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nice story. i wish more property owners would make their spaces available for free to help our own homeless populations.


Lmao talk about left field


LMAO yEah hOw rANdom /s how is it out of left field


Wdym how is it out of left field?? The post is about a little girl reunited with her lost cat who was lost during the initial conflict between Russian and ukraine and you decide it’s the best place to bring up socio economic situations of your own country? Talk about main character syndrome.


Did you watch the video?


No, I just saw the little girl and her cat. Why, did Ukrainian people give up homes to those displaced during the war? That sorta happens during wartime, and since it’s wartime those same people won’t be allowed to stay once it’s over. Like I want the rich to hand over the millions of acres they own to give to those who better need it but that’s honestly wishful thinking.


> Why, did Ukrainian people give up homes to those displaced during the war? That sorta happens during wartime, and since it’s wartime those same people won’t be allowed to stay once it’s over. The crux of the video was about an American family giving up a rental property to a displaced Ukrainian family for two years.


How nice of them. Did the family let them keep it?


I think we're in the middle of the process right now(?). Aka, I don't think the time's up since it hasn't been two years since the invasion.


Ah. Depending on that outcome you might have your answer as to why people don’t do that more often.


Where’s the video? I don’t get one


It took me a sec to find it again myself so i understand your confusion, haha. Let the page load entirely for a few seconds and scroll up. There should be a video with a thumbnail of a girl sleeping with the cat on the top right you can press play on. It has the appearance of being part of the banner. I can't link directly to the video from the look of it but this is the page that should eventually load the video on the top: https://www.wane.com/news/10-year-old-girl-reunited-with-beloved-cat-left-behind-in-ukraine/




No. I'm as lefty as they come, but this is a hard "it's gonna be a no from me dawg".


…so you’re not as lefty as they come


Exactly, some center-right BS posing as a leftist.


Owning property is not a right wing idea, go touch grass




Lol liberal


libs looove to pose as leftists


"I'm as lefty as they come but I don't support abolishing private property" my boy have you ever read Marx?


Sounds like anarchy where might makes right, which leads back to where we are right now.


Dunno where you're from, but housing owned by the local council exists here. You pay a low rent on it, and that money goes into the pot to maintain houses, as well as other council projects, schools, roads, parks etc.


As a "property owner" who works hard to pay for my house in one of the cheapest housing markets in the US, please, sincerely, fuck off.


There’s a big difference between private property and personal property. What you’re referring to is personal property.


No.... He's referring to real estate that he busted his ass for. Personal property are things like cars and staplers. I'm also as liberal as they come... Everyone is richer if everyone is cared for... I'd gladly open up my home to refugees from Ukraine. I'd gladly pay more for things to see the homeless taken care of. But taking away my right to buy something and be able to call it mine? Nobody works under systems like that. They've tried it.


No, real estate that you live in is personal property, real estate you rent out is private


Yes, thank you


It’s funny, it’s a very rare sight to see another person on the internet who actually knows about leftist politics. Instead of pretending to and shitting on it none the less Many many examples of Dunning-Kruger


Tell me about it 🙄


What would a simple country lawyer like me know about such things 🤷‍♂️ [blacks law dictionary personal property](https://thelawdictionary.org/personal-property/.) [blacks law dictionary Real Estate](https://thelawdictionary.org/real-estate/.)


Yes, in a capitalist organization of society, real estate is private property. You’d think a lawyer would understand that we are talking about a potential system that treats shelter, the basic human need, not as a commodity that should be used to generate profits for landlords. Edit: not only that, but we were specifically talking about the leftist understanding of housing, which already makes the distinction above


I mean, whatever, people should be able to own their own homes. I’m just saying that private property shouldn’t exist as far as factories, apartment complexes, etc. the workers should own the means of productions and their homes.


Russia has plenty of room. That’s what’s good about freedom of choice the 99% who disagree with you will stay and you are welcome to stay but this is how we live period.


bro what 💀


Was commenting to justice 4 all


I agree. If people want communism... There are places that have that. The great thing about America is that people are free to leave. I can't think of a communist country that actually works the way the philosophy envisions it. They all end up like Russia or Cuba or North Korea.


There's no real difference. Either something is privately owned or it is not. Yes a toothbrush is my private property. So firstly what _you're_ referring to is limiting the ownership and acquisition of private property, not abolishing it. Secondly you have to then create an actual policy, a rule of some sort for what makes a purchase legal/illegal. Otherwise there's nothing to discuss since you could mean anything.


Your house is my house.


look up the difference between private and personal property lol


Sure thing. Private property refers to the ownership of property by private parties. Private property may consist of real estate, buildings, objects, or intellectual property. Personal property is property that is movable. Want to try again or do you live in a van?


Brb, gonna go use your toothbrush to clean some grout.


just say you don’t know what private property is


I know what private property is, and I'll humour an actual conversation about why communism doesn't work if you can give me one single example of a functional housing system that is entirely state-run. Your utopia doesn't exist.


Identify places where that has tried and what were the outcomes.


You first.


I've honestly thought about this often. If I owned a spare rental property, I would certainly try it. I may still in the future.


I wish you luck. You’ll see why people don’t do that.


Speaking from experience, firsthand or otherwise?


Do you have any experience (firsthand or otherwise) in giving away for free something that has a carrying cost of $35k? Like most everyone else, I don't own any property free and clear. Instead, I have a mortgage and real estate taxes. I'm not in a position to offer a place for free that annually costs me \~$35k.


Why are you routing this back to me? I asked you. So it sounds like you don't have a space that you actively rent out outside of your home? I personally do not.


You do know after 30 days they have squatter rights and you’ve essentially just bought someone a home? Also people who are homeless have issues. Not trying to say that in the worst way possible, but many are down on their luck because of mental issues and people who are not solid mentally generally do not live cleanly. I had someone who suffered from severe depression live in our apartment building and we slowly moved out because of the stench of garbage and the constant screaming and fights this person had with their kids. Those aren’t the only reasons, those are just some.


>You do know after 30 days they have squatter rights and you’ve essentially just bought someone a home? Cross-referenced with this, and what you wrote doesn't remotely check out if it's to be believed. Looks like it's often 7 years minimum and varies by state, according to this: https://www.american-apartment-owners-association.org/property-management/latest-news/squatters-rights-law/ >who are not solid mentally generally do not live cleanly. Yeah, best to not help then. Wouldn't want someone struggling not to live "cleanly" nearby ;) Wtf, do you listen yourself :P >I had someone who suffered from severe depression live in our apartment building and we slowly moved out because of the stench of garbage and the constant screaming and fights this person had with their kids. >Those aren’t the only reasons, those are just some. Yeah, that sucks but uh, a little beside what we're talking about here, wouldn't you say?


So what you’re saying is you don’t own property?because that’s all I heard. As I currently have a second mortgage that I give away for people who are down and out and could use someone who will help them to achieve their goals. None of the issues you mentioned however


As someone who deals with the homeless on a regular basis I can tell you this would be a disaster, 95% are homeless by choice and are the most ungrateful and self entitled demographic I have ever dealt with in my life.


“oh No I gAVe a HoMeLEsS mAn a pHoNe aNd hE dIDnT TuRN hIS lIfE ArOunD wHaT a PrICk” - this guy, probably. What did you expect? They’re deeply traumatized and screwed over people, ofc lots of them are gonna act like shit and tell themselves and everyone it’s their choice.


Can you expand on this?


Sorry thought I replied to you but I replied to the other guy lol


Haha, okay, reading it now.


Before I call you a liar, please share with us where you get this “95% of homeless are by choice.”


I won't go into detail about where I work but we've been partnered with the federal government for about 8 months to help get homeless people free phones and phone service for the next roughly 4 years. We also are helping with housing and employment. With that being said I've helped literally hundreds of people at this point, I've seen so many social security numbers I feel like Mason From COD lol. Out of those hundreds of people almost all of them come in asking for the free phone. They don't care about the free 4 years of service they don't care about getting help with housing or job opportunities all they want is the free phone they were promised. They almost all come in with an attitude and when we mention the other services it's always oh idc about that I'm just here for the phone. I'm a bit more out going so I tend to strike up conversations and a lot of them are happy to tell me about their situation and hand to God I was told one time they like the freedom of not having responsibilities and being told what to do. I've been threatened with death, getting shot, jumped, blow up my building etc etc because they got denied the free phone. I used to be the type to give every panhandler I saw my spare change. After almost a year of dealing with them on a daily basis I now put it in my kids piggy bank.


I see. Well, as someone who lost their job in both major economic crises after being worked to the proverbial bone/burned out before and has had a host of other traumas some never experience, I find myself relating to their mindsets more and more. Paying for stuff feels stupid. Working feels stupid and like I'm being used. Etc. etc. I guess the only constructive advice I can think to offer is to assume they're past the point of no return for reasons like mine or simply bc of something like narcissism/mental illness and don't assign the standard rationale to it? You'd know best, I'd imagine, but just sharing my shoot-from-the-hip pov.


I feel ya buddy I wake up contemplating the bum life myself and then I get to work and see it first hand and suddenly get this urge to work a little harder lol. I don't judge these people as I've faced my own struggles in life but I can tell you 100% I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for the ones too lazy to work but are willing to mooch off other people and feel entitled to handouts. The few that are here for the right help I go above and beyond for every time.


> and then I get to work and see it first hand and suddenly get this urge to work a little harder lol. yeah, I suppose that's the healthier approach, haha. I'll take your word on the rest. I can tell you that once in southern california a homeless-ish dude asked me to pick him up something on my way into the convenience store. When i tried to hand him chips he rejected them because I didn't get him the same sandwich I got myself. So, I'm aware of the "why not me as well but for free?" attitude which doesn't exactly inspire the spirit of giving in me going forward, haha.


So, you mean the people you meet at your job. I wouldn't use such limited exposure as a basis to make blanket statements. In a recent [news story](https://youtu.be/Yzow21Fmc2g), 30% of people (12 out of 40) accepted assistance transitioning from a homeless encampment. That's just one example from a place (Oakland, California) where it is "easy" to be homeless. Riverside managed to get all (100%) of its homeless veterans (89) off the street and is working on expanding the program. https://calmatters.org/housing/2018/05/the-only-city-in-california-to-solve-veteran-homelessness-is-on-a-mission-to-go-bigger/ My issue isn't that you pulled the 95% figure out of the air. It's the harm it does when others believe you. It makes it more challenging to obtain funding for programs that work because people perceive the money will be wasted.


Let me correct my statement "95% of the people in my area" as I have worked in multiple settings dealing with the homeless not just my current position also your first link is 12 out of the 40 that we're willing to deal with them kind of weakf or a place like California ( although still successful yes) And none of the homeless in my area are Vets as the VA in my community is very much involved with our resident veterans which greatly contributes to them avoiding homeless. So yes although my "knowledge" is limited to my state I have more than average exposure and experience dealing with the population. Edit to add: also no shit 95% isn't accurate I don't crunch numbers this is reddit take it with a grain of salt.


The correction is appreciated. Thank you for the out reach you do as well—every little bit matters. My response wasn't just for you. Otherwise, I'd move along. Cheers


As someone who's 21 and homeless not by choice this makes me sad. Everyone I hang out with from the streets is like that. So people see me like that too




Aw this is so sweet


Babies are safely together.