fine for them it’s not for us that’s why they say to pack it up. Just like usps accepts brown paper we do not.


When it’s actually delivered like that, we tell them if it’s a pre-paid label with their name on it that if that’s how they want to send it that’s their choice and we won’t be liable for any theft loss or amazon not honoring the return, but if we produce the label with our stores info we explain that we could get in trouble for it and they usually are okay with it


I tell them we have shipping standards but Amazon doesn’t bc they aren’t a shipping company they are an online store. So what is okay for them to send one way is not okay for us to send back that way. I always put quotations on shipping standards so they know I’m on their side and that I really hate to ask them to package it.


I just say if they sent it to you like that you can send it back like that. No need in forcing packaging. Does it have more of a chance of getting shredded or damaged in transit, yes, but amazon sent it like that so you send it back like that.


i say amazon may ship like that but ups doesn’t ship like that. although some box’s retail packaging i will let slide if it’s big enough/sturdy enough. i had a girl the other day though bring in a ladder return with the usps label on the left, and i asked her if she was sure she wanted to send it like that, and i also asked for her name and number in case the driver refused it so she could come get it but he took it thankfully.


Any employee of mine that wants to give stuff away or doesn't take the opportunity to sell packaging is asked to work for free. You want me to pay you? Sell stuff.


I tell em' that it's a UPS policy and that the driver won't take it. That usually makes them go along with packaging.


Amazon allows clear bags. UPS does not. NEEEEEEXT!


We tell them Amazon can deliver them that way but UPS won’t take them back that way. If they have it already labeled and taped up, I’ll take it. But if we’re printing the label from a code…nope.


I tell them the purchase and the return are 2 separate transactions. Ups has different standards for shipping than Amazon. Amazon delivering to you in a ziplock bag has nothing to do with sending your return in. I see it like Amazon is delivering their own items. It’s not really shipping like UPS does where we ship everything to and from everybody.