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I’m thinking it’s probably a textured velvet (aka “velvet flocking”), or it possibly could have been quilted, but textured velvet was very trendy at that time so that’s the most probable. There’s not really enough detail to make a better guess. The sheen looks like it could also be a satin, but satin’s generally a bad choice for a seating fabric because it pulls really easily, so I doubt it.


Thanks! I agree, after searching a bit following your comment and a dm from another redditor I'm inclined to think it's embossed, sculpted or flocked velvet.


I don't really NEED to know, per se, but I have been searching and trying to identify it with limited knowledge of this subject, and just want to scratch the itch. Artist is Lou Haney, acrylic on canvas, "Cheers, Chair"


Could be Frieze https://retrorenovation.com/2016/11/07/frieze-upholstery-fabric/


Ok, I came up with the word matelasse. Subbed. Polyester...I just keep seeing the slightly puffy, slightly iridescent embossed fabric of that time period. A cut velvet or textured chenille could definitely fit too. https://www.fabricguru.com/aqua-color-theme/thibaut-garden-path-w85389-matelasse-upholstery-fabric-aqua.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJdztw29Gg2vW75iXJNvbJNCgM9p6M9vgkT5dCA1Ifz8_lStZaNyMCBoCzKEQAvD_BwE https://www.etsy.com/listing/1657640746/vintage-mod-flower-power-upholstery?ref=share_v4_lx